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Zail is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 07:29 AM

Welcome to the The Onsen!

Located on a beautiful mountain lake-shore somewhere in Menewsha's heartland, The Onsen provides a place for world-weary Gaian's and native Menewshan's alike to relax and unwind.

So, come on in! This is the one place in Menewsha where you don't have to feel self-conscious about being naked! In true traditional fashion, we recommend that our guests enjoy the hot springs in the nude for optimal enjoyment and relaxation.

The Onsen

We offer three large geo-thermal hotsprings for you to choose from. There is no price to be able to enter the hot-springs as they are open to the public.

The Pool of Queens
Average water temp.= 102 degrees, pool bottom = white sand

This ladies-only hot-spring is said to be inhabited by Our Lady of Lava. If you sit in the spring on the night of a full moon, it is said she will appear briefly before sunrise and bestow good health and beauty on all present. Sorry guys, but the pool is discretely hidden from prying eyes so that all female visitors may relax in privacy.

The Pool of Kings
Average water temp = 104 degrees, Pool bottom = black sand

Why should the women have all the fun? This geo-thermal pool features massaging hot-water jets and a slightly hotter temperature to ease those weary joints after a long day's work. Again, men only. Sitting in this pool frequently is guaranteed to make you look buffer, handsomer, cleaner, and more wrinkly.

The Pool of Whispers
Average water temp. = 101 degrees, pool bottom = fine red sand

Our most beautiful and biggest geo-thermal hot-spring is completely uni-sex and offers a magnificent view of the lake. If all is quiet, you can hear the gurgle of the waterfall at one end of the spring, as it dumps the cooler water into the pristine mountain lake only a few yards away. Men and women are welcome to co-mingle here although we do request that you not speak too loudly, and any horseplay or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

The Ryokan

What good is a beautiful rustic hotspring without a lovely bed and breakfast only a few feet away?

All our guests are treated like royalty, with lovely rooms designed by the owner herself, in fitting with the zen-theme of the surrounding area. Complimentary yukata and meals are included in the fee.

If you would like to stay in the hotel, please post your reservation request in this thread using the form below and she will add you to the guest list located on this page. While the hotsprings are free to use, staying at the hotel has a flat fee of 20gold for an indefinite stay of up to 6 months. You are welcome to leave whenever you like.

Ryokan Reservation Request form:
Name(s) of guests:
Number of rooms: (20gold per room)
Date of arrival: (tentative is okay)
Date of departure: (if known)
Any special requests or comments:

Please don't forget to send the trade with your room-cost, or else I cannot confirm your reservation!

The Spa

The Onsen is proud to present our award-winning spa. All guests are welcome to use the massage facilities at any time. We have trained masseuses for all of your spa-needs, as well as a variety of relaxing locations to enjoy your treatment.

Whether it be on the lake-side veranda, our indoor spa and sauna facilities, or the privacy of your own room, you are certain to leave feeling relaxed and tenderized.


The Onsen is always looking to hire Menewshan employees to help with maintaining the hotsprings and the hotel. If you are interested in the position, please post the following information in this thread.

Work Experience: (can be fictional)
Brief statement of why you would like to work here:

Additional notes:

* Don't forget to rinse off under the shower-heads before hopping into the hot-pools! This is to get the grime and sweat off so you can enjoy your soak.

* in-character and out-of-character conversations are both okay! This is meant to be more of a casual hang-out for all users, so feel free to jump in and join the fun at any time!

* All site rules still apply. Please be courteous. I reserve the right to ask you to leave if I feel you are bothering the other guests.

* Employees may or may not have actual wages, but I am going to say not, for now.

Please enjoy your stay! Irasshaimase~!

Zail is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 07:31 AM

Below is the list of guests currently staying at The Ryokan, or who have paid the fee and are welcome to stay anytime.

* Chieko (Oct, 14th 07)

If you are interested in staying here, please read the reservation request procedures listed above.

Thank you!

Zail is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 07:34 AM

Below is the list of Menewshan's currently employed at The Onsen.


* Zail (Zail) - Owner (female, age 22)

* Chiyo (` v - c h a n n.) - Hot Spring hostess/pool assistant (female, age 17)
* Psy (Ms. Psyco) - Hot Spring hostess/pool assistant (female, age 17)
* Troy (Clickmyname) - server/pool assistant (male, age 24)
* Muse (xR A I N B O W LoveX) - server (female, age 16)
* Séreméla (Séreméla Elanessë) - server (female, age 13)
* Doah (Doah) - Masseuse (female, age 16)

If you would like to become an employee, please fill out the employee application form listed above.

Thank you!

Zail is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 07:37 AM

*flips over the sign at The Onsen's entrance from CLOSED to OPEN*

Now I guess I will just sit back and wait for the first guests to arrive!

The hotsprings are cleaned and ready for your enjoyment. Feel free to begin relaxing at any time. :)

My goal in making this RP is to create a place for friends on Menewsha to hang out and frequent often. If you are also looking for a place to feel at home, this is the place for you!

` v - c h a n n.
Dead Account Holder
` v - c h a n n. is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 10:00 AM

(( Hurray! :3 A hot spring to hang out at! ^ - ^ Should I post my application form here? :3 Well, I will now, if you want me to edit my posts pleeease PM me!

Er. I wasn't sure if I should make it up, so I made it up. :3

Name: Chiyo.
Age: 17.
Work Experience: Hot spring hostess at another country. ( AKA. Gaia. > 3 < )
Brief statement of why you would like to work here: :] I would love to work at this job as I enjoy working at hot springs. I also love roleplaying so this is just a perfect place for me! ;] I'm pretty experienced at this job as well. (Heard of Raiinbow hot spring on gaia? >D Yeah! I own that! Kehe. ^ - ^ ) :] If I'm employeed I promise to be as active as possible!

Pleeeeeeeease PM me if I get the job! :] I'm waiting for your response!

Zail is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 01:51 PM

((Yup! Just post applications in the thread!))

Welcome to The Onsen's stafflist, Chiyo!


Please feel free to perform any duties you feel necessary around the hot springs. Our goal is to make our guests feel as welcome and comfortable as possible! ^___^

` v - c h a n n.
Dead Account Holder
` v - c h a n n. is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 02:08 PM

[color=gray][size=9] ((Coolies! Thanks!))

*Chiyo bows politely*

:] I'll do my best Zail!

(( Going to bed now! I'll be back soon..tomorrow. xD! :] ))

Zail is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 02:11 PM

*bows back*

I am sure you will work hard. :)

((I should be on tomorrow sometime, I should be going to bed soon too... =p If I am not here, conduct business as you see fit!))

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Doah is offline
Old 10-12-2007, 04:51 PM

Name: Doah

Age: 16

Preferred Post: Chef or Massage Person

Work Experience: I help run my aunt's spa in real life.

Brief statement of why you would like to work here: It sounds like fun! And it could be a good place to make friends!

Zail is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 01:09 AM

((Thank you for your application! Hired!))

*welcomes her new employee and shows her around the spa*

As you can see, we have all the equipment you should need for massage right here... There are beds outside, on the veranda overlooking the lake, and also in our spa rooms. And of course, for a small fee, the guest can get their massage in their own room...

Kamaki Takeda
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Old 10-13-2007, 02:30 AM

Sugoi~!This place is beautiful! -Walks in wide eyed in awe.- Gaia doesn't have anything as great as this! -squeaks-

Zail is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 03:02 AM

*bows to the newcomer*

Welcome to The Onsen!

How can I help you today? :)

Ms. Psyco
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Ms. Psyco is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 03:46 AM

*Walks through a little gateway arch into a semi-large space. She carries a little hat and a bag of things. She is wearing a little sun dress with poka-dots.*

Oh, this place is very pretty. It's quite sensual.

[Applying too. >.<]

Name: Psy.
Age: 17.
Work experience: I worked for a while at a hotel/hotsprings in a different country.[Gaia] I've come to expand my horizons.
Brief statement of why..: I would like to have some new work experiences. Working with people is my specialty. I'm kind, and very good at many things. I think this would give me the experience I need.

-If I get hired, could you Message me? Thank you.-

Zail is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 04:20 AM

Welcome to The Onsen! Your credentials look very good so I shall put you on the payroll as another hostess/assistant. You may start your duties immediately however you see fit.


Ms. Psyco
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Ms. Psyco is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 07:01 AM

Oh, thank you ever so much! I really need a job here.

-Walks around looking for people to help. Wanders past some lockers, and stuffs her bag into it.-

That should work for now..

xR A I N B O W LoveX
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Old 10-13-2007, 07:16 AM

Name: Muse
Age: 16
Work Experience: Server, kind of like a waitress.
Brief statement of why you would like to work here: Well like most people who want a job I would like to earn money.

Muse walks into the gateway and looks around.

"Wow this place is so pretty. I love it."

Muse says as she spins around like a child looking around, giggling.

Zail is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 12:02 PM

*looks up from cleaning the Pool of Queens*

Hello! So you want a job, huh?

*hums happily as she adds another employee to the roster*

Let me show you where the kitchen is.

For now, I do all the cooking, but I hope to hire a full-time chef in the future. Please make yourself at home. All employees are given small rooms in the servant's quarters to use if they would like to stay here.

*shows the new girls where the rooms are*

You are welcome to wear whatever you feel fit, on the job. Though, since you may be in and out of the water periodically, I recommend a swimsuit or other light attire.

Hopefully some guests will begin arriving soon!

` v - c h a n n.
Dead Account Holder
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Old 10-13-2007, 01:22 PM

Chiyo enters the entrance with a large brown box and a small carry bag.

"Hiyaah! Everyone! Sorry I'm so late. > . < I had to finish off some paper work... ^ - ^ Guess what I brought back?"

Chiyo notices that there was a girl spinning around.

"Hehe, Hello miss! Welcome to The Onsen. Oooh. Are you here to apply for a job? :) If you are, the boss should be around here soon! ( I think. ^ o ^ ) Please excuse me!"

Chiyo bows politely then walks towards the roster and noticed there was new employees.

" Kehe, I think I just brought enough."

Chiyo puts her carry bag behind the table and carried the box into the kitchen.

"Hey Zail! Guess what I brought?! I had a bit of extra cash at hand and felt like doing a little something for the osen."

Chiyo opens up the box and shows a simple cotton made yukata.

"They were on offer so I brought the whole lot! I thought we could use it as uniform or something, they're pretty easy to dry and to get in and out off too~"

Chiyo turns the yukata around so that the back of it was facing towards Zail.

"Kehe, It's a little something I came up with. :] What do you think of it Zail?"

Zail is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 01:25 PM

I love it!

*examines the soft cloth excitedly*

These will look really cute on us girls! Let me know how much they are and I will reimburse you the cost if you'd like.


I think I'm going to put one on now.... They just look so comfy!

*hurries off to change and comes back a few minutes later*

What do you think?


` v - c h a n n.
Dead Account Holder
` v - c h a n n. is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 01:29 PM

Chiyo smiles politely.

"I'm glad you like it! :3 Don't worry about it! ;] Just let me go into the hot spring every once in a while~"

Chiyo examines the materials aswell while waiting for Zail.

"Ah! It looks really good. ^ - ^ Hehe, I want to put mine on too! I'll be back soon! :3 Oh yeah, I think there's someone out in the entrace."

Chiyo walks off with a yukata and get change into it quickly.

Zail is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 01:32 PM

"Hehe.... you are welcome to use the facilities whenever you would like. The same applies to all the other employees here."


"Ooh, I wonder who it could be? New guests perhaps?"

*goes to see who could be there*


*she bows and welcomes the new comers*

` v - c h a n n.
Dead Account Holder
` v - c h a n n. is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 01:34 PM

"Tralala~ I'm back. :] How do I look?"

Chiyo appears in the entrace after getting change.

"Hmm. What needs to be done. Oh yes! Would you like me to heat up the hot springs? :] I could go to the boiler if you like."

Zail is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 01:38 PM

"Very cute!"

*Zail smiles at her younger employee*

"The hot springs don't need any sort of heating, since they are geo-thermal. But if you would please show our guests where the shower and locker rooms are, and answer any questions they may have, that would be wonderful!"

*she gestures at the young couple who have just arrived. They look rather weary and tired from their journey and are ready to take a long soak in the famed hot-springs of The Onsen.*

` v - c h a n n.
Dead Account Holder
` v - c h a n n. is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 01:45 PM

"Ah! Is that so, ^ - ^ That's so wonderful! > . < The hot spring I worked at last time needed to be heated~ :] Hehe, this job will be so much easier, not to mention funner too!"

Chiyo bows politely at the couple.

"Welcome to the Onsen! I am Chiyo and I'll be showing you around abit, please come this way! We'll unload your stuff into the locker room. ;] Don't worry! Our lockers have very high security!"

Chiyo bows at Zail and leds the couple towards the locker room.

Zail is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 01:49 PM

"It is much more convenient this way, isn't it? ^__^ The pools still need to be scrubbed every morning though, so keep algae from building up and to make sure the water is nice and clear. That will take up the majority of your time, I think."

*Zail smiles as Chiyo leads the guests away. This was a good start to her business and she was excited that things were going so well so far.... Now to just think of ways to attract more people to her Onsen!*

*she decides to go sit in the Pool of Whispers and brainstorm*


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