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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 09:23 PM

Hi there and welcome to my first art auction on Menewsha~ ^_____^
Since I'm new here, I figured I might as well start off with an auction so I can clothe myself. There will be no AB.

What there will be, though, are freebies~<3 I will give them out randomly AND to one of the posters on every fifth page.


End Date: November 12 (Right after midterms... ahahahaha...)

Highest Bid: 100g -- Drache-Lehre
Starting Bid: 0g
Bidding Increment: 10g

[-] [x] [X] [x] [-]

0g -> 125g: Detailed Headshot Sketch w/ Flat Colors
126g -> 200g: Bust-up Inked
201g -> 500g: Bust-up Colored
501g -> 1000g: Bust-up Colored + Waist-up Sketch
1001g -> 2000g: Bust-up Sketch + Bust-up Colored + Waist-up Inked
2001g -> 3000g: Bust-up Inked + Bust-up Colored + Waist-up Colored + Chibi
3001g+: Bust-up Inked + Waist-up Inked + Waist-up Colored + Chibi

Sir.Spoon is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 09:37 PM

I'll bid 25 Gold to start this baby off

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by Sir.Spoon
I'll bid 25 Gold to start this baby off
Thanks, Sir.Spoon~<3
Current HB. ^_____^

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 09:44 PM

I'll give a bid of 100g. ^^

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by Drache-Lehre
I'll give a bid of 100g. ^^
Newest HB. ^____^

Thanks much, Drache-Lehre~<3

So how is everybody doing today? X3 I'm supposed to be working on a rough draft for a paper right now... such a slacker am I. Ahahaha. *shot*

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 09:53 PM

You're welcome and not to much myself. Just got done eating some homemade fried, fries. XD Nothing important.

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 10:03 PM

Ooooo... homemade fries... yummy stuff. XD That reminds me of this one time my dad and I passed In-N-Out... we saw the guy putting potatoes into this one machine and press down on it to slice the potatoes. So weird and cool. So random... haha.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 10:10 PM

Hehe, yeah these are good and more so since I not have to make 'em. xD Roomie is. He loves to cook which is opposite for me.

Ohh I think I've heard of those kinda places before but never been to one. Where are ya from if not mind my asking?

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 10:20 PM

Ah, that's cool. Yay for roomies who like to cook! Hehe. I don't have a roomie since I live at home but still... yay for cooking roomies!

I'm from Southern California. ^^ In-N-Out is a fairly wide-spread name in California. I think it was founded in CA and spread out a little but I don't think I've ever seen one on the east coast or anything when I visited Boston.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 10:32 PM

Hehe its great. xD Most of them do actually which is ironic. All the roomies are guys, I'm the only girl and apparently the only one that hates cooking. XD

Ohh, I used to live there. I did so for about 2 years. I think thats why its ringing a bell.

You been there all your life?

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 10:41 PM

Haha. Definitely ironic right there. XD The only girl and one who doesn't like to cook to boot. How did you end up with a bunch of guy roomies, though, if you don't mind me asking? XD

Ahhh... I see; I see.

Yeah, I've lived in So-Cal ever since I was born till now. I want to study at a college out of state so I'm going to have to wait for two years and transfer if I still want to.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 11:00 PM

All are friends in which worked with while I was still in Georgia and now, 2 of the guys work where I am working now. Same company but completely different areas, so never see each other at work which is great. Plus I'm the type that has more guy friends then chicks. Its natural for me. =3

Ohh thats cool. I personally didn't like it there myself but I did meet some wonderful people.

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-15-2007, 11:43 PM

Ohhhhh... I see; I see. That's pretty awesome. Hehe. Especially since you room with coworkers but never see them. XD Saves any skirmish at the workplace.

I hear you on the more guy friends than girl friends. I tend to get along better with the guys than girls when hanging out. I think it's all the video games.

Haha. Yeah, So-Cal has quite a few cool people but I want to check out other places. Cost of living here will be so ugly in a couple more years. Most of my friends and I are already wondering how we're ever going to buy a house here if we stay. D:

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 09:34 PM

Haha yeah, video games is a big part of my own reason for it, but another example would be that I personally find guys easier to chat to and have a good time since most chicks is nothing but drama and I hate drama. I get enough and don't like it at all. Soo this way my friend life is far more stress free then when having a lot of girl-friends. XD

Ahh I feel you on that one - that is also a reason why I left. You pay far more then the place is worth.

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 12:49 AM

Yay for video games~<3 I understand what you mean about the drama too. I play listener a lot so I hear about it quite a bit, so I tend to hang out with guys or girls who don't like drama since my sister brings home a lot from her Jr. high. DX Jr. Highhh... the source of many evil drama... I shudder at the thought of it.

We need less stress in our lives too... haha. Definitely less....

Yeah, houses are ridiculous now. The house next door sucks and the real estate people are trying to sell it off for $600,000 or $700,000. My family and I reacted with a "WHAAAA? o_O" Seriously, that house is in terrible disrepair... no appeal whatsoever to prospective buyers. Ugh.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 09:34 PM

Ah yeah. I only have a short few of girls as friends on a RL basis. Online, quite a few since they can't BRING the drama like RL ones do. xDD Well some do such as being to damn emo (aka whiney) and thus these I just don't talk to. ^^;;

Oh gawd, hell yeah. Less stress would be so AWESOME. But thats just a dream. T__T One no one can reach. Dx

Yeah, perfect example why I left. Shit just cost WAY to much there. EVEN Apartments are not easy to come by. @_@

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 09:42 PM

Haha... online they can't bring the drama... haha... so true. And yes, those who are all whiny can get really annoying fast. D< It reminds me of this one chick who was an art thief on dA. Everyone was furious with her and she just kept on making up stuff to try and get us to feel sorry for her. Only drama possible online... and it's a pathetic sort too. -____-" Avoid them like the plague~ Hehe. Too bad a stake to the heart won't stop 'em. XD

Less stress = run away from responsibilities and still have stress because of guilt. X'D Yeah, vacations don't help much even though it's supposed to be you and wherever you're going and with whoever comes with you. It's impossible to be stress free. Stress balls help. Though, if you squeeze them for a long duration, your hand feels really weird. >>

Definitely. My uncle's apartment complex is planning to jack up the cost by a $1000. Now he's looking into securing a cheaper apartment. -____-"

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 10:04 PM

LOL aye, a plague is a perfect way to describe that sort of online drama. XD I hate it and yes, DA is known for coming across many thieves. Its also losing its rep a bit. How many feel of it now, isn't nearly as good as was when the place first started.

Wow poor uncle. Sounds like he needs to move too. Dx

Aww I see you made a banner for your sig. XD Thats cute. ^^ I hope ya can get more bids, your art certainly deserves it but I won't mind if I win either. XDD

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 10:12 PM

Yes, plague... infectious little buggers they are. XD Yeah, I originally joined in 2003 so it was already a few years old, but still generally a nice site. Now, there's a lot more people who only join for the sake of pageviews and popularity. -__- I agree on the rep though... quite a few people are annoyed with how things are on there of late.

He could probably afford it since it's just him and his wife, and they both have good paying jobs... still... I think they'd rather save it up for a nice, fancy vacation than use extra money to pay for a small ol' apartment.

Thankees. I think the chibi is cute. XD One of the few chibis I've ever drawn and was okay with... -____-" I always feel like I kill cuteness. I can only do smexy or cool... not really cutesy. Haha.

I wouldn't mind if you win either. ^^ Even if you didn't win, I'd probably draw you something anyway cause you're cool like that. Haha.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 10:38 PM

Yeah, why I too stopped going to DA. I do go when I have the time and nothing to do on gaia/mene as I still enjoying viewing arts but for my sake of art? I've not drawn anything nor uploaded in ages. I've lost the will to draw for many reasons which is a shame because I do love art a lot. Just wish I could go to art school, ya know?

But yeah it urks me how most only do care about the popularity and only speak to those of equal popularity or better. I used to talk to some who are popular... they no longer do now.. well all but one. There is this one girl who is awesome and youngre then me too but will still take a moment of her time to reply to my message. ^^ THAT is what lets me still enjoy it from time to time.

Ah yeah thats true. The elder do enjoy vacations.

Awww, well that I don't know since I've not seen any of the other chibis but none the less I like this one. xD

Hmm? Ohh haha, thats kind of you but nah. That wouldn't be fair. If I didn't win, I'd just try to wait it out and see if ya open up a shop here. ^^

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-17-2007, 10:54 PM

Ahh... art school is like the dream school for a lot of artists I know. Haha. I wouldn't have minded applying to a few myself. Art school is a great way to get further in art so yeah, I totally know what you mean. If you've got the passion/drive, why not use it to the fullest?

Definitely! I used to talk to a few popular people on dA too. Nowadays, when I comment, it's like: *ignore* DX Though, yeah, you're very much so right about one or two who still respond. My friend used to try and comment back to everyone, but I don't think she can now since her message box is flooded. Haha. But yeah, seeing the artist's appreciation is great to see and know that they're human too.

Uh-huh, older people love their vacations. Haha. I wonder when we're old... will we get to go on vacation? Or will be poor because SS is going down? Crap.

Haha. Thanks. Yeah, I usually slaughter cuteness. ^^;

Oh I do intend to open a shop later. ^^ Maybe in a few days or so, but that'll probably be only offering sketches and inked drawings. No color since I'm busy with that stuff already from Gaia. I've been flooded with CG commishes from there. So not pleasant when you're feeling lazy... haha.

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 10-18-2007, 01:44 PM

I' m honestly scared to see how many messages I have waiting on me for the view DA because I've not logged on for awhile. xD; A few months or so and I watch a LOT of people.

Yeah its a shame that so many artists DO ignore. This is also why I don't comment on each and every piccu that I like and fav. Only ones where an actual thought comes to mind other then "I like" I'll try to leave it rather they care for it or not. ^^;; Some to my surprise will reply thanks which makes me smile ^^

Ohhh I'll look forward to it and I don't mind. I like sketches and ink too. ^^

I understand about gaia though. When my shop there is open for my emotes I'm usually ALWAYS full while here, not so much. Its steady but in a very slow way. But its fine with me for then that gives me more time to chat. XD

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Mitsuko-sama is offline
Old 10-18-2007, 11:48 PM

Indeed it is a scary thought to see the amassed messages and devations. Haha. I went away for a month or something at one point and came back with over 1000 messages. ^^; That's what I get for watching so many people... I bet you definitely have more than 1k messages. Haha.

I know what you mean... it feels kinda pointless in a way. Leaving messages which the artist might not even read. D: Not cool. Though, there really are some who do and just don't respond. Haha. Comments that have meaning more than just an "I like" are always nice to put down. It makes the artist's day more than "I like" I think. ^^

Alright, I'll give you a heads up when I open the shop then~<3

Haha... emotes... that's cool. :] I always look at flobs and emotes and wonder if I should try making one myself or buying one, but I need to save monies for Mini Angel Wings. -____-"

But yeah, if it's not too fast or slow, it's great. It's hard to keep it that way since orders usually happen in sudden bursts. Haha.


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