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Sapphyre800 is offline
Old 03-21-2007, 04:01 AM

Sapphy's Art Anthology
Welcome! My username is Sapphyre800, but you may call me Sapphy. I draw art for commissions and buy more art from others than I can afford :p I've been collecting art since 2006 and cging my own art since 2004 before I got a tablet. :p

Facts about me:
o 19 years old
o I live in upstate NY (5-6 hours from NYC)
o graduated 2 year college with a degree in digital animation
o attending 4 year college in fall for computer art
o My boyfriend is younger and still in highschool! ^.^
o I am an art whore :p
o I am planning on running an art contest on Gaia starting July 5th
o I recently started working a coloring position at Gaia's Ulaith Creations
o I miss old gaia when I was extremely poor but had friends xD
o My gaia shop is pretty dead, but my menewsha shop is doing better =)
o I only sell chibi drawings, I doodle in anime style but I hate almost everypiece I make. xD
o I tend to take on too many things at once, but I love to multitask! XD

o Still working on commissions...
o 3/6 Ulaiths colored for God/Godess FS
o Gaia shop - marker style available
o Menewsha shop still closed

To Do List:
o MD13 of gaia - commish - chibi fullbody cg - group of 3
o Jazzfox of gaia - commish - anime fullbody b/w - single + bg
o Yiesha - chibi fullbody cg art trade

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Sapphyre800 is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 06:14 PM

Newest Work In Progress
For 90k on gaia, my solo part in Okami themed joint auction I ran back in April. I feel bad that he had to wait for my finals to finish before I started it, but I am getting nervous since he hasn't logged in since May 8th. >_<;;;

These are the flat colors blocked in. I actually fill them in with bright colors like hot pink and royal blue so I can see where the color is, and its more fun that way =D. Then use a black brush to fill in each section to see if I missed any spots within the shapes (if so then I touch them up). Then I change to the black shapes to the actual colors they should be, and pick two color variations of it to begin shading with. (base color and shadow color).

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Sapphyre800 is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 06:24 PM

Most Recent Work

My most recent picture for Yumehayla!
Thankyou for being so patient while waiting through my finals!

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Sapphyre800 is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 06:39 PM

Drawing History - PART 1
Well I originally started drawing anime style in 8th grade because I was a real fan of anime such as card captors and pokemon at the time. It was the edited dubbed english versions, but I didn't know anything was different from the Japanese at the time, so I really enjoyed watching them. I would buy the video tapes really cheap at a local walmart, only about 5 dollars a piece, then pause them on some of my favorite scenes and try to recreate them with pencil just from eye balling it off of my television. The pause feature only worked about 5 minutes at a time, so each time it would stop and then I'd have to back up, pause it on the same picture again, and adjust the tracking, then get back to my drawing XD I didn't get my first computer until 2 years later...XD

So, after two years of a blatant copying period, I got my first computer and was introduced to the wonderful world of being able to store thousands of images! 8D For a year I was big into looking up and saving promo images and screencaps from every anime I had ever seen, basically. I was also a member of an online yugioh forum run by a girl called Janime, and rped for a little while. I made a ton of banners using ms paint and default text, competing with my best friend to make the best ones. 8D This is an example of what I made...XD We totally used whatever fanarts we found with no idea of the copyrights or anything, we didn't profit at all (no fake gold system) but it still seems wrong to me that we did that.

In January of 2004 I got a new cg program (mgi photosuite it was called)and eventually made better banners and did my first chibi art in colored pencil as a gift to a friend. It was by far my best piece at the time.
In February of 2004 I made my first cg with a mouse. (above) The program I was using only allowed me to color on one layer above the lineart, so it was very messy and time consuming. I also did the following within a span of a month:

In April of 2004, another member of the janime forum (archy) decided to make a janime guild on some new site he found, called gaiaonline. We were really chatty there and I and started a quest thread for a kimono where I gave out free banners to people who donated to me. That developed into a shop eventually and I started getting better with graphics and coloring.
first one made there
last one before it closed

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Sapphyre800 is offline
Old 03-25-2007, 06:51 PM

Art History - PART 2

In June of 2004 on gaiaonline, I was eager to earn some items and make money, so I began a two year campaign entering many many art contests on the site. XD My computer later crashed, but this was my first contest entry for Deuxia, and was colored in mgi photosuite on one layer above the lineart, and using a mouse. The lineart was pen and scanned. I see soooo many things wrong with it now XD I didn't win a thing, but I at least got some practice. Below was my 2nd contest piece for Emmy's contest, and I won an emo bag for it 8D
July was my first month donating to the site for items, then I decided to make some freebies for gaia's August olympics event, and gave out some markered headshots that turned out to be so popular that I made a shop out of it, selling headshots for 250g each or 400 a pair. I eventually sold over 115 headshots ^___^ The shop ran for a while, but then gaia archived a lot of threads and all that is left is 3 posts from my last page and I can't access any of the rest T___T
I did alot more works from that shop, and some gaia art contest pieces as well. I also got my wacom tablet for my birthday in september so I could compete with the other successful artists on the site, and my chibi style started to develop as I did some chibi contest entries in January and February of 2005. I opened some mini art shops here and there and did commissions in Open Canvas.


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