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Old 03-12-2009, 09:09 PM

Oh lord. Sounds like something I would never want to get into.
While I did go to a private school when I was in kindergarten up to the end of 2nd grade and it was a Christian school, nothing like that ever happened from what I remember. No trying to shove their beliefs on anyone. All we did was have a time where we'd go to the auditorium and sing songs about God and pray. I had no problems with that.
We didn't have to memorise bible verses and such. But anyway.. back on subject.
Her saying that to you is totally unnecessary.
You should never force your religion on someone else, you'll only make them want to get involved even less (like Bartuc said).
If anything, she was the one with the bad attitude.
I have no idea what you can do, other than try to explain your side to your mother.
And I suggest you include what the teacher said to you as well.
Maybe that'll help you a little.

Izumi is offline
Old 03-13-2009, 06:10 PM

Oh jeez...I really do feel for you. My father at one point tried really hard to ram Christianity down my throat. He did it as he thought he was 'saving' me and didn't want to see me go to hell. He even went as far as to threaten to stop paying for my education and kick me out of the house. (This was when I was starting college.) He apologized the same night, but still the scars still show. I have a horrible distaste for any religion who tries to push their beliefs on to others, especially Christianity.

I think if you're able to approach your parents and feel comfortable I'd say sit them down and have a talk. Let them know how you feel. However, if you feel threatened and intimidated by them (which is very unfortunate) you might have to put your head down and just bite the bullet. Keep your grades up and move on to college - get a good scholarship and move out into the campus dorms...then you won't have to deal with it anymore. I stood up to my dad and told him how I truly felt, and while he made snide remarks around Christmas time (even saying I shouldn't be able to take part in it since I don't believe in cruel...). It's pushed a wall between us, but even later on in life we get along and life has turned out good.

It's kind of interesting as my boyfriend considers himself agnostic and you'd think we would find it a hindrance. I told him very early on I did not tolerate having religion forced upon me and we have a mutual respect for having our own opinion. So far we really haven't had much pop up. He did insert an interesting comment though when I nearly checked out a book by the Dhali Lama. In the end I put it back and decided at that time it wasn't worth arguing over but we talked it out and I reassured him I would never try to convert him to Buddhism as for starters it's against the Buddha's teachings and second of all I know how discomforting it is.

Hang in there.

miss.nox is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 04:35 AM

I'm sincerely thankful for all of the great advice and
all the people who can relate to the situation - except for the bit about how I should run
away from home. That was a lovely show of ignorance and what NOT to do in a serious discussion such as this, but it made me laugh none the less.

She, my Bible teacher, did talk to my mum. I had to sit through an hour or so of
boring lectures about how my negative attitude towards the Christian religion
was going to effect my future. Though I did try my best to listen, or at least look as if I
were, I couldn't help but to tune them out once they got to talking about Proverbs.

My 'so-called' punishment was decided. -_-; I'll be taking counseling, where they (
my parents, teachers, and principal) are hoping that I'll convert to Christianity.
I really would rather not. Adding to this, they want all the teachers to "keep and extra
eye on me". I feel as if I've committed some sort of heinous, illegal crime.
I've told my parents over and over again that I don't want to be apart of their religious
cult, but they obviously wont budge.

It's an absolute pain, going after school on Wednesdays to listen to my Bible teacher preach
on something I don't even care about. I'm so tempted to sneak in an ipod, but
I'd rather not get into anymore trouble.

King of Bedlam
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King of Bedlam is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 04:41 AM

wow... if that was me, i would be going ballistic beyond belief... I would tear into the bible teacher, denounce myself from my parents and probably have a great desire to paint the town red.

I'm so sorry to hear that Nox.... I hope the best for you in this situation x.x.... *hugs tight* I feel sorry for you, I respect you at the same time that you haven't broken yourself for the sake of what people expect... X.x... I wish your parents would understand.

miss.nox is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 04:50 AM

it's SO tempting to not skip those hour long sessions with her.
Honestly, I'm surprised myself that I haven't gone mad and
done something horrible to the Bible teacher.
Chances are, my parents, being who they are, are never going to
accept the fact that my life's ambition isn't to become a missionary.

=] (glomp) It's okay, just 2 more years and I'm off to college!

King of Bedlam
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Old 03-14-2009, 05:01 AM

i honor your fortitude then^^... *hugs* and yey.... college xD... i can't wait for college myself...^^

Izumi is offline
Old 03-14-2009, 06:02 PM

I can't help but think they want what's best for you, but going at it the wrong way. I really think they should give you some space to discover yourself, including your beliefs. Unfortunately not everyone is as open to that. As you said though you've got 2 more years left before college, and by then hopefully you've moved out and gotten some space of your own. Or at the very least they won't be lecturing you about religion in college, unless you're taking some sort of religious course. Even so, I don't think they will try to convert you there.

Hang in there. Life does get better with time. :)

Kah Hilzin-Ec
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Old 03-15-2009, 08:27 AM

Only way for a college to preach is if they are a catholic college. Then, even if you take theologism, they won't be "You need to convert in order to be saved!" at you.

It's just a matter of waiting :)

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 03-20-2009, 06:24 PM

Wow, such an interesting topic. I admit, I felt VERY similar resentment when I was a kiddlet, however instead of Christianity shoved down my throat I got Jewdaism. I endured YEARS of after school "religious school". YEARS of the stuff. I agree completely, you are stuck sitting through the God or Hell praddle till you can safely get out of the house. What is the likelyhood that they will force you into a religious based college?

In my end, I managed to find a happy medium between my parent's beliefs and my personal opinions. I found the "secular humanistic" sect of Jewdiasm. They are not thrilled that I am apart of what they consider the "athiest Jews" but at leasts it allows me to keep the traditions I like from the religion and the quest for knowledge the religion teaches, without having to pray in a language that is not my own in triplicate.

I know Christianity is much more restrictive. I also know how frustrating being told over and over that you are going to hell is. Unfortunately you are stuck till you can be out on your own. Out of curosity, do you know of a religion (if any) that you do believe in? Maybe finding others who have similar beliefs (or lack of beliefs) will help you find the support you need till you can escape your family/school's religious tyranny?

I think a final thing to think about is that you will NEED to find a way to financially support yourself in the future. Whatever you do persue in college will need to be something you can have a career in (my undergrad in art earns me nothing, I had to get a masters to find a career to support myself). Once you remove your financial ties to your family, you open yourself up to personal and religious freedom. The only time you will have to deal with their disapproval of your beliefs will be whenever you come into contact with your family (i.e. Christmas, Easter, etc. ). It is likely that religion will always be the elephant in the room with your family, and it's sad that religion will push you apart from your family instead of bringing you together. Still, in the end...It is your life. You may only get one (again depending on the theology you perscribe definately get one life, more than that is an unknown), so you may as well live it for yourself. A lifetime of submitting to the will of others will more than likely leave you feeling resentful. A lifetime of living to your standards...has more potential for happiness. Good luck...You have 2 hard years ahead of you but if you can survive that, you have a lifetime to live.

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AcidDrop is offline
Old 03-24-2009, 03:59 AM

to be honest all religions are brain-washing self-ritious bastards things, all they want out of people these days is popularity... most of them don't care about their own causes anymore, i'm not religious and i hate relgion... if your are being forced it to it and you don't like it tell them to lay off because to me it seems that religion is freedom of choice and only you can decide what religion is right for you.

Hot Neal. xD
Dorkfish is offline
Old 03-25-2009, 05:04 PM

I think you're handling this better than I would. I used to go to a Christian school for some time, I would get expelled for telling the nuns to fuck off. >.>
My Nana is a Christian. Very strongly. I guess I'm supposed to be, but I'm kinda out of it at this age. All religion, period, is illogical if you ask me. I can't picture some allmighty being who "created" this Earth. I don't know how it really happened, but I choose not to believe that.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 03-25-2009, 10:09 PM

Ouch... my mom was like that... she brings up god so dang much it's just obnoxious... and she forced me and my brother to read the bible every day and forced us to go to church every Sunday.

I used to be fairly close until I started feeling like I was being pressured into it. If I had missed church even once my mom threw a fit, if I didn't read the bible she threw a fit. She got so pushy on the religion that I'm completely not a Christian. I still believe there is some "god" like thing out there, but it's not worth finding him/her if it's forced on me.

For you, what I would recommend would be to ask a LOT of questions. One thing I've learned is that if you ask enough questions about their religion they will contradict themselves. You could also try explaining to your parents that the more they force the religion on you the farther you will drift away from him because it prevents you from developing a relationship with him at your own pace.

As for the "burn in the pit of fire for all eternity", the first time my mom told me I was going to burn in hell because I was falling away from god, I took heavy offense, seeing as how promising eternal hell is basically a threat.

I wish you the best of luck and hope I helped some.

La La La La La, you're standing ...
DariaMorgendorfer is offline
Old 03-27-2009, 12:41 AM

Originally Posted by Kaze-bear View Post
Ouch... my mom was like that... she brings up god so dang much it's just obnoxious... and she forced me and my brother to read the bible every day and forced us to go to church every Sunday.

I used to be fairly close until I started feeling like I was being pressured into it. If I had missed church even once my mom threw a fit, if I didn't read the bible she threw a fit. She got so pushy on the religion that I'm completely not a Christian. I still believe there is some "god" like thing out there, but it's not worth finding him/her if it's forced on me.

For you, what I would recommend would be to ask a LOT of questions. One thing I've learned is that if you ask enough questions about their religion they will contradict themselves. You could also try explaining to your parents that the more they force the religion on you the farther you will drift away from him because it prevents you from developing a relationship with him at your own pace.

As for the "burn in the pit of fire for all eternity", the first time my mom told me I was going to burn in hell because I was falling away from god, I took heavy offense, seeing as how promising eternal hell is basically a threat.

I wish you the best of luck and hope I helped some.
Meh, I have been told my many people that I am going to hell because I am NOT a Christian. I find that HILARIOUS! SO I am going to hell for living a good life, for having a career where I work with children with special needs for a living, and for being a good person...but just not "accepting Jesus Christ as my personal savior"...Seriously? If that is the case, send me to hell...(Which Jews don't believe exists anyway)...Because I have a feeling all my friends will be there too.


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