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One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 04-20-2009, 10:25 PM


Hard to tell. Guess.
Male. Obviously.

A rather silent and serious guy that tends to get on peoples nerves. Some find him weird.

It's a bit of a mystery where he comes from. All that is really known is that he's suspected for working with Orochimaru, and the suspicions are based on, rather lame and stupid ground. (Just because of his eye color pretty much) And some suspicions are based that he seems to have no background about going to any type of ninja school or to even have a home village. So where he has learned his unusual skills if for anyone to guess. But the truth there is simply that, he learned all he can from his mother. And his mother is one hell of a woman that so far put every man on the ground. So it shouldn't be a surprise that he can put down a few ninjas all empty handed.


Around his twenties.
Might not be that obvious, but yes, it's a male.

Sweet and friendly. But he hates rainy days. That's one of the few things that can make him cranky.

Ivan comes from a different country, obviously, and he lives the life of a peddler. But there is more to him then what meets the eye...

You can't really see it from the picture, but he does have a long braid that reaches down to his bum.

Last edited by Limbo; 05-05-2009 at 08:04 PM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 04-20-2009, 11:09 PM


Kakashi Hatake
September 15
Elite Jounin
Kakashi keeps his personal life to himself. He is always late wherever he goes, is calm and collected, and can almost always be found while reading Icha Icha Paradise.
"That's none of your business."

Last edited by Vonlyn; 04-20-2009 at 11:17 PM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 04-20-2009, 11:39 PM

This sure had been one heck of an event. Just a little while ago, he had been quietly walking down the road, heading towards the Hidden Leaf Village, simply because it had been the closest to him at the moment, and he had just wanted to find a place to rest up for the night and such, when he all of a sudden had been attacked by a bunch of ninjas from that village. And on top of it all, they were accusing him to be working with some Orochi-guy or something. What on earth was going on? Though, he knew very well, that he worked for no one. At least not at the moment. And he didn't work for people that were hated enough to be attacked like this. So he hadn't really done anything. And hearing the reason why he had been accused made it sound even more dumb. Because he had yellow eyes? So what? He couldn't be the only one that had oddly colored eyes. But that didn't make him a criminal.

By now, he was getting rather exhausted. He might not have had the same type of training these guys have had, and he might not be a ninja, but he still had skills, but a completely different kind of skills. He had actually managed to take out forty of them already, but of course not killing them. Knocking them out was enough. But that didn't seem to prove that he was not some criminal to them. Might be something behind the fact that he had taken out forty trained ninjas with his bare hands, not using a single weapon. And on top of it all, he was rather young too. But you had to defend yourself, no doubt there. But this was getting really annoying. Maybe he should just get the heck away from this place and stop at the next village instead?

"Oh god... They just keep coming... Isn't there at least one reasonable person among them...?"

If there could just be one stinking reasonable person, maybe he could get to clear this idiotic misunderstanding already? These guys were obviously just plan dumb since they just kept attacking. Couldn't they just give up? If he had beaten up forty of them, what good would more of them do? They were rather exhausting, but they were still small fry. But on other hand, if some one that actually could fight properly came now, he would most likely fall. He was getting so tired he could barely stand anymore.

Last edited by Limbo; 04-20-2009 at 11:41 PM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 01:01 AM

Why today?

Kakashi had picked the worst place to relax. He lounged beneath a large tree, his back up against the rough trunk. He had been reading from a book that was held tightly within his grasp, until now. The Copy-nin was hoping that the shinobi would simply pass him by, but to his dismay, the man stopped right before him. The shinobi was out of breath, and stood panting before Kakashi, whom simply ignored him as best as he could. ”Ka-kakashi-senpai…” He stammered, trying to catch his breath while looking fearfully behind him. ”There.. is a man back there… he defeated ALL forty… yellow eyes.. Orochimaru…” The man was near incoherency, and looked as if he would pass out at any moment. He did, however, manage to grab Kakashi’s interest.

”Orochimaru?!” Kakashi asked, suddenly alarmed. He stood quickly, surprising the man and nearly causing him to stumble back. ”Hurry on to the Hokage.” He ordered, his voice stern as he looked back at the direction the man had come from. With a grim nod, the man continued on to the village, leaving Kakashi to follow his trail back to the mysterious visitor, whom was certainly NOT the snake sannin. His steps slowed as he spotted the man, and he nearly rolled his eyes in annoyance until he spotted the bodies that littered the forest floor. Even from here, it was apparent that none were dead which was surprising to the jounin. It took more skill to disable someone, than to simply kill them outright.

Kakashi’s cool demeanor was back as he stepped around the bodies and into the stranger’s view. He shook his head as he looked at the groaning men, before fixing his hazel eye on the man responsible. He stood in silence for a moment, observing the stranger. ”So what brings you here to the Hidden Leaf?” He suddenly asked, his eye half lidded which gave him a look of boredom.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 04-21-2009, 01:33 AM

Jale had thought that it was finally over, but then, yet another one came. But at least this one seemed more reasonable. Finally, some one that he could actually speak to. And by the looks of it, the man was obviously not going to just start fighting him for no good reason at all. Thank god for that.
And Kakashi could probably see that he was completely out of breath. It really wasn't a piece of cake to disable this many people without killing a single one of them. Sure, he had probably hurt a few, but what could he do? It was either his life or their health. And he'd rather live. He was rather attached to his life. And since Kakashi seemed harmless enough, specially with that look in his eyes. Or the eye that Jale could see. He just gave a heavy sigh, sitting down on the ground. He seriously felt like just completely collapsing, and falling asleep.

"Thank god that there is finally some one reasonable to speak with. Is this how this village treats all travelers? And who is this Orchi-guy that they keep accusing me to work for?"

As if it wasn't enough proof that Jale didn't even know how to pronounce Orochimaru's name, he even seemed to trust that there was at least one reasonable enough of a man among all of these where he could get a breather and recover his energy for a bit. And on top of that, if Jale had truly been with the bad guy, he wouldn't have gone trough the trouble of just knocking everyone out. he would have killed them. He was so tired that his legs had pretty much given up on him right now. But just because he was sitting, didn't mean that he couldn't still put up a fight. And he would put up a fight if Kakashi came too close. He have had enough of all of this by now, so he really didn't want any of them near him. Not even the only reasonable man so far.

"Just do me a favor and don't come near. I have had more then enough with the other guys. And I would appreciate it if you could tell them to just get lost too."

((Sorry. It's a bit confusing, but I'm dead tired XP Good night))

Last edited by Limbo; 04-21-2009 at 01:37 AM..

Vonlyn is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 04:01 PM

”I may have,” Kakashi started, crossing his arms and looking pointedly at the unconscious men that lay scattered. ”But it appears as if they are in no shape to ‘just get lost’.” He had made his decision about the mysterious man already, and Kakashi had no interest with dealing with his attitude. Today was his day off, but he should have known; there is no rest for a shinobi. ”If your still wanting to stay here, you will have to speak with the Hokage first.” He informed the stranger. Kakashi wasn’t worried about the man, it would be best if he kept his eyes on him anyways. So, he turned away from him and started to walk back towards the village; stopping only once to glance back at the man to see if he was going to follow. ”The only other village around here is several kilometers away.” He observed before simply turning away.

He sighed to himself. The sooner he could get this stranger to the Hokage, the sooner it would be out of his hands; or so he hoped.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 04-22-2009, 04:46 PM

He watched the other for a bit, watching as the man turned away, obviously wanting him to come along. He gave a heavy sigh, getting back up, stumbling a bit before he could walk. He was a bit slow, but he was tired, so who could blame him for being slow? But he did manage to keep up with the other rather well. But he still did have one question he really needed an answer to.

"What on earth is a Hokage? Is that what you call the village chief here?"

He had actually never heard of Hokage before. It was completely new to him. But that should prove even further that he was not from around here, and he didn't have a mission to assassinate the Hokage or anything. He was just a simple traveler. Or maybe not that simple of a traveler since he knocked out forty trained ninjas empty handed. And hearing about the next town being serval kilometers away, he really had to stay here and rest for a while. He had no energy to walk to the next village.

Vonlyn is offline
Old 04-29-2009, 05:09 PM

Kakashi looked at the man with an upraised eyebrow. Had this stranger lived under a rock his entire life, or was he just being a smartass? The latter seemed to be the most likely. ”I suppose you could say that.” He answered blandly, continuing to lead the way to the large red pagoda that sat before a cliff wall. The cliff had faces carved into its surface, the last one being the only female. They entered the village with no problem, and the only people whom paid any attention to them were the young women. They smiled coyly at the pair, fanning themselves with their hands and following them with their heated gazes. Some even called out to Kakashi. Offering to cook him dinner if he stopped by later. He merely smiled back at them and waved; being polite but oblivious to their suggestive hinting. One couldn’t be sure if he heard them or not, as he kept walking, but it was obvious that this was nothing new to the jounin.

As they neared the entrance to the pagoda, the man from earlier rushed out; only to stop dead in his tracks at the sight of Kakashi and the yellow eyed man. Kakashi gave him, too, a smile before simply walking past the stunned man and into the Hokage’s building. He remained silent and unwilling to talk as he led the stranger up the curved steps that led to the Hokage’s office door. The chunnin there was already expecting them, and he quickly opened the door and waved the pair inside. The office was dominated by a large desk opposite of the door that sat before a window. A young woman with blonde hair sat at the desk; tapping her fingers in annoyance as she looked at the huge stack of papers on her desk with narrowed eyes. A jug of saki sat on the other end, but remained untouched for the moment. ”Come in, come in.” She growled, watching as the chunnin shut the door behind the pair. Her eyes went to the stranger and looked him over carefully before she spoke again. ”So, what’s your name and what brings you here?” She asked bluntly.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 04-29-2009, 11:13 PM

As he was being lead trough town, and women were talking and obviously being flirty with Kakashi, Jale just couldn't help but to grin a bit. He just couldn't help himself but to tease the guy a bit, since so many women were clearly interested in the man, but he really seemed to lack interest. Maybe he had more interest in men then women?

"You seem to be quite a popular guy here. Though, you're clearly lacking interest in women. I suppose you have more interest in men then?"

For some reason, Jale was one that really enjoyed getting on peoples nerves. He found that funny. But he didn't care if he got on Kakashi's nerves or not right now. He just wanted to say that. But on other hand, I might be true too. He did after all lack interest in women. At least at the moment. But he also had a job to do, so that might be it. But oh well. While they walked, there was the guy that seemed quite shocked to see him. Was he the guy in charge for sending a bunch of people at him? If he was, he would so pay later.

But they soon enough got to the building near the mountain wall full of faces, and it seemed that Jale finally got to meet the one in charge around here., and when he was asked for his name and what brought him here, should it be obvious, or didn't the woman know that travelers were being attacked in the woods for no good reason? So he wasn't in much of a mood to tell his name, but if she was in charge, he'd better just tell.

"I'm Jale. And, he's the one that brought me here..."

He told her plainly and pointed at Kakashi. Truth to be told, he wasn't really sure why on earth he was here meeting this woman at all.

"I got attacked by a bunch of people like this guy out in the woods and I was accused for something I know nothing off. Do you people always attack random travelers and accuse them for stuff?"

Vonlyn is offline
Old 04-30-2009, 09:26 PM

Tsunade sighed loudly, raising a hand to massage her temples as she leaned back in her chair. Everyday she had to deal with Shizune pushing her to do paperwork, and the last thing she needed was this. It seemed that today was not a good day to be in the Hidden Leaf. ”Your eyes..” She suddenly said, with her own eyes squeezed shut. ”They are yellow just like Orochimaru’s, but… they aren’t the same. The shinobi must have assumed you were one of the Snake-Sannin’s underlings, so they attacked. They shouldn’t have, but they did.” She paused, dropping her hand and looking back at Jale.

From what the man said earlier, Jale had managed to disable around forty of the Leaf nin in one setting. It was an impressive feat. Not every nin could do so, which meant that they should be a little weary of the stranger. What was his motive? Was it an accident that he came to Konoha, or was he here for a reason..? ”I’m curious though.. where did you learn to fight like that? I don’t see a headband on you..”

While Tsunade spoke, Kakashi merely stood there; the look of boredom still marring his handsome face. He could have left if he wanted too.. but he had to admit that Jale had him curious. He had, indeed, heard the man’s comment from earlier even though he took no visible notice of it. To be honest, the observation had caught him unawares, and he wasn’t quite sure how to respond. He did, of course, prefer men over women.. but very few people knew of that, and all of them had never said a word about it. They didn’t have any problems with it.. it just wasn’t that big of a deal. Now, here is this stranger flamboyantly hinting that Kakashi is gay. Maybe the man was gay himself?

That thought made Kakashi fix his hazel eye on the man.

Last edited by Vonlyn; 04-30-2009 at 09:31 PM..

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 04-30-2009, 10:51 PM

Jale seemed plenty annoyed when she mentioned his eyes. Geez. Did they decide if people are good or bad according to their eye color? He really didn't want to be here anymore. Maybe he should just buy some food and leave? He could sleep in a tree or something. Way better then this place. But when she asked him where he had learned to fight, his face just went red. That was a horrible embarrassing story, so that was something he would not tell her. And what was it with the headbands? He strongly did prefer his hat. It was comfortable.

"How I learned to fight is none of your business. And I don't really get it with the headbands... But there is allot of people around this country that do wear them from what I seen. What are they about?"

He clearly was not going to tell them how he learned to fight like that. Might be suspicious, but it was just something way too embarrassing to talk about, so he was not telling, no matter what they thought about him.

"If you people don't want me here, I will just buy some food and leave. I don't even want to be here anymore."

To him, they all seemed insane. Though, the woman seemed ok, but she was clearly stressed, so Jale just wanted to keep it short and leave. This was an idiotic place.

Vonlyn is offline
Old 04-30-2009, 11:17 PM

Tsunade noticed the change in Jale. It looked as if he was… embarrassed? She sighed heavily. He hadn’t answered her question, but it was becoming obvious to the sannin that the man had no idea what she was talking about. Still yet… she couldn’t just let him leave. He was a mystery, and to be frank, she was suspicious of him. Hell, she was nearly suspicious of everyone at this point. With the Akatsuki on the move, and Root giving her problems.. she didn’t have time to simply rely on good faith. So, what were her options? ”I have more important things to do today.” She suddenly observed, finally reaching over to the jug that sat to her right. She unscrewed the top and carefully poured herself a cup of saki. ”You act ignorant of the world’s current situation, but that doesn’t mean I can afford to just let you do whatever you want.” She paused to gulp down the saki before continuing. ”Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, you will have to stay in Konoha for a while. And be under supervision.” She added, refilling her cup. ”Kakashi?”

The man in question had not been paying very much attention to the words that were being exchanged, but he still understood where the conversation was going and he had a bad feeling about it. He turned a weary eye towards Tsunade, guessing at what was coming next. ”He’s under your care now. See to it that there are no problems.” She ordered, much to his dismay. He felt like groaning, but managed to hold it back. From the little amount of time that he had already spent with Jale, he got the feeling that the man was not going to be easy. In fact, he seemed to be very blunt, straight-forward, a little ignorant, maybe too intuitive for his own good, and definitely a smart ass. Kakashi was, however, able to manage a grimace as he thought about babysitting this stranger. ”That’s all.” Tsunade clarified, downing another cupful of saki.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 02:50 AM

Jale really seemed pissed hearing the part that he would have to stay there. And under supervision to. He was not a kid, and he was not staying here. The darn ninjas had been enough trouble for him as it was. And he was traveling, he didn't exactly feel like staying in this town just because they were suspicious about him. This was not a good enough reason to keep some one here. Specially not when they were saying themselves that they would leave. And Jale would gladly leave this place. And he was most likely making it clear enough that he didn't intend to stay. The same moment Tsunade said that she was done, Jale turned to the door and just headed out, not giving a damn about waiting for Kakashi. He was confident enough about his abilities. He knew he could get away easily if he was quick enough. But on other hand, he was still quite tired, but he would rest later.

Keeping a bit of a distance from Kakashi on the way out, he pretty much was off right as they got outside. Most likely predictable, since he had no intentions on staying, and on top of that he had been upset ever since he had to fight a bunch of ninjas for no good reason at all. What would one expect.

And for some one tired, he was both fast and flexible. He did move as a ninja, but still had a different style. But he wasn't paying that close attention to what was ahead of him. He was actually starting to drift a bit. His body just couldn't take much more now. At least not without rest. So taking a run for had been a really bad call. The last thing he remembered before he was out cold was running into someone. And it was one heck of a hit to. The other would be lucky if he didn't break anything.

((Sorry. Lame post, but I'm dead tired X_x))

Vonlyn is offline
Old 05-01-2009, 06:35 PM

Kakashi scowled, turning to watch as Jale stormed out of the office. Once the man disappeared down the hallway, Kakashi turned back to face Tsunade. ”Are you sure this is wise?” He inquired, watching as she sat her cup down heavily. She responded with a shrug. ”Find out what he knows, and make sure he doesn’t get into any trouble. Give me a report in a few weeks, and if he’s good, then he’s free to do whatever he wants.” She didn’t seem worried about the stranger being a threat; maybe she was confident in Kakashi’s abilities? He gave a sigh. Looks like there was no way to get himself out of this one…

Gai had his eyes squeezed shut and a brilliant smile on his face as he turned and gave his favorite pupil a thumb up. So, it was quite surprising when he suddenly found himself thrown sideways. His eyes snapped open, and he managed an incredible stumble before he managed to catch himself and remain on his feet. He quickly whipped his head around; searching for what had hit him as a hand went to his side. There would be an awful bruise there tomorrow. It took him a moment of looking around before he decided to look down at the man that lay sprawled out on the ground before him. He blinked. The man was gorgeous, and Gai had a moment to thank God for the sudden burst of luck that was literally thrown at him.

He suddenly fell to his knees next to the unconscious stranger. ”Are you okay?!” He exclaimed, waving his hands above the man. He was almost afraid to touch the good looking stranger, but that was about to quickly change. He received no response, so what could he do to help? Maybe the man needed CPR? Yes, somehow that made sense to Gai, ”Okay! Don’t worry, I will save you!”

Jale might have been pretty fast, but Kakashi still found it easy to follow his trail. Hell, he had been trained to do so from an early age. So, it didn’t take him very long until he caught sight of Jale’s prone form. He easily leapt down from the roof he had been standing on, and walked towards Jale. He suddenly stopped, however, when he saw Gai leaning over the man. A smirk came to his lips. Hmph.. there was a part of him that felt like the smartass deserved this, so he turned away from the scene of Gai puckering his lips at the unconscious man. But.. damnit. He had only took a few steps away, when he suddenly turned back and quickly headed over to the pair. ”Gai!”

His lips were only a breath away from Jale’s, when the man in green suddenly snapped up with a surprised look. His eyes instantly went to Kakashi’s form as the jounin stopped a few feet away. His posture was stiff, and even though he wore a mask, Gai could tell that there was a scowl on his face. Gai opened his mouth several times, at a lost for what to say. Kakashi took advantage of this as he bent down and grabbed the unconscious man and pulled him away from Gai’s grasp. ”Come on, wake up..” He said, gently smacking Jale’s cheek.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 05-03-2009, 09:07 PM

Jale was pretty much out of it. But it he had woken up to find out that the most hideous being in the world had given him mouth to mouth, he most likely would have killed Kakashi for letting such a thing happen. So it was good that Kakashi stopped it before that. Jale was just exhausted, so mouth to mouth wouldn't be waking him up. And neither was the gentle smacking either. If Kakashi looked closely, he would probably see that Jale was deep asleep. He wasn't actually passed out, he was just sleeping really deep. But who could blame him after putting out forty ninjas without killing a single one of them? that wasn't an easy task. Specially not for one that had never undergone the training they had. Not that they had been much of a challenge, but it was the number that had been a bother. And Kakashi hadn't given him much of a break either, just straight from one place to another just to find out that he wasn't allowed to leave for a while.

He most likely would spend his days from now on, either sleeping or try leaving, since he didn't want to be here at all. But now, he was too tired to bother about anything. So unless Kakashi planed on ditching Jale with Gai, he would have to carry him back. but at least he was quiet and more easy to handle when he was asleep then awake.

Vonlyn is offline
Old 05-05-2009, 02:46 PM

Kakashi sighed heavily once it was obvious that Jale was not about to awaken. So now what? He leaned back on his heels and paused, which gave Gai the chance to finally speak up. ”Who is he?” He asked, deciding not to bring up the fact that he had been close to kissing the other man.

Kakashi gave him a sidelong glance. ”A traveler.” He answered simply, turning back to look down at the sleeping man. He noticed that they were beginning to draw attention, and that was not something he really cared for; at least not today. With a grumble, the jounin gathered Jale into his arms and easily lifted him into the air. Kakashi turned in the direction of his house, just as Gai quickly stood behind him. ”Where are you guys going?” He suddenly asked, taking a step forwards as if he meant to follow. Kakashi, however, refused to answer, and instead simply began to walk away. ”Is he staying long? Maybe I could come over later and see if he is okay..?” The idea of seeing Gai again later gave Kakashi the chills, but he still didn’t answer. Best to just ignore the man and hope that he goes away.

Luckily, for the both of them, Gai decided not to follow. As such, it didn’t take Kakashi long to weave through the Konoha buildings and finally arrive on his own doorstep. He had been the object of several stares and questioning glances, but like earlier, he simply ignored them. About halfway through his trek, he had started humming a tune, trying to ignore the fact that his afternoon had turned sour. By the time he managed to finally pull open his door and shut it behind them, his mood had actually improved; and why not? Jale was fast asleep, and Kakashi was finally left only to do as he pleased.

The house was of a good size, and had two extra bedrooms, so Kakashi picked the closest one and pulled open the door. It had been quite some time since he had last been in any of the extra rooms, so this one was quite dusty. He moved over to the bed and carefully laid Jale down, trying not to disturb the man’s deep slumber. Before he left, he took a moment to quickly clean the room a bit, before heading back to his spacious living room; careful to leave Jale’s door open.

He planned on reading for awhile, and that he did before his stomach began growling. He folded up the orange covered book and picked himself up from the couch only to stretch his muscular limbs. He also unzipped his jounin vest and laid it on the back of the couch before he moved into the kitchen and began preparing a dinner that consisted of: noodles, a medley of vegetables, chicken, and rice. It wasn’t fancy, but it was well cooked. Quite surprising that Kakashi actually knew his way around the kitchen.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 05-05-2009, 03:41 PM

Jale was pretty much still deep asleep, even after coming to Kakashi's place and being put to bed. He would probably be out for a while. He had really had allot of excitement in one day, so he really could use some rest. And for a dusty old bed, it was really comfortable, so Jale would just stay where he was for a while. This way, he got to do what he came her for anyhow, get some rest. If he was to try leave, he would wait till tomorrow. And he would try buy some food to have along for his travels without Kakashi finding out, and then leave this place and never come back. To Jale, people here were completely mad in this town, so he wouldn't stay longer then he had to.

But while Kakashi was busy making dinner and Jale was busy resting, there was even more trouble going on outside town, and this time, they weren't attacking since they recognized the guy that was there. One of Orochimarus minions. The guy with glasses that no one remembers the name of. So rather then going to attack, they decided to stay put and call in some one better for the job. And that was not Gai. Time to bother Kakashi again. As if he didn't have enough to do as it was. They didn't even dare make a move as some lonely peddler was getting into a bit of a trouble with the guy. Stinking coward ninjas. Once they gotten a beat up they don't dare do a move, not even to help a simple peddler.

But on other hand, this peddler did have a sword with him, and he was good at using it, but he wasn't from around here, so he wasn't that good with fighting ninjas. Their skills were so much different from what he was used to, so it hadn't gone to well for him. He wasn't that badly hurt so far, just a stab in the left side. . And the guy with glasses trying to convince him after getting him hurt. He was trying to convince him to work for some Orochima--guy. The deal was that this peddler was a good inventor, so he could probably be of use for some one like Orochimaru.

((Lame post, but my mind is standing still today XD))

Vonlyn is offline
Old 05-05-2009, 07:15 PM

It really was unfortunate. Kakashi laid out his meal on the table and took a seat as he pulled down the mask that covered his lower face. Just as he was about to take his first bite, however, there came a knock on the door. He paused for a moment, before taking a bite and smiling. He really was a rather good cook. Kakashi continued to eat, and so did the knocking but it quickly became an urgent pounding that caused him to stop and take a peek into Jale’s room. The man was still snoozing deeply, but Kakashi didn’t want to take any chances. He gracefully rose from his seat and pulled his mask back up. What could it be this time?

”Hello?” He asked, once he had pulled open the door. There was a frazzled chunnin standing before him with a worried look on his face.

”Kakashi-senpai! Sorry to bother you, but we heard about how you handled that stranger from earlier.” He really didn’t like where this was going. ”It’s no mistake this time, but Kabuto Yakushi is outside Konoha’s gates! We checked the bingo book, and-“ He didn’t really need to hear the rest. All Kakashi knew is that he was never ever going to use that spot to rest ever again. Not if it meant all this trouble. He took one more glance at Jale’s room before heading out the door.

Like before, it didn’t take him long to reach the clearing; especially since he wasn’t worried about being stealthy. This time, however, there weren’t bodies all over the place and the guards had been right this time. Kabuto stood several feet away from a man that Kakashi didn’t recognize, but it was obvious that the pair were not friends. The white haired apprentice spotted Kakashi first, and he used his fingers to push the spectacles back up his nose. ”Kakashi sensei! Long time no see..” He greeted, sparring the traveler one last look. ”Unfortunately, I can’t stay long, but we will see each other again soon enough.” His last words could have been directed at either Kakashi or the stranger. Kabuto gave a slight wave before disappearing in smoke.

Kakashi didn’t even have a chance to respond. He shook his head, before walking towards the other man. ”Are you okay?” He asked, looking at the man curiously. His hazel eye lingered on the sword in the stranger's grasp. Several thoughts were running through his head as he took in the sight of the newcomer. At the foremost, was that he really wished Kabuto had stayed. Right now, Kakashi needed a good fight.

[Mines not that great. lol]

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 05-05-2009, 07:55 PM

The peddler looked up a bit when yet another person appeared. And it seemed that the one that was bothering him knew the one that just arrived, and that really got him worried for a while, since he was having enough trouble with just one of them. Two would be too much. People in this country were strong fighters. The peddler was a great fighter to, at least where he came from, but here it was a completely different story. Even some of the kids were skilled fighters. And the peddler being an adult, even if he might not look like it, he was feeling really weak around here. He had been considering to hire some one to protect him, but the only ones he had seen around so far were real creeps, so he hadn't really dared to hire any of them.

And as the guy with glasses finally left, he gave a relieved sigh, grasping his side and giving the stranger a slightly pained smile. Since he was asking if he was ok, he was sure that he must be a good guy.

"Yes... I'm fine. Thank you. I got a bit worried at first since it seemed that the two of you knew each other, but it seems that you're the good guy here."

He was hurt, but it wasn't that bad. Just a cut in the side. Kabuto had tried to convince him using a bit more violent methods, since he was being stubborn. But of course he wouldn't offer any service to some one trying to force him into it.

"Who was that anyhow...?"

Probably wouldn't be good for him to travel around alone if they wanted him with them. He might not be much of a fighter, but he had other skills that could probably be of great use to the bad guys.


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