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One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 05-22-2009, 01:19 AM

He couldn't help but to laugh a bit at their reactions. And when he heard their stomachs growl, he just burst out laughing. He just couldn't help it, but it was just so funny. Talking about food and their stomachs just started growling. Good thing there was plenty of stew left. They could eat their fill so that they would be happy and full. And they most likely would be sleeping really good tonight.

"Don't worry. There is plenty of stew left. Just eat all you like when we get back. Still have to try finish it all, or I will end up having to throw it away. And that would be a waste."

And if they wanted to do something else, he would gladly show them around a bit more. It was just so much fun to finally have some one there again. And while they were walking, he suddenly stopped and took a look up. He had seen something in one of the tall trees of the forests. And he then turned to them, seeming rather excited about it.

"I think I found something that will be nice for dessert!"

He said as he pointed up at some odd fruit, FAR up in the tree. And how on earth they would get to them, she would get to see really soon.

"Stay here. I'll go get some. I'm sure you will like them. They're really tasty. Specially if you pour some milk over them."

He said happily. Obviously they were some of his favorite type of fruit. And before she really could say anything, he took a leap. A rather high leap. A simple jump for him was like jumping over three of himself standing on top of each other. And yet he could jump higher then that. And now, he was actually jumping from tree to tree, higher and higher till he got up where he wanted to be.

He made sure to pick the best looking ones of the fruit, before he actually just jumped off the tree, falling freely till he landed on the ground. Probably a rather creepy scene for some one that wasn't used to his kind. But his kind was like cats. Jumping off high places and landing softly without any damage to themselves. And when he landed, he held up the fruit cheerfully.

"You might want to save some room for dessert to. You want some to?"

He asked as he looked at the dog. He wasn't sure if a dog would want fruit and milk mix, so he thought it was better to ask first.

\ (•◡•) /
Annalesia is offline
Old 05-22-2009, 02:57 AM

Duece licked his snout and nodded his head eagerly, his jaw clicking as he teeth smacked together. He's such a weirdo...always had a weakness for human sweets. Even had cravings for them!
Annie still stood there, frozen in place, glancing between the boy and where he had retrieved the fruit from. So high....yet he got it so easily! And he free fell from the sky like an angel! He landed with perfect precision, like a fine feline. Yes, that's what he reminded her of...a cat! She chewed on her bottom lip, her head tilting as she thought about how that would cats were in there lineage...Surely not cross breeding had been done. Gross!
When he mentioned sleep she almost squeeled in delight. She didn't know which of these delicacies she wanted first! Desert....bath...sleep....they all seemed so inviting! And she hadn't had them in awhile....
Falling into step behind the boy, she tried to give him the feeling that she wanted to start heading back. The dog stepped beside her in unison, his snout nudging at the boys thigh as if to help move him along.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 05-22-2009, 03:17 AM

((I found a short and good description of Selkies~~ "Agile and light on their feet, Selkies are expert at leaping and jumping." I knew there had to be a proper way of describing them. XD))

When the dog started to nudge him, it was obvious enough what the dog wanted. And on top of that, Annie seemed to want the same. There was allot she could get to do once they got back. And considering she was a bit dirty, he would show her how the baths worked. Then she could soak in a bath for a while after eating. Darn there was allot of eating today. Petting the dog on the head, he sighed a bit.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. We'll go now."

The dog really was being pushy. No patience at all. But on other hand, when ones stomach was growling, of course patience dropped. So he simply started to head back and making sure they were coming along. And once they got back, he went right ahead and put the stew back on the fire so that it would warm up again. Not that good with cold stew. Ruined the taste a bit. And this time he made sure to get out bigger bowls for them. And while the stew was reheating, he went and started chopping up the fruit, placing that in three bowls, pouring some milk over it and some sugar too, so that it would taste even better. But it would have to stand and soak in the milk for a bit so that it absorbed the flavor. And as he was done with the dessert, the stew was pretty much done heating, so he went and poured it up in the bowls, trying to fill them up as good as he could so that there wouldn't be too much stew leftover. And he actually managed to empty the pot completely this time.

"Well then. Let's eat before it goes cold again!"

He was a bit hungry himself, so he went ahead and put the bowls out for everyone. The dog of course got his on the floor. Easier for him to eat them, while Kaito went ahead and sat at the table, starting to eat right away. He was feeling really happy now. He had been so lonely up till now, so having some company was really putting him in a great mood, so he was really happy that she had stumbled across the village. And he didn't give a damn about her looks. In a way, it made him comfortable that she reminded him of his foster mother. Was like having a family again, so he really hoped she would be staying for a while.

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Annalesia is offline
Old 05-23-2009, 06:54 PM

As Annie ate her food with Duece by her side as usual and the boy eating close by her mind was reeling quickly. She found it odd that he spends more time talking to the dog than her. And he doesn't stare at her like others normally do. In the city all eyes were always on her, whispers bouncing against the buildings walls, they all thought she was a devil's child. Nobody knew how it happened. Not even the doctors. Her parents were both caucasion, yes, but not near to how pale her skin was. She's almost translucent. And her eyes...both her parents had blue eyes, which is a very dominant gene, but somehow she ended up with violet. Her mother blonde, her father brunette, she ended up being born with hair as snow white as the very clouds that paint the sky in the heavens. Other's said it was the color of the hottest white blue flames in hell however.
But this boy...Kaito...treated her like an equal. She wasn't quite sure how to act around him. What to say...what to think...what to do. She ate with her left hand, her right hand stroking Duece's soft fur as he ate next to her. She found comfort in feeling a physical connection between them. She felt safer. This dog is both her father, her mother, her best friend, her big brother, and her protecter. Without him she'd surely not make it through life. She's always feared the day her dog would pass away and she swore when it happened she'd take her very own life and follow her dog to the heavens, where all was accepted.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 05-25-2009, 03:59 AM

Well, he had pretty much already told her that she looked just like his adoptive mother, so that was reason enough that he treated her like an equal. Even if it brought back memories having her there, it still felt as if he had part of his family back, so he certainly was happy. Allot more happy then he had been in months. And she would have to be prepared that he might end up calling her mama or something by mistake once in a while.

And once he was done with his meal, he of course waited for the other two to be done before he got up and went and got the desserts, giving the dog a bowl first of all, before giving Annie one and then himself, smiling cheerfully. He really loved this kind of sweet, so he hoped the other two would as well.

"If you don't like it, you won't have to eat it. But at least make sure to try it first."

He wouldn't want either of them to decide they didn't like it or anything before trying. Not that he thought they would do that, but still. But he brushed that off quickly and started to eat the dessert himself now. He had always loved this kind of dessert, so he really couldn't hold back too long when it was in front of him.

\ (•◡•) /
Annalesia is offline
Old 05-25-2009, 04:50 PM

Duece dug into the dessert, lapping it up with his tongue eagerly, his tail wagging, thumping on the floor behind him. Annie giggled, petting the dogs head as he happily ate the supposedly yummy treat. Jeez, would he ever come up for air? Annie decided to join him and grabbed her utencil with her left hand and scooped a bite, eating it and holding it in her mouth for a few seconds before chewing. She chewed slowly, looking up at the ceiling, her eyes squinting as she tried to put her thumb on what it tasted like. It was right on the tip of her tongue, no pun intended. But she couldn't seem to find the word to describe it. It was just delicious, but like nothing she'd ever tasted in the city....Duece finished his and lapped at his snout joyfully, sitting and staring up at Annie hopefully, whimpering slightly. She laughed, "You're lucky I love you so much," she split her dessert in half and slid half of it into Duece's bowl. The dog began to practically inhale it again. Annie did the same, eating hers slower of course. Soon enough, though, they were both finished with their food, Annie licking her lips and Duece licking at his snout.

One ring... TO RULE THEM ALL!!
Limbo is offline
Old 05-27-2009, 08:21 PM

Kaito finished his dessert fast. Maybe a little too fast. But it was hard to hold back, but now he might end up getting a stomach ache later. But oh well. It would be worth it. And seeing as Annie and the dog was finished, he gave a smile as he got up to take care of the dishes. He should probably show them around the houses after this so that they could pick out a house to stay in.

"You two want to take a look around the houses after this? Might be more easy to pick out where you would want to stay if you know what the homes look like inside? You haven't exactly seen that many of them yet."

They had pretty much only gotten to see his old friends house so far. And his own, since the houses were identical and were next to each other. And he had been a bit lazy with showing them around before, just standing outside and pointing at each and every house. And then they had just passed trough the village fast to head to the place where he had buried them all. and that couldn't really be counted as a tour around the village. That was more like passing by.

\ (•◡•) /
Annalesia is offline
Old 06-04-2009, 04:53 PM

Annalesia nodded her head slightly, her cheeks a rosy hue. She'd hadn't been so close to a human for so long in years. Not since she was abandoned. She hadn't talked to one like this...normally interactions were short for her, "Yes, I'd like that very much," Duece sat up beside her, nodding his head in approval also. It's so wierd how human-like this husky can be...Annie looked down at him and he looked up to her, her violet eyes meeting his crystal ones. The moment their eyes met Duece's tail beat at the floor like crazy and he inched towards her, panting. She smiled at him and pet his head, her fingernails scratching behind her ears.
As she pet Duece she couldn't help but wonder what the village houses would be like. So far the two she'd seen had been pretty similar. Would they all be like this? If they were that's not very'd think different people would have different tastes....but maybe they were all so close to each other that they grew accustomed to liking the same things? After all....materials were kind of limited in a forest. Plenty of wood on the bright side though!!

((sorry. writers block)


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