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maglomanic is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 02:26 PM

The ending of Kingdom Hearts 2 is the only time I can think of. It might have happened more than once. I had stayed up all night beating the game. I don't really remember how the game ended. After watching it though I tried to find it on the internet to watch it again.

Pixel Cafe
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Old 08-20-2009, 03:13 PM

I cried when axel died in KH2 and when zack died in ffcc it was just so depressing. Some games have such an amazing ending I Cried Joys tears of joy, and when the ending is SAD i cry. Plus im very sensitive meaning i cry easily when it comes to media

Veiss Wynd
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Old 08-21-2009, 02:36 AM

Just incase the people still consider it a spoiler, highlight the blank area to read.

Who didn't cry when Aeris died? D: Seriously.

Though then again, surprisingly, not many people who are fans of FF7 ever played the actual game.

Endless Sky
Endless Sky is offline
Old 08-21-2009, 04:44 AM

Yes. Lots of games have made me cry... I don't remember at what times for all of them, but I know most of them were RPGs because that's what I play. I'm pretty sure most Final Fantasy games have made me cry at some point.

I do remember crying for like, two hours after finishing FFX. Yeah I know, kind of sad, but I was much younger then and that ending is just really, really sad. T___T

Night Prince
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Old 08-23-2009, 02:42 AM

Kingdom Hearts 2 and Klonoa, and Klonoa 2: Lunateas <sp?> veil made me cry. D: The end of Kingdom Hearts made me cry as well, only because the whole seperation thing at the end but i was younger then.

Captain Howdy
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Old 08-23-2009, 06:43 AM

Originally Posted by Veiss Wynd View Post
Just incase the people still consider it a spoiler, highlight the blank area to read.

Who didn't cry when Aeris died? D: Seriously.

Though then again, surprisingly, not many people who are fans of FF7 ever played the actual game.
I played Final Fantasy VII back in the day on the PSX. I've actually played and completed it a handful of times. Great game.

But yes, it is famous for that scene. I remember seeing in on my first run through. It comes out of nowhere, in my opinion, and it really surprised me. I was so immersed in the game then, so I was bummed out for days.

Veiss Wynd
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Old 08-23-2009, 08:28 AM

@Captain Howdy: :< Precisely. I wasn't anticipating that moment at all. Made me really sad.
D: Though I didn't ever really train her and didn't lose much, I kinda liker her. You know that one character you sort of compare yourself with in a game? Back then when I played it, it was her for me.

Nice to run into the crowd that did play it ^ ^
D: I still have my copy and a PS1 somewhere. Found it in the Greatest Hits rack at Costco almost a decade ago for $14 . ^ .

Heruuna is offline
Old 08-24-2009, 08:15 AM

I don't think I've actually cried, but I might have had a sad face when:


Midna shatters the mirror into the Twilight Realm at the end of Twilight Princess and says goodbye to Link.

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Old 08-28-2009, 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by carlosXrocks View Post
ii have beaten metal gear solid and i didnt cry and i didnt care about the part when you have to face the boss
Did someone eat your heart when you were a child?
Don't answer that. I already know the answer is yes.

Jane Lucien
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Old 08-28-2009, 08:01 PM

I also cried at the end of Grandia 2.. though I can`t even remember why. XD I think Final Fantasy made me cry,too. Aww and I cried when my dog died on Fable 2. ;___;

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Old 09-04-2009, 04:00 AM

TONS of games make me cry.
I get so involved in the characters and story line.

Crimson Blossoms
Crimson Blossoms is offline
Old 09-06-2009, 07:02 PM

When i was about 7, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I cried when I left to the mountain, and everyone was all 'D; Good luck!' ><;;

Grand Theft Auto 4, when I heard Niko's story, about why he moved to America. ; - ;

[[ Lol, went from Pokemon, to Gta.]]

Yamaxchan is offline
Old 09-06-2009, 07:26 PM

Yeah so it sounds lame but in Kingdom Hearts II when Sora finds Riku again and he has his little "I looked for you - I looked everywhere for you!" My brother looked over at me ad was like "Are you okay?" Apparently I had started crying when Sora did. xD I couldn't help it though! He's just so cute. :3 And I tore butt through that game to see Riku. Ah, Memories~!

Little-Miss-Insecure is offline
Old 09-06-2009, 10:18 PM

Like the ending of Kingdom Hears, I dunno why, but I almost did. >>

Tounin is offline
Old 09-06-2009, 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by Jane Lucien View Post
I also cried at the end of Grandia 2.. though I can`t even remember why. XD I think Final Fantasy made me cry,too. Aww and I cried when my dog died on Fable 2. ;___;
Oh, yah....I forgot about Fable 2. :o

Knight of Arcana
Izzeyl is offline
Old 09-07-2009, 07:56 PM


I didn't necessarily cry at that trademark moment in FF7. I kinda had more of a nervous breakdown. I slid out of my chair onto my knees on the floor & starting scratching my head nervously saying "No no she's not dead. I'll just cast revive. I already got the materia maxed out. Ya ya that's it. Real easy." & then Cloud started lowering her into the water. "No Cloud. Dude, stop we have the materia." Then my friend comes in from the other room & sees the look on my face & says "Dude, are you ok?" Me:"No man they just killed her. LOOK!" Him:"What? No way."

lil_Scottish_terror is offline
Old 09-07-2009, 09:09 PM

Ugh, YESS!!!! I'm stuck on the Legend of Zelda Twilight princess right now. It's the part where you have to escort the Zora prince to the village and those bad guys are trying to set your wagon on fire! That's one of my favorite games, and I haven't picked it up in 2 months because I'm stuck on the one part!!! I've cried many times over that level.

Tounin is offline
Old 09-07-2009, 10:55 PM

Originally Posted by Izzeyl View Post

I didn't necessarily cry at that trademark moment in FF7. I kinda had more of a nervous breakdown. I slid out of my chair onto my knees on the floor & starting scratching my head nervously saying "No no she's not dead. I'll just cast revive. I already got the materia maxed out. Ya ya that's it. Real easy." & then Cloud started lowering her into the water. "No Cloud. Dude, stop we have the materia." Then my friend comes in from the other room & sees the look on my face & says "Dude, are you ok?" Me:"No man they just killed her. LOOK!" Him:"What? No way."
That made me laugh for some reason.
When people die in video games, it doesn't bother me all that much.
Probably because most games I've played, if someone important dies, they come back in some shape or form.
But even if they don't, it doesn't get me worked up that much.

I do think it's funny how if a party member dies in battle, you can just revive them, but then they get killed in a cutscene, the magical life-saving feathers/potions/spells don't work. :roll:

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RisikaFox is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 02:25 AM

Hmmm... Games that made me cry. Well, I have a tendency to start games and get a good way in and then move on to another, so not that many have had the chance to make me cry. However, I actually played through all three volumes of .hack//GU, and that made me cry more than enough to make up for all those other games. :lol:

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Antagonist is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 04:31 AM

My tear sacs are too weak so I cry at a lot of stuff in the games. Then later on, I'd be all, 'Now wtf (for why and not what) did I cry about that for?'

I haven't played a lot of games though. The one that not only gave me tears but also a huge heartache whenever I think about it were the Final Fantasy VII series. Not for Aerith though, not that interested in her, but for all those SOLDIERs and their messed up life thanks to Hojo. Every time I think about Sephiroth, Cloud, Zack, Genesis, Angeal, Lucrescia, Vincent, and all the rest of them, even the Turks, how everything's gone and destroyed and their 'peaceful' life lost with them either all dead or gone all stereotypically-emo-depressed like Cloud, I get one heck of a huge heartache. Like, a really physical heartache, where I'd double over clutching my chest. >_>;

Godlier is offline
Old 09-20-2009, 08:51 AM

I agree with pocky, Legend of the Dragoon made me cry.
And now I shall cry again, because I miss that game!

VeRiTaS_CuRaT is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 01:18 AM

Yes, many games have made me cry. I'm just so emotional when the person you play as dies.

I've cried over Crisis Core. (I went down fighting!)

I even cried after playing Call of Duty 4 when the nuke goes off and you have to play through the aftermath.

Just thinking about it gets lumps in my throat.

Sylvan_Prince is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 03:41 AM

I can't make it through tales of the abyss without a few tears. and no, to people who play the game, I didn't mean that as a pun.

Chocolahime is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 11:13 AM

Lost Odessy got be crying with those stupid little stories it has.


I cired in ff7 when Aries died but thats something I think everyone has cried in.

Then there was gears of war 2. Now I had read the book so I knew the whole back story about Dom and his wife so when he had to pull the trigger on her... man I just couldn't keep it together. It totally caught me off guard.

astellier is offline
Old 09-21-2009, 12:53 PM

LOL, I remember cheering when Aerith died. No offense, anyone, but I don't like that girl.

I cried at the ending of Xenosaga. Oh my goodness... So many characters died. The farewell was too painful.

Legend of Mana is also sad, especially Irwin's story. Forbidden love, mixed up with hatred, and destruction of the world. Epic. =3

Then .hack. I'm a KitaAura shipper so it's very painful to me to see those apart. It's one of those fangirling syndromes. :P

Kingdom Hearts made me cry when Namine had to go. (Sora, you don't deserve Kairi, you should've chosen Namine instead.) :( It's still a terrible heartache for me.

But the only video game that made me cry so much and kept on clutching my chest to make sure that my heart was not bleeding is Persona 3. The ending song's lyrics just made it worse. Real tear-jerker.


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