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KatieMandish06-26-92 is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 03:29 PM

Love to play Videogames. I'm in12th grade. Best subject would be math. playing soccer, Baseball, Basketball, And Football are my special talent. I love Animals all kinds of them. I dispize Hunting, I think it is wrong! I'm trying to get into the habit of being a herbivore, the only meat I eat is Cow Chicken, and Pig. I'm 17 and own My own House it's on 1,294 aceres. I do not eat any of my Animals, In a matter of fact I don't sell them to Butcher's that's Just animal cruelity. I own 16 Horse's, 24 cows, 2 bulls they are so gentle, 45 chickens, 32 chicks, 2 pet pigs(like I said before I don't eat my animals), 12 Goats, 65-70 sheep(5 of my sheep are pregnate), 12 Dogs(Mostly Cattle and sheep dogs), 10 cats, 5 Bunny's(like I said I don't eat them, who would kill a bunny, there so cute), 6 Hamsters, 2 ferrets, 3 Bushbaby's, 6 sugar gliders, 2 Barn Owls( they hang around, I have ton's of field mice, not only that they have a nest on the very top of the hay shed, and they like me, I feel special). Oh and I'm realy a Male, my parent's named me Suwichgi. so I put as my user name Katie Because that was my Real mother's name, I'm adopted.

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yin-yang is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 03:48 PM

lol kool you sound like a kool fellow
animals my strong point :D

KatieMandish06-26-92 is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 03:50 PM

Hey thanks want to be friends

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yin-yang is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 03:51 PM

surey why not ^_^

KatieMandish06-26-92 is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 03:51 PM

Cool Thanks;)

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yin-yang is offline
Old 09-27-2009, 03:53 PM

np man now on to other topics :D


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