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Kent is offline
Old 10-18-2009, 06:22 PM

; w; You're so nice~
Okay~ o wo Now I can't wait to see how it comes out~ :D

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 10-30-2009, 10:40 PM

I feel like working on this, but I have homework. ; 3;
Why couldn't homework just not exist? ; A;

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 12:27 AM

@Hads- Because homework is evil, and there is no good without evil? :<

Hey. Hey guys. I drew something for you in the free art thread!

Last edited by ghostPastry; 10-31-2009 at 12:29 AM..

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 01:01 AM

lol I guess that makes sense. x'D
But schoolwork and lectures are evil enough. ; 3;

That's so cute~
I love it, thanks so much!~ <3

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 03:49 AM

I agree. >∆< Homework is pointless, and they're overworking us! ...And they wonder why we don't pay attention in class. :roll:

Yay, I'm glad you like it! :D


Kent is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 04:27 PM

OMG That's adorable, anna! >w< Thank you~
Btw, I finished with Jared on Monday. o wo But I haven't gotten the chance to scan him. ; 3;
I hope to get him to you today~

&& I agree with you guys! >A< I hate homework. ; O;

ghostPastry is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 06:02 PM

Yay! I'm glad you like it, Kent!!! >w<
Ooh, I'm so excited! Hee, take your time though, I know how hectic this week is going to be. Dx


Kent is offline
Old 11-01-2009, 01:31 AM

o wo <3
Yeah, it was pretty hectic tonight. XD
Oh, I was wondering, what are the words on Jared's shirt? O:

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-01-2009, 04:32 AM

Oh, there aren't actually specific words for Jared's shirt, write whatever you want!
In the reference I put "Insert Awesomeness Here" or something. xD


Kent is offline
Old 11-01-2009, 04:51 AM

I was just wondering~ XD
Is it okay if I write something like that on his shirt? o 3o

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-01-2009, 04:52 AM

Of course it is! :lol:


Kent is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 12:55 AM

Okay, I think I'll finally give Jared to you~ >D

Although, I just realized right after cleaning him up that I didn't shade the lower part of his shirt! ; A;
I'll hopefully get you a another one after I scan and clean it again. ; 3;
It bothers me so much that that part is white. XD
Also, I wanted to add a nose ring, but I wasn't sure how to draw it. o 3o
I'll add one in if you'd like~ Just tell me what it should look like. XD

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 04:45 AM

Gah, it's so awesome! >w<
I didn't even notice the lack of shading until you mentioned it. >_> Hee, and thank you. I've always just drawn his nose ring as a little circle on the right side of his nose. :3
It's so cool~ :squee:

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 05:35 PM

I need someone's opinion and it has to be someone who has read all the info on my OCs for Island of Lost Hopes. o 3o
Which means the only person who can tell me their opinion would probably be Kent. x'3

What do you think of these?

How close are they to their descriptions?
Do you think they look or "feel" like them?
Do you think their personalities are drawn well?

More or less, this a post for me. x'3
It makes me easier to concentrate when I can see all of them like this.
I have to wonder if they were worth what I gave.
& I hate when I have to wonder that.

Last edited by Hadsvich; 11-19-2009 at 05:38 PM..

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 06:31 PM

I can't really give a good opinion, but those are SO CUTE. >w<

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 06:35 PM

I know, I think they're adorable too. x'D
Really, I like them but I don't like them. ; w;
It makes me sad when I feel this way. ; 3;

Could you tell me which one you like the most? :'3


Kent is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 06:46 PM

@anna - I'm glad you like~ >w<
I figured you wouldn't notice. XD But it really bothers me. ; 3;
Hmm~ I wonder how that will look. o 3o
I'll add it on the completely shaded one then~ o wo
I don't know when I'll have time to clean it though. ; 3;

@Hadsie - Okay. o 3o This might take a while. XD
Since I might say a lot for each. o 3o

Yeah... Some of their stances are weird, like they're gonna fall over. o 3o;
The weirdest stances are the succubus's, the vampiress's, and the katou husky's.

I also want to mention that they all seem rushed in some way. Maybe that's just the affect the artist is going for? XD

Now, I guess I'll do this one by one. o 3o;

For the succubus, I think it looks okay, 'cept she looks like a guy. XD And the stance is weird, as mentioned above~
The horns look like ears, too. But I guess it can't be helped sometimes. The expression sorta seems to show her bossy side. o 3o And she's not wearing capris. Does that matter? o 3o

For the vampiress, the hairs seems perfect, but the color doesn't seem right. And her dress looks really weird to me. o 3o; I don't know why. The art does seem to fit her personality, tho, like the motherly aspect~

The werewolf looks like a neko with a fluffy tail and really weird and ugly clothes. XD
And his hair is almost exactly like the succubus's, which bothers me. It's a good color though~
Looks like his clothes are totally wrong. o 3o;

Okay, I think I should do the rest later, because I need to do stuff for my next class. XD

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 07:17 PM

I agree with Kent, a lot of them look sloppy and rushed, but there are good bits on all of them.
My favorite is the pink-haired one. >w<

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 08:35 PM

@Kent: lol Yeah, you sure are saying a lot~ x'3

Yeah, exactly, I really dislike how them three's stances are drawn.

I really wish I knew how long the artists took to draw these. ; 3;
& What they were going for exactly anyway. ; 3;
I wonder if it is the affect they were going for. x'3
But then I wouldn't have gotten this in the first place if I had known that really was the affect they were going for. = 3=

Well, she's more or less supposed to look like a young boy, but a bit girlier, so she's fine~ x'3
I'm okay if artists draw her boyish, I just don't like it if she looks manly~
& I'm okay with the horns/ears part too. x'3
Yeah, I think that's a cute expression~
I don't think I really mind if they're capris or pants, but I do like it more when they're capris~

Yeah, I really love what they did with her hair~ <3
I'm never really sure with the color of her hair these days. x'3
I always thought it would be something like this really~
Maybe I should change what color it is? o 3o;
& Yeah, I dislike how her dress looks too.
I think the way I'd like it is to have it tight, so it will show off her curves.
> w>
Yeah, it does fit her personality, she has such a cute motherly expression~ >w<

Well, that's how lots of people draw wolf people, though. o 3o;
So I don't really mind.
; w;
As for the clothes, I don't think it's really ugly, it just doesn't suit him at all.
Hm, their hair are rather similar to each other.
But this is how his hair should look like, it's the succubus' hair that's drawn wrong most of the time.
But I'm okay with people drawing it that way anyway.
& Yeah, I love the color of his hair too.
o wo

lol Okay~ I'll see you when you get back then~ :'3

I wrote quite a bit too.
> o>;

@briannamal: I paid a lot for these and I really wanted the artist to take their time and work hard on these.
I kinda expected them to take a while, since I'm giving them something they had on their wishlist.
But they send me a pm saying they were sorry for taking so long, when they drew them all more quickly than I thought they would.
Really, I wanted them to take quite a while.
So I'm not really satisfied with this.

& Thanks.
I'd say she's definitely one of the cutest ones too~

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 10:33 PM

Yeah, I know what you mean. That totally sucks. ,:/
I don't like it when artists rush to finish, even if they're not being paid so much.


Kent is offline
Old 11-20-2009, 01:14 AM

@Hadsie - I'd like to know how long they took, too. o 3o

Yeah, I thought so. XD
And you know what? I think some people don't know what capris are. XD

Yeah, I think you should. XD
So, is it a lot like the harpy's hair color? o 3o

Yeah, I know, I just wish it wasn't like that. ; 3;
I like it when the wolf people have slightly longer ears~
And I like it when people actually try to make it look like a wolf.
Like in that wolf manga by Naono Bohra? Her chibis of wolf people didn't look like nekos.
Also the dog from Man's Best Friend! He never looked like a neko, either.
Well, the ugly part was an afterthought, I added it later. > o>
I just didn't like the colors. His shirt makes me think of urine. XD
Really? I thought his hair was slightly longer in the back. And the top of his hair was different. o 3o

lol You wrote more than me. XD

Now to continue~ o wo

For the serpentine sapian, it's a little sad that the artist totally copied the outfit of one of your refs. ; 3;
And I sorta wish his hair was longer around the sides. He sorta reminds me of a petty thief, which is a little cute. X3
And I guess that sorta goes with his personality? *ish annoyed by all the sortas and littles* = 3=
Oh, and it's a little hard to see his earring. I wish the artist defined it some more~

The katou husky has a really cute face~ >w< And the expression suits him, right?~
Is his hair color okay? o 3o Because when I think of brown, I like it darker. XD
The shirt looks nice, but the colors are weird; they don't seem to suit him~
I think I could make it better~ >3 And tighter~ o 3o
And there's no belt. ; 3;
Oh, yeah, and I think that bubble next to him is weird. > o> Are you sure it's a question mark?
It looks like the artist tried to make a sighing bubble. o 3o

Now I can't believe the serpentine sapian and katou husky are together. XD
They don't seem like they would suit each other. XD But I guess anyone could be together~

The oni seems perfect and soo cute~ >w< I wish his hair was as blue as faggy chan's tho. o 3o
I sorta wish he didn't have pants either. XD And he doesn't have feet wraps. ; 3;

Also, I think I should mention that three of the refs for the oni's outfit aren't working. o 3o;
So, that's probably why more people are drawing the guy...?

Woo, I need to rest a bit now~ XD

Last edited by Kent; 11-20-2009 at 01:17 AM..

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 11-20-2009, 04:12 AM

@briannamal: Yeah, me too~ ; 3;

@Kent: lol Yeah, I guess some people don't.
Should I put up a ref for that? o 3o

Well, at first, yeah, that's kinda what I wanted it to be like.
But now, I think I'll just have it whatever color most people are coloring it. x'3
What color would you say that is? o 3o

Yeah, me too, but I still don't mind. x'3
Really? Urine?
Nah, it's fine this way~ x'3

I know, that really made me sad. ; 3;
Me too, I'd like it a bit longer~ lol Yeah, he does, doesn't he? x'3
lol I guess, though he's more of a prankster than a thief. x'3
lol Wow, I didn't even notice that they tried to draw the earring.
So yeah, I guess it would be nicer if it was more defined. x'3

Yeah, it does, definitely~
I dunno, I'm rather liking that brown, though. x'3
Yeah, that's what I think too.
lol You think so? x'3 Tighter would be nice.
o wo
Yeah, there isn't. ; 3;
I'm not sure, how could I be? ; 3;
I guess I'd just like it to be a question mark. x'3
You think? It doesn't look like he's sighing though. o 3o

I guess I can understand that.
From looking at those two, they do seem unsuitable. x'3
But the way I've imagined them, they were perfect for each other.
;^; *^*

Yeah, that blue would be nicer, but he's cute nonetheless~ x'3
Yeah, I don't really like the color of those pants anyway.
lol I don't really care about feet wraps, though I do love them. ; w;

Oh? I forgot to fix those. o Ao
I fixed them for Helios but not for this place, so no that's not why. x'D

I keep on wondering about the size of all of these now.
& The details.
If I'm going to pay something pricey, I'd like something just a bit more larger.
& The details to be nice.
Details that don't look sloppy or rushed.
I know some parts of these don't seem like that though.
I really like seeing these height differences though. x'3

I'm just wondering what I should say to the artist now. ; 3;

ghostPastry is offline
Old 11-20-2009, 05:02 AM

It'll probably be a bit awkward, but you could always ask them how long they took drawing these...

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 11-22-2009, 09:52 PM

Yeah, I just might. ; 3;
We'll see~

burden of love
burden of love is offline
Old 11-23-2009, 12:48 PM

Wait so before I start...Did you want me to answer those questions and give my opinion on those chibi pictures? I was under the impression that you had wanted me to use the refs that you gave for each OC in the first page of this thread.

I can do both if that's what you wanted, I guess...hopefully I can get up enough energy to stay at my computer for so long (though I'll probably look like this afterwards: O_o).

Off topic: have you watched Adventureland? It got me all emotional and missing you T_T . Talking to you on the phone made me feel really good too so thanks for being so cool. And so here's to us *toasts* and love and life! <3


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