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Atusile is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 09:40 PM

They did? I missed it. D: I wanted to catch that in theaters but I didn't want to be the only person laughing.^^; *likes groups in comedy movies and no one else was interested* I have to rent it now. >_<

You're safer that way. xD Although I am so tempted to go to the theater for New Moon to mess with the Twitards. You don't know how fun that sounds. Only... I don't want to die either.^^;

The Harry Potter movies are pretty cool I still go to see them. I'm a bit embarresed when I do though. *The book nerd who went to the Midnight realeases...and liked them* >_> I have a few issues with the way they convert some of the story line...and Daniel Radcliff...but otherwise they're awesome. Best recent soundtrack IMO. *__*

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JaydedTearz is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 10:01 PM

i haven't had a chance to see the latest one...but my 3 year old nephew *loves* harry potter...and was harry potter for halloween this year ^_^ it was cute.

and i refuse to go to the movies nowadays >.> too expensive.

Atusile is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 10:04 PM

Yeah, I really wanted to catch Where the Wild Things Are but munnies were short. *still has her copy of the book lol*

That's adorable! <3

I gotta go for now though. :/ Promised my friend I'd give my assistance on her Gov't project. >_< Ugh, work. Bye byes, it was fun. :3

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JaydedTearz is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 10:05 PM

lol byebye Atusile ^_^ was nice chatting..have fun with that project.. =D

YamiSora is offline
Old 11-05-2009, 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by Edward_IV View Post
Haha, makes me want to find this one comic from Twilight. It's basically Bella talking to Edward.
Edward: Hey. I think you're hot.
Bella: *Damnit... i must say something to put him off me.* I have a penis.
Edward: I don't.
Bella: o.o....
OMG! where the heck did THAT come from?! LMAO
anyways, that resident fantasy thing..........
Sephiroth: what with the tiny sword?
Cloud: I looked online and found I dont have to over-compinsate anymore XDD


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