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Old 09-19-2009, 10:10 PM

There are three stories in this thread and (from what I gathered by the rules) it was much easier to put them all here.

The first two are ione-shots only. The last one, only has its first chapter so far, but more will be added once it's been written.

I have seperated all three with the horizontal rule to make it easier.

I'm A Guy Too;;
True to her word, she'd accepted the small date that Naruto had, once again, pestered for, though why she agreed this time she didn't know. Though, it didn't matter.

They'd shared the evening together in all sorts of ways thanks to one of the local festivals, they'd ate, played and generally enjoyed each other’s company before he, like a gentleman would, walked her home.

On the way they had none stop talked and without warning, the topic of Sasuke came up, much to their disliking. After a few moments of silence, Sakura had began to try and laugh it off, Naruto following pursuit, but tutted quietly as he noticed that it wasn't him she was with. It wasn't him that she was talking to in her mind. It wasn't him who she was playfully hitting while trying to change the topic.

It wasn't him.

Catching her playful punches, his eyes became half lidded as he watched her for a moment, their closeness causing some gear in the back of his mind to start whirring, quickly picking up speed despite never being used.

"I'm sorry Sakura-chan.. but.." His fingers wrapped around her wrists, the difference in size allowing him to do so effortlessly.

"I'm a guy too."Then with that said, he shifted her hands out to the side, his gaze locked onto hers, to which she felt she couldn't pull away.

"I'm stronger than you." He continued, his gaze softening, but only slightly as he brushed his forehead against hers, the cold metal off his forehead protector against her skin made her flinch, ever so slightly.

"..And sometimes I want.." His voice trailed off as he leaned over her some, the fact that he had indeed grown over the last three years dawning on her once again as he over powered her before her mind began to spin, her cheeks flare and eyes widen slightly realising her situation. She wanted to do something, but everything happened too fast.

"To kiss girls." And with that, he closed in the remaining distance that was a hairs thickness, his lips brushed hers but his eyes widened slightly as the sight before him suddenly caused pain in his chest.

Tears slipped from her eyes, for all she could still see, was not him. He felt angry, and hurt, for he knew who she couldn't see, knew it wasn't him, but instead was the Uchiha that had abandoned them.

He Came Back;;
"Sakura? Sakura!" The blond called out, shaking the fallen girls body with worry etched across his features, the scowl from their fight gone, and a few bodies lay scattered around the pair, Naruto's eyes brimming with a mix of hate, a mix of worry, and many other things he'd never speak of to the girl who he could not keep his promise to.

"Sakura! Please, wake up!" He shook her once more, thinking then to just carry the girl back to the village, too impatient to wait around when he was not skilled enough to determine the true state his pink haired team-mate was in. "Please.. Sakura.." He almost cooed out so quietly, yet it was clearly heard as the wind died down seemingly to carry out the sound a bit more.

The girl murmured, a soft twitch going through her body and facial features.

"Sakura?" He paused a slight hope gleaming behind his eyes, a slight relieved expression and feeling, spreading through him as she gave out a soft moan, stirring more and he did his best to prop the girl up. "Sakura, it's okay.. I'll get you back to Konoha-" But he cut off, suddenly realising what she had been mumbling.

"..Sasuke." Her eyes fluttered, wary from the fight and being knocked out briefly, her body aching from the fight with the rogue ninjas who'd ambushed them not a moment before.

"..Sakura, I'm not-" Naruto stopped, feeling a quell of pain, and maybe even a form of jelousy as she saw the girls soft smile up at him, her hand, shakily outstretched to bring it to his cheek, ever so gently, ever so shakily.
"Naruto.. He.." She breathed out softly, shutting eyes her for a moment before opening them again, somewhat tiredly and half lidded yet her expression was oh so painfully soft, and happy. her hand still cupping his own cheek, her thumb absently brushing against it. "Naruto, kept his promise.. He brought you back. Thank you.. Sasuke." She kept murmuring softly, her eyes glittering almost as tears built up in their corners, looking at a boy, who wasn't even there anymore.

Naruto, silently listening and watching, didn't dare move again, his heart thumping against his chest as a rather overwhelming pain, clutched at his chest, watching the girl who he'd care for for so long, the girl he couldn't keep one promise to, watching he laying there, unable to see him.

In the end, he just whispered quietly, shutting his eyes and leaning slightly into the hand, obeying the soft cry his female teammate was giving out. "I'm here.. Sakura."

The dull onyx orbs watched the sky above, the males expressions dull with sleep, decieving for the fact he was more than alert. His team was already off in their own dreams, appart from his female redheaded companion, whose turn it was to watch over the area they were stationed in.

Despite wanting to or not, he'd been awake for almost a week again, not wanting to sleep for he dreamed. Dreamed of things that weren't, his. Weren't real.

He'd shifted slightly, his breath soft as he felt the light beat down on his eyelids, realising if he'd open then, it wouldn't be at the site his team were at. Realised that cat-tail plants were blowing around him in the warm breeze and not the cold stone surface of his teams encampment.
"Again.." He mumbled, rather quietly, and to himself. He didn't even stir as a voice called out, knowing exactly who it was.

"Sasuke~!" The voice paused for a moment, a snort of a pout, before speaking up again, "Oi, Sasuke, where are you? Skipping horse duty again!" The voice whined, childishly as he heard them coming closer, pushing the tall cat-tails aside in lazy annoyance, before he felt something catch on his side, and the yelp as the person fell over, and he decidely as always, did nothing, but let out a soft grunt as they fell across his lap.

"Oi, Sakura.. You're heavy." He sighed, pushing up on his elbows enough to look at her tiredly, eyes open just enough to see the mess of pink hair fall across the girls back before she gave a small squeak quietly again, suddenly shifting her weight off him and sitting with her legs tucked under her instead. Sakura then raised a hand to rub at her forehead where she must have felt some kind of pain, for she winced briefly, her hand shooting away slightly.

Though the boy couldn't help the small smirk, that pricked at the corner of his pale lips as he eyes the slight smear of dirt now on the girls forehead where'd she'd rubbed it the moment before, but he hid the smirk before deciding to speak up again, "You alright?" There wasn't much of a hint of worry, but the girl didn't seem to mind as she nodded quietly, to which he said again, "Good, and if you looked properly, I finished my jobs, I just came up here to rest."

He stood then, brushing himself off, before offering his hand down to the pink haired teen, who just pouted rather cildishly at him for a moment. He watched her briefly, before starting to drop his hand and turn on his heel, "I won't help you stand then." He only quietly mused and the sudden grip on his hand, though it was a little akwardly, she rose, and he had no desire to force her hand off of her own as he istead looked out from the field which over looked the small bustling village in front of them, puffing the odd bit of smoke and much noise flowing from it, even just about reaching the hill thanks to the wind.

Yes, this was the other life Sasuke Uchiha silently lived out in his dreams, they'd been happening since he was Orochimaru's hide out, and it was a little odd to adapt to this world, seemingly paralel in an odd way from his own, and yet not entirely. Yet, over the many months, he'd slowly settled in, not questioning the bizzare happening that he faced, everytime in his sleep. Though he had to admit, he was a bit different, in this carefree world, than the one full of blood and fights in the world of the awake.

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Old 09-19-2009, 10:10 PM


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Old 09-19-2009, 10:11 PM


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Old 11-06-2009, 11:34 AM

im just curious enough to hope that there's more


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