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zexx is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 04:32 PM

Yin smile over at Hat-T "nice chair"he comenter sitting on the ground he starterd to fix his hair.

MintyRey is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 04:49 PM

"Want one?" the dark-green haired woman asked, as she tested out her chair. It wobbled a little as she got on but she had gotten used to theses kinds of chairs. She examined the arms of the sleek chair, looking for any kind of button. To her relief, this chair didn't come with big red buttons like the last one she pulled out. She had pressed the button on the previous chair out of curiosity and it set a nearby tree on fire. She left it by the burning tree and never went back to that spot.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 06:59 PM

"That hat of yours never ceases to astound me." C.C. said, leaping gracefully to the ground. "I hope Rabbit has more luck with this girl than the last one. What a brat."

zexx is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 07:12 PM

Yin shook his head "no thank you Hat-T"he said with a smile turning to cat he noded"Ah ,yes i rember her Alice wasn't it ?"he asked scratching his head trying to rember.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 09:49 PM

"Alice was selfish," Heartless' voiceless thought echoed. "Let us hope that Alita is different."
The stiched together shade stood, almost touching the ceiling with his wispy black hair brushing the top of the room. "If not, then she will be most displeased. We all remember what happened to little Alice."
The blonde girl had been subject to the Queen of Hearts' rule, much to everyone's disdain. Heartless' stitched smile stayed in place, but his aura shifted to a dark mood.
"We don't want it happening again," his ageless voice said.

"You don't think you can trust me?" Walrus' yellow eyes grew large and teary, and he sniffed sadly. "Well that's a pity. At least Alice was nice enough to follow me."
The tiny walrus scuffed a fin in the dirt, sighing. "I know where Rabbit went, if you want to find him again. He's a respectable man, him. I wish I was more like Rabbit."
Walrus sniffled again, wiping a large tear away with a fin. His little whiskers twitched as an itty bitty sob escaped his lips. Slowly, he shuffled and hopped backwards, heading back to the shadows. "I'll just leave you be then."

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 10:03 PM

"Don't talk about that woman in front of me." C.C. hissed. "That... that tyrannical witch killed my father! She killed almost all of Wonderland's residents in her madness! That Rabbit survived is a mircle in itself."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 10:17 PM

The stitched shadow seemed to loom threateningly over the Cat, the darkness where his eyes should have been even more black than the rest of him. "You aren't the only one who suffered from that child's selfishness. We all suffered. Even Rabbit lost his mind in the end, though he hides it well." Gliding over to the door, Heartless sighed and grasped the handle with his long, thin fingers.
"Alita will be different. She must be different."

zexx is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 11:57 PM

"As was said, i sure hope so.I don't believe Yang or i could go trough that again"Yin said as a sadness crept across his eyes. Alice was why Yin never laughed anymore before Alice he was always laughing and cutting up but not any more.Not since Alice and never again."Heartless if you don't mind where are you going?he asked in the calm voice he always used anymore.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 12:24 AM

"To find her," Heartless replied, his stitched smile unmoving. "I suggest you keep your questions about my going to yourself next time." With that, the shadow moved outside, easily disappearing into the darkness of the bizarre forest.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 12:26 AM

"Heartless, wait. I'm coming with you." C.C. said. "I want to see her. And if she's like Alice, I'll shove her back out the accursed rabbit hole myself."

Alice, innocent and naive child though she was, had unintentionally offended the Queen of Hearts. The punishment? Death by beheading. When she ran from the Heart Palace, the Queen pursued, with her card guards. Those who had added her in her quest aided her flight... but the Queen saw everything.

Last edited by o0Calyx0o; 11-17-2009 at 12:29 AM.. Reason: Late post

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 12:50 AM

Shadows melted together, forming part of the tall being. "Come with me?" Heartless sounded amazed. "I assume I have no true choice in the matter." Darkness completed his thin form, and he stood towering a couple feet above the Cat. "Let us find this Alita and see what she is made of. If she is just like Alice, we send her back. If she isn't . . . perhaps we should start thinking of a way to keep her secret. We don't want her finding out about the girl."
Stepping into the oddly colored and shaped forest, Heartless bowed, and tilted his patched head. The shade extended a thin, trailing hand of shadow to C.C., his sewn smile seeming to contrast with the malicious aura he gave off.

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 01:19 AM

"You're right, you don't have a choice." C.C. said. "I'm going to end up having to watch over her once Rabbit gets her lost, after all. Give out complicated directions disguised in riddles, all that fun stuff. I'd at least better LIKE the girl." She glanced at his hand. "And no shadow stealing, you. I need that."

"They call me.. MISTER Pig."
April is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 04:15 AM

(Sorry for not posting anything yet, been busy >.<)

"Let me out of here!" yelled a purple haired woman as she banged on the glass barrier. "You'll never get away with this Queen of Spades! Once I get out of here, I'll have you beheaded!"

"Oh, calm down my dear Queen of Hearts~" came the reply from the other side. "I'm sure your subjects didn't mind losing a few rowdy neighbors here and there." The owner of the voice flipped her long red hair as she put on a small heart shaped crown. "That dreadful cat was so bothersome. Trying to reveal my little secret and helping that awfully nosy girl escape. I made sure they never interfered again."

"How dare you! My subjects will not stand for this. They'll find out the truth! Rabbit and the others will save me, I know they will!"
cried the imprisoned Queen of Hearts, attacking her mirror prison relentlessly.

"Oh I beg to differ." the imposter grinned as she walked over to her prisoner, "I made sure he would always be busy. All of them are at my beck and call so long as I am the Queen!" The Queen of Spades moved her face close to the Queen of Hearts'. "Might as well make yourself comfortable. You'll be in there for, oh, quite a long time~"

She covered the tall, gilded mirror with a dark velvet curtain and walked out of the room, laughing an evil laugh. The true Queen of Hearts continued her futile calls for help, as she banged against the other side of the looking glass.

MintyRey is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 04:39 AM

Hat-T tried pulling out another teapot from her hat while she listened to her companions' conversation. She didn't know much about the tyranny of the Queen of Hearts. In fact she didn't know much about before Yin and Yang found her. All she remembered was that she had been wandering through the checkered plains aimlessly before bumping into the twins. They seemed to be running away from something at the time, but from what she couldn't quite remember. She finally felt something at the tip of her fingers and pulled it out. It was a sleek, black contraption that looked like a teapot but the container was see-through and the liquid within was black and had an aromatic smell. As soon as she set it down on the table, the liquid within began to boil and the aroma filled the forest clearing that was the room.
"What's this?" She asked Yin. She had never seen coffee before, or at least, never remembered.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 08:00 AM

((Wonderful way to introduce yourself, Queen! ^_^ I see, I see! Hahah!))

Heartless pulled his shadowy hand back to his side, sighing. His ghostly voice echoed amongst the trees as he began to glide forward. "You know I can't take it if you say I cannot." The phantom fed off of "living" shadows; the dark image of a person. He fed off of the blackness that walked beside a person, the one thing you don't think you could lose.
Without waiting for C.C. to adjust to his pace, the shade flitted from tree to tree, keeping to the darkness of the forest. The Cat would keep up, that much was certain. She had an amazing sense of agility and finesse, and there was no way she would let herself get left behind.
"Let us find this Alita girl quickly. We don't want the Queen to find her first."

o0Calyx0o is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 03:22 PM

"That is one thing I think everyone can agree on." Cat (er, Ceci- oh, who even cared anymore?) said, leaping after him through the treetops. Not hard, as Wonderland's trees where mostly flat topped by some strange phenomenon- she attributed it to the unusually large birds she saw occasionally. "I just hope she hasn't wandered off- why can't they ever just stay where Rabbit puts them?"

zexx is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 04:40 PM

Yin looked at the pot of coffee"Hmm.."he said. He snifed the pot stareing at it rentlesly."smells burnt to me"he said sniffing somemore he picked up the pot and poured some in his cup.He sniffed it some more cautiously he took a sip quickle spitting it out "good goodness, thats bitter"he said pouring half the sugar pot in his cup. He stired it around then added some milk. He loved warm milk.Then he took another sip "Ahh thats better" he said. His white tail with ablack tip swaying back and forth in a content motion.

MintyRey is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 05:40 PM

Hat-T copied the combination of ingredients Yin had put in his cup and took a sip. 'Not bad', she thought as she took another sip. She looked around the area and wondered what they could do. It seemed like everyone else had something to do that day. Everyone was busy everyday, it seemed, since the Queen of Hearts' rule. It was strange suddenly not having anything to do. She looked at Yin and wondered if he had anything to do today.
"Doing something today?" she asked the black clad canid, as she took another sip.

zexx is offline
Old 11-17-2009, 08:42 PM

Yin tought hard"Not that my mind can remind me of"he replied. "What about you?"he asked .He gingerly raised the cup to his lips taking another sip."i do wonder where my dear twin is"he said figureing since he had nothing to do that conversation would be nice.

MintyRey is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 05:26 AM

"Wanna follow them?" the woman replied with a smile. She knew the brothers were close and they always worried about each other though they don't often show it.
Unfortunately, travelling around Wonderland isn't as easy as travelling in the world beyond Rabbit's home. If you're following someone as close as you can and you lose sight of them for even just a second, you'll find yourself in a completely different area, lost. The only way to get back on track was if you already knew where you wanted to end up at. But you wouldn't need to follow someone if you already knew where you wanted to go in the first place, right?
Hat-T wasn't as accustomed to the rules of this world as her friends were. Perhaps it was because she slept in a house that didn't change on the inside as the world did on the outside. She waited for Yin's reply as her clothes' pattern and color changed once more. Whatever they decided to do for the rest of the day, she would have to get home by sundown to make sure that Doormouse actually wakes up to eat.

zexx is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 05:28 PM

"yes lets"Yin replied standing up from the table.Brushing off his clothes they changed to something more appropriate for the occasion.

(writers block grr)

MintyRey is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 05:43 PM

Hat-T got up off the hovering chair and stuffed it back into her tall, top hat. She went towards the door that everyone else had gone through.
"After you?" she asked Yin. She had been to Rabbit's house before but didn't know the way to it as well as the others have. She reminded herself to make sure to stay close to Yin this time.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 11-18-2009, 06:30 PM

((Eh heh, sorry. I'm waiting for Adaryn/Alita to post. ^_^'))

Adaryn is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 02:17 PM

((sorry work got the best of me the past couple of days lol had to catch up too XD ))

Alita looked at him as she watched him leave "Please don't leave...I don't want to be alone either" she stepped forward again towards Walrus "Just I really don't know who to trust, this place is new to me and I have no idea where I'm going or where I am honestly" she stands there hoping to get a reply, then looks around. "Why couldn't I have just stayed put" she whisperes to herself as she kicks at the dirt with her shoes.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 11-19-2009, 06:12 PM

((Oh, no worries. :D I knew it was something like that. I won't be on during the weekend, sorry guys. :XD))

Walrus' beady yellow eyes brightened as Alita spoke. "So where do you want to go? I know this forest well, having been here since birth." The chubby little animal hopped back over to Alita's feet, looking up at her with excitement in his eyes.

Heartless flickered through the trees, eventually stopping to let C.C. catch up to him. "She is here," his ghostly voice echoed. "With another."
Alita and Walrus came into view, but the stitched shadow chose to remain hidden. He hesitated, unsure if he should interupt them. Would it be best to interject?


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