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Tutela de Xaoc
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Tutela de Xaoc is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 12:49 AM


I am quite dismayed to see that there has not been a Sonic the Hedgehog thread created that is listed under Knerd's list of threads. So, with great pleasure I will start one for people to use ^^

Sonic the Hedgehog, a legend among legends in video game history. I place Sonic among the ranks of Mario, Zelda, and Megaman. (Please update me on Sega CD and NeoGeo as I did not own these systems nor did I play any of the games associated with it. Also, some good information on the original Sonic cartoon would be quite amazing too as I was a wee little kid and don't remember it well.)

Starting with the Genesis, the amazing console that really peaked Sonic's popularity with Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and Sonic the Hedgehog 3, who could resist the faster than light hedgehog hero that we all came to adore? The 2-D side scrolling game was in my opinion one of the best of it's kind at the time. The theme with the chaos emeralds very original and Dr. Robotnik being a great arch enemy. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 added to the wonder when 2 Player co-op play with Tails was introduced. Then along came Knuckles, an extremely cool Echidna who guards the Master Emerald and easily gets tricked by the evil Dr. Robotnik. The release of Sonic and Knuckles, one of the first cartridges to allow stacking of games. Quite nifty and extremely innovative at the time. With this addition we could now play our amazing games using Knuckles instead of Sonic/Tails in the adventure to stop Robotnik. Also, the S&K cartridge also allowed us to stack non sonic related games and get a screen that said NO WAY!!!. For all of us experimenters, we soon found out that you could hold the A,B, and C buttons along with the big start button to bring up a Blue Orb stage unique to each and every game on the genesis depending on what the game was. There were also a few more games that were Sonic related released on the Genesis. One being a favorite game of mine of all time. Sonic Spinball. This is probably one of the most frustrating Genesis games to be released, and one of the most fun ^^ (besides The Lost Vikings) Extremely innovating the Genesis was in relation to Sonic themed games. It was by far my favorite old school system besides the Atari :P.

Then along came Sega Saturn, which I unfortunately did not have the pleasure of playing. So any info regarding Sega Saturn and Sonic/Tails/Knuckles games would be highly appreciated and I will add more info in as I get it.

After the Saturn, the Dreamcast took flight. For it's time, the most advanced system introduced. Soon after though, Sony and Nintendo trumped the Dreamcast with their own systems and sadly Sega withdrew from the console creators and stuck strictly with software. Before the Dreamcast became outdated we received two new additions to the amazing Sonic collection. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. Again, very innovative in it's nature. Now I know there is a Sonic 3D Blast for the Saturn, but I cannot speak for it. So SA1 and SA2 were the first amazingly created 3D adventure games dedicated to Sonic and company. In SA1 the introduction of the Chao garden is introduced. Extremely innovative with it's AI. The Chao are amazing creatures to raise and racing them is so much fun. Added to this you could take the chao out of the video game entirely, and put them in the VMU memory chip for the Dreamcast to personally take them with you. Again, extremely innovative and probably set the tone for transferring stuff to the gameboys and PSPs from the consoles as well as the world of Mii. This game also, for the first time in Sonic History, explained the significance of the chaos emeralds as well as what they were and why they existed. It also explained Knuckles' tribe of Echidna and why he always had to guard the Master Emerald. It did a lot of explaining about the whole origin of Sonic and helped clear a lot of questions I had as a loyal Sonic Fan. The one thing I was disappointed in retrospect, was the fact that a password for the Egg Carrier was Eggman. I will explain this later.

After SA1, we were brought SA2. Again, equally as enlightening, but more enlightening about the Evil side, aka "Eggman's history." They also introduced Shadow, an amazing storyline that keeps you very involved, as well as Missions like the first game. Two things I missed in SA2 that was given in SA1 was the adventure part of the game (ie: wandering around station square, mystic ruins, egg carrier, etc.) In SA1 you were part of the storyline, in SA2 you watched the storyline. Not sure why they changed it, but it didn't make the game any less desirable. Also, SA2 began calling robotnik Eggman >.<, A major pet peeve of mine!! Both were very well made games and in my opinion the peak of Sonic the Hedgehog and the downfall.

After SA2, Sonic Heroes was introduced as well as Sonic Advance, Advance 2, and Advance 3, Sonic Riders, as well as the remakes of SA1 and SA2 on the Gamecube. Sonic Heroes, in my opinion is a disgrace, but not as much as a disgrace as the current games that have been released on the Wii...I won't go there yet though. with Sonic Heroes it let 4 teams of 3 characters adventure through the game, each using their own storyline. Interesting game and nice introduction of the old Knuckles Chaotix characters, but nothing to be particularly thrilled about in IMO. After that Sonic pretty much went to crap. With the latest additions to the Wii I have pretty much lost my faith in Sonic's future unless Nintendo and Sega Team can work together and make a decent game once more. The introduction of Sonic Unleashed, and the Sonic Storybook series is just ungodly defiling of my video game hero.

Anyways, there's a bit of information on Sonic the Hedgehog and the legacy he has created. Please feel free to discuss:

1. Favorite/Least Favorite Sonic based game
2. Why it is your fav/least fav
3. Favorite Parts about the games
4. Favorite style of the games
5. Sonic's peak and/or downfall and why you think it is so
6. Favorite plot of the characters
7. Favorite characters.
8. Favorite Sonic Show
9. Opinions on whether or not the show helped with the downfall
10. Whether or not you think Sonic is on a downfall, or if you think I'm
11. Anything else pertaining to the Blue Hedgehog and company ^^

NOTE: I'll add a pole once I get more information on the games and systems.
A wild black wolf lurking in the shadows, I stare through your soul and devour your darkest dreams. Embrace the inevitable outcome.

Therapy has taught me that nothing is my fault. ;)

BinkaKitty is offline
Old 11-27-2009, 05:50 AM

i love the Sonic games!!!! surprisingly, my Sega Genesis still works, but then, there is that game for the Gamecube that has all the classic Sonic games. that's probably one of the games i play the most. honestly, it took me YEARS to beat Sonic 3. i just couldn't get past the carnival level! i think i only just beat it 2 years ago or something like that.
some of the other Sonic games i've played are some for the Gamecube. i really like Sonic Heroes. Team Shadow is my favorite. i also have Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. i love that game, even tho the graphics kinda suck. i really want the Gamecube version of Sonic Adventure 1, cuz i've never played those old games.
and, lastly, i have the Sonic Rush game for the DS. i really like that game. it's very much like the old Genesis games. altho, i still can't get past that final battle with neither Sonic or Blaze. it's very irritating.
i used to read the comics, but they stopped selling them at the store i bought them from. T_T i think they stopped selling it at issue 110. i didn't even get to read issue 100! i got issues 95 -99, then 101, but not 100!
and, i remember some show when i was a little kid, but i don't remember anything about it. actually i only remember one scene, where Sonic and Tails were talking. then, there was that anime, Sonic X. that was a lot of fun to watch, but it probably would've been better if the American version wasn't made by 4Kids.
and, finally, i don't know if i've ever decided on a favorite character. i always liked Tails in the old games cuz he's just so uber cute! i almost always played as Tails.


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