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Old 12-14-2009, 02:57 AM

As Aries prepared for the massive technique he was getting ready to use he placed his feet shoulder length apart and squatted down just a little to give him a solid base. He nodded at Kaji, then suddenly his aura became massive and air in the area grew thick. The earth in the surrounding area began to shake in a terrible fashion. The sky seemed to understand what was about to happen as storm clouds began to form above and block out the sun.

The body of the magma warrior began to tense up as he started to summoned up a wave of magma from below the surface. His slender body frame seemed to grow twice as muscular from the force and immense energy he was drawing upon. He dug his feet into the ground and looked as though he was trying desperately to lift a boulder of enormous mass from the motion he made. The crimson eyed elementalist let out a bone chilling shout as the magma erupted from the surface. The wall seemed to be at least 150 feet as it rose to its peak towering over the water elementalists.

Aries' eyes had seemed to darken around the edges as he held the massive wall of lava in place with a sinister smile and a body soaking with sweat. Veins were crawling all over his arms as he stood there with his muscles looking pumped up as if he had just finished a fresh workout session. His long shoulder length black hair was moist and slick caressing the back of his neck and top of his shoulders. If the two elementalist didn't retreat into the water they would surely die.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-14-2009, 03:38 AM

Kaji was able to take a few glances back towards his friend. He couldn't help but be in awe of the magma elementalist. He had known that the Sanguine Angel was powerful, but this went beyond power in his eyes. He knew for certain if the two water elementalists didn't move they would for sure be killed. He knew that they would have safety beneath the water, but it still didn't mean that they'd be able to withstand it atop the water.

He had to force his gaze away from Aries and had them rest on the two water elementalists. As expected the golden eyed one hesitantly shot a water orb towards the two. Immediately he gestured as about twenty or so arrows appeared and were fired towards the water. The two elements clashed with the fire surprisingly coming out as the winner. "By the way if one of those kids do turn out to be a blood elementalist don't worry about it..." he said calmly directing his words behind him.


Mizu's eyes continued to grow even wider as he saw the huge way of lava. "Silver...I think we need to either go beneath the surface or stop him from launching that at us" he said as he felt both awe and fear. Without much thought he experiementally summoned and fired a water ball towards the two. He watched in a bit of surprise as the golden eyed elementalist's fire shot out in the form of arrows and engulfed it entirely causing it to disipate.

Last edited by Arechi; 12-14-2009 at 03:42 AM..

Silver Lowell
Silver Lowell is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 01:28 AM

Silver merely watched. His display was supposed to make them fear him and she could tell that Mizu didn't want to stay here. Not right now at least. But she knew something of Fire and volcano's not like she played all the time when she was a little girl. If there was anyway to stop him it'd be to stop the wall of lava. He was strong but if she dropped the temperature and froze sections of the lava at a time it would eventually wear him out. Building barriers would be easy for her to do since she was on top of the water source she would use to create the barriers. Standing in the middle of a massive lake was a big plus for what she could do in terms of stopping him.

"Then let's stop him. I'll take care of him." she said pointing at Kaji. "Make the other guy lose his concentration that should cause the lava to fall slowly. I'll stop it with ice." Then she was concentrating on Kaji. Her eyes intent. She could feel the blood in his body moving through him. Lifting her hand she moved it back and forth. His blood responded and she was sure he was now aware of she was doing. It'd be hard not to notice how your blood reacted to something as simple as a hand gesture. Silver was almost mad at herself for doing this. But they gave her no choice. The fact that they attacked for no reason made her blood boil.

Squeezing her fist shut she concentrated on moving his blood faster and using water to inflict pain. If he could stand the pain for a while then she'd change tactics and draw water out of him and see how he reacted to that. Even a seasoned warrior would not be ready for such an assault.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 07:27 AM

(Whew I haven't done a post that long in a while. :sweat:)

Kaji had been fully focused and had materialized quite a few more fire arrows, that were much larger than the ones he had previously used to stop the previous water ball. The floated calmly in the air awaiting the command of their 'master' for them to be fired. Unlike his normal ones these were not fired using his bow, as it wasn't really needed to fire them it just gave him more precision with his declining eyesight, rather these were used more for attacking multiple opponents in one area. The moment that the archer felt his blood begin to respond to unknown force though the arrows flickered slightly as his concentration shifted for a few brief moments. "Not to rush you or anything, but your going to want to launch that rather soon. It appears that at least one of them is a blood elementalist and have the mind to 'mess around' with me on a cellular level..." he said calmly as he once more took a quick over-the-shoulder glance at Aries.

Moments after his words he felt the blood in his body quicken its natural pace inflict a rather decent amount of pain. The fire elementalist winced and had to briefly close his eyes as his flames once more flickered. He knew though that he would simply have to bare through it for the time being. The magma elementalist had asked him to cover him and he was bound and determined to do so, though he wasn't sure exactly how long he would be able to. Quickly he made gestures, each movement causing more internal pain as it was completed, and the arrows that had been stationary behind him immediately began to race towards both water elementalists.

A few of them he could see being blasted with water by the white haired boy and others hit a sort of invisible force. He knew then that he truly wouldn't be able to hold back. 'I really...hate the idea of using this...technique on such young kids...' he thought as he felt a few smaller veins within his body begin to tear from the speed at which his blood was being pumped through them. For the meantime he knew that the arrows would provide enough distraction for him to complete what it was he needed to, due to just the sheer number of them. With pained but calm movements he place one hand palm up and flat while the other hand lightly touched the center of the palm with the heel of its palm and made rather complex signs with the fingers of that hand. Under his breath the golden eyed man began saying something that sounded similar to a sort of quiet chant. He could begin to feel a rather thick liquid begin to leak from his mouth, knowing very well that it was probably his own blood. For the meantime he would have to ignore that and continued chanting. His eyes soon closed so that he could give full concentration on what he was doing and try to ignore the pain that raged within. He still stood in a way that any attacks aimed at the Sanguine Angel would still have to go through him.

As he continued his aura began to flare out and, at first slowly then rapidly, began to change colors and grow. Soon the rapidly color chaning aura seemed to become actual physical fire that surrounded the man. It was clear that this was a fire technique that was much more advanced than what the typical fire elementalist knew. Streams of the fire began to shoot up into the sky and form a multi colored, medium sized ring that at first held now definite middle that showed the raging sky above, but soon began expanding towards the middle forming a whole and complete circle cutting out any view of the sky in the center.

Once the circle was complete the simple word 'decend' could be heard from the man from which the fire originated. Soon after fairly large raging balls of different colored fire began spilling rapidly from the ring and raining down towards the earth and lake that held all four elementalists. As one began descending towards the fire and magma elementalist the said fire elementalist quickly held out a hand as if to catch the relatively large ball of fire causing it to slow slightly but still hurdle towards them. The archer then began to feel his arm starting to be pushed back by an invisible force, causing his eyes to open. The usual golden color of his irisis seemed to be replaced by the same fire that was the source of the raining fire. The fireball continued to slow as the red haired elementalist worked on straightening his arm, and managed to accomplish doing so just as the fire ball seemed to make light contact with his fingertips and stop. Although the contact was light the connection had still caused a shock wave to errupt from it and around the two Fire kingdom elementalists, though the archer did his best to shield his friend and the tital wave of magma that he was burdened with from it and that was perhaps the only reason why it had not reached either.

With the fireball now solitary Kaji then began to work on redirecting it towards the water elementalist using the same hand that held the fire ball in check. The movement appeared to look rather strenous and painful, as the archer could feel a few more of his veins begin to slowly pop from the rush of his blood, but soon the fireball began to obey and it wasn't long before it began to now hurdle horizontally towards the water elementalists.


Mizu glanced over at Silver as she requested that he try and break the concentration with of the elementalist that controlled the wall of magma. "That'll be easier said than done..." he said quietly. There wasn't any real opening shot that he could take towards the man as it would first have to get by the fire elementalist, which Silver said she would take care of. He calmly decided to wait for an opening, which he thought he had found when he witnessed the fire of the arrows behind the said man quiver twice. He immediately began to prepare and summon up water to use to attack the crimson eyed man with, when he suddenly found the fire arrows flying towards both him and Silver. Quickly he began blasting the ones racing towards him. It took a while for the path to once more be clear for a shot, but by the time that occurred he became aware of a new threat hurdling towards them. "That can't be good..." he said quickly and immediately began to summon up his own barriers.

As with Kaji's fingers the moment that the fireballs connected with the barriers a rather powerful shockwave skimmed across the lake causing it to chur horribly. It became rather difficult to both keep the barriers up or remain standing on the water, and with fireballs rapidly raining down causing more shock waves the difficulty of doing such increased. Unlike normal fire the fire of the attack didn't seem to go out when it connected with the barriers but rather tried to push through. The fire didn't appear to be normal fire, as even the changing colors could clearly attest to that. He had never seen such an attack before, and to him it was quite frightening. It became even more so as soon the fireballs began eating away and evaporating his many barriers. It wasn't long still before one finally got overly close to the water elementalist and forced him to lose his concentration and submerge beneath the water to avoid being barbaqued, despite being a water elementalist on a lake.

Quickly he swam beneath the surface to avoid the next couple fireballs that were hurdling down so that he could at least pop his head up. "Silver you may want to consider taking cover in the lake. At the moment it's probably the safest area even if that magma elementalist launches that wall of magma at us" he said quickly as he had to once more duck beneath the surface to avoid another couple of fireballs.
"If loving someone means watching them die..."

"...then who's going to watch you die?"
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Marsyas is offline
Old 12-16-2009, 08:15 AM

((Wow that was long but very impressive as well. Bravo *applauds her*))

Feeling the strain of the mountain of lava he was controlling and trying to raise it a bit further to completely cover the lake surface. Aries strained to force the lava even higher than it already was and even made the wall wider in the process. By this time his muscles were bulging as if they were going to bust from over-inflation like a balloon. His eyes were black around the edges from exhaustion and his legs were beginning to feel weak. He was wondering if he had the willpower to complete the attack as his body was aching in a terrible fashion. Then he looked over to his only friend and realized he was suffering to ensure this attack was a success and Aries vowed to himself he would finish this move for the sake of their friendship.

As Aries noticed his comrade was being assaulted by a blood elementalist, his hands were tied right now as he attempted to complete the process of this powerful technique. He could do nothing as he watched his friend sustain dangerous injuries and at the same time find the strength to summon a fireball out of the sky, one of the likes the magma warrior had never seen before. His comrade was indeed more powerful than he gave himself credit for and it was a more than pleasant surprise. The technique was definitely something that is only seen very rarely in a lifetime and it made the warrior excited as he watched it's force. If those two weren't thinking about running after witnessing two massive attacks thrown their way they were mentally retarded in the head at best.

Letting lingering thoughts go to the back of his head the crimson eyed man managed to push the wall up to 500 feet high in hopes that it was grand enough to cover the surface level of the lake. He then let out another bone chilling shout as he pushed the wall forward towards the water elementalist that were trying so desperately to save themselves. As he pushed the wall forward he started chanting something to himself quietly and suddenly there was a destructive gust of wind forcing the magma ahead even faster. This would leave the elementalist with no options other than to dive or die. The magma was above the fireball which would push it down on top as well. He was sure this predicament was beyond anything either of the two water elementalist could do about at this point.

Silver Lowell
Silver Lowell is offline
Old 12-17-2009, 01:49 AM

Gritting her teeth Silver let the other elementalist go. At least she had been able to cause some pain there even though he kept fighting. As a protector she hated running away from anyone even though it meant she'd have to fight. Staring at the golden eyed fire elementalist she speared him with a look that said she didn't like him and if they ever did this again he'd be hurt a lot more. The attacks they used were effective as long as they had time to use them and if Silver ever met and got into a fight with them again she sure as hell wasn't giving them time for anything similar to this ever again.

She wouldn't forget Mr. Golden eyes. Oh no she wouldn't. It hadn't been the guy wielding the lava that made her angry. It'd been the silent one. Well silent until spoken to it seemed. Moving her hand she twirled the end of her pigtail and the lake nearest to the lava froze four feet down. Sure it took energy to do that but she wouldn't be fighting them much longer and she'd rather have the ice there so she could freeze some of it to keep it from coming close to them under the water. "Your lucky I don't like attacking. I even feel kind of bad for causing him pain." she said to Mizu.

She turned her back on them and let her feet fall into the water as the lava began to race towards them. Using the water she pulled herself down quickly under the water freezing what was above her and Mizu. 'Protection first' she thought to herself. Always protect.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-17-2009, 06:19 AM

(Thank you. I don't know though if I'll be able to do one like that again for a little while though. XD)

It wasn't too much longer before Kaji could feel his blood begin to slow and eventually return to its natural speed. The damage though had already been done internally and he was fully aware of it. His still multi colored changing gaze watched as first the water elementalist boy quickly went beneath the water, after popping his head up a little after his first dive and talk with the female water elementalist, and soon after the girl follow suit soon after. For a brief moment his eyes locked on to hers as he clearly received the message. His own eyes though merely reflected a calm almost unconcerned look, like a stream who was not worried about the course of its current being changed by a small pebble. It wasn't meant to be interpreted as offending in any way, it seemed too serene for such a thing.

As the girl sunk below the water the archer could help but let out a quiet though slightly pained chuckle. "It looks like I have a 'fan' of sorts" he said, his tone clearly joking though exhaustion could easily be registered in it as well. His gaze soon drifted towards the sky where the ring that continued spitting out fireballs floated. Despite the pain of it he extended one arm, palm up, and whispered the simple word 'return' and calmly used his other hand to lightly grasp the wrist of the outstreatched one. Almost immediately the center of the ring began to retract towards the outer multi colored fire of the ring and causing the fireballs to cease their raining vengence. Once the sky was once more revealed in the center the ring began to move, first to avoid the lava wall and once around it, it then began to descend rapidly towards the fire elementalist.

Again it didn't take long before it reached him, shrinking in the process to almost resemble an arrow or beam of flashing colored fire, and forcefully wrapped itself around his outstretched arm. The impact made him wince as it forced his arm to move slightly down and tremble. The hand that had been lightly gripping his wrist had tightened to steady it. He closed his eyes once more and began concentrating. Soon the wild flaring fire that engulfed his arm began to shrink until it simply resembled a very small multi changing colored flame. His eyes opened as they continued to shift colors, a slight after effect of the power that still seemed to course through him.

He stared at the flame for a few moments as it soon began to seem to tremble itself and flicker. 'That was a foolish move on my part...' he thought calmly and closed his fist over the flame, causing it to disappear. His gaze then focused on the wall of magma and the fireballs beneath it force itself onto the lake. The water elementalists had gone below the water so he was sure they were fine. He then peered slightly over his shoulder and back towards Aries. His friend had exerted quite a bit of power that he knew had to require a tremendous amount of concentration. "How are you holding up my friend?" he asked calmly and wiped away some of the blood that still continued to trickle down from his lips and mouth. His eyes still seemed to refuse to change back to their normal golden color, a rather strange sight for perhaps anyone who was not quite use to it, but he knew eventually they would return to their natural state. He hoped though that, that would not occur until they were at least back within their own kingdom's territory.


Mizu watched in a bit of awe as the lake was covered. He had gone low enough beneath the water so that he was sure the magma wouldn't reach, though the barriers Silver had implemented as well as a few of his own helped to ensure that as well. He had ducked under the water when the girl had been submerging, but had heard her words. "What do you mean I'm lucky? Wouldn't it be more prudent or appropriate to say that he was lucky? If it hadn't been really for that fireball attack, topped with the magma wall I'm sure that the golden eyed fire elementalist may have went down rather easily...As for causing him pain what else was there to do?" he asked calmly as he seemed to float beneath the water as if he were simply standing. His arms crossed over his chest as he gazed up at the magma covered lake. "And to think you wanted me to talk to them...And people wonder why I'm so supicious of elementalists from other kingdoms..." he said with a sigh and shook his head.

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Marsyas is offline
Old 12-17-2009, 09:16 PM

After finally finishing the incantation and summoning technique along with forcing the attack forward, Aries knew his energy was shot. He fell forward onto all fours panting frantically as he couldn't seem to find his breath. He was now drenched head to toe in sweat and his body was pulsing from being expanded too far but it was slowly returning to it's usual state. His face looked like that of a man who hadn't slept in weeks yet he had a satisfied look about him. The dark haired man felt satisfied yet remorseful, he had seen how his comrade suffered in his stead and it was not a pleasing thought or feeling.

His aura slowly returned to normal as seemed to be mimicking his body and slowly returning to the beautiful day that it had been in the area. The crimson eyed warrior wondered how many people's attention had they caught because those were both extremely high leveled techniques and surely that would bring enemies into this area. That wouldn't be good if they were found in this state because neither of them were in fighting shape at this point and he had failed to protect his friend once and it would break his will if he failed twice in the same day.

The young warrior rolled onto his back and heard his friend ask him if he was alright and he replied slowly panting trying to catch his breath, "I... I think I'll live... But... you do know that we... we should probably... leave... leave this area soon... the... the kind of... of power we dis-... displayed will attract unwanted attention..." The Sanguine Angel struggled to slowly get to his feet and looked at his friend with a disheartened face, "I'm sorry you had to suffer through that Kaji. I can't imagine how painful that must have been for you and it's my fault. I can't possibly think of leading a nation if I can't even keep my closest friend safe, I swear I won't let you endure anything like that alone again. And... thank you. You did a magnificent job buying me time to execute the attack. I would've failed had you not been here." He bowed deeply to his friend as a gesture of remorse and thanks.

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-18-2009, 05:11 AM

The changing eyes watched as the Sanguine Angel sink to the ground on all fours. Immediately Kaji turned and took a few steps towards Aries and pausing only once for a few moments, as the movements caused pain to shot through his entire being, before simply pushing the pain to the back of his mind and going to the man's side. The archer too wondered exactly what sort of crowd the two attacks would cause to flock to the area, though he knew that in both of their conditions it was best not to find out.

As he heard his friend's panted answer he was relieved to know that the magma elementalist would be alright, though he seemed more tired than anything at the moment. "I'm relieved to hear that you'll live. I agree too that we should leave the area. You look like you wouldn't be able to go another round, and I more than likely look no better. If someone does come you and I may very well be in a bit of trouble if they're hostile" he said quietly with a calm and slightly tired smile.

He went to try and assist his friend up, but his body protested loud enough to prevent him from doing such. By the time he had pushed back the pain once more the crimson eyed man had already managed to stand. At the man's apology for him getting hurt, Kaji gently shook his head and smiled. "It's alright my friend. As we've both said it's a war and since we're soldiers we're bound to get hurt eventually, so do not blame yourself. After all I'm not fragile, and I wasn't alone you were here the entire time" he said playfully as he tried to cheer the man up. He truly didn't want Aries to blame himself for it, after all the usually golden eyed man had known that he would more or less be injured in some way.

"And it was my pleasure to cover you. If you hadn't been here though I'm sure more than likely I'd be worse off than I am now. After all I doubt that either one of those water elementalists will surface for a while, at least not until the magma cools down at any rate. The time that was bought was well worth it. The attack you executed was brilliant, although it appears to have a bit of an energy draining effect on you. You're more than welcome to lean on me for awhile. I believe I saw an area a little ways back the way we had come" he said calmly offering his shoulder for the crimson eyed man to throw his arm around if he needed it. He had seen an area a fair distance from the border they were currently at that seemed to hold a sort of deep looking cave that he believed the two of them could probably make it to before either collapsed completely.

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Marsyas is offline
Old 12-18-2009, 06:06 AM

Grateful for having a friend like Kaji the crimson eyed warrior tossed his arm over his shoulder and then thought about his words. He hoped he hadn't offended his comrade in anyway he didn't want him to think that he thought that he was fragile ((Love the word play lol)). He was more than confident in his partner's abilities after he could sense the power in Kaji and understood the way he thought and the man was a genius if not the closest thing to one at least. But he had to quit thinking like that pessimism wasn't going to get them anywhere so he banished the thoughts and smiled the smile only for his friend as they began to leave the area. As they left he looked back at the lava sitting on the surface of the lake and it brought a smile to his face. They would have to let the magma harden into rock then freeze it over and break it to open the lake once more. That would definitely take a bit of time...

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 12-18-2009, 06:36 AM

(Lol indeed, the word play is rather fun. XD)

As Aries accepted Kaji's offer in letting him lean on the archer, the said archer maneuvered so that both men would be comfortable, but still have some of the weight of the Sanguine Angel rest on him so that it would be easier on the said man's tired body. The current position resembled that of how a comrade in the army would assist another comrade in walking, but not dragging the magma elementalist. The fire elementalist knew that for the meantime he'd be able to handle it. The afterglow of power still resignated within the multi colored eyed man's body causing it to be warmer than usual to the touch, though not uncomfortably so. Rather it resembled the comfortable warmth one would get from sitting by the fire.

The fire elementalist was careful about the speed at which they walked. He made sure that it was whatever pace was comfortable for the tired man that he was supporting. He too couldn't help but glance over his shoulder towards the lake that was covered and magma and have a calm, but rather proud smile of the work his friend had done. The crimson eyed man was truly a power to be reckoned with. That combined with his superior intellect was something that the archer was sure would make Aries an excellent ruler. He was very proud and honored to have a friend like the magma elementalist. After a few more moments he turned his gaze back at the path ahead so as not to do something foolish such as running into a tree. He had no desire to have his friend think him blind from either pain or injuries at the moment and cause him more worries and guilt; after all he could see just fine at the moment.

As they walked he took a few glances over towards his friend. He had noticed before the current smile on Aries's face he had appeared to be in a bit of thought. He had hoped that he hadn't given a sort of wrong message with his playfulness with words. He didn't believe that the Sanguine Angel believed him to be fragile, it was merely something he said to try and convey to his friend not to worry about the injuries. "Just to clarify things I don't think that you think I'm fragile, so don't let that worry you my friend if it did or does alright?" he said calmly with a smile that he only used with his friend to show the sincerity of his words.


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