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aimeeko is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 03:29 AM

I can't remeber the dream, but, I woke up very fast this morning so it was a very exciting one. I never seem to be able to remeber my dreams. I wish I could, that would be so much fun.

Angelz is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 03:40 PM

I dreamt that I went to the fair and there was this bowling game and then I was in chocolate world ><
Then I woke up a bit and then dreamt that was in school and this guy was staring at me weird O.o
The there was this fire place and a person was reading a story to me but instead of a 'bedtime' story that makes you sleep, it was like a 'wake-up' story that made me wake up >.<

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MizumiO is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 05:28 PM

My dream was so horrible. But sadly I can't repeat it for it's plain wierdness. And scariness.

\ (•◡•) /
Thunder is offline
Old 12-31-2009, 06:05 PM

I had a dream that these huge submarines from outer space were landing. Aliens that looked exactly like humans were getting out and killing everyone. You couldn't trust anyone, because the aliens looked and acted just like humans.

It sounds kind of funny written like that, but it was actually really sad.

Roxxi Shiagami
Roxxi Shiagami is offline
Old 01-01-2010, 01:34 AM

@Vanidar That sounds like a really interesting dream.

Lately, I've been dreaming that I was pregnant even though I don't have a bf.

Water Fairy Clione
Water Fairy Clione is offline
Old 01-01-2010, 03:47 AM

I slept very uncomfortable last night, not only did I sleep on the ground at my friends place, it was only for like 2 hours or so and they kept on talking and woke me up like every 15 minutes or so. So I didn't even get to have a dream, not good for the New Year. >_<

Agent HEY-LEE is offline
Old 01-01-2010, 06:08 PM

In the one right before I woke up my mom was sneaking me into the house trying to hide me from her boyfriend. Which worked very well until he headed toward the bedroom. My mom shoved me into the bathroom and came in too but the door was caught on something. Well he ended up seeing me and he was pissed. Like, about to literally kill me pissed. And.. you know how things change? Like people shifting to someone else, rooms changing..? Well, the bathroom was a mix of a bathroom and a kitchen suddenly. Anyways so he sat down in a chair, trying to calm himself and I threw a chair or a stool or something at him and he lunged at me. I don't remember exactly how we were fighting but I know I was thinking of things like how to blow the place up. And he was just about to kill me, or seriously injure me, when I woke up. My heart was racing so bad. I don't know if you could call it a night terror though. I think my grandma talking might have also woke me up.

sweet windmelody
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sweet windmelody is offline
Old 01-01-2010, 08:56 PM

I dreamed that me and my friend are eating noodles in a resturant that's decorated with mistletoes on the wall. Then my other friend came over to our table and start eating noodles with us. O.o That dream is very very werid since my friend don't like to eat noodles much.

On Semi-Hiatus
LaVida is offline
Old 01-01-2010, 11:37 PM

BEFORE I POST: omg, wow! I think I typed more than I did for the fashion project I was supposed to be doing OAO!!!!

well, I dreamed of an alternate world that you can get to with this key. But the thing is, this key does not fit into a door, or a lock, or anything really. It actually is used as a....connector? because to get to the other world, you have to tap the key to a part of this metal window during a lightening storm. If there isn't a lightening storm, you tap the key at the same place 2 times and clouds will start forming the first time you tap it, the second time you tap it it starts to rain, and then the 3rd time you tap it, lightening strikes, and you find yourself sitting on the floor of a witch's house (I swear the dream was like a version of Baba Yaga).

So, the dream basically started with me and my little brother (I actually don't have any siblings in real life) playing around in the attic of a new house we moved to with our mother (surprisingly there's no father in my dream ._.) we couldn't go out or do anything much because it was raining really badly and there was a lot of lightening. I found this old silver key that looked both ordinary and yet exotic. We tried to look for the lock that would fit the key. There wasn't much things around the house so we tried to fit the key in all that we could try it on. We searched everywhere and eventually we got tired of it and we ended up in the attic again. We sat down in front of this large metal window in the attic that overlooks the front yard and we just looked at the rain. Then my brother started playing with the key by swinging it on his finger. The key suddenly hits the metal window frame and a bolt of lightening seemed to shoot into the frame and onto the key and we felt the shock. At that time, we were sitting really close together, almost completely leaning on each other because of the boredom. The shock that was transfered to my brother was transferred to me and we were both suddenly sitting in a musty room made of weird, soggy wood. Then this old lady came in (grrr, that old witch *_*) and was really nice and sweet to us and asked if we were lost. She gave us rooms in her house to sleep in for the night and told us that she'll bring us home in the morning. Now that I think about it, all the places the witch showed us didn't have a single window and the insides of her house where made up entirely of wood. We asked if we could stay together in one room and she got all riled up and we got a big lecture on how it is improper to have boys and girls in the same room. So, since we didn't have much choice, we went to our separate rooms.

The next day, I woke up and smelled food and I followed the smell to the kitchen. I found the old lady cooking up food (in a cauldron o.o). I asked her where my brother was and she said I was the only one she saw and that she said that I didn't have a brother. and we argued about that for a while until the food was cooked. The old lady said that today there was no transportation down the hill and I asked "what hill" and then she said "look out the window". Then I noticed this big window on top of the sink. I peeked over it and found out that the house was on this REALLY REALLY tall and steep rock hill. Then the old lady said that I was free to roam and explore her house until transportation arrived. So, that's what I did. I looked everywhere for my brother, but it was like a maze and I kept getting lost. But from exploring the house, I found a room that was almost like the attic that me and my brother came from. Except, this one did not have any windows, all it had was this double-sided puzzle that was missing a piece and a pile of ashes. The puzzle had pictures of jungles and rivers while the side that was facing down had the picture of the witch's attic and a weird wooden doll. Then I went to check out the pile of ashes. It felt really creepy because I found these little pieces of broken bones. But in the middle of all that was the missing puzzle piece. As soon as I picked up the puzzle piece, a ghost of a girl floated up from the ashes and pointed towards the puzzle. I was so creeped out that I ran out of the attic with the puzzle in my hand.

I then felt really hungry and smelled delicious food again and followed the smell to the kitchen. As I reached the kitchen, I heard this guy talking to the witch. He was like her servant/son kind of thing because he said "Mother, I don't want to do this anymore, look at that poor boy!" and the witch goes like "nonsense, the younger they are the more delicious they will be and the younger and more beautiful I will be. That's why I'm eating the younger one first!" I peeked into the kitchen and saw my brother covered in this semi-transparent plastic-wrap looking material and he looked like he was still asleep. Now I was really freaked out and didn't know what to do. "There, now all we have to do is wait for the soup to boil and then we can dump the kid in. I'm going to go check on my precious pets and you're going to get some food for them. A few fingers from that girl should do it." Then they both walked out of this back door behind the stove.

I quickly went to my brother and ripped the sticky wrap from him. Immediately, he woke up, but he was really drowsy and all his words were slurred. I had to carry him from the kitchen and the next thing I knew, we were walking towards the attic-like room. The ghost girl was still there, but somehow I wasn't as freaked out as before. Maybe the fact that the girl could have been one of the witch's victims kind of dimmed the fright. The girl once again pointed at the puzzle and this time I put the missing piece in. The picture sort of glowed for a second, but it was more like a rippled glow than a shining glow. Then the girl pointed at my brother's pocket and pointed at the puzzle. I looked in my brother's pocket and found the key that took us here and I tapped the key to the puzzle. Suddenly we were back in the attic of our house, in front of the big metal window. The key was on the ground and my brother was asleep.

That's when I heard the phone ring in real life. I kind of dozed in and out for a few seconds and then I was back in the dream, except a few years already passed and I found out that when we got back to the attic I tried to wake my brother up, but he wouldn't wake up - he fell into a coma said the doctors - and he never woke up again. But, in his sleep, he kept on talking about how the window teleported us into another world and it was so vivid that my mother wanted to try it out. He even mentioned the key that we found. I tried to pursued my mother not to go, but she wouldn't listen. The day that my mother wanted to go, it was a very nice and sunny day. We went up to the attic with me still trying to get her to stop and my mother kneeled down and tapped the key to the frame once. I noticed the clouds forming, but she didn't. She asked me if it was the right place to tap and I said I don't know because I wasn't the one that taped the key. Then she tapped it again on the window sill and it started to rain. and she asked "did it rain when you guys tapped it?" and then she was about to tap it again so I grabbed onto her arm - I didn't want her to go into that witch's house alone. She tapped it a third time and a bright light like a lightening flash struck and shocked us.

That's when I woke up XP

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Old 01-02-2010, 05:07 PM

Well my dream was very vivid;

I "woke up" in the snow outside of an unfamiliar house, freezing wearing what i fell asleep in. A t-shirt and shorts. We decided to go ask the people in the house for some blankets, we knocked on the door but nobody answered, we went around to all the windows calling out hellos? and is anyone theres?. Nobody answered but there was a car in the driveway. Me and my idiot friend decided to go check to see if it was unlocked, i'm sure they'd understand that it's 20 below and we need some warmth. Not only was the car open but the keys were in the ignition, (the truck kinda looked like bella's don't ask why i don't even like twilight. >.>)

SO we decided to turn the truck on, get some heat circulating you know? Then eveything shifted like i was at home in bed again, so i sat up thinking i was awake. I was in my bed but it wasn't my room, it kept changing and then i got that weird feeling that you get when you feel like your falling and i woke up.

My dreams never make any sense. ):

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hillary84 is offline
Old 01-02-2010, 07:41 PM

I dreamed my dog ran away. It made me really sad because ,in the dream no one would help me find her. I woke up crying and then couldn't get back to sleep.

\ (•◡•) /
Synthetika is offline
Old 01-02-2010, 09:24 PM

for once i remember a small portion of my dream! its amazing O_o

all I remember is me and my boyfriend were driving around the desert and then all of a sudden we were walking on the sidewalk in my hometown (this is a recurring area in some of my dreams) and we walked about 3 blocks and crossed this gravel lot to a motel we walked through the front and a guy asked us "Can I help you with anything?" I just replied no and we walked past the desk and to this hallway we walked down it and there was an older couple (about 50) dancing in the hall to johnny cash we just squeezed past them and went into a room, but i forgot my bad (which i never had) and went back past the couple and grabbed it when i turned around they were taking up the hallway so i asked to get past but they said nothing so i just pushed them into the wall and went to the room and then i pulled out a gift card and started to hand it to my boyfriend and then i woke up lol


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