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Marsuveus is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 05:27 AM

Before I get to the story, I would like to set out a couple rules. I think somewhere around 10 will be good.

1) No Godmolding. This means that your character is completely unbeatable. ("Jimmy Dean entered a frenzy, killing every zombie in the room with nothing but a pair of toenail clippers, an old diaper, and a roll of duct tape." Or "The Generic Bad Guy stabbed Fred in the chest, but the knife could not pierce the three layers of polo shirts he was wearing.")

2) I don't mind if you post one or two sentences per post, as long as you post at least a paragraph often. I understand that sometimes, there's just not much to say.

3) If I see shorthand or txtlng (how R U? wazzap! whure U @?! go 2 mall) I swear to god, I'll strangle you while you're on the toilet.

5) Please use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling to the best of your ability.

6) Do not notice I skipped rule 4.

7) Do not smile about it.

8) Also, do not be overly offensive.

I do not mind if you join mid-story, just PM me your application, and find a creative way to join. Don't just randomly appear next to someone like you've been there the whole time. I'll give a few suggestions if you can't decide.

This RP is in the future, so creative weaponry is acceptable, such as laser guns, beam swords, the like. Just no copying my shiet >8(


Skill: (up to two skills. Skills are things like, medic, mechanic, computer genius etc.)
Bio: (A short description of your past, how you ended up here, where you came from and so on. About a paragraph is fine.)
I Almost Forgot!: (just anything else that doesn't fit the above)

Last edited by Marsuveus; 01-17-2010 at 07:45 PM..

Marsuveus is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 02:17 AM

"This town is all we've got and we know it ain't a lot
First chance we get we're gonna get out
The streets are cold and the skies are grey people hanging on day by day
First chance we get we're gonna break out
We're in the city
The city of the dead"

It is 65 years in the future, and a terrible thing has happened. The world has been overrun by the living dead, but that's not all. Everything has changed for the worst. Not only have the dead been reanimated, but the very laws of physics have changed. Water flows up, small chunks of land have risen right out of the ground, creating floating islands. There is no rhyme or reason to the changes, and nobody seems to know how it was caused. The ghouls are everywhere, they have completely over taken every city, every corner of the globe, no where is safe. Once great cities are now nothing but crumbling memories of the glory that they used to possess. The oceans have mostly dried up. The planet is dead.

There are however, small pockets of life, sad attempts of the humans to stay alive in the horror, to restore some kind of order in this strange, strange new world. The largest and most powerful of these colonies is atop of a large, floating island that used to be a part of New York. This is not where our story takes place. Instead, we will be following the lives of twelve people in one of the smallest, weakest Colonies. Welcome to Box, a colony of about 200 people in what used to be a little town in Canada. I hope you live long enough to learn what happened here.

Last edited by Marsuveus; 01-17-2010 at 07:26 PM..

Marsuveus is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 02:43 AM

Name: Marsuveus J. Black
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Skills: Mechanic, Tech whiz
Description: Marsuveus is about 6'3'' wears black jeans, black cowboy boots with silver spurs, a white T-shirt, a black duster, a black cowboy hat and an elbow pad on his right elbow. Marsuveus has shoulder length jet black hair, and bright blue eyes.
Equipment: hand held welding torch, screwdriver, wrench, pliers, and a guitar that was modified to act as a weapon.
Bio: Marsuveus has spent his life on the run, scavenging for whatever he could find to survive. He learned everything he knows about machines and technology from a drifter that he stayed with for a few years. Mars stumbled across Box accidentally one time after a few weeks out in the wasteland alone. He modified his beloved guitar to send out electromagnetic pulses when the special, 7th string is strummed. These pulses are strong enough to destroy the rotting flesh of the zombies, and fry anything electric.
I Almost Forgot!: You can call him Mars for short, and do NOT touch his guitar.

Last edited by Marsuveus; 01-14-2010 at 02:06 AM..

Ah, yes, it's the crazy one... a...
LunarShinobi is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 04:59 AM

Name: Vivian M. Grey
Age: 18 (when she was alive)
Gender: female
Skill: Medic, Hacker
Description: 5'2", Vivian is short, with pale blonde hair cut in a short bob, with pale blue eyes. Her skin extremely pale, but splotched with several bruises. She has one large scar under her right eye.
Equipment: Vivian has an surprisingly well kept medic kit that she guards with her (un?) life. She also carries around a laptop.
Bio: Vivian was once a nurse in a traveling convoy of surviving humans. Vivian had been working furiously on a vaccine against turning undead. She figured that it could prevent bite victims from turning into the living dead. She had created a test serum, but didn't have time to test it. The next day, the convoy was attacked by a swarm of the undead. Vivian had been caught had bitten, but was saved from death by daybreak. Desperate to fend off the disease, she used the serum, jamming it into her arm. It didn't work. Vivian died, and came back, but the serum did have some effect. Vivian kept her mental faculties, she was still the sweet, calm, innocent young woman she had always been, with no desire to attack the living. She managed to make it to Box, and managed to convince them that she was safe. She's continued her work on the serum, trying to improve it, but the work is slow.
I Almost Forgot!: Do not EVER call Vivian a zombie. She was born in America, and she is an Undead American. Calling her a zombie is a great way to get a needle jammed into your leg.

Marsuveus is offline
Old 01-15-2010, 04:30 AM

Late Joiners

Username: Bite
Name: Natalia
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Skill: Augur (psychic), trained fighting machine

Description: Natalia is a tall, lean girl with jet black hair in choppy layers that fall down in an angled bob. She has bright green eyes, alabaster skin, and is a girl of few words.
She dresses in a white camisole with slate grey jeans and black combat boots. Natalia persistently wears three necklaces of significant importance; one from her late mother, one from her twin brother Nathan, and one from a lover whose whereabouts are unknown.
She always carries a knife in the sole of each boot for purposes of protection.

1.) The knives, which she addresses as "The twins;" representative of her and Nathan.

2.)Her deadly combat techniques.

Bio: Natalia's father is unknown, and she had lived with her mother and brother for most of her life. She and Nathan were inseparably close, and they were both deemed as "gifted."
Natalia was enlisted with the CIA at the age of 13, once knowledge of her outstanding ability to sense future events got out. There, she was taken away from her mother and Nathan, and was sent to live with other special children like herself.
She was trained from ages 13 to 19 to become one of the military's strongest weapons, and during that time became known as Project Prophecy.
Natalia is a killing machine when triggered, and when the outbreak of the living dead came to her in her visions, she fled the CIA's facilities to find her brother and reunite with him.
Username: XxEmber_MIstxX
Name: Rosaleen (Rose) Hacksaw
Age: 19
Gender: female
Skill: Electrician/Hologram specialist.
Description: Rosaleen has long shoulder length honey blond hair, and brown eyes. She dresses sort of punkish, baggy pants, and tight t-shirts, with a red trench coat that has one sleeve and black strips of leather across the back, inside holds her weapons. On her left wrist is a bandage which covers up a tattoo she gave herself recently which is still healing. She wears either combat boots or knee high boots with a skirt. and a pair of black gloves that only have fingers on the pointer finger and thumb.
Equipment: She keeps an energy blade attached to a strap on her pants/shorts/skirt. It runs on Electromagnetic fields that are produced by tiny little atom membranes that are inside the fingers of her gloves. She also keeps an old Lazer gun which was discontinued by the military due to faulty workings, but she fixed it to work perfectly.
Bio: Rosaleen was in the military from the age of 18 until it was recently disbanded due to everyone being dead. She has been searching for survivors. She was in a Hovercraft explosion and doesn't remember anything about her past except her name, age and likes/dislikes.
Username: piptik
Name: Ninde Small
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Skill: Mechanics and Navigation
Description: Long brown hair and eyes. She often dons a trench coat, blue skirt, white tank top, strange gloves, and medieval style shins guards and boots.
Equipment: First aid kit, compass, some food rations, a chainsaw strapped on to an old Browning(Just so you know, a browning is an old fashion gun they used in WW2. It's basically a heavy duty machine gun) (Heheheh) and a dagger.
Bio: Born and raised in a incredibly disciplined family, Ninde was always the black sheep. She was (and still is) strong and capable but she never was into the idea of self discipline and hard work. She was always laid back and sort of lazy. She never worked hard on something she didn't think was worth her time. Her entire family was eaten by zombies. She alone escaped. Ever since then she has been wondering around aimlessly, just trying to survive by raiding grocery and weapon stores for food, clothes, and ammunition. Ninde came upon Box after 3 weeks of living alone and struggling to cross the Alaskan border into Canada. She keeps planning to leave Box but never does.
I Almost Forgot!: Here's a pic ^^
Username: Little Miss
Name: Nymph (Like it? She made up her name herself)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Skill: Mechanic, 1x1 combat
Description: 5'3, pale skin and short boy-cut dark brown hair. Deer-like hazel eyes and overall skinny. Normally wears camo military pants tied on with a belt and a stained cami, old running boots.
Equipment: pocket gun, machine gun, and any mele item off the ground.
Bio: Nymph was born into a colony which was more like a cult. There were so many children that the adults didn't name them, so everyone got to make up their own. Nymph, likes to be called "Nym" fled about at age 13 in search of adventure and to kill off some zombies. She trained for a couple of years with some of new friends she made. But of course, they all died, leaving Nym to travel on her own to find new people to hang out with.
I Almost Forgot!: She's very energetic and normally doesn't think twice about things. Nor does she take a lot of things seriously, it's like she thinks this life is all one big fun game.

Last edited by Iro; 01-25-2010 at 02:53 PM..

Marsuveus is offline
Old 01-16-2010, 11:46 PM

Marsuveus sat on the edge of the island that Box was built atop of, looking down at the ruined city. The sky was overcast, and the smell of rain filled the air. He wondered to himself how this could have happened, what the world was like before it happened, if he could ever walk the streets without fear of being mauled to death by bloodthirsty undead.
A slight breeze picked up, blowing Mars' hair a little. The island Box was built on was about 100 or so feet above the ground. One gains access to Box by a synthetic material rope ladder. The ladder however, is surrounded by a small room that is locked with a simple, yet sturdy lock designed to keep out curious ghouls.
Mars stood up, took one last glance at the abandoned city, and headed towards the nearest bar he could find. He needed a drink.

Ah, yes, it's the crazy one... a...
LunarShinobi is offline
Old 01-17-2010, 05:51 AM

She was very happy she no longer had the capability to get a cold. IT was chilly, and she had been outside the entire time when it was raining. She was currently completely soaked. Vivian paused as she walked down the road, pulling off her shoe and emptying it of water. The only things not soaked were her laptop and medkit, both packed in water tight bags. Vivian sighed, putting her shoe back on and removing the other. Most everyone was inside, still avoiding the wet. It was quiet, something rare and hard to find in those days. Especially with all the undead running around on the earth below. Vivian wished she could use her serum to help those already dead, it seemed once the disease had fully spread, there was no going back. Vivian as lucky, really lucky.
Er, not really, it seemed. Vivian tripped over her own feet, barely catching her fall. "Thank goodness for increased reflexes." She murmured, standing up. "Not like I could get any wetter, hmm?"

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Bite is offline
Old 01-21-2010, 04:16 AM

As Natalia's footsteps resonated across the empty highway she had been crossing for the past three hours, she thought of her brother. How his face would light up every time she saw him; the amazed look he'd give her when she had predicted something.. and most importantly, the day she had left for the agency.
Nathan had given her a deep purple braided leather necklace which he had crafted himself, which was interwoven with marble-sized black beads. He cried when he had handed over the little thing, and had said "'Till next time, sis."

She was carrying a slightly-filled gas container which she had been using to carry the siphoned gasoline she was draining from the rusted vehicles on the highway. As she bent down to unscrew the gas cap of an old blue Chevy, she heard a low hum.
Natalia set the container down. As she stood up, she began to slide the knives within her heels out. Spinning them into her wrists, handles forward, she waited for another sound in the deathly quiet street..

Picking up the container, Natalia picked up to a sprint in the opposite direction, glancing over her shoulder every so often.
She needed to find shelter, and she needed to find it now.

piptik is offline
Old 01-22-2010, 03:30 AM

Ninde, fresh from a zombie killing spree (She prefers to call it 'target practice though =p), was sprinting in no specific direction as a way to get rid of the access adrenaline. She like the feel of it rushing through her veins and spilling across her arms and legs, but she didn't want to be kicked out of Box for going crazy. Just as the last rush of power started to ebb away from her body, she smacked into Marsuveus, knocking both of them towards the ground. Ninde managed to save herself from a hard fall by using Marsuveus as a pillow.
"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Oh my God!" exclaimed Ninde as she grabbed his arm and tried to pull him up.

Marsuveus is offline
Old 01-22-2010, 05:01 AM

Marsuveus hit the ground with a thud. For a second, he had no idea what was going on, the only thing he was aware of was a small body hitting his. Reflexively, he reached for his guitar, but when he heard the voice, he realized he was not just tackled by a zombie.
He accepted her hand and stood up, "Ah! I am fine, I apologize, I should have watched where I was going."
Mars got a good look at the girl for the first time. "Well then, you look a little young. My name is Marsuveus, but you can call me Mars. What's yours?" He held his hand out.

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Kyrako is offline
Old 01-22-2010, 06:29 AM

Name:Candice Spreen
Skill: medical
Description: 5"9" black girl with purple hair (i died it), i wear a white camisole with a broken heart in the center, black hoodie, black leather jacket, and dark blue jeans with dark tennis shoes (it helps me blend into the shadows of alleyways so the zombies cant se me to well.
Equipment:a first aid kit i found in an old hospital, a can of pepper spray, a metal bat, a pocket knife, butchers knife, and machete, and a snipers riffle i found in some abandoned gun store
Bio: i used to live in an old abandoned farmhouse with my family when i was fifteen. we hid out there until a small band of survivors showed up at our door step. we welcomed them in and they told us of base being built to the north of us, so we agreed to go with them. half way there were attacked buy a small horde of zombies. the creatures killed my mother but my father, brother, and I were able to escape, but we were separated from our fellow survivors, traveling alone we were attacked again by a group of rouges, i manage to escape but my father and brother were left behind. I don't know what has become of either of them...

Last edited by Kyrako; 01-22-2010 at 06:33 AM..

piptik is offline
Old 01-22-2010, 06:30 AM

The corners of Ninde's mouth twitched down into a frown at being called young. "Don't worry, he's not trying to be rude," she though to herself. Grabbing Mars's hand in a firm handshake she replied, "Ninde. Nice to meet you. Cool name by the way." She grinned before noticing his guitar. "Do you play?" she asked, gesturing at the instrument.

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Old 01-22-2010, 06:33 AM

I was walking through a back ally trying to find food. Luck! I found an old food store their were rows of contained food my parents called "canned goods" or "non-perishables." I even found some old chocolates. I had had them once before and they were a delight! I made sure to stock up on all i could carry, food, chocolates, the "paper plates," heating pots for food cooking. i even found extra fire starters and a "pop-tent." this place was a gold mine i found all i needed and more! after i stalked up on what i needed and could carry i left the building to find shelter for the night. i managed to gain a kart and suited it for "quiet" travel. as i continued hoping not to be spotted by the monsters, i heard foot steps coming from around the corner. i ducked in to the ally next to me and looked. it was a person in a long coat. i did not see them being followed by anything so i followed the stranger. when suddenly they tripped over a man. but he reached out for his strange weapon but quickly realized she was not a zombie, then he introduced himself but as they were making there introductions, 8 of the creatures had shown up. i pulled out my riffle and fired at the zombies before they could reach the two. then i shouted "hey you two get to cover!" i managed to take out three before i moved from their sight, and watch the other twos backs as they...

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-22-2010, 09:03 AM

Rosaleen woke up from the back of the food store she had been sleeping in lately. She thought she heard something in the front room, where all the food was. She grabbed her sword and pressed her gloves into the groves to cause the blade to pop out then slowly walked in. I watched someone leave and followed them. Could it be? Survivors? she asked herself running up to a group of them, although they were soon to be dead. I turned off my blade and pulled out my lazer and shot a few zombies down.

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Old 01-22-2010, 09:27 PM

It was dusk, and Natalia was still searching for a suitable place to rest and nourish her aching stomach.
She was entering a town.. one that was long ago left in ruins. Upon walking down one of the main streets, she saw a large food store.

"Water is vital.. food after that." she thought to herself.

Walking up to the mart, she stepped on a mat and the large glass doors slid open with a "Ssshri-clunk."
Stepping inside, Natalia veered off to the left aisles to search though anything that hadn't given in to spoilage or rot.
Hearing a shuffle, she dropped to the floor and crouched against the shelves.
Looking between the cans, she saw a girl with honey blonde hair and brown eyes walk out of the front doors and shoot at some figures in the distance with a small laser gun in her hands.

"Time to decide," Natalia said in a low voice, sliding The Twins out of her heels and getting up.
She crept back to the front of the store, then sped up to a sprinting jump as she tackled the girl and held the blades against her slender jawline.

"Who are you." Natalia whispered in her ear.

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Ember Mist is offline
Old 01-22-2010, 09:44 PM

"Sergeant Hacksaw, I mean Rosaleen Hacksaw, could you please get that blade away from my jugular?" She asked, introducing herself as she would have if she was still in the army. Old habits die hard. She tried to reach her blade, but couldn't quite reach it with this stranger on top of her. "And might I ask who you are?"

Marsuveus is offline
Old 01-23-2010, 01:52 AM

( I didn't accept Kyrako :< )

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Ember Mist is offline
Old 01-23-2010, 02:20 AM

((Oh okay, never mind my post then.))

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Bite is offline
Old 01-23-2010, 05:16 AM

Releasing her grip on the girl, Natalia stood up and relaxed her muscles with a small shake.
"I apologize, Sergeant." she said, staring at Rosalie like she was a steak. "And.. it is Natalia."

She was still in a wary stance when she suddenly dropped into a blank stare, and rushed back inside.
She came out with her gas canister and a makeshift satchel filled with odds and ends from the dilapidated grocery store.

"You would like food, no?"

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Ember Mist is offline
Old 01-23-2010, 06:17 AM

((Wait, who isn't accepted? I'm confused!))

piptik is offline
Old 01-23-2010, 06:06 PM

Suddenly, growls erupted from out of nowhere. Ninde, thinking that the noise was coming from a horde of the undead, started to reach towards her Chainsaw-Browining (How about I call it Mr. Happy from now on? XD) but only stopped when she realized that it was her stomach that was growling.
"Um," Ninde blushed deeply while rubbing the back of her neck, "do you know where a bar is? Or a restaurant? Or even a pub?" Ninde had just read about pubs from an old encyclopedia and they sounded fun to her.

Little Miss
Queen of all things Yellow
Little Miss is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 04:58 AM

Nym didn't exactly know how to tell herself that she was lost among the floating islands above the surface. Her large gun and a random piece of wood were strapped to her back for easy carrying. Her hazel-grey eyes were covered by her now wind-swept short hair. It was chilly, and thick clouds covered everywhere. Nym pouted, she liked it when the sun shone for a slight moment. Still, she would have to persist if she were to get anywhere safe to sleep tonight.
Pulling her luggage over her shoulder again she started to climb on top of each rock and island. Actually her pack of luggage consisted more then just her carry-on weapons. It also held a vintage camera (more then a hundred years old, actually), an old patched up teddy bear, and hard candy. For Nym, this was all that was needed.
Something came into view, a building of sorts. Shelter, she hoped someone lived there. Nym hadn't talked to anyone in over a few months and her sanity was on the brink. As she crept toward the building, wary of the undead, she finally reached what seemed like doors. Of course they weren't "welcoming" doors, more like hidden windows you could escape in and out of. Crawling in, it seemed like the hole was getting smaller in smaller. Perhaps she was actually in a vent. Of course, even with her skinniness, a vent wouldn't hold her for long.

Down Nym fell, screeching a bit until she landed right on top of a young girl, knocking both of them onto the floor.

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Bite is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by XxEmber_MIstxX View Post
((Wait, who isn't accepted? I'm confused!))
Kyrako, silly :)
Now write some more! I is excited.

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Ember Mist is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 06:26 AM

"Yeah that would be nice." She said standing up and wiping the dust from her jacket, She licked her lip and tasted blood. Great. She muttered to herself then followed Natalia but stopped as she came back outside. "Perhaps it would be best, if we found a safe place to eat first." She said picking up her gun and rubbing the dirt off.

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Bite is offline
Old 01-24-2010, 06:37 AM

Rummaging through her bag with her left hand, she pulled out a decades-old can of peaches and handed it to Rosalie.
Shrugging in an effort to please, Natalia stood there with staring eyes.
It was one of the few things that hadn't gone stale and disintegrated or rotted.
Then taking a small, folded piece of paper out of her pocket, she held it out in front of the two of them.

Shaking it a little, it fell open from her hand to reveal a yellowed and crumpled map of the cities surrounding them.
She pointed to a large space on the map.

"The Box." Natalia said.
"It is a day's trip. Do you want to join me?"


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