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Old 02-12-2010, 05:17 AM

I think Yumeh has the best story ever. I laughed. I cried. I wanted more.

Quite frankly, Yumeh's story was (if you'll excuse the pun) better than CATS.

Estians is offline
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Old 02-12-2010, 05:47 AM

It made my heart swell then I cried of such a beautiful story he has told <3

mwahhaha is offline
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Old 02-12-2010, 06:09 AM

Wow. **wipes tears and stands in applause** Yumeh! Your story was brilliant. BRAVISIMO!!! ^-^

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Old 02-12-2010, 08:35 AM

oh, wow ♥
maybe i'll take part in this c:

oh, yumeh.
that really is a beautiful story.. ;~;

ToriKat is offline
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Old 02-12-2010, 11:00 AM

@merlow1: You entry has to be posted with the entry form or it cannot be accepted. I'll give you some time to edit your post. :)

I've updated the entries! Thank you guys!

*wipes a tear from Yumeh entry*

Wisdom is offline
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Old 02-12-2010, 03:39 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
User Name Wisdom:
Word Count 243:
Theme The Anti-V day

Looking down at her feet, she grasped forlornly at herself and howled. She slid to the floor in agony, fat tears sliding down slender cheeks, her pain was written clear across her face. Valentines Day was to be a foul day of remembrance and mourning from now til death. Her Smith was gone. Taken before she knew him, but long after she loved him. She looked up at the approaching footsteps, a little relieved when her mother appeared. She took her mother's offered hand, and shuffled miserably out of that God-forsaken place. She went home, brooding and wailing over her beloved boy, and the man responsible for him that she knew she never would see again.
She was right. In two days, it would be Valentines day, the three year anniversary of her sons death. The man she once knew was now states away, and didn't have the courtesy to get in contact. She laughed fondly at that. Shane would never have the courtesy to tie his own shoes, let alone call an old fling. She shook her head, setting herself straight, getting back to stocking the fridge for the mocking days ahead of her. As per usual, she had no intention of stepping one foot out the door to save her life this weekend. Her Valentines day ritual was to hole up in her home and mourn. Because hey, Valentines day was for couples, and Valentines day made her bitter.

Lovers Never Tell
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Old 02-12-2010, 04:43 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Lovers Never Tell
Word Count: 231
Theme: Good Ol' Fashion Love Story
You Claim Me Distant

Peering into my foggy eyes
your brights flicker searching for reflection,
but I can't help but flutter lashes back.
I realize that the void on your face is closing
so I put my foot in and slide down
deposited out into realism.
I interject forgiveness and admittion
that all my concentration is spent
white-knuckling the floor boards
wanting only to be wrapped up in you
and let loose my wings to tickle lower things
but I'm often awe struck and sucked up,
blinded by the need to do so that shines
so clearly though this hazey space
you say I'm lost in when I freeze all
wide-eyed at you.

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Lovers Never Tell
Word Count:
Theme: Anti-
Post Mark When I'm Ready For Good-bye

In awe of better winks
strung out between four bed posts
I drained all that you endeared right here;
right here on your screen. Maybe if the world
could critique this I'd realize what's so vir(al)tuous
about me. I tried searching something else
to blare
-because this has been keyed in
-becausein higher wave lengths your monitor
-becausecouldn't process. Wrong programming,
-becauseI guess.
-because these half sane ramblings are
-becausestone age talk. Yes, this is sublime
-becausethat's why there's got to be a virus
-becauseand I tried to de-scramble,
-becausebut you pass coded it.
-because this is all I can write about;
-becausesome zero being my hero. If only
-becauseI could divide and recharge
-becausebut there's nothing worth less
-becausethan these scraps
and it's all I can write about!

These variances are jolting, splitting, kicking
back greens and leaving Hell with the bill.
I uploaded an empire watching you wash it out
brimming over in laughter; yeah, I bet it's funny now.
Electrical impulses can't beat this heart right
and all I can think of are those damn sheets

and you
andstrung out
andpinning me
under four limbs yearning to be so endearing.
It was one of your finer moments and maybe
we got sidetracked by the screens' white noise
or something about editing the scene.
or somethinI loved you once.
or something aI loved you.

Last edited by Lovers Never Tell; 02-12-2010 at 04:47 PM..

red rose
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Old 02-12-2010, 05:32 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Red rose:
Word Count:264:
Theme:Good ol' Fashioned Love Story
[u]Entry:The raven and the dove

the raven and the dove
a much forbidden love
black and white
so wrong and yet so right
a day that started with flying
soon ended with crying
as the dove took to flight
she was given such a fright
before she could see
and before she could flee
a net came around her
and it was all such a blur
the raven who was far away
could do nothing to stop the fray
his precious dove in a trap
still so far away, such a gap
trapped she was soon out of sight
the one thing that gave the raven delight
was gone so the raven decided to give chase
he kept up such a fast pace
until finally he found his dove
his one and only love
trapped in a cage
he was filled with such rage
he set to work trying to set her free
and it was almost not ment to be
for her trapper came
but of course there love could not be tame
with a final blow of the beak
the lock became weak
it broke and the dove flew out
the trapper gave a shout
but he could do nothing now
it seemed he wanted to say wow
the raven and the doves love so great
the raven had flown into to save her no matter his fate
he decided to let them go
he thought there love couldnt be put on show
the Raven and the dove
a much forbidden love
nothing could stop it
not even the darkest pit
and so there love lived on
for ages even after they were gone/u]:

Last edited by red rose; 02-12-2010 at 05:37 PM..

Method of Vendetta
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Old 02-12-2010, 08:51 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Method of Vendettta
Word Count: 167
Theme:The Tear Jerker

Snow fell on this year's Valentine's Day. I looked out the window, holding a mug filled to the brim with warm tea. I remember the last time you came over. The last time I kissed those thin pink lips of yours. Then you pulled out this mug with a small red heart pendant on a thin silver chain. I didn't want to take it since I knew it would break fairly easily. I knew it would break easily like you. Your veins were as weak as the chain, and your heart was as heavy as the pendant, and the day you went away from this world was the day that it broke. I cried when I broke it, and I cried even harder when I found that your heart stopped beating. I placed the pendant on a stronger chain, and I wear it everyday, but I don't touch the heart. I don't dare touch the pendant that snapped the chain, in fear of breaking it again.

((It's short I know, but I felt like it had a good end. And I dunno if this would be considered Anti-Valentine or not ><; ))

Last edited by Method of Vendetta; 02-12-2010 at 08:58 PM..

RinaRoad is offline
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Old 02-12-2010, 11:29 PM

Originally Posted by sadrain View Post
You doubleposted again, RinaRoad. ^^;
Yeah, sorry about that...again...:sweat:

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Old 02-13-2010, 01:41 AM

Alright, I decided to enter with the first poem. <3 I will probably add more entries later. x3;

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Sadrain
Word Count: 91
Theme: I cant really decide, I think "Good ol' Fashioned Love Story" or "Tear Jerker" or a mix between the two or neither... Dx
call me in the fall
and I will become a bird
who will find the words
for your Pan's pipe tune.

call me in the night
and I will become a star
who will find the way
between your wing fluttering.

call me in the first snow
and I will become a flake
who will find the place
in your scarf's fringes.

call me in the dawn
and I will become a light
who will find the strength
to be in you even in moonless nights.

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Old 02-13-2010, 01:53 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: `Cexlan
Word Count: 42 - Poem
Theme: Celebrate! Happiness, Prosperity, and Health to All!

'I am no Miss Muffet.
I am not snow white.
I need no fancy horseman,
To rescue me tonight.

My shoes are old and dirty,
my face--it is quite plain.
But if you'd like to kiss me,
I will not complain.'

Milady Grimoire Valentine
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Old 02-13-2010, 05:53 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Milady Grimoire Valentine:
word count:731
Theme:The Anti-V-Day(ish):

Valentine’s day.

A day of horror and disgust.

A day of memories in need of repressing.

A day of vile happiness that makes Tyler Sayuri want to gag and vomit.

The short girl with long black hair and bright purple bangs locks herself away in her lonely little abode. Nothing good has happened on Valentine’s day. For starters, as a young teen her parents divorced, the next year her only friend in the world—her beloved cat passed away. The following year Tyler was dumped by a boy she loved deeply.

She fell head over heels for this “Goth” Rocker and nearly one year later, Valentine’s Day—her love leaves. With no explanation, it broke her fragile little heart.

And the following year, her “Mommy Dearest” boots her butt out of the house to live and fend for herself alone.

Tyler does her best to get through life with minimal problems, but that damned day just keeps occurring every year, no matter how many times she blackens the calendar on February 14th.

Today was like any other day, and tomorrow will be as well, but the day after…that will be a day of hell.

The sun sets and rises as does Tyler, moving from her warm confines of her cozy little bed in her dark little room she pulls on a black shirt and a pair of black pants and combat boots. She brushes her hair and curls her bangs under, them brushing just above her bright green eyes.

She forcefully brings herself out into the bright world and makes her way down the street to the small gas station she is employed.

Stocking pop and beer, along with making delicious sandwiches, Tyler works her fingers to the bone. Hate for each one of these red neck drunkards grows more and more until a voice rings her in pierced ears.

His mocking voice sends a chill up her spine as her sweet melodious voice chirps out a contemptuous retort earning a chuckle from her tormenter.

“Good day Arik,” she sings bringing her dark attired self in front of the slightly outdated cash register.

“Good day Ty Ty,” he teases with a grin, “Big plans for tomorrow?” he questions, his blue eyes scanning her green orbs.

Her ruby lips pout out as she shakes her head no, her long black hair waving about.

“You know the answer,” she counters, “Valentine’s Day is for weak minded fools who need to be surrounded by someone they say they love, when it’s all a lie and they’re just using the person to keep them from loneliness.”

The dark haired boy leaves the girl to her work and her day nears to completion as she walks in the chilly winter night to her lonesome apartment where she has a lonely measly meal of Ramen noodles and a can of Pop.

She changes and readies herself for a crap day tomorrow, even though she has the day off; she knows something will go awry. But if she sleeps the day away nothing bad can happen…Right?

She lets the hushed angry music lullaby her to a deep slumber; her dreams are filled with the past memories of this wicked, wicked day. It all attacks her subconscious with loud and violent swirling visions that fill this empty shelled girl with hate and disgust for that “L” word…Love…

As her dreams drift away into a black void of nothingness, an annoyingly loud knocking fills her brain. She groans loudly and rolls from her little bed and makes her groggy way to her front door. She flings it open, her annoyance filling the quickness of her opening door.

There stands that mocking boy Arik, a cheesy grin fills his face as he takes in the black pj’s with skulls Tyler is wearing, and the dishevelment of her long hair.

“Good morning sleepy head!” he greets loudly, “I know you hate Valentine’s Day, and all the past one’s have been crap for you, but I figured you’d like some company. Besides, I don’t feel like being alone either.” He adds.

“You’re right, I hate Valentine’s Day, and I suppose I’ll humor you for the day,” she grins as she lets the silly boy into her small apartment, “You’re lucky you’re you. If you were anyone else, your blood would have been spilt.”

“Aw, I feel the love Tyler. I feel the love.”

I hope you enjoy. I did this quick, I'm not having a great day and writing this sort of helped me release the massive amount of stress that's building up. Forgive the rushed-ness of it, I know it sucks. :(

Last edited by Milady Grimoire Valentine; 02-13-2010 at 05:57 AM..

HanaKasuga is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 06:21 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: HanaKasuga
Word Count: 764
Theme: The Tear Jerker

Today is February 13. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I am so grateful to have someone who loves me. I mean, who doesn’t right? Anyways, what do I buy for a guy who’s never spent a Valentine’s Day with anyone? I don’t know myself, but that’s why I’m here today, browsing the various shops. I love Falcon, so I need to buy him something that shows it. Wait! What about something homemade? That would definitely show it. Ugh...but I suck at things like that. Oh well, I’m going home.

I was just about to head on home until I heard someone shout out my name. I turned my head over to the speaker and saw Falcon. I smiled and waved at him. When he caught up to me, I kissed him. We ended up hanging out with each other the entire day.

After my pre-Valentine’s Day date, I came home and decided to start on my gift for him. I didn’t know what to do, so I plopped down onto my couch, thinking hard.

What should I make for him? But it doesn’t matter what it is, as long I spent my time working on it. Hmmm, a scarf maybe… yeah, that’s original. And it shouldn’t be too hard to knit! Well, off to work I go!

The first thing I had to do was shop. I needed the knitting supplies. I went to Make & Create and found exactly what I needed. As I exited the mall, I headed for home. And, just as I was walking, I spotted Falcon across the street I was on.

“Falcon~! Over here love~!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, catching the attention of passersby. But I ignored it and waved furiously.

Falcon looked over to me and his face flushed. He waved at me and smiled.

Forgetting where I was, I tried to rush over to where Falcon stood. Oblivious to the fact that I was walking right across the street, I heard a distant honk by a truck. I turned my attention to the loud noise and saw the oncoming truck. My eyes widened. I couldn’t move. I was frozen; all I could do was stare at the vehicle trying to stop. As the truck came closer, I was pushed out of the way.

That’s when I came back to reality, and saw it. I was rescued. By whom? By Falcon of course. He pushed me out of the way, but had given his own life for this. An accident. My fault. I couldn’t think of anything but that. I ignored the loud sirens and the shouts of a growing crowd. All I could do was just sit there and blame myself.

Today is Valentine’s Day. I couldn’t forget the events of yesterday night. It kept playing in my head, over and over. There was nothing for me to do today. Falcon is gone. My life is empty without him. And it was my entire fault too. If I had just moved, maybe, just maybe, he could’ve been here today. He never got to experience a Valentine’s Day with a lover. My fault…all my fault. I wish I could go back and fix my mistake.

Later that day, I sat on a park bench, watching all those cheery couples, laughing and having a good time. I was feeding the horde of birds. This made me feel a little better at least. I sat here the rest of the day, until the sun began to set. I looked over to my right. I had placed a small gift box there. It was found yesterday after the horrible accident. I had grabbed it and left immediately. But I didn’t open it.

I sighed. I reached over to the petite box. As I held it, I hesitated. Should I open it? I bit my lip.

“I’ll-I’ll do it,” I told myself.

So, I slowly and carefully began to unwrap it. When I unwrapped it, it revealed a pretty gold-colored box. I gazed at it, afraid to open it any further. I inhaled and exhaled, and then I went to opening the box. I took off the top and removed the paper to unveil a gorgeous silver necklace in the shape of a heart. It was also engraved with some words.

I read it and gasped. Then tears came spilling out. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. The entire day, I was trying to be strong, but I couldn’t help it. I miss him so much. I want him…I need him…I love him

I love you

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Old 02-13-2010, 06:26 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: HanaKasuga
Word Count: 798
Theme: The Ultimate Challenge

My name is Laurette. Lunar New Year is today. But so is Valentine’s Day. Isn’t that great? No, in fact, it isn’t. I’m stuck in a big quagmire.

My oh-so-annoying mother wants me to spend the New Year with her. She goes on about the importance of family and how this is an important tradition to us. Well, actually I don’t blame her; I’m all she has left. My father died by a drunk driver. And I was supposed to have a baby brother, but the baby ended up as a still-born. Every New Year, my mother usually spends it with my father, but I guess not this year.

I want to spend this year with my boyfriend. This is, like, the first year I’ve had a decent guy who I’ve actually been with for more than five months. I want to enjoy Valentine’s Day. I don’t want to spend it stuck with my mom. I mean, seriously?

“You don’t want to spend this important day with your mother? Instead you want to spend it with some foolish boy?!?!” My mom was shouting her head off.

“Ow, my ears, can’t you be quiet mom? I swear the whole neighborhood can hear you; man. Sheesh, I’m going out and that’s final. This is my life and I can do what I want,” I said just before I took my leave, leaving my mom standing there, still fuming.

“Gosh, can’t she just leave me alone for once. She practically runs my life. Can’t I have a free day for myself? God, I’m so sick of her!” I mumbled to myself.

“Talking to yourself again, Laurette?” someone whispered into my ear.

“Sora!” In an instant, my face lighted up and I tackled him.

“Heh, someone’s happy today,” Sora, a.k.a. my boyfriend, said as he smiled.

“Well of course! Today is Valentine’s Day! It’s the first time that I’ve had someone this holiday. Do you have anything planned today?”

Sora took in a huge breath of air. “Was I supposed to?” He said it in a playful manner, so I knew he wasn’t being serious.

I looked up at him, and pretended to pout. But I didn’t last long. I burst out giggling when Sora began to tickle me.

“St-st-stop it! I-I surrender!” I said in between laughs.

When he stopped, he stood and helped me up. As soon as I was off my butt, he dragged me away.

“Where are we going?” I asked, but all Sora did was turn his head and smile deviously.

Finally, after much dragging Sora stopped. “Here we are,” Sora said.

I took a quick look at the place and I gasped. This place was some sort of couples’ place I guess. This place was full of other young lovers and there was dancing, making out, chatting, and some fun games that you could play with other couples or just by yourself.

I turned my attention to Sora, but Sora was already pulling me to one of the games. When we were waiting for our turn, I took a moment to think over the argument my mother and I had. We usually had fights and my mom usually gets angry, but somehow, I just feel like she’s more sad than angry this time. And this is the first year that I didn’t spend New Year with her. Am I hurting her?

I looked down in shame. It was our turn and Sora was nudging me. “You okay?” he asked in concern.

“I-I should get h-home. To-today is Lunar New Year. I-I should be spending it with my mother,” I told him, hoping he would understand.

Sora met my eye, and smiled. “I was wondering if you were ever going to say that. You’re right Laure, and I understand. Maybe I should get home too?”

I smiled back at his understanding. “Then let’s go home.” I took his arm and together we left.

“Mom, I’m home~!” I shouted out, hoping that she hadn’t gone out to a bar to get herself wasted.

I found my mother sitting at the dinner table and staring at an album book. When she saw me, she kept quiet.

“You’re not angry are you? Well, actually, you have a right to. I’m sorry mom; I was foolish to spend today without you. I was stupid. I’m really sorry mother. Can you forgive me? And maybe we can spend what’s left of today together?”

My mother looked at me for awhile and then sighed. “You know I can’t stay mad at you. Of course I forgive you, as long as you don’t do this to me again, that is.” She went up to me and gave me a hug.

“Of course not. I never will, not for the world. I love you mom.”

Bejamin Mason
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Old 02-13-2010, 08:20 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Bejamin Mason
Word Count: 506
Theme: The Tear Jerker
Entry: For a very long time, little Miles had been going to play school in the morning. Well, at least, it felt like a very long time. He might have only been going for a month, but he simply could not remember; after all, he was only four.

The play school he went to was run in a classroom in a high school, and the big high schoolers would come and help out, though, he simply thought they wanted to play dress-up, not earn occupational credits. That's why he thought that the boy who always sat at his table just liked him. That the seventeen year old wanted to be friends with him. It never crossed his mind that the boy might have been required to sit there. And that was why he was unafraid and beaming when he pushed over the messy red cardstock heart, Elmer's glue still so wet it was bleeding through the scrawled crayon handwriting.

Miles never expected the horrible laughter that followed, and didn't expect the supervisor to call home while he sat sobbing in the connected bathroom, hiding behind the toilet bowl. All of his friends had started yelling that he was supposed to give that to a girl, not a boy. He didn't understand...

He was almost completely incoherent with mortification by the time someone's warm arms came and scooped him up, and it was on the way out to the car that he realized it wasn't mama. It was Lance, his big brother, back to visit from his school. He told him everything through his hiccups as he was strapped into his booster seat, then his brother spoke.

"I'll be your Valentine."

All his tears went away, and his lips broke into the biggest grin he'd had all day.

At home, his brother made him tapioca pudding from the box, and added a little extra vanilla just for him, the way mama always said not to. They watched the dancing Penguin movie, but Lance took to tickling Miles’ “Happy Feet” halfway through, and the rest of the story was lost to giggling and frenzied laughter.

They went out to McDonalds, and his brother bought him the best chicken nugget Happy Meal he’d ever had. He didn’t even make him clean the honey off his face before letting him crawl himself out in the tunnels of the deserted Play Place, and even followed him into some parts before they went home again.

Lance let him climb up on his back and fall asleep nuzzling his head as he carried him to the car. He changed him into his pajamas when they got home and tucked him in, sitting there and petting his hair back as his little chest rose and fell, his cheek still rosy with happiness.

He would wait until the morning to Miles he wasn’t going back to school. Wait until he woke up to tell him about their mother’s car accident that morning. He deserved a time of happiness before being told he was now an orphan.

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Old 02-13-2010, 08:30 AM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: BlueEyedWallflower
Word Count: 799
Theme: ♥ Good ol' Fashioned Love Story (a little Tear Jerker in there)
Entry: Better Late Than Never

St. Valentine's Day. I hated it once upon a time, when my only prospect of a date was Mom treating me to an animated kid's movie at the local cineplex. Then I witnessed something that made it impossible not to appreciate a holiday celebrated in the name of keeping love alive at all costs.

Flashback to me at 14... Freshman English with the teacher from Hell. Ms. Grammar Nazi assigned a presentation about an 'interesting' event in local history. Obviously, this was a vague description of the assignment, which I took to mean I could cover just about anything.

I'm a mystery fanatic, (the sometimes distracting by-product of playing too many Nancy Drew PC games). The public library has a section containing vintage newspapers, which I used as a starting point for my great mystery presentation. Almost magnetically, I was drawn to a paper dated February 14, 1930. A small headline in the top left corner stood out:

Local Boy Vanishes. Ellington Police Dept. Baffled.
Earlier this morning, Ellington resident Bruce Smithee, 17, was reported missing.
"My brother snuck out to go to Clear Lake," Mr. Smithee's brother, James Smithee said. "And he was supposed to come back in the morning. He said he would."
The rest of the Smithee family could not be reached for comment.
- Sydney Bouvierre, Ellington News

I had to find out if this kid was ever found. An issue dated February 14, 1932 mentioned Bruce in the obituaries section. It was more a morbid formality, because the first two lines revealed that no body or information leading to Bruce's disappearance was recovered.

Clear Lake, the 'scene of the crime', was my next stop. I don't know what I thought I might find after 70 years, but this was a mystery I couldn't give up on.

A rickety observation deck overlooked the west end of the lake. I ignored this clear sign of danger, stepped onto the deck, and leaned against the cracked railing. One of the wooden rails snapped, and I lurched forward dreading the fall into the hypothermia inducing cold water. Except, something pulled me backward from edge.

Oh, my God. How did I not fall. I thought. I was alone, except for a rustling coming from some tangled blackberry bushes a few feet away. All I found there was a rusty bike and worn leather satchel. I reached in the satchel, and pulled out the only object inside: a yellowing letter with 'Love Bruce' scrawled on one side.

When we met in Miss Todd's class, I knew I would fall for you. I love you in every way I know how. I know you're used to gentleman of a different sort, and we have always been nothing but friends. But maybe you could find some way to love me in all the same ways I love you. Please be my Valentine, and my girl and take this locket and wear it so I'm always with you.
Your only love, Bruce

Where was the locket? I though. Then something told me I needed to go to the cemetery.

An old man was wandering there, slowly scanning each stone with his eyes. The man stopped and his gaze fell on me.

"Miss," he said quietly."You ain't gonna find what you're lookin' for. She's not here."
He pulled a small silver locket out of a hidden pocket, and opened it.

"That's my brother," he said, pointing to the photo inside. "It's all I got left of him. Bruce disappeared while going to see her, and I blamed her. She needs this. Both of 'em do."

The man gently dropped the locket into my hand, and then I saw it all. Bruce stashed his bike and bag in the bushes and waited for Lily at the observation deck. It was dark and rainy. Bruce slipped and fell over the railing, and the lake washed his body away into the river. Lily showed up late only to run home crying. She thought Bruce stood her up. Then morning came, and James found the locket hanging from a nail in the railing.

~I showed Lily the locket and letter, and she began to laugh. "Neither of us was ever cordial when it came to important matters," she said.

I explained everything, and she never once questioned whether I was truthful. I even interviewed Lily for my presentation, in which I of course played down the ghostly parts. We said our goodbyes after a three hours and two glasses of lemonade each. As I approached the end of Lily's yard, I heard soft voices and turned to see two hazy figures on the front porch.

"I'm sorry it took me so long to get to you," said Lily. A young man's voice followed and said, "Better late than never."

Last edited by BlueEyedWallflower; 02-13-2010 at 08:42 AM..

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Old 02-13-2010, 03:00 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Word Count:145
Theme: Celebrate! Happiness, Prosperity, and Health to All!


I feel a difference wafting in the air
As it brushes my cheek with its curling fingers.
“Believe in love,” you say , “believe in love!”
But I don’t believe in love.

The frost tickles my toes with his hollow fingers.
The echoing grace surrounds the world with
Arms that stretch and tighten their grips on hearts
Horrified by hatred, letting each lover recognize
The stars in the quivering orbs of their faces.

And the child calls to me from the edge
Of the ocean, “Believe in love,” he says,
“Believe in love!”

And when the dragonfly hearts beat steady,
I think I’ll understand the meaning of his words.
“Believe in love, believe in peace!”

Happiness excels as kindness abounds,
Loving children circle around warming grace.
They’re tiny fingers wrap and coil ‘round one another,
Holding on with dear life the peace of their days.

Last edited by Krokodil; 02-13-2010 at 11:46 PM..

Stress is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 03:10 PM

wAA! D: Soooo many good stories..

and the entries for the Tear Jerker theme are just piling up...

sadrain is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 05:01 PM

I have to agree there are plenty of awesome entries. <3
I do love Yumehs, for example. XD

EmilyNova is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 08:33 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: EmilyNova
Word Count: 89
Theme: Tear Jerker
I've never been one for waiting
Waiting for a friend
Waiting for grades
Waiting for a book to come out
I can't control these things

I want to control you though
Not like a slave
I just want control over that
Part of my life
Instead I have to wait

I know I'm young
And not ready for you at all
But can you do me just one favor?
Can you let me know who you are
So I can bear this waiting?

I hope this is acceptable. I wrote it before I found out about the contest.

RinaRoad is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 08:43 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
A Good 'Ol Love Story
Whataya Want From Me?

I stood in front of his door, wanting to knock. I brought up my hand, clenched tightly in a fist and trembling, to the wood. I finally knocked and the door opened immediately, as if he sensed my presence. He dragged me inside.
"Whataya want from me? I know you've been standing in front of my door for almost an hour," he asked, his bright blue-green eyes staring intently.
"I wanted to give you this and tell you I like you," I replied, before quickly opening the door and running out. I left the handmade heart with stiches and a band-aid on it in his hands, and a letter to explain.

Five months later...

I got a knock at the door and grumbled, placing my book down to answer the door. "Whataya want from me?" I asked sternly as I threw open the door. It was him. He's come? Why? I thought he just didn't want to even think about me after that letter and the heart on February 14, 2011. He smiled, and I knew exact what he wanted from me.

EmilyNova is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 09:54 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: EmilyNova
Word Count: 635
Theme: Anti-V-Day

It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m here waiting for him to call. How sad is that? We have tentative plans for dinner and a movie and I’m hoping so badly that they become solid.
I’m about to go on the computer when I hear my phone ring. I run to it and answer it after seeing his name.
“I’m outside. Ready to go?” he asks.
“Hell yeah!” I answer, grabbing my bag and running out the door.
I’ve been looking forward to this day for at least a week and when he asked me I couldn’t say yes fast enough.
He pulled up in front of a moderately fancy restaurant and we walked up to the door together. He held the door open for me as we entered. The place was covered in decorations and most of the tables had couples at them.
We hadn’t even ordered yet and already a man sitting with some of his friends began to get down on one knee for some waitress.
“Turn around.” I told Alex. “How cheesy is that?”
He saw the scene right before the waitress squealed in delight. I covered my ears.
“Oh god, turn it down. I don’t want to go deaf.”
Suddenly Alex yelled to her, “Hey, can we get some service over here?”
My eyes went wide and I tried not to burst out laughing. Pretty much the whole restaurant glared at us. Alex looked dead serious and stared right at her. Another waiter came up to us to take our order as the waitress left with her new fiancé.
“Thank you.” Alex said to the waiter with a horrible attitude that made me want to laugh more.
I couldn’t believe how rude he was being. I only started laughing when the waiter walked away. The couple next to us gave us death glares so I pointed it out to Alex.
“What’s your problem?” Alex said leaning forward to be in the other guy’s face.
“You’re a jerk.” The other girl said.
“Just eat your meal and mind your own business.” I snapped.
The guy fumed but his girlfriend placated him. The effect didn’t last for long since Alex and I threw sugar packets at them every time they tried to get intimate. The guy jumped out of his chair and Alex followed along with me and the other girl.
“That’s it!” the guy yelled.
“Bring it!” Alex yelled back.
“What seems to be the problem?” the manager asked as he inserted himself between the two.
“This guy keeps glaring as us.” Alex yelled before the guy could collect himself.
“He’s been throwing sugar packets at us.” The guy yelled, picking up the small pile that had accumulated and throwing them at Alex.
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to ask all of you to leave.” The manager said to the four of us.
“Fine! I didn’t want to eat here anyway.” Alex shouted and we both stormed off.
I smiled the whole way out to stop from laughing. I finally let it out when we exited the restaurant. As we walked to the car I said, “We should do this every Valentine’s Day. My future boyfriends will just have to deal.”
“Okay, but you’re going to have to come to Rutgers because there’s no way I’m driving all the way to Rider.”
“But I hate driving!” I whined, “Fine, but only because you’re so irresistible.”
“You have to get over your love for me.”
“It’s just so hard,” I said holding my hand over my heart and sniffling. “I just want you so badly.”
“I know. I know. It’s gonna be tough.”
We both laughed as we got into the car and drove to the movie theater to throw popcorn at any couple that might have been having a good day.

Last edited by EmilyNova; 02-13-2010 at 10:39 PM..

x_cannibalisticcows is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:27 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: x_CannibalisticCows
Word Count: 643
Theme: Tear Jerker
Entry: Invisible

’Why won’t she look at me anymore?’ Colby frowned, his eyes lingering on Laura, too long to pass off as a glance. He watched her from across the school cafeteria, all their old friends sitting around the table. It seemed that the coming holiday had couples popping up left and right as their friends paired off. Alex, his best friend, was sitting beside her – to close to be considered friendly- their hands kept brushing against each other. He almost wanted to yell at him “You want to hold her hand don’t you! Just take it! Or do you know I’m watching!”

Laura had been his, and he was hers through and through. They had been “the couple”, the two that had been dating “forever”. Suddenly, at the start of semester two junior year, she wouldn’t look at him. She didn’t say anything to him... No one did. It was as if he was invisible to them – the silent treatment was driving him crazy. It had been almost a year since that time, and still, not so much as a glance. Standing, he walked over to an open table, closer to the group.

“So, Laura, are you going to go to the valentines dance?” Colby had taken her last year, maybe that was where he had done something wrong. No it couldn’t be that, she was glowing the whole time.
“Oh, well. I don’t have a date.” She sounded dejected. Why? Why? Why?
“Well, why don’t you go with Alex? He’s loner too.” Laughs, blushes, glances from the corner of their eyes. They were both considering it.
“Well, actually me and her have...other plans that night.” A round of ohhs around the table. Did he still call Alex his best friend?
“Oh come on! Just for an hour or so... whatever it is can wait.” They looked at each other again, they were going to give in to the other’s pleas.


The music was loud, the decorations cheesy, and Laura looked beautiful. She arrived with a group of girls, but I could only see her. The feather light pink dress floating around her legs gave off the impression that she was floating. My angel... Our song came on. I wanted to ask her to dance... would she say yes? Walking up to her, I took a deep breath.
“Do you want to dance?”
She turned, looking surprised, but she smiled her sweet smile, nodded and said ‘yes’.
Hearts racing, I extended my hand, but she reached past me, and took Alex’s instead.

The twirled, and rocked, and danced closely. I watched, as my love danced with him. If it was at all possible, my heart broke all over again. “Why Laura? Why won’t you look at me?” I felt the tears coming, the hot saltwater feeling foreign on my face.

“Can we go?” She asked him, he nodded, taking her hand and leading her out.
“Lookout, someone spilt some water.” He lead her around it, around me. They wouldn’t even acknowledge my presence? I fallowed, and watched as Laura got into his car, driving down the highway. There wasn’t anything up there... besides the beach where couples often when to... It hurt to think about it.

I fallowed the car, though, I was confused when it stopped on the side of the road. They got out, and walked over to something on the side of the road. I could hear Laura crying, as she clung to him. She used to hold me when he was sad.
“I miss him.” She said, between sobs. I noticed now, as I got closer, Alex was crying too.
“I do too.” Who did they miss? I looked down to the figure in front of them. It wasn’t possible. It wasn’t real. This was some sort of sick joke.

It was a small cross, it read. “RIP Colby Ellik.”

Misha-chan is offline
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Old 02-13-2010, 10:32 PM

♥ I Stitched a Tale! ♥
Username: Misha-chan
Word Count:
Theme: anti-v-day, tear-jerker.
I don't have a date this year. I'm sitting in my room, the sixteenth apartment, and looking out onto the street, thinking about how much I hat ethe color pink.
I should have had a date. But she isn't of this world anymore.
I watch people handing each other roses, and I crush a lletter in my hand.
More of a note really.
It's written on pink paper. Typewritten.
In my name.
I never wrote this.
It came in the hands of a police officer. He asked me who wrote this note.
It said for her to meet me, at an icecream store.
I had planned on picking her up.
I turn around, and I walk over, behind the man, so that I can see the body.
The sunlight glints of the metal cuffs I'm wearing.
Tears wash down my cheeks. I can hardly believe it. It shouldn't have ended this way.
Her body... There are holes in it. Three of them. Where her heart is.
Tears splash down from my eyes, onto her body. As it goes down, I try to stop them from coming, but I can't.
I didn't kill her. I never would.
That doesn't mean it isn't my fault.
A couple looks over at me. The male is reproachful.
I remember thinking that way a year ago, walking with her.
A year from now... he'll be in the same position.


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