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Zenith of Emotion
The Curious Kitty's Cave
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Old 02-22-2010, 02:23 AM

Howdy All,

I suppose I'm really only doing this introduction because I was prompted to, but I probably would have gotten around to it sooner or later (likely later) eventually...

Honestly, I don't have all that much to say about myself other than I am an eighteen year-old female in upstate New York and I recently got my right ear's cartilage pierced... for the third time. Funnily enough, however, there is only one hole in the cartilage to speak of. My advice is that, unless you KNOW you aren't allergic to any of the metals offered, don't get a piercing. I was allergic to silver and the first one I got was silver. Then the second time, hair got in the hole and decomposed -- infecting it and making it so we had to remove the earring. I'm hoping I won't have any of those issues this time. Washing it frequently, have a bandaid on the back of the ear to keep hair out, was wearing a scarf kinda like a turban (or cancer patient) earlier to hold the hair away from the ear.

Other than that I can say I am in and have been in an online relationship for a bit over two years, I am technically a virgin (in that I haven't had vaginal and/or anal intercourse IRL), and I have yet to get drunk or do drugs, and likely will keep it that way if at all possible. I work as a moderator to a guild over on Gaia called "My Secret Pleasure", which is fun, and right now I'm just kinda chilling out in my bed, nekked. Best way to be when in bed, no? (I absolutely abhorr clothes, but I wear them anyways when out in public -- to modest for otherwise. -_-")

I will be attending MCC in the fall, and next Saturday I will be helping out at Saint Paul's church in Webster with a Lenten workshop for kids. I get to be in charge of a crafts group. It should be fun... albeit, it starts at 8AM. TT_TT And I live a half hour away and have to be there a half hour early. >.< So I think I'll be sleeping early the night before. Also, that Saturday my family is participating in fasting from the internet, which will be torture. But I'll likely spend it writing, working on the novel I haven't gotten anything done in in forever. XD

I am a fur, a zoosexual, and bisexual. Liberal, eco-friendly, philosophical. Allergic to a ton of things. And I'm pretty darn open. If you want to talk or ask me questions or anything, feel free to. :)

I'm on deviantART as bitchywriter101, on FurAffinity as CuriousKitty22, and on Gaia as... well... Zenith of Emotion, if you want to know my active account.

I have clinical depression, anxiety, and adult ADHD, but you really can't tell all that often. And I am on Ocella to prevent hormonal migraines, which SUCK. >^-^<

Recently lost fifty pounds, but am still "morbidly obese" at 248lbs. Hoping to lose more and get down into the healthy zone, which is difficult in a family predisposed to heaviness, with a Scandinavian, French, Native, and Germanic background. >.<

And yeah, my avatar is basically based off of my hair color, skin color, and eye color.


P.S. Also, I obviously enjoy writing rather long posts. XD

Last edited by Zenith of Emotion; 02-22-2010 at 04:00 AM..

Unintentional Thread Killer
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Old 02-22-2010, 02:30 AM

Wow that has to be the longest Mene beginning ever. Lol. Anyways, Welcome!

Blkmage Disaster
The Shadow Thief
Blkmage Disaster is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 02:32 AM

Hello, and wow, that is quite eventful. I may be allergic to a few metals myself. Probably Teflon, and the nonstick metals which I'm still not sure of. Made me sick for over a week, on top of being allergic to strawberries which I had no idea of.
I do feel you when it comes to allergies. I'm out of school so I'm not sure what I could say about college, but I'm sure I could fail. :sweat: I wasn't good in school to begin with.

I hope everything goes ok for you. :) and welcome to mene. We are friendly here, so no need to worry about meanies. If you run across any meanies just talk to a mod they'll take care of it fast. :yes:

Trelao. Seke. Verin.
Sinziana is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 02:35 AM

Dear lord child! You're making me read. Hehe. <3 *reads it all*

First let me tell you this: You are smart and pretty!

Had to do that, a friend of mine's always saying that to make herself and others feel better on a bad day. Not that yah need it, but you sound like an interesting individual.

Anyhoo, I've always been too nervous about getting a piercing, for a lot of the reasons you've had experience with before. The ironic thing of my fear is that I'll never get a piercing and yet I secretly yearn to get a tattoo on my back of a drawing I made in 7th grade. Go figure.

And I've done online dating. A lot of online dating.....a lotta, lotta, lotta. o.0 People scare me, so I started opening up online first, so it just naturally developed that I started having relationships with people on here. Actually, the guy I'm dating/ living with right now met me first online. We were friends for a year and a half online, then friends irl for a long time. And honestly, I love him to pieces. People I know irl sometimes cringe when I talk about the online relationship, but given a little extra care, it can be a fruitful relationship. As for the drinking and drugs.... I like a drink once in a while now that it's legal, but I've yet to get drunk and never plan on it. Also, no drugs, save some over the counter stuff for cramps and allergies.

As for personality/ psychological disorders, I've got a few. And shrinks/ docs have a funny way of diagnosing a list of things if you let them, so I do my best not to give them the opportunity. I'm slightly repulsed by the idea of having to be chemically regulated for the rest of my life..... but only slightly.

Anyhoo, besides all that, you like to write!? That's nifteh. My gift for gab is a bit long winded at times, but that's about it. I'm sure it stems from years of not really talking at all. Do you have any other hobbies or talents you'd like to share?


Roachi is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 02:37 AM

Lol wow. Thanks for that introduction. And welcome aboard :)
If you need any assistance, do drop me a line.
I hope you enjoy your time here! :)

Zenith of Emotion
The Curious Kitty's Cave
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Zenith of Emotion is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 03:18 AM

Originally Posted by Falconwing View Post
Wow that has to be the longest Mene beginning ever. Lol. Anyways, Welcome!
I'll take that as a compliment (and that's not even half as long as the longest intro I've ever done. Call me thorough?). Thanks for the welcome! :)

Originally Posted by Blkmage Disaster View Post
Hello, and wow, that is quite eventful. I may be allergic to a few metals myself. Probably Teflon, and the nonstick metals which I'm still not sure of. Made me sick for over a week, on top of being allergic to strawberries which I had no idea of.
I do feel you when it comes to allergies. I'm out of school so I'm not sure what I could say about college, but I'm sure I could fail. :sweat: I wasn't good in school to begin with.

I hope everything goes ok for you. :) and welcome to mene. We are friendly here, so no need to worry about meanies. If you run across any meanies just talk to a mod they'll take care of it fast. :yes:
You can actually make pans non-stick without them already being non-stick you know? You wash the pan, pour some oil in, rub it along the edges, and heat it back up. Just a small lining of it, though. Do that after each time you use it and it will eventually become non-stick. I've done that with some of my cast iron pans, it works wonders. You get the extra iron you need, a nice even spreading of heat, and not a lot of hard work on clean-up afterward!

Heh, yeah. I'm allergic to grass, wheat/gluten, chamomile, ragweed, dust, mold, cat dander, birch, poppler, maple, hard cheese, lactose, soft cheese, and mushrooms, plus ammonia/ammonium. I have asthma, and a longhair cat (longhairs are actually better for people with an allergy to dander than shorthair -- the saliva dries slower, breaks off slower, so in total, they leave less dander). I'm also prone to sickness.

Ha ha -- I don't do well in school, really. I mean, I have a GPA in the eighties and am usually out sick for half of a marking period, so I suppose that's decent, but right now I'm a person with undiagnosed ADHD, so it's really hard for me to stay focused in school. It doesn't help that I'm better at English and the arts, so math, science, and history tend to run from me... screaming. Though I love Economics and Politics. XD

Thank you very much, and I'll make sure to do so. :D

Originally Posted by Sinziana View Post
Dear lord child! You're making me read. Hehe. <3 *reads it all*

First let me tell you this: You are smart and pretty!

Had to do that, a friend of mine's always saying that to make herself and others feel better on a bad day. Not that yah need it, but you sound like an interesting individual.

Anyhoo, I've always been too nervous about getting a piercing, for a lot of the reasons you've had experience with before. The ironic thing of my fear is that I'll never get a piercing and yet I secretly yearn to get a tattoo on my back of a drawing I made in 7th grade. Go figure.

And I've done online dating. A lot of online dating.....a lotta, lotta, lotta. o.0 People scare me, so I started opening up online first, so it just naturally developed that I started having relationships with people on here. Actually, the guy I'm dating/ living with right now met me first online. We were friends for a year and a half online, then friends irl for a long time. And honestly, I love him to pieces. People I know irl sometimes cringe when I talk about the online relationship, but given a little extra care, it can be a fruitful relationship. As for the drinking and drugs.... I like a drink once in a while now that it's legal, but I've yet to get drunk and never plan on it. Also, no drugs, save some over the counter stuff for cramps and allergies.

As for personality/ psychological disorders, I've got a few. And shrinks/ docs have a funny way of diagnosing a list of things if you let them, so I do my best not to give them the opportunity. I'm slightly repulsed by the idea of having to be chemically regulated for the rest of my life..... but only slightly.

Anyhoo, besides all that, you like to write!? That's nifteh. My gift for gab is a bit long winded at times, but that's about it. I'm sure it stems from years of not really talking at all. Do you have any other hobbies or talents you'd like to share?
Well, reading is MY favourite pasttime (besides talking and writing, obviously XD). So consider it a favour!

Thank you for that -- I like to think I am. Most of my weight is in my chest, rear, and thighs (TT_TT) anyways, so it's at least a healthier distribution of it.

Ha ha... yeah, I'm terrified of needles, but I like the cartilage piercings, so I keep going back for more. She managed to nick a nerve ending this time, too, so it's a bit more painful than usual, but hopefully that'll go away soon enough. I plan on getting at least two more sets of holes in my lobes before I'm done (I already have two). And really, while I'd like to get a tattoo, I'm not sure I have the pain resistance for it, and my weight isn't constant and won't be until I get it down to a healthy zone, so it's best for me not to get one yet... if ever.

Mm. I have an open relationship with my OL partner, but he and I are happy with one another, and right now he's getting ready to start his first year of uni, and he's hoping to get a Study Abroad for here next year, then go back to finish (he's in New Zealand). He hopes to come over afterward to stay with me and continue his schooling here though. We both want to go for PhD's or an equivalent to that. He's going into Biology and English, and I am, as previously stated, doing Creative Writing and Psych. I want to write, but I figure teaching university-level is a much more stable job, and has excellent health benefits (which I'll need).

Midol and Excedrin are your friiiiieeeeeend. XD Yeah, I never used to like the idea either, but I'd rather take care of it so it isn't controlling my life forever. My depression and anxiety were killing my life for a while, and ADHD is really bothering me recently. I can barely focus on one thing for more than a couple moments. It's psychotic. It's probably part of why I love writing so much -- because it means I have an outlet for my excess thoughts and energy that requires constant movement of my fingers, which allows me to be jittery without bothering anyone (unless they don't like the sound of someone typing at 85 words/min...).

Yes, I love to write. It's what I'm excellent at and what I absolutely couldn't do without. I actually met my partner through FanFiction when a friend and I started doing a fic for Maximum Ride (I discontinued it after she started college and I didn't have any time for it anymore -- "Something Lost and Something Found"). My only problem is I get a ton of ideas at once, so I tend to bounce back-and-forth between stories instead of finishing one (a side-effect of adult ADHD). So I'm hoping as soon as I'm diagnosed and we start on medication, that'll help me to calm down and whatnot.

Besides writing, I love western horseback riding, I love swimming, hanging out with friends, watching movies and criminal television shows or sit coms. I used to love TGIF when I was growing up, especially "Boy Meets World" and "Sabrina the Teenage Witch". I love to sing and play piano, and I used to play violin. Community service makes me happy and the best compliment I've ever received is "You'll make a wonderful Mommy some day" from my close friend, Emma. I'll be going to Tora-con at RIT later this year wearing a "Free Hugs/Glomp Me" shirt, a skirt, and kitty stuff my friend Paul and I made together for my Halloween costume earlier this year.

I too two English courses first semester (Senior Writing and Mythology) and right now I'm taking two more (Brit Lit and Multi-Cultural Lit), plus the full-year course I have (Journalism II, took I last year).

Also, I recently found out I'll be receiving the Hands of Christ award in March along with select other Seniors from the diocese of Rochester -- an award given to those who've shown a dedication to their faith/church/community. I'm agnostic, but I've logged over 900 community service hours since I was in fourth grade, so I guess it works. :)

I'm pretty decent at doing makeup and dressing people up due to years in drama, and I love helping people to look their best when given the chance. I once turned my little sister from looking seven, to looking seventeen, so I guess I'm better at it than I think, at least when applied to others.

I have a pretty bad history with romance though -- girlfriend who cheated on me because I wasn't ready to have sex, cheated on me with my best female friend; boyfriend more interested in sex than me, left when I said "No"; stalker boyfriend; best friend cheating on his girlfriend through sexually harassing me; close friend-turned-boyfriend who decided he was gay after a half year, and then best friend who decided, after three months, he really wasn't that into me.

Hmmm... I used to read about a book a day, and have over 1000 in my bedroom (which I share with my little sister). And two years ago I had brain surgery and missed an entire year of school, so I'm graduating High School this year instead of last year. Which is a little irksome.

Next year I'll be living in an apartment and will be going to Monroe Community College.

My favourite colors are black, silver, blue, red, brown, and then green. I love all kinds of music, though don't particularly fancy rap. I tend to listen to international, indie, folk, and country the most though. Ie: Kent, The Knife, Sigur Ros, Bjork, Ani DiFranco, Natacha St-Pier, Pascal Obispo, Perpetuum Jazille, Great Big Sea, Enter the Haggis, The Decemberists, The Bastard Faeries, Celtic Woman, Loreena McKennit, Kenny Roggers, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Carrie Underwood, and more. I also like oldies: Simon and Garfunkel, The BeeGees, The Beach Boys, etc.

My favourite movies are "Ever After", "The Princess Bride", "V for Vendetta", "Benny and Joon", and probably "Sherlock Holmes" (the new one). I absolutely love the Disney princess films, too.

If you can think of anything else to ask me, as you can see, I am more than willing to answer. XD

Originally Posted by Roachi View Post
Lol wow. Thanks for that introduction. And welcome aboard :)
If you need any assistance, do drop me a line.
I hope you enjoy your time here! :)
Thank you very much, I'll keep that in mind. :) And thank you for the comment.

EDIT: Anyone else want to know anything about me? :) I'd love to meet some more of you! Add me as a friend if you like. New friends are always welcome. ^-^

Last edited by Zenith of Emotion; 02-22-2010 at 05:16 AM..


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