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dear pacific day
Professional Liar
dear pacific day is offline
Old 01-27-2010, 11:12 PM

|| I think so. ><

ASingingGaijin is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 09:01 PM

Lestella woke to the morning bell, resonating from the clock tower. The sound indicated that it was 7 a.m. She slept through the night, though her sleep was not without nightmares. Her dreams were rather memories, twisted and contorted into something horrible they were not, than nightmares. Her eyes slowly flitted open, and her mind was hazy and uncomprehending. Lestella sat up and rubbed them. The before day had been long and sorrowful. Her aunt was kind and loved her, she knew, but that didn’t make the circumstances any better for Lestella. She felt terrible. Although she spent the night in sleep and motionless, she was sore. Lestella slowly swung her legs out of the bed and rose, wincing. Her uniform hung in the wardrobe on the opposite side of the room. She would have that room to herself until another student moved in with her, but no one knew when that would be. She would be alone for who knew how long. Lestella didn’t make friends easily and she figured it would be hard, given her situation. She would be known as the girl who had killed her brother. It would be a stigma, an invisible scarlet letter. She shivered from a cold her thoughts gave her.

Lestella lazily pulled on her uniform and clipped on her badge, telling everyone that she wielded fire. She knew the rumors were spreading. She knew she was doomed to solitude. Lestella couldn’t think of anything good that her power could be used for. Fire burns, she thought. Tears welled up in her eyes but she wiped them away. She went to the basin to wash her face and brush her teeth. Then she left the room with her bag at her side.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 09:12 PM

((HOw sad . . . :XD We should make our characters meet up somehow. :D Perhaps Jaz will be sitting on the steps or something with some sort of odd contraption? That way when Lestella approaches, I can get us talking. :D It would be convinient if there was a boy around somewhere. . . lol, our male characters have suddenly dissappeared on us. :)))

ASingingGaijin is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 10:01 PM

((LOLZ. I had been meaning to post awhile ago but neglected it. ))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 05:54 AM

((Yeah . . . I haven't posted in generations it seems. :XD I don't think I ever introduced my character. :XD))

Jaz brushed a strand of her metallic hair out of her face in irritation, focusing on her project. It was an energy converter - though it looked like scrap metal. She'd smooth it all out into a piece of art when she was done with the inside. Sitting on the school's front steps, she bit her tongue in concentration, trying to get the wires inside the little beast to work for her. It looked like a gutted dog - it was even in the shape of one, and about the size of a Retriever.
"Come on little guy," she muttered to herself, not noticing the strange glances she got as a few people walked by. "You can do it. I saw you a few seconds ago."
The elementalist loved metal. It was a passion that her parents had feared. But Prayr . . . no, she loved it. She reveled in it. It was all she needed. In fact, if she could have a room full of electronics and spare parts, sheet metal and wires, she'd be halfway to heaven.
Continuing to mutter and grumble to herself, Jaz focused on her project.

ASingingGaijin is offline
Old 02-20-2010, 06:21 PM

Lestella had been shown around the dormitory briefly the previous night and she had no classes the first night. She didn’t want to wander around though and, since she had a good memory, she found her way out easily. Other girls moved through the hallway in groups and pairs, ignoring her. Lestella was glad they were. She had imagined that when she passed, they would point and whisper to each other. But they didn’t and she felt relieved. Lestella came to the main steps and hurried hastily down them, a little too quickly. She tripped halfway down almost landed face first on the bottom. Instead she put her hands out instinctively before her and hit the ground hard. She cradled her right arm gently to her chest and tried to get up and move on.

Last edited by ASingingGaijin; 02-21-2010 at 02:08 AM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 02:02 AM

"Watch where you're-"
Jaz cut herself off, biting her tongue.
"Are you alright?" she asked instead, getting up and brushing the dirt off of her clothes. Glancing toward the new girl, she offered a hand to help her up. "That was some fall right there." Her eyes paused on the other's fire emblem before she smiled. "Nasty fall, Spit-fire."
Helping to brush off of some of the dirt on her new aquaintence's clothing, the metallic-haired youth extended a hand. "I'm Jaz Prayr. Welcome to our school for the gifted of heart, mind, and body."

ASingingGaijin is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 03:20 AM

Lestella took Jaz's hand hesitantly.
"Ummm... Thank you," she replied, being as polite as possible. She winced as Jaz wiped the dust off of her. Lestella looked at the girl, a bit shocked. Her outfit was like nothing Lestella had ever seen or even heard of. Jewelry, everywhere, and chain-shaped tattoos coiling around her arms and legs like snakes. She didn't notice the badge because the hair kept her eyes locked there. Silver hair? But she looked so young! Her curiosity urged her to ask.
"Is that... your natural hair color?"

azurekit3 is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 04:30 PM

Azure slowly walked into the school gates, wondering what he was expected of from this school. His black faded hair flowed in the wind, slowly fading to white, his mask gleaming in the sunlight as he walks through the doors. He walks in and looks at the lady at the front desk as she hands him his card, and quizzically looks at him as though he was severely strange. Everyone does, who wouldn't look at him strangely when he has a band of metal strapped and welded to his arm as a source "just in case". He slowly walks to his room, noticing other people aren't "normal" either.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 07:59 PM

Jaz raised her pierced brow, her slender hand moving up to run through her hair. "The silver is," she said with a slight smile. "But the gray is my own addition. Incredible what you can do with metal-based hair products." The teen suddenly had a shift of moods, and stepped over to her earlier project. The small machine buzzed as she approached, and let out a few stray sparks.
"Well darn you," she muttered to the lump of metal. "Be temperamental, will you? I was only trying to make it so you could use solar energy, you tweaker." Jaz knelt down, her fingers brushing against the cool metal to leave a trail of swirled design. Her silver eyes flickered back over to Lestella when she finished decorating one side of her project.
"So what's your name, stranger? I'm sure you've got one." Glancing over, she pinpointed another newcomer - a boy this time. He headed inside, and the metal that decorated his arm seemed to call Jaz's name . . . she hoped he was a metal student, just like her. Shaking her head, she focused back on the girl beside her.
"Fire, huh?" she said, noticing her badge. "So, Spit-fire, you like your ability?"

((I don't know how I missed it, but there's a link to Jaz's picture in the first word of this post. :XD))

azurekit3 is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 08:14 PM

(Awesome picture. :D)
Azure walked a couple of rooms down to where his dorm room had the door hinges almost completely broken off. He had some metal flow off of him and recover the metal, making it as if it never had been broken, and continued into the room, looking around at the various places of which he could throw his stuff down. After setting his items down next to his bed. He looked out of the window, which seemed to be burnt and somewhat hard to open, as if a fire person had been there earlier (not Lestella. xD) and walked out of his room, down the halls where he came out of the school, noticing a woman tinkering with a metallic object, obviously annoyed at it. He walked out to where there was a tree and sat down looking at the sun, and made his metallic armlet have some liquid metal flow off of it, swirling in the air into a ring, which he put on.

Last edited by azurekit3; 02-21-2010 at 08:29 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 08:53 PM

((Woot, thanks. ^_^ I think I want to make another character to help this RP keep going without any hassle . . . but I don't know if Paint will be back on. :XD I'll send in my profile and see though. :eager:))

azurekit3 is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 08:57 PM

(Very good idea. I've already got enough stuff going on around at my house to maintain a second one. I think I'll at least try to get on this avvie daily. I have a mule which I am close to naming my main... :P)

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 06:35 AM

(i will be joining this rp soon. =] )

ASingingGaijin is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 01:08 PM

((I'll post soon. School :stare:))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-23-2010, 08:17 PM

((Eh, life gets the best of us all the time. :) We is waiting. *laugh*))

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 02-24-2010, 06:06 AM

( i would post, but i think i have to get accepted first. right?)

Organization number XLVII
Xearuz is offline
Old 02-24-2010, 02:57 PM

*Azure's mule*

(Um, aren't you already posting. xD)

the one and only

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Old 02-24-2010, 08:39 PM

(yes... but not roleplay posting =D which i want to do. my writers block lifted and i'm itching to write alot)

ASingingGaijin is offline
Old 02-25-2010, 12:23 AM

Lestella raised her eybrows.
"Ah. I see. My name is Lestella," she said shyly, "What's yours?"

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 06:50 AM

"Jaz," the girl said, extending a hand with multiple rings and chains. "Welcome to St. Aether's, the place where all us freaks come to play." She frowned, turning her attention back to her converter. "I don't think we'll see each other too often," the metal elementalist said, shaking her silver hair out of her face, "but I'm sure we'll figure something out. It's a big school - and I don't like class."

((Bah, I think you guys should post. :XD I don't mean to be rude, but it's been a while since I've heard of anything on this RP. In fact . . . I thought it died, and was about to just abandon it. -_-' So please don't just disappear! Post your profile in your first post, maybe? So we can see it? :XD))

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 04:03 PM

(i've been waiting to be okay'd but she hasn't posted anything since the 8th =/ . so would it be okay, i got someone else to join to and we're both really excited about joining this one.

Name - Krista Mae Holcomb
Nickname - Mae, Kris
Age - 18
Gender - Female
Height/Weight - 5'- 3" , 140 lbs
Abilitity - Water
Biography - Krista was raised at a beach house of a very wealthy family, a very political wealthy family. Because of this she had to behave and not put even a toe out of line, so when for some reason she kept having an attraction to any source of water that kept getting her into trouble, her parents sent her away. They tried sending her to different boarding schools where she didn't change. She was incredibly well behaved unless there was water nearby where she went into a kind of trance of fascination that would cause her to splash people that startled her. Finally her parents found the St. Aether Elemental Finishing School and decided to send her away to it as there last hope of not having her interrupt there political careers, as she seemed to improve her control they started to send her an allowance. She never touched it besides folding the money up and putting it in a safe with anything else she found precious that she didn't want touched by her or anyone else unless she had to.
Personality - Krista comes across as very shy, or in some cases it's interpreted as emotionless. In fact it is just her keeping as many emotions as she can locked inside because she has had keeping herself in line impounded into her since birth. If she is near water though she can be caught smiling and enjoying the sea breeze. She is a very gentle person and is rarely angered. One child when she was young teased her and found out that her anger is just the opposite of her normal formality. In fact it's even scary, but that may just be the effect of how terrifying water can be at its ultimate power and anger.
Orientation - Straight
Picture - Krista has long blond hair that she keeps pinned up for school because she believe it makes her look more formal. Her eyes are blue and reflect her fascination with the water. Or so people believe. School Uniform: The only time she lets it down is at home when her parents say she can, and when she gets immersed in working with water, and only when she is by herself.
5 Likes - reading, beaches, sea breezes and the smell of the salt, sunrises, sunsets, and being out under the moonlight and stars
5 Dislikes - stepping out of line, people feeling pity for her, uncomfortable temperatures cold or hot, pink (she really dislikes pink), and peanut butter
Posting Color - blue )

Last edited by Shadami; 03-02-2010 at 01:25 AM..

( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ(...
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Jaijin is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 04:58 PM

(hi im the other person shadami was talking about if its ok id like to join as well)
Name – Jason Delhome
Nickname – Jai
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Height/Weight – 5'10 175lbs
Abilitity - Metal
Biography – Jai was born into a family in the middle of a total of 13 children. From a very young age he could fix any thing that had an engine always knowing what was exactly wrong. At 15 Jai was kicked out of his high school for binding all of the bullies to the rafters of the gym. His parents decided that it was a cry for attention but when it happened a total of 15 times, they decided that he needed to go somewhere. So his parents sent him to St. Aether Elemental Finishing School.
Personality – Jai tends to stray from the norm liking to indulge in electronics and is quite shy when in comes to the opposite sex. Though if a girl gets him alone he will show his true nature that he is a sweetheart. Since he is a very neat and organized person he tends to get very annoyed with those that are messy. Also he will tend to get a little hot under the collar if someone comments poorly on the color of his hair.
Orientation - Straight
Picture -
5 Likes – Older girls, sneaking around after hours, bass guitars,video games and cheating
5 Dislikes – Messy people, sharing electronics, being single, bullies and straight edge people
Posting Color –dark slate gray
Username - Jaijin

the one and only

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Old 02-26-2010, 05:42 PM

A white limo pulled up in front of the school and a butler got out opening the back door. "Welcome back to the school Ms. Holcomb, we'll see you in the spring." He bowed and got back in the vehicle as a blond girl with her school uniform already on, badge pinned just above her right breast stepped out of the car, closing the door behind her. Over her shoulder was a bag that held the few things she had taken home with her over the break. She had been going to this school for half a year now and had left everything in her room besides the contents of the bag. Inside the bag was a locked box that held the few precious items that Krista actually cared about, and the allowance money her parents kept sending her for behaving and not ruining their political career.

What a joke.

With a deep sigh she began walking down the sidewalk to the dorms, time to go home. This was her real home, not the poor excuse of a home she had living with her parents, it was never fun to be rich, you had to behave, never put even a toe out of line. Everyone always looked down on you like you were scum, no love in that kind of life. That also meant that you got the worse kind of punishments, if you misbehaved you don't just get sent to your room to think like normal houses, no, you are hit, locked in your room, or just all manners of things that a rich parent can think of because they have the money to get away with those kinds of things.

She looked around her as she walked down the sidewalk, she walked tall and straight, a slight sway to her hips, one foot in front of the other, like a model. She had to be perfect after all. As she glanced in other directions she spotted a boy playing with metal by a tree. Two other people were talking by another tree. She thought she saw someone in the tree above them but she wasn't positive. May be just my imagination. Than on the stairs two people were sitting over the strangest contraption she had ever seen. The one had silver hair and had metal all over. She was clearly metal element, the other girl she wasn't to positive on. She lowered her head than remembered what her parents had said about keeping eye contact and always looking proud and she forced herself to lift her head again. She couldn't force herself to smile though. She was nervous and shy, and had to hide those emotions, so therefore it came off as blank.

( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ(...
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Old 02-26-2010, 09:42 PM

Man what a drag i have to come to this school just because i'm different. Jai shifted his car into 4th pushing it to over 60mph. For some reason the rev of the engine just seemed to make all of the troubles of this place go away. He kept accelerating faster around the turns making sure that he could feel the car drift around them making him smile a little on the inside. He liked the side roads to school for the fact he could drive his car longer making sure he could stay out of the reaches of the teachers longer. He pulled into the parking lot of the school and parked his car and locked it using his powers wow this place sure hasn't changed much.

Jai proceeded to walk towards his dorm room making sure to avoid the new class of students gawking at his car. "Hey keep of the paint" he shouted at a 15yr old boy who had gotten to close, "I highly doubt you want to see what i could do." A near by teacher told jai to calm down and that if he wanted he could take the teacher on in the gymnasium. Jai laughed at him and just picked up his bag and continued walking towards the dorms noticing a girl with blond hair walk past him. Well at least she is cute unlike most of the girls. He decided to bump into her and tried to do it as to not look to suspicious. "Oh I'm sorry...are you ok?"


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