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Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:12 AM

"Oh, poor baby." She whispered, noticing blood slowly dribble over her lip. With her thumb, she gently wiped away the blood from Aalorah's lip.

OOC: Was it alright she did that? ^^'

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:16 AM

((( Of course. Whatever you like. )))

Aalorahs fangs retreated. "Sorry." She said. Aalorah took Juliets thumb and sucked her blood off of it. Then she winked at Juliet.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:17 AM

Juliet turned a shade of red again when she winked. "Are you alright though? You're lip?.." She trailed off not sure quite what to think.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:18 AM

... Thinking quickly she said "When I'm nervous I tend to bite my lip." " I guess your presence just overwhelms me."

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:21 AM

Juliet looked somewhat sad. "I can go, so you don't harm yourself anymore." She commented, turning to go.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:24 AM

"Not so fast." She said gingerly as she grasped both of Juliets wrist's. She came up behind her, pressing her body against her back. She whispered "If your going I'm coming with you."

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:27 AM

She glanced up to her, bright as a rose. "S-Shall we... leave?" She whispered, finding she would have a headache soon from all this loud music.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:29 AM

"Yes, we shall." Releasing one of her wrists and grabbing her hand, Aalorah walked Juliet out of the club. "My place or yours?" She questioned Juliet.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:31 AM

Juliet had to think about that for a moment. Most likely, her roomate would be home, so that PROBLEY won't be good. "How about yours?" She offered.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:34 AM

"That sounds wonderful. Right this way my lady." She lead Juliet to her Porsche and opened the door.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:35 AM

Once again... She looked surprised. But, she climbed into the vehicle, and proceeded to buckle up. She glanced over, waiting for Aalorah to get in aswell.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:40 AM

Aalorah rushed around the car, hoped in and turned the car on. She fiddled with the radio until she found a heavy rock station and stepped on the gas petal. She didn't bother with her seat belt. "I hope you don't mind the drive taking awhile. We should be there in around 45 minutes." She said quietly, the radio almost completely drowning out her voice. She couldn't wait to get Juliet home.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:45 AM

Juliet shrugged, saying, she didn't mind. She had no hopes at this moment to be heard over the blaring music. She glanced out the window for the moment, taking in a deep breath.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:46 AM

Aalorah turned the radio down. " Are you alright? I'll take you home if you'd like?"

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:48 AM

"N-No, I'm alright!" She assured her with a smile. "Just thinking... I have a tendancy to do that... alot more then I should." She snickered.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:50 AM

" I can see that." Aalorah turned the car sharply, doing around 96. "My house is only a few miles now."

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:51 AM

She was glad she had her seatbelt on during that turn. "Alright." She responded, wondering though, what type of house she lived in.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:55 AM

Slowly the car pulled into her drive way. Aalorah quickly got out and opened the door for Juliet to get out. Her house was huge and old. Almost as old as Aalorah actually. Miles of woodlands were spread behind it. The old stained glass windows sparkled in the moonlight. But not as much as Juliet.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 12:57 AM

She was entranced by the house's beauty. Yes... She was odd like that. She had an appreciation for victorian houses, and what not. But... she had never seen one as beautiful as this. Once Aalorah opened her door, she stepped out, waiting for her to lead the way. "I must say, you have a gorgeous house."

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 01:05 AM

"Thank you.. " She led Juliet to the front door and unlocked it. Inside they stepped into her living room. Still decorated in the Victorian era furniture, Aalorah never felt the need to redecorate it. Though it had all the modern technology. She through her keys on the coffee table and said " Make your self at home Juliet, anything you'd like to use." "Would you like something to eat or drink?" She asked as she walked to the open kitchen.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 01:08 AM

Juliet found it was quite charming, the furniture that is. "No, I'm good." She called out, standing akwardly in the doorway of the kitchen.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 01:10 AM

Aalorah snaked to Juliet and covered her with her body. She held Juliets hands and raised them above her, pinning them to the wall. "So what would you like to do?" She said sweetly.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 01:11 AM

Juliet this time didn't blush, as if this was natural. "Well, the position that which you hold me in... is very suggestive." She responded, purring with the latter part of her sentance.

iiFaerie is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 01:12 AM

"Have you considered that I'm trying to suggest.. something?" She smiled largely and looked keenly into Juliet's eyes.

Malice Mourn
Demoiselle Mortelle
Malice Mourn is offline
Old 03-04-2010, 01:15 AM

Juliet rolled her eyes. "I'm not a mind reader, so you'll have to be blunt." She stuck her tongue out at her playfully.


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