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The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 03-15-2010, 04:15 PM

mean while Jake walked into the grave yard mumbling to him self "who dose that witch think she is, just because I'm a demon, it dose not give her the right to tell me what to do" as he was walking he felt as if some-one or some-think else was in the grave yard and he became more paranoid "why would some-one else be in the grave yard?" but he kept walking, keeping a eye out for anyone around.

Last edited by dragonjake; 03-16-2010 at 04:15 PM..

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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Old 03-15-2010, 04:17 PM

Draven jumped down out of the old oak tree that sat in the center of the graveyard and that loomed over the crypts and tombstones like an ancient stoic giant. He landed perfectly on top of a tombstone, crouching like a cat, the marble skin of his naked chest almost glowing in the light of the full moon. He brushed his black hair out of his eyes and sniffed the air. "Hmm...blood," he said quietly to himself. He had kept quiet and surveyed most of the night's events from the top of the tree. He had seen a lot of things in his many years upon this earth, but he couldn't recall seeing anyone actually fly away on a broom. I thought that only happened in movies, he chuckled, thinking to himself. He jumped off the top if the tombstone and laid down, crossing his legs at the ankles and propping himself against the coldness of the tombstone. He turned around to read the writing on it. "Well hello Alfred Manning. Looks like it's just you and me now," he began to carry on a conversation with the tombstone. " What happened to a graveyard being a quiet place of rest and meditation. It just seems like there is something new going on here every night now," he mocked. He sighed and leaned his head back against the stone. "Well at least it's quiet now." He paused for a moment when he heard footsteps on the road.

Last edited by CaptainCrossbones; 03-17-2010 at 07:09 AM.. Reason: grammar

lefane is offline
Old 03-17-2010, 04:52 AM

Anisa hurried down the road that wound past the old graveyard. She wasn't afraid to be out at night; the night was just a little too cold for her tastes. Anisa was stronger than a human mugger and she hadn't met many darker beings around here, so she knew she could handle herself.

Her right hand in her coat pocket, she fingered her tips for the day. Nyx's Books was a bookstore with a little café where Anisa worked. There was only one person on staff most of the time, so she was both a cashier and a barista. The job was comfortable, especially after Anisa discovered that one of the side benefits of her power was that she got a lot of tips.

Pretty soon, I'll have enough saved up to take some time off of work. Then I can find someone to teach me to use my power safely. I like working in the shop, but it's getting hard to control the charm. And if I get tips like this when I am trying to control myself, imagine what I could get if I knew what I were doing!

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she almost missed the soft thud from the graveyard.

Who would be here at this time of night? Anisa thought. If it's those bullies again I'm going to have to be a little rough. I thought the charm had been enough to dissuade them from the mischief, but maybe not...

Anisa turned towards the noise intent on being tougher on the middle school bullies who liked to torment smaller kids who were scared to be in the graveyard.

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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Old 03-17-2010, 07:16 AM

Draven walked out of the shadows to reveal himself to the young lady walking down the road. He walked in front of the girl, cutting her off. He smiled and began to sniff the air around her. "Hmm...let me see? I smell demon," he chuckled. "What is with this graveyard tonight? Witches on brooms and rotting corpses I'm just looking for some breakfast. He didn't wait for the girl to respond, he kept rambling on. "Hey you got a human roommate or girlfriend or something you think you can introduce me too?," he joked. "Oh hey I'm Draven. So is your mom or your pop that's the demon?," he smiled, the moonlight reflecting off his bone-white fangs.

HamletSpamlet is offline
Old 03-17-2010, 07:38 AM

[Demoscoot gave me permission to use Madame for this post. :] ]

Perhaps it was because they weren't flying away in a panic-driven frenzy like before, or maybe it was because his overpowering desire to feed was starting to ebb away, but Dallas felt a lot more comfortable on the broom this time around. Even the wind, which was once tore at him with fingers razor sharp and cold as ice, now felt cool and gentle on his decaying flesh. Still, he clung tightly to Isabelle's waist, afraid to percieve the huge distance between them and the ground. Instead, he distracted himself by thinking of what they could possibly be planning on doing with him behind the house. There isn't really anything to be afraid of, he reassured himself, They don't seem angry, and they let me eat...

Soon enough, they slowly decended down into the lush grassy area behind the huge home. Isabelle expertly hopped off the broom, leaving him to clumsily roll off to the side. He landed on his back, and a dusty wheeze forced itself from his lungs. The young witch rolled her eyes, flipping the broom up into her hand and then setting it gently against the side of the building. The ornate door leading to the backyard opened then, and Madame Iden gracefully decended down the steps to greet them. In her arms she cradled a large, leather-bond book, which appeared to be at least a century old.

"Well my dear Isabelle, I've done some research and found this situation to be a bit trickier than I'd first imagined." Shifting the book into one arm, she carefully cracked it open to the page marked with a blood red ribbon. "See here?" She pointed with one thin, ivory finger to a passage written in a language Dallas couldn't understand. "What you've managed to conjure up is no mere zombie. He is a nachzehrer; a ghoul created after an individual suffers a decidedly tragic death, usually by suicide or freak accident. The reason he has no desire for the living is because he is more of a scavenger; that is, he fancies the flesh of the already desceased over those who are still alive."

"There is no real way we can just send him back to the grave," Madame said, her voice cool and even. She turned a page of the ancient text gingerly, as though the paper itself might crumble to dust at any moment. "In order to dispose of him, you must "kill" him by placing a golden coin or other token in his mouth, drive a stake through his skull pinning him to the ground, and then decapitate him." With an air of finality, she shut the book and tucked it under one arm. She turned her dark eyes to meet Isabelle's. "Do you think you can handle that?"

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:31 AM

{Sorry for the wall of text, guys! xD I just couldn't continue the story and make it brief. There was too much that had to happen, lol.}

Isabelle just stood there. The area was mute with only the wind speaking to them. The words which came out of Madame's mouth were unheard of to Isabelle for some reason. She could never do something so brutal to any living thing. There was just one problem, Dallas was not of the living. He was undead, but for some reason Isabelle found herself uneasy with the idea of ramming a stake through his skull and then...decapitation. Yet, Isabelle uttered a "Yes ma'am. I think I can."

The young witch gently turned her head towards Dallas to glance with shockingly concerned eyes. "Well, I suppose that's it then. Let's go." The words were cold and unsure.

The estranged zombie stood there soaking in all the information he had just heard. He knew what was right, but he stared at the ground almost as if he did not want to go back. Dallas, then, gave a slight nod.

Madame Iden handed Isabelle a stake and machete which had also been tucked within her arms. "Remember child, you must do the task in the order which I have said in order for him to pass on correctly. I don't know what would happen if something messed up again."

"I'll remember Madame," Isabelle insisted as she reached for her magic broom. She hopped and instantly placed the broomstick beneath her which set her afloat above the ground. She looked in Dallas's direction and did a head gesture signaling him to hop onto the broom. "To the forest, broom" Isabelle ordered. The broom, then, lifted up and flew over the gate surrounding the garden and into the black cluster of trees.

Once the two had made it into a clearing of some sort, Isabelle stopped the broom. Isabelle was only staring into the distance for a few seconds; not even moving from her broom. Dallas sat still on the broom behind the girl, yet he was puzzled. Why is she just sitting there, he wondered. The only thing that could be seen, from Dallas's viewpoint, was the girl's back. There was no real way of knowing what was going through her mind. Just then, Isabelle got off the broom and walked into the part of the clearing which a patch of moonlight was showing through. The light made Isabelle's sandy-colored hair shimer almost as if a silver color. She looked as if a ringmaster under the spotlight. Another thing which shimmered was the large machete in her hand. It amazed Dallas that such a small girl could wield such a knife effortlessly.

Dallas slowly, but effectively, got off of the broom and made his way over to the moonlit clearing. Once the zombie was standing before Isabelle, the witch asked "So, are you ready for this?" The zombie had been curiously quiet the whole time. He still did not utter one word. Instead, Dallas gave a reluctant nod. Isabelle reached into her coin bag and placed a coin into Dallas's mouth. "Okay, now lie down. It will make this a bit easier."

'A bit easier...' the words echoed in Dallas's head. What could she have meant by that? Dallas slowly sat down and then fell to his back.

Isabelle, with the stake in one hand and the machete lying on the groud, positioned the tip of the stake right above Dallas's forehead. For a while, Isabelle only held it there. Dallas was not even showing an ounce of fear as he stared into the moon. The frustration was building up inside Isabelle and it was becoming unbearable. With one huge breath, Isabelle fiercely grappled the stake with both hands and raised it up as if about to plunge it in. As soon as she cut the air with her downward swing, Isabelle stopped at Dallas's head. Eyes wide open, Isabelle let out a gasp of breath. Her heart was beginning to pump. The stake dropped to the ground and Isabelle stood up. She picked up the great knife and the stake and then proceeded towards her, still afloat, broom.

It was then that Dallas moved his head in concern. Although a part of him wanted to sleep once more, something else was beckoning him to stay in the dark world of the living. The cold wind was swaying the zombie's hair even as he lie on the ground. Just then, he heard a "C'mon zombie, plan B" from the young girl. Dallas rose from the ground and began to come towards the girl on the broomstick. The expression on Dallas's face was clear. He did not understand why Isabelle changed her mind, but he could not bring any words out. "Oh, don't look at me like that!" Isabelle scorned in embarassment. "You, obviously, aren't a danger to the community and, plus, I have a feeling that my spell was no mistake. I believe in fate and I believe that fate has allowed you to rise for a reason. I cannot take you back with me, but you will be fine at the graveyard."

Dallas climbed onto the back of the broom and, with new confidence after a few rides, grabbed onto the broom itself for support rather than Isabelle's waist. The two lifted high into the sky and darted towards the graveyard. Isabelle had not forgotten about the demon, which attacked them before, but she was willing to give that fight another shot. What Isabelle didn't expect, was the new company which awaited them.

Last edited by Chickie Nuggs; 03-17-2010 at 09:51 AM..

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 03-17-2010, 04:21 PM

Jake was still walking with the cool breeze blowing across his face, but then he stopped and listened, for a while he thought it was his mind but then he sensed it, the voice was a vampires. Jake stood frozen but realized he had to make a move so he turned to the opposite direction for where he heard the voices and ran.

lefane is offline
Old 03-17-2010, 04:34 PM


Vampire. Anisa struggled to appear calm. A vampire shouldn't have been a problem for her, if she knew how to control her power. But since she didn't...

"My dad is a demon." She answered. "I'm Anisa, Draven. It's nice to meet you."

Just keep him talking and maybe he won't notice how scared I am.

"And I don't have any roommates, sorry. I guess you'll have to find your meal elsewhere."

Anisa slowly started backing away from the vampire, not wanting to turn her back, but trying not to show her fear. Running would be useless. A vampire was faster than her.

Can vampires sense fear? She wondered. I'm don't know. I hope not. Why couldn't it be some nice creature, like a sprite? Did they even exist?

She was almost back on the road. Just a few more feet.

Suddenly, her heel hit a slick patch of grass. Gasping in surprise, Anisa flailed her arms as she fell before landing roughly on her bottom in the wet grass. Looking up, she could see the vampire looming over her.

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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Old 03-17-2010, 05:50 PM

Draven laughed. "I wasn't going to bite you," he almost growled between his teeth, playful not angry. He swiftly grabbed Anisa and sat her on her feet. "I don't really have a taste for demon blood, actually it really depends on what kind of demon, but it still tastes funny. It's like if you were to eat your favorite food with too much salt in it. Your demon blood mixed with your human blood is too much salt in my favorite food." He stopped suddenly and listened, he heard the footsteps of someone running in the oposite direction. "Well that might be a potential meal," he smiled down at Anisa. "It's been a pleasure," he bowed and ran past her swiftly.

She was nice, he thought to himself as he approach the runner quickly. He saw the form of a male in the distance, he took one leap of the ground and pounced on his back.

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 03-17-2010, 07:57 PM

Jake felt the vampire land on him and the only thing he could do was fall backwards hoping to land on the vampire but as he was almost about to hit the ground the vampire swiftly jumped of his back and stood looming over Jake, so Jake struggled up and went to hit the vampire but Draven moved out of his way and tripped him up, he got up again and realized theres no way out and he couldn't think because his mind was racing and his heart was thumping but he gave one last attempt but missed and fell over again.

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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Old 03-17-2010, 09:11 PM

Draven laughed at the man's efforts. He put one big black boot in the middle of the man's chest. "Your efforts are much admired, but I'm afraid friend that this is not your night." He brushed his hair back out of his red eyes, blazing down at the other man. "We can do this the hard way of we can do it the easy way. We can over on the side of the road in the shadows like gentleman and it will be over and done with or you could scream and fight me. It really doesn't much matter, but I warn you it will be a lot less painful if you don't put up a fight," he looked down waiting for the man's response.

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 03-17-2010, 10:18 PM

Just then, as if they had come from the moon, Isabelle and Dallas were almost back at the graveyard. Swooping downward, the two were flying at a fast speed yet they somehow managed to hold themselves together (especially Dallas). Isabelle noticed a man on the ground ans another man who had his victim pinned down with his foot. Generally, Isabelle did not get herself caught up in brawls and other drama, but, as she and Dallas drew even more near, she noticed that the man on the ground was the passer-by she had seen earlier. "HEY, YOU! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Isabelle cried out loud as she was forming some kind of orb of light.
The vampire had a keen sense and managed to evade the shot. Isabelle slowly lowered through the air and hovered just a few feet above the ground. Isabelle tried to feign a mode of confidence, but inside she was dead scared. She had just attacked a vampire; a vampire who had nothing to do with her and who was most likely stronger than she. Isabelle quickly glanced at Dallas behind her and then at the stranger on the ground. "If you want to live, here's probably your only chance!" Isabelle urged, but the man didn't do anything. Isabelle, thinking of any other possible offensive spells, stayed silent trying to hide her fear.

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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Old 03-18-2010, 12:05 AM

Draven was too shocked to even try to put up a fight. "Why can't I get anything to eat tonight?" He stood there looking at all the faces that were staring at each other. "Broomsticks and half-demons and zombies! Could someone please tell me what is going on here tonight? Because I'm really thinking that it's possible for a vampire to lose his mind right now." He stood there in shock waiting for someone to offer some sort of explanation.

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 03-18-2010, 05:04 AM

Isabelle stood shocked at the vampire's reply. Her fear was slowly beginning to wither away once she saw that the man wasn't as sinister as he seemed. Her face shifted to a look of annoyance and she slowly hovered towards Draven. Once Isabelle finally leveled herself to the tall vampire, she poked and prodded his chest. "Have you been sleeping for ages? Or did you just get hit in the head? It isn't anymore rare to see a zombie or a witch than anything else. This isn't the human world, you know."

The witch was like an annoyed cat. If she had fur, her ends would be slightly sticking up. She would be ready to claw the moment the man moved near her, metaphorically speaking of course.

"What's your name, vampire?" Isabelle demanded while glaring bravely, for once, at the man.

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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Old 03-18-2010, 05:11 AM

"No I haven't been sleeping for ages. I know where I am," Draven snorted. "It's just it was a pretty quiet night and all of a sudden it seemed like all hell broke loose, pardon the pun," he sighed, trying not to explain even further. "Look I just woke up and I'm cranky and I need some food. My name is Draven," he sighed, giving up his attempt to explain himself, he had already presented himself like a fool.

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 03-18-2010, 05:58 AM

"Well I'm sure that you'll find a nice human to drain in the city." Isabelle said sarcastically. She, then, looked towards the strange man dressed in black and white. "I don't even think he's human either." Isabelle chuckled a small laugh, "I guess this just isn't your day, Draven." After a moment, something struck Isabelle's memory. She and Dallas had fled the graveyard for a reason. The demon head didn't seem to be anywhere out in the open, but Isabelle couldn't know for sure. She turned her attention back to Draven. "Say, vampire, you wouldn't happen to have seen a floating head around, have you?"

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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Old 03-18-2010, 06:45 AM

Draven grumbled under his breath and turned toward the man dressed in black and white. "I knew you didn't smell quite right either." He turned his attention back to the witch. "I don't recall seeing a floating demon head. I must have been distracted. Why are you looking for a floating demon head anyway?" Draven looked at his feet and kicked the dust on the road.

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:14 AM

Isabelle sat on her broom in silence. "I guess it went away..." she said in a low tone. It attacked me and the zombie over there and so we fled. All of this commotion had made me temporarily forget about what had happened." Isabelle hopped off of the broom and the magical broomstick disappeared from out of nowhere. It knew that it's job was done for the time being. The witch stood there looking up and analyzing the tall vampire

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:21 AM

Draven started to become annoyed. "What do you keep staring at. It's like you've never seen a vampire before and you talk about me hitting your head," he rolled his eyes at the witch. "What were you doing out here anyway, Miss...uh...? Sorry I didn't catch your name?"

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:35 AM

Isabelle took that remark as somewhat of an insult. "FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I happen to be a great judge of character! I was merely analyzing you. Hmph." She turned around and walked back towards Dallas.

HamletSpamlet is offline
Old 03-18-2010, 08:09 AM

Dallas was feeling pretty bewildered as he watched the heated exchange between the two. Even though the vampire stood much taller than the tiny witch, she was bristling with energy and fury even as she walked back over to him. He chewed his lip nervously, not knowing how he should be reacting or even where he should be standing. Isabelle did fly him back here just to drop him off, but it wasn't looking like the most friendly environment for him to be in at the moment.

His yellowed eyes darted from person to person, desperately seeking answers.

ghostPastry is offline
Old 03-18-2010, 10:14 AM

Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink. Lillith thought, rolling her eyes. What a tragedy. She was glad the pesky little witch had stopped the fight. It couldn't help the shortage of humans. Still, the girl was asking where she was now, and no matter how magical they are, humans talk to other humans. It wouldn't be long before a flying head followed by a string of exposed organs was something that people actually looked for. That would make hunting even more difficult than before. Lillith knew now that she couldn't kill the witch as easily as a normal human, so she would just have to watch and wait.

Last edited by ghostPastry; 04-04-2010 at 09:16 AM..

"Poor is the man whose pleasures...
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Old 03-18-2010, 05:35 PM

"I just asked you your name," Draven stood staring at the tiny witch. "I just feel a little uncomfortible when people stare at me all the time, makes me feel like I'm on display," he sighed. "I'm sorry," he added quickly and much more quiet than he had been speaking. He didn't like saying he was sorry, but sometimes it was necessary, unless you wanted a witch to curse you for all eternity. He could feel the power radiating off of her.

The one true dragon! >:D
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:44 PM

Jake stood up, brushing dust off his cloak, now his eyes had turn red with anger "you stupid vampire why did you attack me, you should of know i was a demon" then he looked at the witch "thank you. how can i repay you?" then he stood and waited for a answer

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:57 PM

Isabelle stopped in her tracks at Draven's words and turned around to face him. "My name is Isabelle," the little witch said. She noticed Jake's words and also turned to face him in his direction. "You're welcome and no payment necessary." Isabelle continued walking towards Dallas who was just standing there twiddling his fingers. "Zombie, can you speak? You haven't said a word all night." Isabelle said in concern. She realized the huge gash in his neck, but he was a zombie (a special type at that) and he should be able to speak irregardless of his condition. After Dallas said nothing, still, Isabelle just gave a sigh and called out, "Oh Broom!" The broom came to its master obediently. Isabelle hopped onto it and gave a yawn. "You stay here and make some friends, I'll be back after I sleep a little bit." Isabelle said in a joking tone, but out of seriousness. The witch flew up into the sky and dashed over the trees and back to Madame's house. She didn't think about how she would have to explain why Dallas was still alive.


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