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Crazy-Franky101 is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 09:11 PM

I love the movie Monster House, but the first time I went to watch it I could only get to the red kite part(I know, imma wimp). However, unlike that one, I CANNOT watch the Grudge 2. I shrieked louder than the TV(which(volume wise) was all the way up, might i add), when the little boy's face came floating down while she was trapped in the little area. I FLIPPED OUT.

lostnkunfusion is offline
Old 03-25-2010, 12:28 AM

From the time I was nine up until I turned fifteen, I could watch scary movies non stop and never have to worry about anything. Then one day when I was 15, my brother rented the movie "Jeepers Creepers", and I watched it all the way through with him thinking that everything was fine, only to find that that night when I went to sleep, I ended up having a ton of nightmares all based on the "Creeper." Every since that night, I have never been able to watch scary movies without getting scared at night.

Movies like "Paranormal Activity" that weren't really all that scary while I watched it, ended up scaring the crap out of me later. I end up staying awake at night trying to keep watch for something that might end up happening.

I guess it might all be due to an over active imagination, but who knows. Maybe someday I'll be able to watch scary movies and not get scared when I go to sleep.

Frawesome is offline
Old 03-29-2010, 03:52 PM

Darkness falls creeped me out. I couldn't finish watching it... or maybe it was because I had something to do at the time. I don''t remember. Every time the lights are out I think she's gonna come after me D:
And the first time I watched the Silent Hill movie ( it was halfway through and it was around 2007. I'd never heard of the games before ) I got to the part with the nurses and they were all walking freaky, and that SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME. It was so cool though I went back and rented the movie a million times at the movie gallery and played every game except Origins. <3

Alfred F. Jones
D1S50lv3dG1Rl is offline
Old 04-02-2010, 04:51 AM

I can't say that things have actually 'scared' me when it comes to movies...more just creeped out...
anything that has unnatural movement, like the backward walk down the stairs in exorcist, the grudge girl's movement, and the like...

video games that creep me out are the fatal frame games and the silent hill games...the noises just get to me XD

raebabe18emo is offline
Old 04-14-2010, 11:07 AM

Not many movies scare me but VENOM is by far the scariest movie i have ever seen...(shudder)


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