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Skykittykat is offline
Old 05-02-2010, 02:33 AM

All kids hold an egg in their soul. The Egg of our hearts, our would be selves, yet unseen. As the children grow up their eggs vanish but while they still wish and dream freely they hold onto them.

For a few special children their dreams become reality when they wish to change or improve themselves and their eggs are born into the world to hatch as shugo charas. Mysterious beings of unkown origins who watch over their owners and pull from them their hidden potential through both "Chara Chages" where one small piece of them changes and they can only acheive their potential that is within the normal human ability ranges, or through "Character Transformations" when they change completely and their whole pysical appearance changes to allow them to do a great number of things.

Many years have passed since the incident with Easter and Amu and the rest have all graduated from high school and are off living their lives. However the tradition of the Guardians has not changed, in fact, the Guardian's have even spread all the way to Seiyo High School where are story now takes place. Amu and Ikuto's child, a young girl by the name of Gabrielle is just entering High School, and as would be expected she inheirited her mother's "Cool and Spicy" attitude. Her eggs have yet to appear and she does not yet know of the Shugo Chara's yet, but she must awaken as the High School's new joker quickly, because danger is lurking around every corner.

A new company under the name of Utopia is after the Embryo and the Guardians are the only one's who are able to stop them from the wish they want granted, World Domination.

Last edited by Skykittykat; 05-02-2010 at 05:37 AM..

Skykittykat is offline
Old 05-02-2010, 02:54 AM

1. Post at least two paragraphs EVERY POST with CORRECT grammer.
2. Absolutely no god-modding/Power playing/Mary Sue's/Gary Stu's/Autohitting/etc.
3. Absolutely no Chat speak. What so ever. If you chat speak in character I will not hesitate to kick you out.
4. PG-13, no exceptions! That means kissing, dating, light romance/violence but no gore/baby making! I'm not even going to tell you to do that elsewhere cause that's just plain wrong and NO one wants to see it here.
5. I'm the "Kami-chama" here. What I say goes.
6. Only I have control over the Embryo, such as when it appears and such. If I put "The Embryo flew over the city, bouncing across rooftops while leaving a glittering trail behind it." your character can see the Embryo, but not make it come directly to them.
7. Send me your character profile under the PM title 'This is who I want to be.' And do not post in the IC until I approve it.
8. I would like you to post at least once every three days.
9. If you want to be a child of one of the older characters like mine here are how they paired up. Only one roleplayer to each couple with up to three characters from that couple. You do not have to be related to any of the older characters however. It is purely optional.
-Amu and Ikuto -TAKEN-
-Tadase and Lulu
-Utau and Kukai
-Rima and Nagihiko
-Sanjo and Nikaidou
-Rikka and Hikaru
-Kairi and Yaya
10. I reserve the right to add more rules if necessary.
11. Maximum of two shugo charas for other characters, the only one allowed to have three is my chara since she recieved the Humpty Lock from her mother (Ikuto returned the Dumpty Key to the High School and now the guardians have it.)

Skykittykat is offline
Old 05-02-2010, 03:05 AM


King's Chair
-Open-{Male Character}
Queen's Chair
Sayuri Takahashi - Amaya Mori
Jack's Chair
-Open-{Male Character}
Ace's Chair
Sula Yuuko - Supermango
Gabrielle Tsukiyomi - Skykittykat

Students can have charas to but they are all restricted to only one and are usually more minor characters
-Open-(Unlimited amount male or female)

Head of Utopia
-Open-{Male Character}
Head of Science Department (also plays the four other Science team members as NPCs)
-Open-{Female Character}

>Chara Bearer Villains (Not necessarily evil just working with Utopia for their Chara bearing abilities, think Utau and Ikuto)
-Open-{Male Character}
Yume Odori - Bethieboo

Last edited by Skykittykat; 05-12-2010 at 12:57 AM..

Skykittykat is offline
Old 05-02-2010, 03:09 AM

~Character Sheet



Shugo Chara(s)
'Who I wanna be'-
Character Transformation-

Last edited by Skykittykat; 05-02-2010 at 03:11 AM..

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Old 05-02-2010, 03:53 AM

(WOW Thats alot to say XD)

Skykittykat is offline
Old 05-02-2010, 05:36 AM

Accepted Character Profiles

My character
Username- Skykittykat

Name- Gabrielle Elliya Tsukiyomi, though you may call me Eli.
Age- I have been on this planet for sixteen years.
Gender- Isn't it obvious that I'm female?
Grade- I'm a 1oth grader, a first year in high school.
Role- I'm the Lock Bearer and Joker-to-be.
Appearance- "My motto. When life gives you lemons make grape juice then sit back and let the world wonder how you did it."
Personality- I was always the one that was the tough, cold girl with the dangerous personality and a wild side a mile long. Or at least that was what people saw my personality as. "Cool and Spicy" Is what they all called me. It wasn't that I was wild though. I was actually very shy with a bit of a spiky personality because I wasn't good at handling people.

I'm a literal genius but I get easily frustrated when people don't understand. I have a lot of thoughts that tend to rush through my head making me easily agitated, which is where I get my uptight look. I see being a genius as something that holds me back instead of carries me forward like it should. I'm not incredibly social and I'm rather shy, though in a fight I'm more ferocious than a wounded tigeress.

Once you get past these barriers though I'm a true and honest friend who knows how to keep a secret. I like to draw and sing and whenever I do these things I have a certain glow around me that shows people how happy I am. I'm not a very picky person, nor am I neat but if you take the time to get to know my you've earned yourself someone who will stick by you no matter what.
Biography- I was born to Amu and Ikuto Tsukyomi. My father was a famous violinist and my mother sang with him as accompaniment. Being the child of famous parent's isn't necessarily a bad thing. In fact for the first few years of my life I was spoiled rotten. However being around my mother made her cool attitude rub off on me.

When I turned eleven I was scouted for modeling from a local company. Now I'm a popular model and I'm just starting High School. On my first day I saw him. The man that made my heart beat till it was fit to burst. The King's chair. I won't talk to him though. I'm too shy. So I'll just have to be content with quietly watching him from the sidelines.

Shugo Chara~1
Name- Mitsuki (Japanese for full moon)
Personality- Incredibly bubbly and perpetually happy. Mitsuki is the type of character who is positive in the face of any situation. Having been the first born of Gabrielle, Mitsuki is the one who really educated her in the world of the charas. She's outgoing and silly but she care's a lot about Gabrielle even though she's often being scolded by her.
Appearance- See Character Transformation
'Who I wanna be'- Mitsuki was born from Gabrielle's wish to be able to let loose. Her "cool and spicy" outer personality always seemed to get in the way of her making friends and she always just wanted to be able to cut loose and have fun like a normal teenage girl without having to worry what everyone thought of her. Her chara talent is sports and athletics.
Character Transformation-"If my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN~!"
((This animation was made by me so no stealing!!))

Shugo Chara~2
Name- Mori (Japanese for Forest)
Personality- A level headed chara with a passion for nature. She can be seen as preachy sometimes by the other chara's but she's a good girl on the inside. She just wants to save the planet. She's a bit of a older sister figure to the other charas even though she can be annoying when she tyriads about the health of the planet. Mori was Gabrielle's second shugo chara.
Appearance- "Knowledge is realizing that the street is one-way, wisdom is looking both directions anyway."
'Who I wanna be'- Mori was born from Gabrielle's wish to protect the Earth and Nature. Ever since she was a little girl she'd loved the outdoors and flowers and she doesn't want to see all that disappear. Her special talent as a chara is Gardening and Animal Communication.
Character Transformation- "Chara Nari! Nature's Blessing!"

Shugo Chara~3
Name- Fuki (Japanese for Freedom)
Personality- Lazy and sneaky this chara is most like Gabrielle's father. She's fun loving but in a more free spirited way than Mitsuki. She likes art but she really enjoys pranks. Even though she loves Gabrielle very much she often goes off alone to have fun since she's a very private character. She can be a bit shy when it comes to boy characters. She has a good mind for planning out details. She was the last to be born out of Gabrielle's charas. She can be very devious at times and very loving at others. As a cat character her moods change easily but that's what part of her freedom is.
Appearance- "It may look like I'm doing nothing, but I'm actively waiting for my problems to go away."
'Who I wanna be'- Fuki was born from Gabrielle's wish for freedom from the world and from herself. Her chara talent is Artistic skills.
Character Transformation- "Chara Nari! Liberty Blessing

Originally Posted by supermango
Username- supermango
Name- Sula Yuuko (call her either)
Age- 14
Gender- Female, but acts like a boy.
Grade- 10th
Role- Ace's chair
Appearence- Sula Yuuko
Personality- Quiet, very shy, aggressive sometimes, lazy, and broken inside
Biography- Sula lived a normal, happy life until her father moved away in America with a movie star. After that, everything went downhill. Sula's mother turned to alcohol, and her baby sister devoloped schizophrenia. Sula, too, was bullied at school and didn't have any friends. That's when her egg awakened.

Her chara:
Name: Keiko
Personality: Sweet, funny, charming, flirty, cute, friendly, outgoing, kind to everyone she meets
Appearance: Keiko
Who I wanna be: Sula's softer, more outgoing side that she keeps locked up inside her. Keiko was born from Sula's wish to become more soft and sweet and girly.
Character transformation: "Chara Nari - Blossom of Happiness"
Originally Posted by Amaya Mori
Username-Amaya Mori

Name- Sayuri Takahashi
Grade- sophomore, I skipped a grade
Role- Queen
Appearence-When will class start...
Personality-I’m a mother duck, always taking care of the people in my class and my friends. I can be slightly OCD, wanting everything to go in its place and making sure that there is a plan and that every one sticks to it. I’m the most organized 15 year old I know. I put other people’s happiness before my own and though I can always find the thing that my friends are really good at I don’t have much faith in my own talents. I don’t believe in self pity though so I recognize that I’m smart and fairly athletic. I’m modest and try not to flaunt my skills rather focusing on others. I’m friendly to everyone- or at least I try to be-believing that one should never judge a book by its cover.
That is who I am, or at least who I have worked so hard to be. In truth ever since I was little I secretly wanted to be a star. I want people to notice me not for my brains but for my voice and my dancing. I have I realized be my own enemy in this aspect. I wanted to be a model student so my dad wouldn’t have to worry about me as well as everything else. Now it has become an instinct to hide my love of rock music.

Biography-I was born to Kasumi and Arata on the 24 of April. A couple of years later my parents would separate. My mother would leave Japan all together to travel the world as an archeologist leaving me to take care of my writer father. Not that she doesn’t make time to stop by and check up on me. Once upon a time my father was an up and coming bestselling author but after two novels and the divorce he just couldn’t find the inspiration any more. Now he works a bartender at a local bar and lives off of the left over money from his books.
It was a combination of his late nights and messy habits that I started to become more of a mother to him then a daughter. I kept the house clean and still managed to excel in school. At a young age I found I was good at school work and easily retained any information presented to me, though I did not inherit my father talent for words.

Shugo Chara(s)
Personality-Dee has a text book case of narcissism. She will take any chance she can to look at herself or talk about herself. For someone so small she can be very load and demanding. Dee hate that Sayuri doesn’t give herself enough credit. She can have wild mood swings going from red-faced-so-angry-you-cry-mad; to bouncy-everything-is-right-in-the-world- happy. She is a chick rock star personified.
Appearence-You should be looking in this direction
'Who I wanna be'-Dee was born from Sayuri’s wish to be able to be a famous singer. Her character talent is her voice
Character Transformation-Punk Rock Princess
Originally Posted by BethieBoo
Username- BethieBoo

Name- Yume Odori (Japanese for Dance Dream)
Age- Though its none of your business, seventeen.
Gender- You have eyes, look. I’m a girl, obviously.
Grade- I’m in the eleventh grade, second year.
Role- I’m controlled by Easter so I may capture the Embryo some day.
I‘m indecisive
Personality- I am a hard rock on the exterior, trying to make myself look tough but really I’m not. I wish I could stop working for Utopia but I have no choice which causes me to come off like the heartless machine I’m not. Inside, I’m just an insecure girl trying to be someone I’m not.
Biography- I was a bastard child, my mother got pregnant with me when she was only sixteen. My father left her when he found out, she had no job no place to stay and a new born baby. In order to keep me alive, she made a deal with Utopia but the price was great. She promised that I would work for them as soon as I became if they would take care of me, but the deal did not include her. She ran off by herself, leaving me with the bad guys.

I grew up working for Utopia. They taught me how to fight search for the Embryo. I was taught to character transform with Baree and dance in such a way that it lured out peoples X eggs, and then I would destroy them with Hade. My heart iced over as I tried to block out the pain I felt for the dreams I was destroying. Now I have a hard exterior that is not me and I find myself thinking everyday, “Why would my mother do this to me? This is all her fault,”

Shugo Chara(s)
Name- Baree (Japanese for Ballet)
Ballet Temptation
Personality- Always happy and dancing. She tries to cheer people up with her upbeat ballet. Whenever she dances, she hums to herself so that she creates her own music. There’s almost never a moment when her toes are not pointed and her feet turned out in some kind of ballet pose or movement.
Appearance- tombe pada bu rae glissade jete
'Who I wanna be'- Baree is Yume’s dream to become a nice person but when most people see Baree, they just think Yume wants to become a professional ballet dancer.
Character Transformation-
Chasse Arabesque

Name- Hade (Japanese for Loud)
Dancer Temptation
Personality- Hade loves to make noise. She’s using a loud tone, not knowing how to be quiet. Don’t expect her to be a good secret keeper, she cant keep quiet. She rocks on her electric guitar while screaming the lyrics to her newest haiku. Though the words are beautiful, some may not say the same for the music.
Appearence- Rock!
'Who I wanna be’ Hade is Yume’s dream to be open. Hade expresses this dream by being loud and obnoxious, beating on whatever’s around and blasting out tunes. Hade acquires Yume’s love for punk rock and gothic style clothing and music.
Character Transformation: Roll…

Last edited by Skykittykat; 05-12-2010 at 12:56 AM..

Skykittykat is offline
Old 05-02-2010, 08:14 PM

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