Old 05-26-2010, 09:29 PM

Care for a Spin in my Airship, Luv?

Even if you don't, well... You came in up the passenger ramp and we've just taken off, so you're stuck here anyway! We're fully stocked with food, drink, bits of string, and glue, so we won't need to land until the end of Phoenix Jubilee!

Feel free to wander around this behemoth of a passenger transport vehicle. We've got a pool, an arcade (steampunk-era, of course!), a craft room... even our very own garden maze (hahaha, you thought I forgot my Labyrinth-loving roots, didn't you?). That's all I got to find before I decided to take off with the airship, so it's up to you to find what else this particular baby holds!

For the tinkerers, I... don't know how often this thing needs upkeep and repairs, so feel free to have at it in the belly of ship where all the technical cogs and gears and wires are.

The dining hall is right down this corridor and to your left. To the right is... a wall. You probably don't want to go that way.

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 05-27-2010 at 04:10 PM..