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ZeGuMmIBeaRQueEn is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 04:36 AM

Oh, I thought of another one! *is overly excited*

*When I'm eating toast, if the butter doesn't melt all the way, I wipe the un-melted part off on my finger and lick it off. O.o Gross, I know, but my mind says it tastes better that way than if it were ruining my toast! XD

Originally Posted by Kelken
I do this too. if there's only one of something, I split it in half in my mouth so I can chew on each side.
*nod* Same here. Otherwise I feel all uneven, you know?

phrank is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 07:15 AM

oh, gosh.
I'm not even sure we want to get into it.

if anything on my plate touches each other I throw it away.
the exception is if it's supposed to touch.
I will eat everything from worst to best. like if you give me a bag of skittles it will go orange, yellow, green, red, purple.
I don't drink water unless it's carbonated.
I don't eat heavy foods (I'm not even really sure what that means, but it makes going to restaurants very difficult.)
my diet mostly consists of fruit, vegetables, noodles and enough meat to keep me from wasting away.
Milk makes me sick and I won't eat most leavened bread.
no pork.
I don't put salt or butter on anything. ever.
the only condiment I use is sour cream.
it takes me 10x the normal amount of time to drink anything.
amg never ever ever ever any spoons.
I only chew on my right side.
I eat very fast, like a scared deer. I crouch over my food like someone's going to take it from me, it's awesome.

there is so much more, it's sad.

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 08:19 PM

I like dipping french fries in
vanilla ice cream. Oo ^^;;

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ZeGuMmIBeaRQueEn is offline
Old 05-15-2010, 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by SugaryCalavera View Post
I like dipping french fries in
vanilla ice cream. Oo ^^;;
So do I! XD

SugaryCalavera is offline
Old 05-16-2010, 04:07 AM

Originally Posted by ZeGuMmIBeaRQueEn View Post

So do I! XD
:XD Hooray! I always assumed I was the only weirdo that loved this!

Vexatious~Venom is offline
Old 05-16-2010, 07:26 PM

I am a really fussy/weird eater.

.My food can't touch on the plate, if I want it touching I will move it.
.I only eat orange cheese.
.I hate cold pizza.
.Microwave meals are a no no.
.I hate tinned macaroni.
.I am not a big fan of bacon.
.I always eat my least favourite food on the plate first and then the best.
.I always eat each food individually, I don't mix them around, like meat one mouthful and corn the next, no....
.I hate cream unless it has sugar in it.
.I love pineapple unless it is cooked in something so it goes all warm and gooey, that is gross.

I think that is enough for now :P

Magic Muffin <3
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Magic Muffin <3 is offline
Old 05-17-2010, 03:01 PM

I eat from my least favorite thing first, but if I have a dish that I like everything equaly in, I have to eat them in turn, sos not to disrespect a certain food. o.o

I cannot eat mash potato, corned beef and cabbige/peas without mixing them together.

If I am eating a Magnum ice cream I have to eat the outside first, same goes for chocolate bars.

I get competely put off my food if there is gristle in my meat.

I hate the fat off meat.

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Yummeh is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 05:09 AM

- wish chips. :P i still make a wish every time.
- err, i always eat things evenly. like dish with rice. every. bite.

Soryko is offline
Old 05-20-2010, 09:42 PM

Haha some of the first things listed are things I do. xD

Like with the lucky charms. I always ear the lil brown stars first, theeen the marshmallows.

I don't really like crust, so on my sandwiches I eat it first, leaving all the yummy-ness last. xD

Oh and I can't stand it when someone drinks out of my drink or bites out of my food.
o_____o I'm not even a germa-phobe but it creeps me out~ I've gotten better about it though. ~w~ I'll actually eat it/drink it anyway now.

And people always think I'm weird for dipping french fries into sweet things. ~w~ Like Mc Donalds McFrostys<3 Best, combo, eveeer.
Sweet + salty = Awesome.

But yeah those are the main things. X3

YamiSora is offline
Old 05-22-2010, 12:15 AM

hmmmmmmmmm lets see:
1. Sora has a national *eat everything with whip cream for one day* find a lot of fun and weird combos to taste. XP

2. Sora plays with his Sora'll make a slushy when he gets ice cream in bowl with stuff in it or put olives on his finger.

3. Sora will do weird stuff to make him eat or drink something for Sora'll put holes in the top of his water bottle.

Kraetiis is offline
Old 05-22-2010, 01:41 PM

While i'm eating, I lift my left hand up just incase I want to touch my food. people give me odd stares. funny?

Also, when I'm eating with my siblings I usually eat big bites, and I could care less if I get food on my face, but when I'm with my parents or outside the house(lets say a resturaunt) I take small bites and it takes me for ever to get through one plate of food.

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Larxene is offline
Old 05-24-2010, 09:15 AM

This is more of a bad eating habit then a weird one really.
I tend to shovel my food while I eat. I'm trying my best to slow down when I eat, but thanks to those four years of high school where you barely had time to eat everything, I now eat a bit too quickly.

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Old 05-24-2010, 11:09 AM

I have two:
-When eating beans 'n' sausage, I pick out every last bean and eat them all first, then I eat the sausage next.

-When eating a big, multi-part meal, I never eat like a bite of porkchop and then a spoonful of beans or anything (an example). No, I eat all of one food first, turn my plate, eat all of the next thing, repeat, repeat.

Nymphaera is offline
Old 05-24-2010, 07:26 PM

I don't think their weird, but you be the judge.

When eating a home cooked meal, I can't have my food touching. To me it's the grossest thing ever to have everything on my plate touching. Not sure why.

Eating a sandwich I usually eat the edges off then eat the sandwich. Or, I'll put chips on the sandwich and eat it that way. Usually, I use Lay's Classic chips for that.

Eating out. Depending on what it is, I'll eat everything then the meat. When it's Mexican food, I leave the rice for last. I love, love Mexican rice. It soo good.

That's all I can think of that people have brought to my attention. lol

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SpikedLace is offline
Old 05-24-2010, 07:41 PM

When I eat skittles, I always save the green ones for last because they are my favorites.
When I have a slice of cake, I will eat the cake part that doesn't have any icing on it first then I'll eat the part with icing.
Also, I don't know if this counts or not, but when I get a glass or cup out I always blow into it before pouring my drink.

ToriKat is offline
Old 05-25-2010, 12:35 PM

I don't know why, but people like to comment on how I eat. I don't even think my style's even that interesting. I'll eat foods by type. I'll eat all the green beans, all the corn, all the salad, all of the meat, etc. Sometimes people think I only like certain foods, so they'll try to replace what I just ate. I to be orderly, I suppose. I don't think I have any compulsions. When I went to basic, I ended up mixing all of my food together and shoving it down my throat because of the time limits. When you have only two minutes to eat and you're starving, who cares about eating pretty? :)

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Wonderlands is offline
Old 05-25-2010, 12:45 PM

Other foods/sauces can never ever touch the rice. I like my rice seperate thankyou vey much.

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pinkii is offline
Old 05-27-2010, 10:34 PM

Whenever I eat a sandwich, I tend to avoid the edges and then throw them away. I really should eat it all though. I'm wasting bread.

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xghostlyx_xgirlx is offline
Old 05-29-2010, 07:56 PM

I eat ranch on chicken and Pizza
I eat Texas Pete and turkey or ham sandwiches
That's all i can think of

I am Okay
I am Okay is offline
Old 05-29-2010, 08:01 PM

Hmm I don't really know if this is an unusual eating habit, but whenever I eat Oreos I would eat the white stuff first, then eat the rest. Lol and I also have to have a drink or beverage, because I just can't stand to eat without it. (I always get thirsty no matter what.)

Clarise is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 04:54 AM

When it comes to candy like jelly beans or MMs, I always sort them into colors.

I can't really think of anything else right now.

stephstar101 is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 02:58 PM

I just mix the RANDOMEST things together and everyone at my lunch table is like "Ewwww that's disgusting, don't eat it!" and then I take a bite outta it and say yum! :D One of them was the schoos pizza with doritos cool ranch flavor tasted sorta weird and good at the same time...

jazzkitteh is offline
Old 05-31-2010, 04:58 PM

I eat the chocolate off of reeses then the peanut butter center.

I always have to have a bit of crust in ever bite of my sandwich. I'll bite at the middle then nibble a piece of the corner off one area to get the centers.

I dont like carrots raw without peanut butter on them unless there baby carrots.

I hate mayo. I almost always use sour cream instead.

I always save the seafood for last when I eat it with rice or pasta.

I always eat on small plates or saucers. Its an OCD potion control things I started since I went on a diet. Less room on a plate less room for food? It also makes the plate look fuller.

I never put more than 4 ice cubes in a cup no matter how big it is.

I love kettle cooked potato chips dipped in dark chocolate.

When I eat trail mix I will separate one or two of each type of nut and berry/fruit in it out for eating last.

I always mix my peas into my mashed potatoes. Same with corn.

I taste everything on my plate and then decide which tastes best and eat it last.

Oh and I like ranch dip on burritos. xD

Last edited by jazzkitteh; 05-31-2010 at 05:01 PM..

coccyx is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 11:19 PM

-I sniff my food before I put it in my mouth.
-I examine the food's texture by touching bits of food together.
-I often eat food in certain orders. Like with a cheeto, I'll nibble away the outer cheesy part, leaving a corn puff inside, then eat that whole. Or I'll eat the contents out of a sandwich then eat the bread.
-And I eat just about anything for breakfast. I think I have a few frozen burritos lined up for this week. :3


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