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Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-01-2010, 11:58 PM


Under a cloud of increasing anti-mutant sentiment, Professor Xavier created a haven at his Westchester mansion to train young mutants to use their powers for the benefit of humanity, and to prove mutants can be heroes. The X-Mansion is the common name for Professor Xavier's mansion. It is the base of operations and training site of the X-Men and the location of a school for mutant teenagers, the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, formerly Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. It is also the worldwide headquarters of the X-Corporation. Its address is 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center (part of the town of North Salem), located in the very northeast corner of Westchester County, New York. The school's motto is "mutatis mutandis." The Brotherhood of Mutants, also known as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, (led by Magneto), are enemies out to destroy humans and allow mutants to reach 'the higher purpose they were ment to hold'. Tthe "X Gene", an unknown gene that causes the mutant evolution is on the rise new mutants are arising. Following the deaths of Cyclops, Professor X and Jean, Storm has taken over the ranks of the school and now leads the mutants who live within. Everyone is still shaken they do not know what their next move will be it relies on the hearts of the students.

Origional Characters Available-

Angel- Warren Kenneth Worthington III, Angel originally possessed a pair of large feathered wings extending from his back enabling him to fly. He is the heir and CEO of the multi-billion dollar Worthington Industries. This privileged background resulted in Warren being stereotyped as an arrogant and self-absorbed playboy during his early years with the X-Men

Armor- Armor (Hisako Ichiki), She is a mutant Japanese teenager who is enrolled at the Xavier Institute who retains her powers after the events of Decimation.

Colossus- Colossus (Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin) , A Russian mutant, the character is a member of the X-Men, and is by far the physically strongest X-Man. Able to transform into a strong metallic form, even without his powers he still cuts a physically imposing figure standing at 6'6". Throughout the series he has been portrayed as a quiet, shy character, honest and innocent.

Dazzler- Dazzler (Alison Blaire), A mutant with the ability to convert sound vibrations into light and energy beams

Gambit- Gambit (Remy Etienne LeBeau),
As a mutant, Gambit possesses the ability to manipulate kinetic energy, as well as a hypnotic charm. He is also skilled in card-throwing, hand-to-hand combat, and the use of a staff.

Originally a professional thief, few X-Men trusted Gambit when he first joined the group. There was consistently a source of stress between him and his on and off, although longterm, love interest Rogue. This was exacerbated when his connections to villain Mister Sinister were revealed, although some of his team members accept that Gambit honestly seeks redemption.

As the X-Men's self-described ladies' man, Gambit has shown a more vulnerable side of himself over the years, especially when it comes to Rogue. Gambit remains fiercely proud of his Louisiana heritage, and speaks in a very thick Cajun accent.

One of his older traits is that he used to be a smoker, along with Wolverine and various other characters.

Husk- Husk (Paige Guthrie),

A mutant, Husk has the ability to remove one layer of skin - or "husk" - revealing an epidermis of a different composition beneath. She often changes into metal or stone form, but can shift into a variety of substances.

Husk is from a Kentucky coal mining family and is the younger sister of the X-Men's Cannonball. Unlike her brother, Husk is self-conscious of being seen as a "hick" (Jubilee often called her 'hayseed').

Iceman- Iceman (Robert "Bobby" Louis Drake), A mutant, Iceman has the ability of cryokinesis where he can freeze anything around him and can also turn his body into ice. Although he is an Omega-level mutant, Drake has yet to tap his full mutant potential. He has, however, begun to take more interest over the years in developing his abilities.

Magneto- Magneto (born Max Eisenhardt, also known as Magnus and Erik Lehnsherr), A powerful mutant with the ability to generate and control magnetism, Magneto has been the X-Men's most prominent enemy. A Jewish Holocaust survivor whose actions are driven by the purpose of protecting the mutant race from suffering a similar fate

Nightcrawler- Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner), A mutant, Nightcrawler possesses superhuman agility, the ability to teleport, invisibility in deep shadows, and adhesive hands and feet. His physical mutations include blue fur, two-toed and -fingered feet and hands (not including thumbs), yellow eyes, and a prehensile tail. In Nightcrawler's earlier comic book appearances he is depicted as being a happy-go-lucky practical joker and teaser, and a fan of swashbuckling fiction. A German, Nightcrawler is Catholic and while this is not emphasized as much in his earlier comic book appearances, in later depictions Nightcrawler is more vocal about his faith.

Northstar- Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier), Through his mutation, Northstar gains superhuman powers, which he uses for the betterment of society. He is one of the first openly gay superheroes.

Pixie- Pixie (Megan Gwynn), After a confrontation with the revived former member of the New Mutants, Magik, she gains the ability to use magic and a magical weapon called the "Souldagger." Her main use of magic is a massive teleportation spell, which makes her a key asset to various X-Men missions and teams and places her as one of the titles' primary magic users.

Psylocke- Psylocke (Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock), Originally presented as a telepath, telekinesis. Psylocke possesses both abilities.

Rogue- Rogue, Rogue was born as a mutant. More so than most, Rogue considers her powers a curse: she involuntarily absorbs the memories, physical strength, and (in the case of superpowered persons) the abilities of anyone she touches. This potentially fatal power prevents her from making any physical contact with others, including her longtime on-off love interest, Gambit.

Hailing from Caldecott, Mississippi (a fictional county), Rogue is the X-Men's self-described southern belle. A runaway, she was adopted by Mystique of the Brotherhood of Mutants and grew up as a villain. After Rogue permanently absorbed Ms. Marvel's psyche and Kree powers, she reformed and turned to the X-Men, fearing for her sanity.

Shadowcat- Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde , A mutant, Pryde possesses a "phasing" ability that allows her and objects or people with which she is in contact to become intangible. This power also disrupts any electrical field she passes through, and lets her simulate levitation. At the time of her membership, under the codename Sprite (suggested by Storm in lieu of Professor X's suggestion, Ariel), Pryde was the youngest person invited to join the team of mutant superheroes the X-Men. Her current codename is Shadowcat.

Storm- Storm (Ororo Iqadi T'Challa, née Munroe), abilities over weather.

Sub-Mariner- Namor the Sub-Mariner , The mutant son of a human sea captain and of a princess of the mythical undersea kingdom of Atlantis, Namor possesses the super-strength and aquatic abilities of the "Homo mermanus" race, as well as the mutant ability of flight, along with other superhuman powers. Through the years, he has been alternately portrayed as a good-natured but short-fused superhero, or a hostile invader seeking vengeance for perceived wrongs that misguided surface-dwellers committed against his kingdom.

Warpath- James Proudstar, An Apache Native American, Proudstar possesses mutant superhuman strength and speed, like his older brother, the short-lived X-Man Thunderbird, though Warpath's power-levels are much higher.

White Queen- Emma Grace Frost , An urbane, mutant telepath with a well-noted dry wit[1] initially known as the White Queen . Frost has changed from one of the X-Men's most dangerous foes to one of its most central members.

Wolverine- Logan, a mutant, possessing animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, six retracting bone claws, and a healing factor that allows him to quickly recover from virtually any wound, disease or toxin. The healing factor also slows down his aging process, enabling him to live beyond a normal human lifespan. This healing factor, along with his retractable bone claws, enhanced physical abilities and senses, made him a valuable weapon. His powerful healing factor enabled the supersoldier program Weapon X to bond the near indestructible metal alloy adamantium to his skeleton and claws without killing him. He is most often depicted as a member of the X-Men or the Alpha Flight.

X-23- X-23 (Laura Kinney), a female clone of Wolverine.



1. I am in charge.
2. No godmodding
3. No killing without the other characters permission.
4. No one is invincible
5. Pm me profiles titled X-Men
6. violence and romance encouraged
7. Normal rules

If you want to be one of the normal characters from above just pm me the name.

new character profiles include:


Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-02-2010, 05:03 PM


Kiyoto: Nigthcrawler

Originally Posted by Kia_
Name: Kia Kaliente
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Bio: Lives alone in her own apartment until she was kicked out and hunted down because she was founded out to be a mutant. Her parents are dead and her aunt and uncle took care of her when she was growing up. At age 16 she left the house leaving a note saying she was going off on her own.
Power: Electricity aka Energy
Likes: Lighting Storms, watching tv, and using her powers
Dislikes: being called a freak, being hunted down, and annoying people.
Crush: None yet
Extra: She isn't very good at controlling her powers let alone her anger which starts her powers to go off.

And Kitty

Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-25-2010, 01:49 AM

Nighcrawler sat on a rooftop. He looks out at the city and sighs. He then looks at his hands he could never go home....not looking like this...

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 05-25-2010, 02:06 AM

Rouge walked through the city streets as she kept her hands in her pockets. She wore a darken pair of sunglasses so no one would see her eyes and the tears she had been crying. She had done it again. She had forgot about her curse and touch someone with out her gloves on and hurt them. She hung her head as she walked not sure what to do or where to go. Who wanted some weird girl who couldn't touch anyone without hurting them and stealing their memories from them.

Lunettes de Soleil
Lunettes de Soleil is offline
Old 05-25-2010, 02:42 AM

X twisted her hair as she walked through the dark ally in between fourth and main street. It was a seductive action she had picked up while working as a prostitute for Zebra daddy, and sometimes she used what she had learned out of habit. When she realized what she was doing and how she was walking she dropped her hands to her sides. Prostitution was a practice she no longer did, and she didn't want to give anyone the wrong idea. Not that she feared anyone who might make a move on her.

X loved wandering through the streets alone at night. Unlike other girls, she had no need to fear walking alone. Still, she should be getting back to the mansion. The professor didn't really like the students being out at night. But she was a lot like Wolverine in the way of not listening well to authority. She didn't feel the need to listen to the rules of the school generally. Wolverine was back at the mansion though, and she loved Wolverine, she didn't like being away from him for long.

Last edited by Lunettes de Soleil; 06-10-2010 at 12:53 PM..

Kiyoto is offline
Old 05-25-2010, 08:09 PM

Nightcrawler looked down at the street below, he herd footsteps on the concreat.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Lady Chello is offline
Old 05-25-2010, 11:47 PM

Rouge knew she had to get back to the mansion and she better tell the others what she did before they found out later that night on the Tv. She had forgot about her gloves this morning and only wanted to help the guy out. She knew that she would get scolded for being so absent minded but Gambit would under stand after he got over her leaving without telling him where she was going. She kept her head down as she went no liking how the night sky was looking and wishing even more she would have helped out around the mansion today instead of going out. She couldn't wait to see Gambit and....she stopped as she realized she couldn't hug him. That was part of their problem she couldn't let him touch her and she couldn't touch him. He always felt that she was being distant but if she touched him she would absorb his power and his memories and hurt him in the process. She couldn't do that to him. Maybe she should just get back and keep everything about her day a secret and find her gloves before she hurt anyone else.

Last edited by Lady Chello; 05-25-2010 at 11:50 PM..

Lunettes de Soleil
Lunettes de Soleil is offline
Old 06-10-2010, 01:00 PM

X wrapped her arms around herself, feeling a chill from the night air. She was almost back to where she had started. Back to the car she had 'borrowed' from the school. Wolverine often did it, and she didn't really see a problem if no one found out and nothing got hurt. Besides, it was a lengthy walk back to the school if she didn't have the car. She had always been taught to use her resources to the best of her ability. A man turned onto the sidewalk in front of her and started walking towards her, eyeing her up. She let out a low, threatening growl as he passed her. Unfortunately her training had left her socially stunted.


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