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Kilia is offline
Old 06-01-2010, 03:47 AM

“Oh, I would love to go see some horses.” Eve said in reply to her sister, she got a excited look on her face, all hints of shyness gone from her, the one thing that she always enjoyed was horses, they just brought the best out of her. She then looked up to the man that she was to be on the tour with, having a hopeful look on her face, now she wanted to go and change into some pants but she would have to deal with the skirt at the moment as best as she could.

“Horses it is then. Well, should we go to my place or yours or that other place?” Hotaru asked Ito, when he said that other place he meant the track where most everybody made their bets at. He wanted Ito to pick since the man knew were more of the places with horses were at then he did. He saw the nod he was given from Ito, noticing that Mai was picking at her dress, it brought a smile to his face, normal, proper girls just stood there with their hands collapsed in front of them just looking at the men that was around them. H believed that they didn’t have any real emotions besides greed, he took her hand into his, placing it on his arm as he began to walk out of the inn with her, not wanting to stay in the presence of the bald man.

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Old 06-02-2010, 02:57 AM

Mai hadn’t expected Hotaru to take her hand so at first she pulled it away slightly before relaxing and letting him take her hand. She walked beside Hotaru hoping that they didn’t notice the bald man. It was hard to keep herself from giving the man a glare before they left the inn. Hotaru’s question to his friend had peeked her interest slightly. She wondered what kind of place Hotaru lived in.

“Hmm, well the other place really isn’t for ladies. Besides at one of our places we can actually go for a ride if they’d like to. So why don’t we head over to your place Hotaru.” Kazuki took Eve’s hand before starting to follow his friend out. Before leaving he gave the man a warning glare. “Tell me Lyna what is your favorite breed of horse?”

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Old 06-02-2010, 04:12 AM

“Arabian but then again they all have their own beauty. It is so hard to choose, but Arabian horses are the ones I connect to the best.” Eve said to him, she had a blush on her face when Ito took her hand and held it, she looked at Mai, with a smile on her face. She then followed them out of the inn and head in the direction that they were taking her in, she was rather enjoying her self.

“My place it is then.” Hotaru said as he began to walk towards his mansion, he frowned when he thought about the reactions that it would get out of the girls. He continued to walk with them in silence, soon they came upon the path to his home. He took a deep breathe before he smiled and motioned towards it. “Well we just walk down here and then we will be to my home.” he said to them as he continued to walk down the path, in no time they will be at his home and then they will just see what everyone else saw, think what everyone else thought about him and his home.

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Old 06-08-2010, 03:37 AM

“Arabians are magnificent.” Kazuki was smiling brightly as they walked down. As they headed down the path to Hotaru’s home he wondered if it had been a good idea to go to his place first. Hopefully theses two women weren’t like the others of the town.

Mai beside Hotaru in silence. She wasn’t sure what to talk about. As they walked down the path she was surprised by the size of Hotaru’s home. She looked around as they got closer. She thought that the two men were well off, but didn’t expect one of them to have such a large home. “It’s beautiful,” she said, almost whispering.

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Old 06-08-2010, 04:19 AM

“They are their ow…..” eve’s sentence got cut off as she saw Hotaru’s home, it was magnificent and it was beautiful, she looked at Kazuki and then at her sister who was standing next to Hotaru. “Yes it is, I certainly did not expect it.” She said as she agreed with her sister on how his home looked, she then turned her attention to back to where she was walking at, losing interest in the home quickly, considering it was similar to the home that the lived it but it was more spread out and sat near a lake.

“Hmm….the horses are on the other side of the house, away from the lake. Tell me what type of horse would you like to ride?” Hotaru said to her with a smile on his face, her reaction was one of what he was expecting, some times the girls’ reactions are the same, other times they were different. He ran a hand through his hair as he lead them even closer to his house, until they were on the other side and could see the horses that were awaiting them.

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Old 06-08-2010, 04:31 AM

Kazuki was surprised that Eve lost interest so quickly, but figured she was more interesting in seeing the horses. He lead her around the house to were the horses were. “Aren’t they something? Of course Hotaru owns a little bit better selection of horses then I do. So what type would you like to ride?” He chuckled.

It really didn’t take long for Mai to lose interest in the house. Like her sister had observed it was smaller then their home. When the horses were in view she smiled. “Hmm, well since we’ll be going other places it would be best not to get too dirty. So something that is at least semi-broken.” Really she didn’t care if she got dirty, but wasn’t sure how Hotaru would feel about it.

Kilia is offline
Old 06-08-2010, 05:05 AM

Eve gasped when she saw the horses, she automatically let go of Kazuki, and she went over to the fence and climbed over it, completely forgetting about everything else but what she was seeing. As soon as her feet touched the ground again and she made a clicking noise with her tongue, they started to come over to her. She waited patiently for the first horse to come up to her; she smiled as a palomino came up to her, and she stretched a hand out and began to pet her. “Your beautiful.” she said to her as she moved around the horse expertly, examining her to make sure she was healthy and there was nothing wrong with her before she moved onto the next horse that came up to her.

“They are all broke except the fillies, colts, and yearlings. So take your pick, out of any of them.” Hotaru said to her as he smiled even more, seeing that she had lost interest in his home also, but like Ito, he to assumed it was because of the horses. He took her around the house where Ito and Lyna had disappeared at, revealing all oh his horses in their full glory, he looked down at her face to see her reaction, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye, it was Lyna moving into the pasture to be even closer to the creatures. He also heard Ito speaking to her but she never answered, this caused him to frown as he thought about how the other girls normally reacted around them.

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Old 06-12-2010, 02:01 AM

Kazuki was grinning as he watched Lyna. It was refreshing to see a girl who didn’t always act like a lady or like she was afraid of getting a little dirty. He looked over at Hotaru and Asha and gave them a nod. Then he went over to the fence and climbed over it. As he walked towards Lyna one of the Appaloosa’s came up to him. “Hello there friend. It’s been a while.” He smiled softly and patted the horse’s neck.

Mia wondered if it would be wrong of her to just run over and climb the fence. It wasn’t very lady like, but no one could be a lady all the time. “Thank you Hotaru.” She smiled letting go of his hand. She picked up her skirts and running to the fence. It wasn’t long before she was over it and watching the horses again. After a moment she clicked her tongue and a beautiful Palomino came to her. Looking at the horse she smiled as she rubbed it’s head. “Aren’t you a beauty?”

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Old 06-12-2010, 06:05 AM

Eve stopped what she was doing once she was on the side of the Arabian horse that she had finally found among the others, he was a handsome stallion and was very demanding of attention which she happily gave to him. She hiked her skirt up until it was knee link and tied it so that it wouldn’t fall back to the long length that it was before she fixed it. She grabbed a handful of his mane, she did a spring jump, so that she could get onto his back better considering he was a good 15 and ½ hands, which was a good size for a stallion. “Well handsome are you ready to ride?” she asked Ito and the stallion, the stallion pawed at the ground for a moment and tossed his head back in reply, she smiled and got a couple of fist full of his mane so that she wouldn’t slip off while riding. Instead of the normal side saddle like ridding, she was sitting astride the horse like a male, ready to ride and race if needed to be.

Hotaru smiled and laughed a little as he watched Asha, one thing was for sure about her, she was like her friend and he considered that a good thing since he owned one of the largest ranch around, he even breed horses when he needed to. He stuck two fingers in his mouth and gave a two sharp whistles, a nice 16 hand draft horse came up to the fence, waiting for Hotaru to come over to him. He smiled and walked over to the fence, climbing to the top of it before he got on the Draft’s back and grabbed a handful of his mane. “Your welcome, Asha. If you want a saddle and bridal there are some in the barn.” he said to them as he vaguely saw what Lyna was doing out of the corner of his eyes, he was actually surprised that a lady would do what she was doing, he wondered if Asha was going to do the same or be more modest about it.

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Old 06-21-2010, 01:08 AM

Kazuki wasn’t sure if Lyna was talking to the horse, him or both so he just nodded. He jumped onto the Appaloosa’s back and grabbed a handful of mane. “I’m ready to go whenever you are.” He made a clicking sound and the horse started off at a trout heading for Lyna. As they headed towards Lyna and the Arabian he wasn’t sure to make of what she had done. It wasn’t lady like, but he had always admired girls who knew had to ride and didn’t mind racing.

Mai giggled at her sister and had that mischievous look in her eyes that she got from time to time. Without really thinking about it she tied her skirt up so that it as just a little below knee length. Her actions were a little more graceful and delicate then Eve’s approach. She spring jumped to get onto the back of the Palomino stallion that had come to her. Once on top she was sitting astride the horse like a male. Fixing her skirts she turned her attention to Hotaru blushing slightly at what he must be thinking. “I think I’ll be just fine.” Her voice was quiet, giving him a sheepish smile.

((I finally have internet back))

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Old 06-21-2010, 01:52 AM

Eve smiled, laughing some as she watched the other three get onto their horses and get ready to go, winking at Mai for a brief moment. “Good.” she said with smile on her face as she leaned forward, and made a clicking noise in the Arabian’s ear, his ear flicked back to her before he started to walk, she then nudged him until he was running away from the group, she laughed as she looked back over her shoulder, watching them before she turned her attention back towards the place that the stallion was taking her to.

“I am glad for that. Do you want to race or do you want to just ride around the land?” Hotaru asked her as he gave her an appreciating smile, glad to know that she was not the same as the other girls that had come to his home. He ran a hand through his hair, as he nudge his horse until he was next to Mai, he leaned over and patted the horse on the neck as he smiled up at Mai.

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Old 06-21-2010, 02:58 AM

Kazuki nudged his horse forward. It wasn’t long before he was racing alongside Lyna. He had a wide grin on his face as he looked over at her. “Shall we race my dear?” Without waiting for an answer he nudged his horse to go faster. He was pleased with how different Lyna was from the other girls.

Mai watched Eve for a moment. She knew her sister had probably laughed at her. Turning her attention back to Hotaru she grinned. “Lets race.” She grabbed a bit more of the horse’s mane as she leaned close. She made a clicking sound near it’s ear. The stallion stomped it’s right front hoof in protest. Leaning closer to the stallion’s ear she whispered a few soft words of encouragement. She stroked his neck with one hand before nudging him to move forward. The stallion started off at a gallop and she smiled.

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Old 06-21-2010, 04:25 AM

“Alright then.” Hotaru said as he watched what she did to the stallion, he smiled even more, glad that she was so different from the others, he nudge his horse into a gallop and soon they were running to catch up with her and almost passing her by.

Eve laughed as she heard what he said and watched as he pulled a head of her, she smiled, leaning closer to her horse, she said one word into his ear and watched as he picked up speed and was gaining on Kuzuki. “Seems like you don‘t know how to ride.” she said to him as she laughed again, she was soon pulling a head of him, but she had to prepare her self for the jumping of the fence that the Arabian seemed to have wanted to jump over, she laughed some more as she landed on the other side of it.

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Old 06-21-2010, 07:19 PM

When Hotaru caught up to her Mai grinned at him. She leaned close to the horse, nudging him to go faster. The horse ran faster as they headed towards where Eve and Kazuki are. It had been so long since she last raced on a horse.

Kazuki whispered in his horses ear as they chased after Lyna. He was smiling widely and was amazed at how expertly Lyna jumped the fence with her horse. As his stallion approached the fence it came to a sudden stop almost throwing him off. “Whoa there. What are you doing? We’ve jumped this fence before.” He talked to his horse.

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Old 06-21-2010, 11:23 PM

Hotaru smiled as he watched her speed of to where her friend was, he knew that the draft was not built for speed or jumping, he was more for barreling through things then anything else. He speed after her as fast as the stallion could go, not worried about winning or jumping, just enjoying the view and how Asha seemed to bee enjoying herself.

Eve laughed as she watched what had happen with Kazuki and his stallion when it came to the fence, she was just sitting there at that point waiting for Mai and Hotaru to catch up to them, she was still bruised and battered and being around horses had take that knowledge out of her but some where in the back of her mind she knew that she was going to pay for it later. “It seems like your stallion does not want to jump today.” she said to him as she laughed some more, a natural smile on her face as she watched him, even seeing her sister and her “date” ridding up to them.

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Old 06-24-2010, 12:25 AM

“So it would seem.” Kazuki said shaking his head. He had a big grin on his face. He was having fun though it seemed his stallion wanted to be stubborn today. When he turn to see where Hotaru and Asha he was glad to see them coming. "Lyna do you have any siblings back home?”

Mai looked over her shoulder and smiled at Hotaru. Leaning close to her horse’s ear she whispered something. The horse slowed it’s pace so that it was now running alongside Hotaru’s Draft horse. “Thank you for letting us ride your horses.”

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Old 06-24-2010, 02:24 AM

"I......" Eve eyes got sad for a moment and a gaurded look came over her face, she looked at Mai and forced a smile on her face, she wantted to answer Kazukai's question but she didn't know if it was safe to answer Kazukai's question. I have 4 sisters. Do you have an sibilings? she asked him as she turnned her attention back to him, she gave him a forced smile, she went and jumpped the Arabian horse back over the fence again just so she could be on the same side as them.

"Not a problem. They like to be ridden when they can exspecailly a group with more then one lead horse in it." Hotaru said to her as he chuckled, he liked this girl so was wat different then all the other ones that he had dated before. He pat the Draft's neck as the finally arrived at the fence that Lyna and Ito was at.

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Old 06-24-2010, 03:10 AM

Kazuki wondered if it had been a good idea to ask that. “I’m an only child.” He replied patting the horses neck. When Hotaru and Asha got close he waved. “About time you two caught up. Or maybe you’d prefer to be alone.” He chuckled winking at his friend.

Mai stopped her horse beside her sisters. Hearing Ito’s comment she blushed slightly, glancing at Hotaru to see his reaction. “That was a nice jump Lyna. You were always better at that then me.” She smiled at her sister that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She knew something was bothering Eve, but she wasn’t sure if it was her injuries or if maybe Ito said something he shouldn’t to her.

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Old 06-24-2010, 04:08 AM

"I would prefur to be alone with, Asha as much as you want to be alone with Lyna." Hotaru said as he laughed at what his friend said, winking back at him, he then noticed Asha's blush which caused him to blush slightly also. His eyes then landed on Lyna who seemed to be very on edge about something, then she was blushing some. He laughed some more as he pet his horses neck, he had stopped the draft far enough that he wasn't crowding the othrs.

" is very important to me. I don't know what i would do if i didn't have them." Eve said as her face softened up and the gaurded expression that was on her face was gone as she smiled at her sister, glad that she was there now to help with the conversation. "It's is only because i spent most of my time with the horses while you spent your time doing other things." she said to her as she laughed, she then bite her lip as she seemed to give something away, she then turnned her head to look over the fence as if something had caught her attention.

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Old 06-24-2010, 04:29 AM

Kazuki blushed some when he noticed Lyna’s blush. “I guess that is true.” His stallion pawed the ground. He shook his head and patted the horse’s neck whispering to him to clam him. Of all the days for him to be temperamental. “Shall we chat some more or keep riding?” He directed the question to Lyna and Asha.

Mai laughed lightly. “That is true, you always spent more time outside. I usually had indoor chores to do.” She shrugged slightly. “Plus my father rather keep me inside. He didn’t approve of the way I rode horses.” After saying what she did, she wondered how Hotaru and Kazuki felt about the way Eve and her were riding.

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Old 06-24-2010, 05:23 AM

"I wouldn't mind ridding some more, but i believe these stallions want togo and chase some mares." Eve said as she laughed some, she said to him, still having a blush on her face. She pet the neck of the horse as she looked down at it, smiling softly as her blush faded from her face, she looked up again as she looked at everyone around her. She was glad that her sister seemed to cover for her which made her relax again considering she was out of trouble.

"I don't see what is wrong with the way you ride horses. After all i can't even figure out how you ladies can ride side saddle." Hotaru said as he looked at her with a smile on his face, he ran a hand through his hair as he looked at her friend and Ito. He ran a hand through the mane that he had a hold of before he moved his horse of to Asha's patting him on the neck.


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