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Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-14-2010, 05:35 PM

"No, not really. I'm just... Why do I see unimportant things?" He asked and circled all the things that made no since to have. Like a grocery list or something. "Why can't I choose what I see, why can't ALL of it be important? What is the importance of me knowing that I'm going to have a son? Nobody else knows years before and they get along just fine. So why do I have to know?"

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Old 07-14-2010, 05:57 PM

"Because we're the mutations in the gene pool," Andy replied matter-of-factly. "That's like asking why I can move things with my mind instead of someone who could put it to good use, like a firefighter or a rescue diver or someone." She shrugged. "We happened to win the genetic lottery."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-14-2010, 06:07 PM

"More like lose." He said and then sighed. "I understand things like car crashes, I could save lives, because I've changed the future before. And I've sometimes heard the future wrong or in in the wrong context anyway." He sighed and shook his head. "But some of this stuff... It's random nonsense. I have no future to save of anybody. "oooh don't get the oranges, they'll be bad before you get home!" He fake prophecized. "I'm going food shopping tonight if you want to come." He said being reminded by his remark.

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Old 07-14-2010, 06:21 PM

"Sure," Andy replied. "Anything to not be stuck on campus all the time. I'll warn you ahead of time, I don't party or go clubbing. I'm not really into having guys trying to feel me up all night, and I know that's what would happen." Though she did keep a few outfits in case she could worm her way out of an invite from one of her friends... Not that it happened often anymore.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-14-2010, 09:19 PM

"I don't either. Too many people around and my head starts killing me." He said and then shuffled the fries around on his plate finding a crunchy but soft one and dipping it in cheese and sticking it in his mouth. "Omnomnom." He muttered quietly then sighed. He knew he liked her, she knew he liked his body. "I have never had an image of you at a party so... I don't think I'll be dragging you to one. "I think... Hmmm" He stopped and looked around. "The people keeping secrets are the one's I can't see or hear right?" He said and then smiled.

"Those are the untrustworthy people, the one's I WISH I could read. And those I can hear the future and past from need no changing. Yet." He quieted a little as someone walked by. "I do however wish I knew whose future I was hearing half the time.

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Old 07-14-2010, 09:41 PM

"I get a little... twitchy, if there are too many people around," Andy said. "People think that strange things start happening. Really, it's just me tweaking out a bit." She shrugged. "I learned quick that crowds and I don't mix. Small groups are alright, but no crowds." Of course, she learned this when she had to switch schools after her control accidentally slipped at a middle school dance.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-14-2010, 09:49 PM

Nathaniel caught on and he tapped her leg with his foot. "Spill the beans, where'd you lose control at?" He asked and rose an eyebrow. He reached over and picked a piece of sausage off her pizza and slipped it into his mouth. He watched her quietly, intrigued. He'd lost control before, but people just thought he was weird because he just broke down in sobs and tears. "I just seem overemotional." He said and gave a small smile.

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Old 07-14-2010, 10:19 PM

"I was in seventh grade, it was one of those stupid school dances," Andy replied, moving her pizza out of his reach. "I mean, come on, I was thirteen, and it's not like I looked much different then as I do now. A few of the boys tried to mess around, I freaked, and the next thing I knew, one of them hit the wall and the other flew into the bleachers." She shrugged again. "I didn't have all that much control back then, but I still had to switch schools before anyone figured out it was me."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-14-2010, 10:53 PM

"Eesh! Now I know not to get on your bad side!" He teased and licked his finger of the sausage taste. "Yummy." He stood up and checked his watch. "I've got an early class to catch, so I'll see you back at the suite. Oh, and avoid Becky if at all possible. She's going to ask you if you're dating me. Didn't think you needed the interrogation that will ensue. If you could, let her think I'm dating SOMEbody." He said and gave a quick wink then stood up, put his tray away and left the room.

He made it through the classes, as boring as they were and ended at a slow pace. He trudged up the stairs to their suite and didn't even look for Andy. Instead he saw the couch, walked to it and fell face first, already too tired to move with his headache.

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Old 07-14-2010, 11:47 PM

"Thanks for the tip," Andy replied as she got up. "I've got a few more classes before I'm done for the day."

After she said good-bye to him, she headed to her next class.

"Hey, you're Andrea, right?" one of the girls next to her said.

"That's right," Andy replied cautiously.

"I'm Becky," the girl replied. "You're roommates with Nathaniel, right?"

"That's right," Andy replied again. She remembered Nathaniel's warning about the Spanish Inquisition, so she decided to distract Becky. She focused on Becky's books, on her desk, and made them topple over. Becky jumped, and turned to pick them up. While she was doing that, the bell rang, and class started.

The rest of the day just kind of dragged by. She knew it would take her a few days to get back into the routine of school, and it didn't help that her wake-up call that morning was a date with the floor. Finally, she headed back to the suite.

"I'm back," she called as she tossed her bag into her room. The bag flew further than physics dictated it should have, and landed neatly on her bed.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-15-2010, 03:00 AM

Nathaniel grunted when she yelled. "Stoooop, my ears are bleeding. Can you check to see if my brain hasn't liquified and poured out?" He said flopped onto his back, his shirt raised so two or three inches of skin showed. He rolled his eyes and covered his ears as if it would make the flashes stop. "Block me in your head, I can't TAKE anymore today!" He said and groaned, rolling onto his side.

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Old 07-15-2010, 03:14 AM

Quietly, and went into the kitchen and put together an ice pack for him. Padding over to the couch, she moved his arms and laid the ice pack on his forehead.

"Just relax," she said softly. "I'll be in my room doing my homework for a while, so whatever happens, it's not my fault." Once she was relatively sure he wouldn't fall off the couch, she went into her room and shut the door partway. Levitating herself onto her bed softly, she called her things to herself and started her math homework.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-15-2010, 03:47 AM

Nathaniel touched her hand as she put the icepack on his head and smiled, letting her walk away. She was definitely a good person at heart. After 30 minutes of silence in Nathaniel's brain other than his own thoughts, he sat up feeling better. He put the now bag of water in the sink and grabbed an apple and bit into it. He savored the taste before padding to Andy's room and knocking on the door lightly, even though it was open part way.

"Hey, you still up for our shopping trip?" He asked, already having done the homework in class. His teachers read the answers out loud the next day, so he had everything he needed. He licked his lower lip and smiled at the woman. "That tricks pretty cool."

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Old 07-15-2010, 03:56 AM

"What trick?" Andy asked, looking up. She blinked when she saw about a dozen ball bearings lazily orbiting her head. "Oh. Sorry about that." Quickly, she directed the ball bearings back into the bag. "Let me know if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, alright?" Slipping her math homework into her textbook, she manually put the book into her bag. "I'm ready to go when you are. You want me to drive today, or do you think you're alright?"

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-15-2010, 04:22 AM

"I think I'm fine with driving. Not to mention, your car kind of... well... you'll understand when you see mine." He said and frowned. "Oh my goodness, I wreck my car in the future. Oh... That's so sad." He said and sighed. "It's not going to bother me until... Until you levitate my boxers into a wedgie or something." He said and laughed lightly. "Come on, hovergirl. Let's shop!" He said and laughed lightly. He grabbed his wallet, checked to make sure his credit card was in it and then stretched. "Don't let me forget I need more pudding, I always forget about the pudding!"

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Old 07-15-2010, 04:40 AM

"I like my car, thanks," Andy replied. "And I could magic your boxers into a wedgie, I happen to have experience doing so. I have a little brother, remember." Picking up her purse as she walked by her desk, she checked for her own wallet before following him.

"Ready when you are," she said.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-15-2010, 04:54 AM

"Right." He said and cringed at the thought. He grabbed his keys, and then shut the door. "So, before you turn down my stereo, it's loud to block out random flashbacks and stuff..." He said as they hit the main garage and he smirked. He pressed the unlock button and the 2010 Corvette's light flashed. He smirked and slid in the front seat, touching the steering wheel. "We're going to have a wreck, Mr. Beepers. In about 5 or 6 years I do contend." He muttered and sighed. "Sorry, just thought I should warn you." He turned the car on and smiled. He put on his seatbelt and turned down the radio as it blasted Japanese Rock. "Sorry..." He said and handed her the remote to the radio. "Change it as you wish."

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Old 07-15-2010, 05:05 AM

Andy raised an eyebrow.

"Mr. Beepers?" she repeated as she got into the car. It was a fantastic car, though she somehow still liked hers better. She KNEW her car, after all, and she knew how it behaved, and didn't behave. She raised her eyebrow again at the music.

"And you like J-rock?" she asked. "I've never complained about any music, so I don't need to change it, but I rather like being able to hear, so I'm going to turn it down."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-15-2010, 09:17 AM

"You turn the music down and that means you have to talk. The entire time." He said and then glanced at her before pulling out of the garage swiftly. He kicked it into second, then third and smirked as he went to fourth on a street highway. "I guess I should warn you.... I don't like speed limits." He said and then grinned. "But it's okay, I've never foreseen a speeding ticket." He zipped around the one corner he took to get to the school, having seen a walmart out that way. "So, how was your school day?" He asked and grinned like the cheshire cat. Driving was the number one turn off switch to the sounds.

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Old 07-15-2010, 03:45 PM

"I don't know how you're still able to hear anything, with the radio this loud all the time," Andy replied. "This can't be good for you." She shook her head.

"My day was alright. It was slow, and boring since I don't have English or my major-classes until tomorrow, but it was alright," she said. "I managed to distract Becky long enough for class to start. She was getting on my nerves, I don't think she's got much more IQ than a soda can. It's probably all that bleach in her hair."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-15-2010, 05:32 PM

"Actually, she wins the nobel prize." He muttered with a serious face and then looked at her and smirked. "Just kidding. No she grows up with three kids and a husband named Ricky Ray Jones Jr. She's going to work for Wal-Mart, her college degree is going to get her nowhere." He said and then smiled at the girl sincerely, pulling into the Wal-Mart parking lot. "You however, are going to be amazing." He hadn't had any clue's about her future, but he knew it wasn't terrible. "You're going to be the perfect wife... for somebody one of these days, with Annabelle... And..." He shook his head.

"I'm not joking on that part."

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Old 07-15-2010, 05:47 PM

Andy raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you couldn't hear the voices in your head over the music," she said. She had no idea that he'd already heard it earlier. Grabbing her purse, she got out of the car. She could see some people staring at them, because the car obviously looked expensive, and she tried to ignore them. She never got such stares in her own car, but her own car was also older and blended in much better.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-16-2010, 12:25 AM

"I didn't, I saw it earlier. I don't tell you everything, you don't need to know everything. Even I don't need to know everything, nor do I . You have no idea how many sex tapes play in my head! It's like the screens busted but all I can hear are moans and..." He shivered. "That's usually in my math classes." He said and then sighed. He looked at a person just staring and rolled his eyes. "Sexual Addiction, okay?!" He said and the person rolled their eyes and looked away. He walked faster to get into the store and he groaned. "Sometimes, I wish people could mind their own business. I wish I could too though." He muttered quietly.

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Old 07-16-2010, 01:03 AM

"You know," Andy said dryly, "if I didn't know what you were taking about, I'd say you were crazy. My talent is more... physical than yours is, so I only have to worry about breaking things, which is easier than it sounds." She grinned a bit. "I broke four vases and a dozen glasses before I turned thirteen. It's hard to determine force when you can't actually feel what you're picking up."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 07-16-2010, 01:20 AM

"Never taking YOU to a museum." He said and laughed, spotting Becky. "Well, I didn't see this one prophesized in my head. Probably an experience I didn't wish to relive and blocked it." He muttered and groaned, grabbing a cart. "Aisle by aisle tonight." He said and then glanced at her. "Got any cool Wal-Mart make Becky look away tricks?"


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