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AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 01:27 AM

A Science Fiction Roleplay


"I guess this is all we have left, huh?"

"Yes, this is all that remains."

A duo of men garbed in lab coats stood before several large tanks of amber-colored, viscous fluid, each containing a ball-jointed doll. They came in all sorts of genders, skin tones, heights, weights; no two were exactly alike. They hung from cables affixed to the top of the chamber, floating in the syrupy substance. From a distance, they were lifeless. To the naked eye, this was a waste of money, time, and research, but those men...those men knew far better than others.

One man was a tall, slender fellow, wearing a pair of pince nez glasses upon a serious expression. His chin-length blond hair draped from the top of his head, then curled delicately at the ends inward just a bit. His name tag read "LIFE SCIENCES", indicating his finesse. The other man was short, donned wiry, long red hair, and was a bit heavier than the previous. He held a cane in one hand, of which was aggressively toted around as he trudged amongst the tanks. His name tag came from a different department: "BIOMECHATRONICS".

"After that explosion, I'm surprised that these thirteen still remain. The other forty-seven will not be missed so long as these do what they were built for." The shorter of the two grunted, looking into the tank of one of the smaller dolls; a female. She had paler skin than the others to the point that it was almost white, and long, Black hair; an interesting combination. Her tank was cracked; a rock forced through the glass, leaking some of the faux amniotic fluid. "Might have to worry."

"Come now, they won't be failures," the other chuckled, pushing up his lenses, "If they survived the blast, the following repercussion, and the shrapnel, they certainly are out of the ordinary. It must be fate-"

"You're a man of logic! Don't you dare speak of nonsense like that!"

There was a heavy silence, then a deep sigh. The irate scientist flipped a switch beside the albino girl's tank, causing a shrill ring to echo through the room. The fluid drained through a grate in the floor, and the girl was exposed to air for the first time in a decade. Suddenly...her chest rose and lowered. A breath. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing the iceberg blue eyes. She cringed while gravity pulled down on her, the cables still hooked into ports which lined her body, followed by a groan, before the plugs were pulled and she fell to the bottom of the tank with a clang.

She looked around and saw for the first time what it was like to see; what it was like to witness life. Her body filled with new found anima, and her mind with countless questions. The men beyond the glass simply smiled, watching her as she stumbled to her feet, her hands reaching for something to hold. When she seemed to have control over her body, the glass was raised, and she was freed from the prison. She was dried off, given a set of clothes to wear, and examined for a while. She was frightened, of course, by the new surroundings, the cold air, and the sounds, which came from all around.

Suddenly, the other twelve dolls awakened their eyes wide. They seemed to sense her state of distress. The men noted this, and then began to release the others one by one, repeating the same process. They began to, immediately, show their own unique personalities and sets of skills, though all retained the ability to understand the feelings of one another. The scientists gave them a day to live a sheltered life, being fed and kept warm within the lab for a night, then from there on they would be on their own to cooperate with one another as a family unit. They would have to learn to live in a world filled with others who will not understand them, who will scorn them for the reason they exist, for which they themselves do not know.

United they stand, divided they fall.


1. The roleplay owner has the right to change rules and enforce them. She also retains the right to reject an application given a legitimate reason.

2. No godmodding.

3. Respect your fellow players.

4. Since this will be a literate roleplay, I want to see proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If you don't know how to spell very well, that's okay, but please check your spelling. The occasional spelling mistake is permitted.

5. I want to see at least a paragraph in each post. A paragraph is 5-7 sentences. No one-liners!

6. If you see something that is out of the ordinary, please report it to the roleplay owner for investigation.

7. Romance is okay, and so is fighting, but keep it user friendly!

8. Please, keep it pg-16 when it comes to language.

9. Please, enjoy yourself! I know this is a lot to bear in mind, but this is meant to be an enjoyable experience for all who join in.

10. What’s this? Is it something unseen? Maybe you should highlight it…
Send me a pm with your filled out profile skeleton and title it : Super Dollies

11. This is the profile skeleton to use!

Race: (doll/ human)
Special abilities/talents:
Personality: (What is your character like?)
Bio: (unnecessary if you are a doll)
I absolutely love to: (at least 4 things your character likes to do)
I can’t stand: (4 things your character absolutely hates)
During / after the explosion I was: (where your character was or what they were doing during or after the lab explosion)

If you are unsure about something, or have a suggestion for your character or to make anything about this rp better, feel free to Pm me ^^

{[ I give all credit for this roleplay to vysearcadia on the Dragon Adopters forum]}


1.) xxdeidarasgurlxx- Isanne
2.)demon king dante- Art

1.) None :cry:



Originally Posted by demon king dante
Name: Art
Race: Doll
Special abilities/talents: a talented painter and guitar player loves all kind of art and can manipulate sound around him using either his voice or an instrument
Personality: likes to be left alone sometimes can be destructive for the lack of control over his power when he uses an instrument but usually a nice guy
I absolutely love to: play any kind of strings instrument (ie guitar violin cello and piano) paint, and be in nature
I can't stand: those who destroy things for no reason, when my art is flawed, being criticized
During / after the explosion I was: sleeping in my tank
Name: Isanne
Race: Doll
Special abilities/talents: Is a talented singer and drawer, is fascinated with ice, and can control it to some degree
Personality: Quiet and kind, likes to laugh and help others
I absolutely love to: Play with ice and water
Watch birds
Drink tea
Make others happy
I can’t stand: When others are afraid of the things they don't understand
Mean people
holes in my stockings
When my tea isn't sweet enough
During / after the explosion I was: Inside my tank, sleeping peacefully

Last edited by xxdeidarasgurlxx; 07-29-2010 at 03:38 AM..

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 03:45 AM

Isanne stepped out into the sunlight. She shielded her eyes from its brightness, taking in all of the colors and sounds and feels she got from this strange new world she had barely been born into. It was so different from the dreary grey walls and metal of the laboratory. There was green around her as far as she could see, and tall rough looking things jutting up from the ground in every possible place save for a narrow stretch of black road. She thought she remembered the scientists, her "fathers" as it were, call them trees...or something.
She turned around to stare at the gaping double doors of the shiny silver building, waiting for her siblings.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 03:52 AM

Art stepped out into the sunlight next to isanne the feelings he felt when he saw all the colors of everything the trees the grass the animals and he could swear he could even see the colors of the wind even the sounds seemed put him in a trance the wind whistling through the trees had their own song and the birds chirping in the air "music" he said closing his eyes smiling and taking it all in. he looked at his "sister" the body of a woman the body of a person drug him under but he didn't know how to express these feelings he had about everything around him

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 04:02 AM

"What do you think, Art, is this the world for us?" She turned to face the one like her. He looked like he was deep in thought, like he wanted to say something, but he didn't. Her hand found his, "Come on, we can't wait here forever. The fathers said we musn't leave in groups larger than a pair. He said it's to be less 'conspicuous'...whatever that means. So we have to find our own way into town, without our other eleven siblings. But well still have contact with them," She pointed to her temple with the index finger of her free hand, "In here."

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 04:06 AM

he nodded "yes" he looked around again "the fathers said that my own personality was that of an artist i would like to see if it is true" he reached into his pocket pulling out a wad of money "they gave me this they said if we wanted anything we would need these to buy it do you know how it works i'm not very good with it" he asked handing out the money to you

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 04:14 AM

"Well, we have to find town first I suppose, and this green stuff is money. The fathers said that regular people use it to trade for things like food." She eyeballed the paper substance. "I do't see how that is so. It looks pretty useless to me, but I suppose it must be worth something after all, the fathers said so." She stuffed the wad into the pocket of her dress and began to lead her companion off down the road, humming a song one of the fathers had taught her as she did.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 04:22 AM

he walked with isanne taking in all the sites and smiled as she started singing *art* he thought to himself as they walked by the road metal things on wheels drove by the fathers called them vehicals and that people used them to get around to places faster he looked ahead and saw that they were coming up to the town it was big compared to their home and the tall buildings mesmorized him

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 04:30 AM

"I wonder who lives in there." She thought aloud, staring up in wonder at a tall building that seemed to her like a finger stretching from the ground and reaching for the sky. People buzzed around them busily, occasionally stopping to stare at them. The fathers told her that this was rude, and she wondered if their fathers had not told them this. The fathers had also told her to forgive the ones who did this rude deed because all of the siblings were what he called 'beautiful,' whatever that meant, and humans liked to stare at beautiful things. She liked to stare at the tall building, was the building beautiful too?

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 04:38 AM

he touched the building "these things....." he shook his head "not art" he looked around his sister was looking around at all of the humans that were staring at her he walked up beside her as a male reached out his hand to grab her something about the motion struck up his instincts he grabbed the mans wrist and just stared at him and the man yanked his hand back looking him up and down realizing his body's un-natural perfection not a single flaw about it "freak" he muttered before he walked away something about the word suprised Art but he was able to shrug it off "come my sister the fathers told us to have fun i think this place is what they call a mall" he said and smiled grabbing her hand and leading her in

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 05:01 AM

She gazed around in absolute awe. She would grab at Art's hand or his shoulder and lead him in several different directions, saying things like, "Look at that," or, "let's go this way."
A wiry young man in a fedora called to her. "Hey there, pretty girl, you look a bit lost. Need some help?"
"No thank you," She replied, "I'd like to stay lost if you please, it's so much fun." She giggled, "I've never been in a 'mall' before." She said right before Art began to lead her away towards a man playing a piano.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 05:06 AM

he gazed in amazement at the instrument the sounds were beautiful the man looked up and smiled "hello there young man do you like the music" Art just stared at the keys and the man stood up motioning him to sit down on the bench "try it out" art glazed his fingers across the keys he smiled it felt so right he pressed one of the keys "may i play?" he asked with innocence "of course" he man replied with a smile then art just started to move playing out a beautiful melody that was in his head he stared in awe not sure how his fingers just moved

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 05:15 AM

Isanne giggled and clapped her hands, "Wonderful, Art, it was beauiful!" Her smile grew wider when she noticed the awe struck, and admiring stares they were giving him. "I had no idea you could play piano." She said sitting down on the bench next to him. She ran her fingers along the smooth ivory, "I wonder if i could learn," She felt her fingers tense, "but no, the spotlight of music belongs to you, brother." She thought for a moment, "I wonder if we could by one of these, we would have absolutely nowhere to put it. We can't bring it back to the fathers, they told us to stay out here." She looked sad for a moment, but it quickly faded. "We shall find a large and glorious place to live, so we can have one." Her big smile returned.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 05:27 AM

he smiled and stopped playing "really isanne can we get it?" he asked with hope then looked at the man holding up the wad of money "will this be enough for it" the mans eyes widened as he saw the money "son that is more than enough your not from here that's for sure" he assorted through the bills taking out a few hundreds "this will be enough" he smiled handing him the money back "she's all yours" Art's eyes lit up with excitment "can you hold it here while we get a house?" the man nodded "of course anything for a young master" he also handed him a card "come to this place if you ever want to play profesionaly" he said with a smile

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 05:37 AM

Isanne led Art, and vice versa, around the mall for hours, not really buying anything that they didn't absolutely love right away. They did this until Isanne decided it was time to look for a house.
They had started their day early, so there was still many daylight hours left when they stepped back out into the sunlight. "Alright," She began, "we need a house, but where exactly do we go to get one?" She looked to her brother for an answer.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 05:49 AM

he took a piece of paper out of his back pocket and read it over "the fathers gave this to me to give to a man at an office that actually" he looked up "isn't that far from here they said that he is a friend of theirs and will give us a nice place to live" he grabbed her hand and walked a few streets over almost getting run over a few times but kept walking until they came to a corprate office and he walked up to the secretary "yes we are here to see this man" he handed her a note and she picked up the phone handing the paper back and started talking "go on in" she said hanging up the phone and he took isanne into the main office where a middle aged man was sitting behind a desk he had a slight beard that was graying and short slicked back brown hair he stood up walking to them "yes i've been expecting you your fathers said you need a place to stay" Art nodded "yes sir" he gave him the paper "they said to give you this" the man took it smiling and walked to his desk and started typing on the computer "yes this should do nicely" he turned the screen around showing them a huge apartment that looked like it was in very high class "each apartment has 3 bedrooms with their own bathroom a designer kitchen and a very spacious living room" Art smiled "is it big enough to hold a piano" the man nodded "of course it's big enough to hold almost anything you want" art smiled even wider "we'll take it" he began to take out the money but the man just waved his hand "don't worry about paying your fathers have already taken care of everything" he typed and printed out something on the computer and handed it to him "give this to the apartments manager and he'll take care of the rest"

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 06:22 AM

Isanne sighed and smiled, "The fathers just love us so much" a tiny giggle escaped her. "Thank you very much for all your help, sir." She turned to Art after they had walked out of the office. "Wow, that little slip of paper made things so much easier." She smiled, "Now, let's go get our house! and your piano too, we musn't forget, that's very important." She skipped merrily out of the building, Art following close behind.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 06:30 AM

Art kept that huge smile on his face all the way across town to where the apartment manager led them up to their new home to where they saw that it was already set up with the works comfy chairs a couch a big screen t.v. coffee table all of it even the piano with a note on it 'welcome home and have fun from the fathers' art smiled to himself "thank you" he said quietly and rubbed his watering eyes as he sat down at the bench "even when they aren't with us they still take care of us"

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 06:43 AM

Isanne smiled and sat down next to him at the piano. "There there, was there ever any doubt that they loved us? Now, wipe those tears, what say you and I sing a duet , with the accompaniment of your new piano of course." She paused, "well, I don't really know any songs, so I suppose we could make some up. How does that sound?"

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 07-29-2010, 06:48 AM

he nodded moving his fingers across the keys then started playing slowly balid style something he dreamt of when he was sleeping in the tank it had a light sence to it more like it was a song of life the notes kept flowing and the warmth of the song flowed through him he opened his mouth and the words flew out slowly and softly

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 07-29-2010, 12:25 PM

((Since this is an actual RP thread, it doesn't belong in the requests forum. :yes: I'm going to move this on over to the main forum where it belongs. :yes:))

AKA Obento-Chan =3
xxdeidarasgurlxx is offline
Old 08-02-2010, 08:31 PM

(( Thanks =3))

Isanne couldn't follow too well with the words, but she tried her best with the melody. She watched his fingers, memorizing their movements and the sounds that followed, and fluctuated her voice to match them. Eventually she picked up on a few key words and sang along with them, but there were still large gaps that she could not fill. She began to get silently frustrated with herself, but kept smiling as she sang for her brother's sake.

demon king dante
demon king dante is offline
Old 08-10-2010, 04:04 AM

he finished the song and stared in disbelief at his own fingers and wondered *how could i have done this i've never seen anything like this before* he looked to his sister eyes full of questions "how is this possible" he asked in honest curiosity taking everything he has seen today in was a stressfull situation but he couldn't help but like it but now he didn't know what to do next


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