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Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-15-2010, 04:39 AM

He took her chin and pulled her down, kissing her cheek softly before whispering quietly to her. "If I'm asleep, the visions won't come so much. Have fun with your brother tonight, be safe, and don't get that child killed." He said, releasing her as the nurse left. She was a kind lady, he just didn't like what she had to do. "I promise I'll behave and act like I care about my health and all that jazz, and you'll be here in the morning right? Or lunch? I could use an awesome fruit salad for lunch..." He said and then grabbed his wallet from the side table and pulled out two twenty's. "For making the trip and the fruit salad I know you'll bring. No cantalope." He said and winked, pulling the covers up to his chest and looking back at the window. "I have to get a new car..." He seemed more depressed about that than anything else. How pathetic.

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Old 08-15-2010, 04:47 AM

Andy returned the kiss, and reluctantly took the twenties. Chances are, she'd only use one to get gas for her car, though she might need the other to get the things for the fruit salad.

"I won't do anything that would hurt the baby," she promised. She grinned. "The cantaloupe is the best part of the fruit salad, though," she teased. "I'll be back probably closer to lunch tomorrow. Is there anything you want me to bring with me, besides the fruit salad?" She rolled her eyes when he whined about his car. "You and that car... Should I be jealous?"

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-15-2010, 05:07 AM

"No, you should not be jealous. I had to pay for her, you came free... kind of. I feel like you're the better deal..." He said and smiled lightly. "I don't need anything else I don't think... Just... let people know why I won't make it to class Monday." He said and then took her hand. "And my laptop. I'm going to bed now... I will text--" He stopped and bit his lip. "Crap. I lost my train of thought. I think my blood is laced with Crack..." He whispered and grinned. "Uhmmm I'll text you tomorrow. Goodnight. Hi Jason..." he gave a little wave before letting go of Andy and closing his eyes. "night. No cantaloupe." He added before drifting off to sleep. Maybe not crack, but definitely medication was in one of the bags pumping into his veins.

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Old 08-15-2010, 05:38 AM

"That would probably be morphine," Andy commented. "Get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow." She turned around, and jumped slightly when she saw Jason right behind her, holding up her car keys. Rolling her eyes, she took her keys.

"You can crash in my suite," she said to her brother as they left the hospital. "I'm coming back tomorrow, so you're going to come with me."

"Alright," Jason replied, uncharacteristcally calm and quiet. Sighing, she handed him the key again as they went outside.

"Here," she said. "Go find my car and bring it here." Her brother nodded and sped off, looking for her car. She knew he knew where it was, but it gave him something to do. Once he brought her car to the door, she made him move over and she got into the driver's seat. The drive back to the dorm was quiet, which was unusual, considering how chatty Jason usually was. It was late when they got there.

"I have a spare blanket and pillow, if you want to crash on the couch," she said. He nodded and then zipped around the suite, looking around curiously. She didn't reprimand him for it, though. She gave him the pillow and blanket, and then went back into her room. She was suddenly tired, and going to bed sounded wonderful. She would make the fruit salad in the morning.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-15-2010, 02:46 PM

The next morning, Nathaniel woke to yet another needle in his arm, however the blood transfer done. "What are you doing to me, Dr. Frankenstein?!" He asked sarcastically and the doctor chuckled. "Checking that the blood mixed successfully and that you're not going to die." Nathaniel had to think about that for a minute and then nodded. "Alright, do as you wish." Nathaniel said and with his free hand he turned on the television that was hanging on the wall and he sighed. "How is the man who had the heart attack?" He asked the doctor and the male looked up, confused for a moment. "Oh, uhmmm better, he's being discharged later today, his last test is at 1 and if he passes it, he gets to leave."

"Oh... When do I get to leave?" The doctor flipped through his charts and sighed. "Tomorrow if you're lucky. Blood work has to be monitored. Let's not forget the permanent cast that goes on tonight... I heard from the nurse you've got a child on the way. How far along?"

Nathaniel stopped and bit his lip. He couldn't just tell the doctor he was psychic. "We just found out. Just a couple weeks." He said and the doctor grinned, nodding. "Anyway, we done here?" The doctor patted his hand and nodded. "Yeah... I'll be going now."

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Old 08-15-2010, 03:35 PM

"He only asked because the man who had the heart attack is my dad," Andy said, overhearing the conversation as she walked in. She didn't say anything about her pregnancy, since she wasn't sure if the doctor was a 'special' one.

It hadn't taken her long to get ready that morning, and she never had to worry about Jason being late. She'd already sent Jason to her dad's room, and she sat down on the chair in the corner while the doctor worked on Nathaniel. She set her bag down carefully, not wanting to knock open the container with the fruit salad in it. That would be bad to get all over the laptops.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-15-2010, 04:05 PM

"Hello sweety." He teased and then peered at the bag. "Please tell me there's a mixture of sweet substances known as fruit in that bag. Grapes, strawberries, etcetera?" He asked and gave her a pleasant stare. "The night wasn't too bad without you, but I do like that you're here. The medicine they keep giving me doesn't work with my headaches. They still wanna poke holes in my brain to see what's wrong, but they just won't accept that it's just the fact I'm insane." He was being sarcastic and what he hoped was a decent attempt at humor. "Alright, doc. You met her. Now it's me time. Go have fun poking holes in someone else's veins."

The doctor laughed, patted Nathaniels hand again and stood. He marked something on the charts and left. Nathaniel turned to Andy and grinned. "You're here early but not a moment too soon. That man screamed a LOT as a child." He gripped her hand tightly, forcing every bit of headache away. "Your dad gets out today, but I'm here until tomorrow... Well I suppose you heard that bit. I'm glad he's going to be okay." He said and gently released her hand.

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Old 08-15-2010, 09:12 PM

Andy sat down next to him as the doctor left.

"I'm glad he's going to be okay, too," she said softly. "I mean, he gets mad easily, but he's still my dad. I know he'll get over himself eventually. It may just take some time." Once she was sure the doctor wasn't still hanging around, she held out a hand and called the container of fruit salad to her. She was glad that casual use of her power didn't affect her at all, save for making her hungry later. "And yes, I brought what you asked for. Fruit salad, hold the cantaloupe. Your laptop is in the bag with mine, as well."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-16-2010, 12:57 AM

[[This sucks, I'm Sick. Again. And I've Already Written This Once, But It Won't Post On My Laptop. So I'm Writing It Again.]]

Nathaniel smiled and set his hand on her thigh and closed his eyes. "Way too beautiful to go to waste... The fruit salad, I mean." He teased and then pulled her down quickly, kissing her. "I don't know if that's appropriate between us right now, and I know I look a little mangled from the whole accident but..." He frowned and laid back. "Thanks for all of this. And both laptops? Ooooh are we gonna IM eachother naughty things? You're such a bad girl!" He continued his taunting with a smile. "And yes, he'll get over himself. But how long until he gets over the fact you had sex. Before marriage. With a psychic. And will be having one of the most beautiful children in the world. Ohhhh my... you're gonna get a belly. Awhhh you'll still be beautiful to me... I think there's still morphine pumping into me... That would explain why I can't feel my toes."

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Old 08-16-2010, 01:14 AM

Andy blushed at his ramblings.

"Don't remind me..." she said when he mentioned that she'd end up with a big belly. "I'm not looking forward to outgrowing all of my favorite jeans and sweaters." She rubbed her stomach absently. "It's going to take me forever to get back into shape..." She wasn't all that fond of the idea of losing her figure, so she was already planning on jumping back into yoga as soon as the baby was born. "My parents will get over it, though, I know they will. They're not as old-fashioned as they try to make people believe."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-16-2010, 01:27 AM

"You will look great with a belly and without. And if visions are right... you should just get used to eating healthy and right, because you're gonna be making babies for awhile. I don't know why, but apparently you like me a lot.In the future that is. So... what kind of guy do you normally tend to fall for? Bad boy? Angel? Random nerds? Criminology majors? I just... I'm trying to find out what I do right in the future to win you over completely." He said and grinned, taking her hand and holding a grape out to her. "Yum yum?" He asked quietly, watching her. "They're good for you, don't ever knock the grape. They are happy raisins, therefore, they're amazing."

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Old 08-16-2010, 01:35 AM

"First off, most girls don't like guys who try too hard," Andy pointed out. "It's just unattractive all around, and I'm no exception to that." She could tell he was really trying to make her fall for him, and while she appreciated the nice gestures, it was annoying her a bit how hard he was trying. Then again, if she was being honest with herself, she was starting to really like him regardless. Taking the grape from him, she popped it into her mouth.

"I do like grapes, actually," she commented. "Though I don't like wine. I don't drink at all, actually, which isn't a bad thing, in my case."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-16-2010, 01:51 AM

Nathaniel didn't know if that was a hint or not, was he trying too hard? He thought he'd just been playing around. Maybe subconsciously it didn't make a difference. The future would happen how it was planned out even though it changed every second they were alive. "Okay, so... People who try to hard. I'll try and remember not to try." He gave her the grape and put one in his own mouth chewing. "I suppose it's a good thing you don't drink, you're right. Our child may come out all funky if you did, not that I'd love them any less. I just.." He shrugged and stuck another piece of fruit in his mouth quietly.

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Old 08-16-2010, 02:07 AM

"I make it a point not to drink or anything like that," Andy said as she levitated a piece of fruit out of the container for herself. "It's all just bad all around, and I'm not about to mess my body up like that. Not that the baby won't be messing with my body itself, but that's different." She ate the piece of fruit and grinned. "And if I have to get used to eating healthy, then so do you. I'm not having any of the unhealthy stuff in the kitchen, so you don't get it, either."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:14 AM

"WhaaAAt?!" He said and pouted. "Can I at least keep my pudding? Come on!! I'll give in to your nightly cravings of chocolate if you let me keep the pudding!" He pleaded, and took her hand in both of his after setting down the fruit. "Pretty please? And just so you know, this isn't me trying too hard for you, I'm naturally this idiotic, insane and incredibly cute." He said and then moved to kiss the girls palm. "I'm sorry if it's not what you want, but for at least the next 9 months, you're stuck with it. Now... lay down with me and we'll watch Tosh.0 and pretend to ignore the nurses. It sounds fun... but you should check on your dad first... right?"

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Old 08-16-2010, 03:27 AM

Andy rolled her eyes.

"Fine, you can keep the pudding," she said with a grin. "You'd better be ready to take care of my cravings, though, since they're your fault in the first place." She hesitated when he asked if she was going to see her father. "I'm... not sure if they'll want me around right now," she said. Logically, she knew that her parents wouldn't actually keep her away, but she wasn't ready to really face them yet. Not until they'd had time to get used to the idea of being grandparents, at any rate.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:33 AM

"Well then... lay down." He moved his heart monitor cord to the other side of his body and made room for her. "I'm serious, come on. Get comfortable, with the door closed, people will knock before they enter. Just lay down. I can't really rape you in this state." He said and gestured at his crippled body. "And fine, pudding for cravings, but I'm not succumbing to your cravings if it involves MY pudding. I'm drawing a line there. I'll throw in an added bonus of holding your hair out of your face when you got morning sickness if you let me talk to the kid before they're born without you laughing at me." He knew he'd do this without all the added plus's and she probably knew it too. "So, are we gonna rethink names, you know the future is always changing... You should change with it if you don't like predestined names."

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Old 08-16-2010, 03:42 AM

Carefully, Andy made herself comfortable next to him. She didn't really want to admit it, but she liked being so close to him.

"I'm considering just braiding my hair every night, so that I don't have to worry about it," she said. She grinned a bit. "And I don't think you're going to have much of a choice if the baby decides that he or she wants your pudding." She snuggled in with him carefully, making sure not to hurt him. "I won't mind you talking to the baby, though... I'm probably going to end up doing the same thing. He or she will probably come out knowing the lyrics to my favorite songs."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-16-2010, 03:46 AM

"As long as they don't come out singing Britney Spears, I suppose I can deal with that." He said and kissed the girls cheek, moving one hand to her belly and sighed. "I wish it was definite, i mean, it's definite already but that we had a picture or sonogram or whatever they're called. I know it's too early for that but..." He shrugged and sighed. "Do you understand what I mean? Something that proves my point, something that makes the future real. I see baby, baby is real... Proof." He bit his lip and grinned, then rubbed the flat belly slowly. "No pudding for you, you will never want pudding. Ice cream you can have, but no pudding. Ever. It's mine baby girl or boy. Mine, allll mine." He teased and then moved the hand up the womans body, moving to cradle her cheek and he sighed at the scratches on his hand. "I'm glad you're sticking around. I don't know what I'd do without you."

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Old 08-16-2010, 03:56 AM

"I don't like Spears, so you're safe there," Andy replied. "I actually like country music. Miranda Lambert, Lady Antebellum, Rascal Flatts... I've loved country music since I was a kid." She laid next to him, letting him touch her belly as he wanted. "I'm not sure when my first ultrasound will be... but I bet I can do some research online, and see if I can find out." Holding out a hand to her bag, she called her laptop to her and turned it on. "I'm... not really sure why I'm sticking around, really..." She blushed a little. "I mean... I do like you."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-16-2010, 04:01 AM

"Please, dear God do NOT question your motives." He said and grinned. "You are beyond awesome for just being here today, and the fact you came last night as soon as you got that call..." He moved his hand back down to her stomach, just below her naval as she played with her laptop. He raised her shirt, it wasn't like he hadn't seen her before, and at that point she'd been naked. He just rose the shirt high enough to see her belly button and he gave a soft smile, his hand moving over the little gab in her stomach and he circled her naval with a finger, fully enticed by her anatomy. "Do you get freckles in the summer?" He asked and traced around her naval once more, slowly.

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Old 08-16-2010, 04:08 AM

"I used to," Andy replied when he asked about her skin. "I don't anymore, because I don't go outside as much as I used to. There's nothing to do during the summer, so I tend to head out to the mall rather than the beach or anything. I don't tan well." She rather liked being pale, instead of tanned. She found it to be more elegant, and a bit more ethereal, rather than superficial and 'popular'. She opened up a search engine on her computer and started a search. Almost immediately, she came up with a week-by-week color illustration pregnancy calendar. "Here, look at this."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-16-2010, 04:26 AM

"You women have nothing better to do than create color coordinated calendars? Wow... We apparently don't keep you busy enough..." He teased but he did look at the calendar. "Okay, so if we had sex then..." He pointed at the beginning day. And today is here... so your period would start here? And it won't so we can do the ultrasound... here." He kept pointing and then smiled. "It's gonna be the longest wait of my life. I hope you realize that. Maybe yours too... How do you feel about all of this?" He asked and went back to trailing his finger around her naval. He wished he could kiss the skin there but they were in a strange position and she'd have to do most of the work. The doctor had wrapped his abdomen to keep him from moving too much earlier that morning. Not fair.

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Old 08-16-2010, 04:32 AM

"The calendar has week-by-week cross-sections, though, which will be useful," Andy pointed out. She sighed a bit. "I'm still scared... but it's not quite as overwhelming as it seemed before. It almost seems like I can do this now." She pointed to a day on the calendar, about a week earlier than where he had pointed. "My period is actually supposed to start here, next week," she said. "Trust me on that one, it's always extremely regular. I only said two weeks because it usually lasts about six days, so if it's later than that, we can be sure."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-16-2010, 04:38 AM

"Okay... So... You didn't answer me." He said and turned in the bed. He moved his Iv-pricked hand over her cheek and he smiled. "How do you feel about all of this, the kid, us... everything. Tell me what you're really thinking, because we both know you have the strength and courage to get through this pregnancy with or without a calendar. So talk to me, don't leave me hanging. It's hard to be the supportive one if I don't know what you want and need." He couldn't stop himself, as awkward as their relationship was, it made sense to kiss her. She was laying in a hospital bed with him (fantasy number 238, by the way) and they were talking about THEIR child. It made him feel closer to her than he'd ever imagined, and he'd been IN her he was so close before.


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