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stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 08:12 PM

Name: Samara
Age: 20


With a deep breath, Samara opened the door. Entering the noisy, crowded, brightly lit up building, the female cringed, trying to calm her nerves and just look for her friends. While as far as clubs went, this one was fairly tame, it was still a club, and the college female was very uncomfortable. Feeling more than slightly claustrophobic as she squeezed her way through the dancing, gyrating bodies and the packs of frinds standing in the middle of people's way, she reached a table not too far from the mini bandstand in the bar. Sitting besides a brunette and a ebony haired girl, the strawberrry blonde let out a sigh, glad to be with some pleasant people now.

She never went into clubs,and tonight, a newly popular band was playing in a place open to the general public. She was here for two reasons. And only two. To be with her friends, and to see one of her newest favorite bands live.

Last edited by stealthpanther; 08-12-2010 at 04:19 AM..

Fallen Rayne
Fallen Rayne is offline
Old 08-11-2010, 11:29 PM

Name: Jeremy Kingstno
Age: 23

"This is it guys..."

Jeremy rolled his eyes and hit Dan in the back of the head. "For once will you shut the fuck up and forget the pep talk none of us care."

His band mate, and best mate, glared at him through squinted green eyes. "For your information some of us do care. Right Alex?"

"Keep me the fuck out man." The dummer said as he set up the drum set.

Jeremey gave a satisfied smirk as Dan glowered at him once again. "Yeah well you know I could be right. This could be our big break and we could finally be signed like big time signed."

Jeremy scowled "You say that ever show. Just give up already." He said starting to walk away. "I'm gonna get something to drink I'll be back." he said hopping off the stage and disappearing through the crowd. Though disappearing proved to be a difficult thing. As the lead singer and bassist of Faithless Hearts he was quite popular and sought after. Dan had named the band that as a joke because Jeremy was a lady killer and couldn't be faithful even if his life depended on it even though the girls all knew his reputation it didn't stop them from throwing themselves at him and making it way to easy like right now. Where one of the fan's had managed to find her way over to him and grind down on him. Honestly he was annoyed but he just smirked. "later." he whispered into her ear and got out of the way ignoring the Hi's, and attempts that ladies around made to talk to him. After five minutes he finally made it to the bar. He propped his elbows on the bar and ordered a beer finally giving a sigh of relief that he was left alone, for now, he knew soon enough that would change once again.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-12-2010, 04:37 AM

Trying her best to ignore the clamour and bustle of the crowd, Samara leaned in, focusing her attention On Tatiana and Deckle. Her two best friends since grade school, they were not screaming like most of the fans, despite how in their heads they were. No, Samara and her friends were not prissy or shallow, and the other two were mature. Samara fell short in this regard, feeling a bit small and unready for the real world at times, haing grown up without a want. Luckily, she never turned out like a spoiled brat.

"So I told him to not call me again or I'll rip of his damn man bits off and shove them down his throat."

"Feel free to include me and Samara, He does deserve it after all, stupid git.." nodded Tatiana in agreement, a fire in her eyes despite her normally gentle, reasonable and level headed nature. Even Tatiana got mad sometimes.

"Yeah.. Um, excuse me guys, I gotta get something to drink, want anything?" Inquired the redhead, standing up and looking at the oh too far away bar.

"Nope, got mine right here." Deckle assured her, holding up a grasshopper with a grin.

"Water is fine, want me to come with?"

"No, I got this, I can manage this at least." With this, Samara squeezed and inched and "excuse me"-d her way to the counter, not noticing what the pushy, eager fangirls were doing. The band hadn't even started yet!
Approaching the counter, Samara waited patiently before requesting her order. "One large glass of ice water, and one virgin strawberry margarita please." she placed her money on the counter at the nod, smiling gently.

While she was almost of age, even if she were alowed, Samara would refuse to drink. She could see what it did to people all too well. Besides, the taste and smell were enough to make her cringe. Leaning back, she felt her back collide with something solid, solid and human.

"Oh my gosh, I-I'm so sorry sir! I didn't mean to...Oh I'm so sorry, please pardon me, did I hurt you or anything sir?!" she sputtered in mortification, apologizing profusely to a rather handsome individual. Little did she know it was the lead of the band 'Faithless Hearts'

Fallen Rayne
Fallen Rayne is offline
Old 08-15-2010, 02:18 AM

Soon after he ordered a glass was placed on the counter in front of him the bartender paused to say something but was called off. They didn't bother to charge any of the band members now instead putting it on a tab. He suspected that the girl just wanted to talk to him but instead she was called over by another patron. Giving a sigh of relief that it was one more person he wouldn't be forced to have an awkward conversation with he took a sip of the glass which was sleek with water because of the temperature difference. Already the venue was hot and sticky and they hadn't even started playing yet.

He took another sip as someone bumped into him. Reflexively he pulled the glass away from him to stop it form splashing into his shirt. He saved the white v-neck he was wearing form getting a stain. He figured the person who had bumped into him was another one of his fan girls trying to talk to him by 'accidentally' bumping into him so they would have a way to talk to him. He turned around about to tell the person off but instead was met by a red headed female who seemed genuinely surprised that she had bumped into him and very apologetic. He let his face relax as he shrugged. "It's okay." he said laughing at the way she keep apologizing it was cute. Once again Jeremy was in his lady killer mood. "No really its fine." He said with a wave of his hand. "I'm the one who should be asking if you're okay. Didn't bump your head too hard did you?" He asked teasingly. It was a joke and he didn't mean to offend her just a way to make her relax.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-15-2010, 03:26 AM

Relieved that the man seemed ok and actually not too peeved at her akwardness, the redhead smiled shyly, quirking her brow and tilting her head at his teasing and gentle mood. She liked that, not all stuffy and mean. Even better looking from the front too if she were to admit her inner thoughts. Drat! Why was she thinking about what he looked like? Now she'd never get the pink out of her flushed face, first from embarassment and shame, next from admiring the charming, rather..dare she say- hot face she was seeing.

"Ehe, no, I'm all good, just clumsy as usual I guess. W-well, thank you for asking if I was ok. Um, well, I guess I'll leave you be now sir. Wouldn't want to keep you!" she chirped amiably, waving before picking up her drinks, being careful not to spill a drop as she made her way back to Deckle and Tatiana.

Fallen Rayne
Fallen Rayne is offline
Old 08-18-2010, 04:16 PM

Even under the horrible lighting in the venue he could see the slight blush that adorned her cheeks. He couldn't help but smirk it was cute most women he met weren't innocent enough to have a blush like that from a little bit of innocent flirting. The girl stumbled over her words and babbled her way through. To cover up his laugh Jeremy took a sip of the beer he had ordered only moments before. His eyes widened when the girl went to leave, it was new to the male having someone leave after they talked to him. Most of the time it was him leaving. "wait!" He called after the girl who was already out of hearing range. "I never caught your name..." he muttered to himself leaning against the counter and watching her retreating for, damn she had a nice body. He needed to know who she was, she intrigued him more then any other girl he had met and that was saying much.

He brought the cool glass to his lips and drained the remaining liquid quickly setting the empty glass on the bar table. He'd find her again after they were done playing, it shouldn't be too hard right? He walked back to the front of the venue hopping up on the stage, they were about to open in five minutes and he still hadn't done his own sound check. Grabbing the black bass he started with that taking a strum and hearing the sound echo. He pointed up having the tech person turn the volume higher taking another strum before giving the thumbs up that it was good. Jeremy grabbed the mic next, the moment he did it was like everyone was surrounding in knowing that the band was about to play. "Check...check one two. Turn it up a little... check check...Yeah that should be good for now." he said taking a step back and waiting for his fellow band members to finish with their own checks. Once everything was good he gave a nod before taking the mic again. "Hey ladies." He said with a wink, "and of course you males out there too. We are Faithless Hearts, but I'm sure you guys are sick and tired of hearing me talk so we'll just play. Why don't we start out with one you should be familiar with." he said with a grin. "Little games which is off our first album." He said his voice being drowned out by screams when the fans heard what song it was. The drummer counted off and soon the song was in full swing.

stealthpanther is offline
Old 08-19-2010, 06:05 AM

Samara smiled, breathing a sigh of relief as she sat down beside her two best friends, placing Tatiana's water before her.

"Hey Samara, everything allright? Something wrong?

"Did someone give you a hard time and you want help dealing with them?"

"N-no, why do you guys ask?"

"Because we like to make sure you're ok. Besides, you look a bit flustered, anything up?" Tatiana asked kindly, nodding her thanks for her water as she sipped it, deciding to ease up on Samara. Poor Samara was treated too much like a kid at times, which surely contributed to her lack of faith in herself and her maturity.

"Oh! Nothing, just bumped into some guy, I was worried I'd make a fool of myself and cause a small scene by toppling him or his drink. Luckily it was ok."

"Bumped into a guy?" Deckle asked with a grin, chuckling. "Was he cute?" she teased, knowing how Samara shied from boys like the plague sometimes, uncomfortable and akward around them.

"Well...yes...b-but that's not the point! He was ery nice though, seemed pleasant." Samara was interrupted by Deckle once more.

"And by the way, you can't topple someone, you're too small."

"I am not that short!" Samara squeeked indignantly.

"Sorry buddy, but I kinda gotta agree with Deckle on this one. You are kinda on the short side. You reach my shoulders. You're like..what..5 feet?" Tatiana assented, smiling as she giggled.

"Five foot one and a half." Samara grumbled, pouting.

Before the usual small banter could commence, the lights were dimmed even more as the lights focused on the mini bandstage, lighting up the members of 'Faithless Hearts'
As the crowed cheered and hollered in excitement, Samara looked at each member in turn, only to feel her eyes widen and her jaw drop slightly.

Th-that man! the man she was just talking to was talking to them. He was the lead of the band!
Flushing and squeeking that she had bumped into such a cool person, she decided to keep that a secret till she was alone with Tatiana and Deckle, it was not important now. Letting the music sweep her up, she sighed, smiling as she swayed to the tune, tapping her foot lightly at her seat and humming softly along. This was fun!


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