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Old 08-24-2010, 01:03 AM

Percival rolled his eyes so hard, they looked like they made a full turnover in his skull, "Lad, you aren't too slow. I admit, you are a bit quiet and maybe you do wander off, but Roderick is picky. He is a pain in the rear. Next time, tell him he looks like his Grandmother's wrinkly tit and smack him in the mouth!" Percival picked up his ale and downed half of it in one gulp. He really was a strange man.

Naerwen nodded and smiled. She dried her hands and looked at the tunic, "Yes, I think I have it. Thank you so much for your lessons. They will certainly come in handy."

When the Lady returned, she curtsied to her and smiled, "Yes, My Lady, the tunic is nearly finished." She seemed much happier now that she had spent some time away from Roderick and her duties around his camp.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 01:23 AM

Azara smiled back to Naerwen and let go of Strikers arm, folding her hands in front of her. "Well let's just hope that the tunic turns out for the best. While we wait let's sit down and have some refreshments." Turning she saw Madela already directing her footman to gather two chairs and a small table which he set up near them. Gesturing to Naerwen to take a seat, Azara took the more extravagent one while Striker took up a post on the left side of her chair. Shara came over with a tray. On top was three glasses, a pitcher of cold water, and a bowl of sliced lemons. Pouring water in all three glasses and adding lemon slices Shara handed the first to Azara then the second to Striker and the third to Naerwen. "Did you enjoy the lessons my dear?" Azara asked of Naerwen.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 01:31 AM

Tes'shiran blinked and stared at Percival for a moment. "My Lord! I cannot strike him." He grabbed his water and gulped it down rather quickly, inhaling deeply and sighing softly. "And I've already insulted him enough in the span of a single minute to last me the rest of my life." Tess was frowning deeply, he figured the rest of his life wouldn't be very long. "Lord Roderick will flog me until I'm dead."

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Old 08-24-2010, 02:55 AM

Percival rolled his eyes once more and shook his head. He finished off his ale and pat him on the back again, "Grow a spine, young man, or you'll be a victim of Roderick's cruelty until one of two things happen. One; He kills you. Or Two; He dies because someone else got tired of his cocking around. I have to head off now, but you're welcome to sleep in my squires' tent tonight if Roderick becomes too unbearable."

Percival set a few coins down in front of Tess. Far too many to have only paid for water and one pint. Perhaps it was a tip? Or a sign that Tess needed to get piss drunk.

Naerwen sat down hesitantly across from the Lady, glancing up to her guard. She looked uncomfortable and probably felt ten times worse then she looked. She sipped at the water slowly. She nodded slightly at the question, "Oh, yes, My Lady. I thank you kindly for allowing me the opportunity. I imagine these skills will come in handy in the future. One of the girls has been wearing her skirt inside out for a few days. She spilled a little juice on it," Naerwen let out a small giggle at the thought of the poor girl. A little color graced her pale cheeks.

-:Sorry it took so long. I got wrapped up in something:-

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 03:08 AM

Taking a sip of her water Azara watched Naerwen as she did. The Dutchess could tell the Elf was uncomfortable and saw her look at Striker. Raising her hand she patted his arm the shooed him. "Scattle my love. You can watch over me while you go talk to the Butler about tonight." Growling Striker took off over to where the Butler was standing. Turning her attention back to Naerwen she gave her a soft smile growing bigger when she heard her giggle. "You are quite welcome Naerwne." Shara had whispered her name to the Dutchess when she had given her the water. "I am very glad to know that those skills will come to good use. Now tell me how one as beautiful and innocient as you came to be with Lord Roderick." Azara felt bad for the poor girl. Roderick was not a nice man and she couldn't begin to fathom what she had to go through.

((It's ok! Happens to everyone^_^))

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Old 08-24-2010, 03:14 AM

Naerwen smiled slightly as the Lady spoke and relaxed some when Striker moved away, but her smile faded at the mention of her Master. The color that graced her cheeks dulled some, "Twice a year, my Lady, Roderick goes to the forest to purchase a new servant for his harem. He finds those in desperate need of money or those who couldn't be bothered with a daughter.

My father and I traveled for three days to reach the city in time to meet him. My father needed the money to pay for a doctor to see my younger sister. She was very sick. I was sold the moment Roderick made his offer," She slumped slightly in her chair and shook her head, but straightened once more and cleared her throat lightly.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 03:17 AM

((Uhhhhh I have to go for just a little bit. My father decided he needed the computer. I wish my Mum would hurry up and buy my stinking laptop. Be back ASAP!))

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Old 08-24-2010, 03:18 AM

-:Lol, it's cool. I was gonna run and shower soon anyway, so I'll do it now, I suppose lol:-

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Old 08-24-2010, 03:25 AM

(sorry guys hada date :p )

Yazelina stared hard at him a moment. She was not happy with the tone he used when he told range that.
"I see you are very strong indeed. We are on our way to prepare for the banquet. I do hope you won't be bringing many other ladys with you Sir."

Range growled her hands glowing red. She wanted to hit him with just one fireball. Thats all just one. It wouldnt hurt much and it would make her feel so much better. But she knew better than to attack nobility. Even yazalina could not save her from death if she did such a thing.

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Old 08-24-2010, 04:44 AM

Roderick smiled and placed a hand over his heart, bowing his head slightly, "My dear Lady, these women are peasants and do not belong at the banquet. They will remain at my camp. You will not have to worry about competing with their grace and beauty."

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Old 08-24-2010, 04:47 AM

Range could not help herself. She lost her temper and stepped up to him with a growl.
"Lina does not have to compete with anyone. She is more beautiful than half the girls you will ever see. She has more grace than any woman in the world and she is sought after by many. She can find a guy ten times more deserving of her affections than you." Her eyes were flaming red and her hair was flaiming up. Her hands were glowing red.

Yazalina stepped back in shock.
"Range you stop that immediatly. That is not how a lady behaves."

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Old 08-24-2010, 05:04 AM

Roderick grinned and took a few steps back. He took the reins of his horse, shaking his head, "Certainly, woman, certainly. I will keep it in mind," he looked to Yazelina once more, "I will see you tonight, then."

With that, he and his harem moved off toward the camps.

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Old 08-24-2010, 05:09 AM

Yazelina nodded taking Range by her hand and leading her back to there room. She began trying on outfits trying to find the perfect one. She sighed as she tried on dress after dress finally settling with her red and gold one. She figured it was close enough to rodericks demands.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 06:50 AM

"I only put up with Roderick because this is the path my family expects me to follow." Backbone had nothing to do with it..not really. If it were completely up to him he would have washed his hands of Roderick already, he probably would have run off or something like that. He sighed softly and poked the coins that Percival had left. Too many coins. Tes'shiran jumped up from his seat and rushed after Percival. "My Lord..perhaps I could bask in your company a while longer?" He asked that rather tentatively.

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Old 08-24-2010, 11:31 PM

Percival nodded slightly as they walked, "Family doesn't always choose the right path for their sons," he said softly as they walked. He grabbed his damaged helmet from his squires and headed toward the market. He needed the helmet fixed.

"My land has been in my family for seven generations. Seven, Tess. Where will it go when I'm dead?" He shrugged, "I have no idea. Why? Because I have just seen my forty third winter and I have no wife, no heirs. Not even a mistress with some cute bastard children! What did my family want? They wanted me to marry and have children and keep my family's land where it belongs. What did I do? ...Anything but." He shrugged again as he rounded the corner where his blacksmith worked.

Last edited by Squidie64; 08-25-2010 at 12:48 AM..

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 12:32 AM

The Dutchess listened quietly as Naerwen spoke. The tale was very sad and one that happened often. "I am very sorry my dear. Have you heard from your family at all since you have been with Lord Roderick?" She so wished the girls answer would be a yes. No one should be kept from there family.

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Old 08-25-2010, 12:41 AM

Naerwen took a slow breath and nodded, "I got one letter shortly after I was bought. My father said that she was getting better. Roderick took the other letters sent to me."

She slumped in her chair again and shook her head, "I thought men like this existed only in fairy tales. And just when things would get bad, a knight in shining armor would rescue the damsel. ..I suppose knights aren't as wonderful as they say."

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CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 01:49 AM

Angering at what Naerwen said Azara took a calming breath. He took her letters? No one should come between a family when they were trying to talk. It just was not the proper thing to do. "He took the letters that were sent to you? Well now that is not right. Not right at all." When she talked about Knights not being as wonderful as people put them up to be Azara couldn't help but nod. "Tis true that some Knights are not kind, but then some are. It all depends on the person." Tapping her chin in thought she smiled softly to Naerwen as she talked. "If you would like, you can stay here tonight with my maids Madela, Shara, and Meggie. Only if you want though."

Pausing in his conversation with there Butler Striker shifted his attention to Azara to check on her. Seeing that she was alright he looked to Jenks. "Everything is in order for tonight I assume?" The two men sat and talked about everything that needed to be done and had to be done as the girls talked.

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Old 08-25-2010, 02:01 AM

Naerwen looked to her when she made her offer and she bowed her head, "You may a gracious offer, my Lady, and I greatly appreciate such a kind gesture, but I am afraid I must decline. If I accept and stay for the evening, I will suffer a worse fate when I return tomorrow morning. Tonight, I'll get the whip. Tomorrow, I could get the knife...or worse. I think anyone would choose the whip."

Naerwen was careful not to make eye contact. She didn't even look up.

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 08-25-2010, 02:25 AM

Sitting completely frozen Azara tried to control the anger that was building up inside of her, but it wasn't working. She could feel her Harpy just inches away from completely showing herself. As it was her pupils had bled completely over and her eyes were now pure black. Her nails were starting to grow and becoming very sharp. No lady should be whipped, ever. Azara wanted to use her newly sharp nails to slice up Lord Roderick so that he was a pile of bloody ribbons. Gripping the table Azara tried to calm herself down but it wasn't working. Soon her black wings that seemed to glitter would burst out of her back. Then everyone would know what she was.

From behind him Striker could feel Azara's distress and he whipped around. Seeing what was happening her ran over to her. "Azara stop. Calm down! Do you want everyone to know?" Grabbing her shoulders he shook her, she was past being soothed. He had to reason with her now. Striker knew that Naerwen was sitting right next to them and probably saw and heard everything but he didn't care. He had to act fast. "Az please," He said using the name he use to call her when they were children. "Calm down."

Slowly Azara started to calm down and she was turning back to normal. Her nails retracted and she let go of the table. Eyes turning back to their normal vibrant green she turned to Naerwen her eyes wide wondering what the girl was going to say. She hope that the Elf wouldn't start screaming and run, Striker would have to chase her down if she did and she really didn't want to see that happen.

((I just started typing and I could stop! I hope it not to much! ^^'))

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Old 08-25-2010, 02:41 AM

Naerwen stared at her in disbelief. She got up, but she didn't run, she didn't scream, she didn't even look away. She simply moved behind the chair and gripped the back of it so hard, her knuckles turned white. She stared on in fear and disbelief, shaking harder than she ever had before. She thought she'd never face anything scarier than Lord Roderick raving mad with a whip, but she had never seen something like this.

When the Lady looked to her again, she took half a step backwards. Finding her voice, she choked out a few words, "Please....don't kill me.."

Glitter addict...beware

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Old 08-25-2010, 02:56 AM

Seeing Naerwen's reaction and hearing her words the Dutchess lowered her eyes and twined her hands in her lap. She should have lost control like that. When she was in her Harpy form she could control what she was doing but only just. Azara didn't mean to scare her. Looking up to Naerwen she tried to show how sorry she was in her eyes. "I am terribly sorry Naerwen. I let myself become angry. I will not hurt you I promise. Not a hair on you head. I'm not like your Lord, I only hurt those who deserve it. Please Naerwen you must believe me.."

Striker unwound Azara's hand and gripped one of her small hands in his. The other hand went up to the back of her neck and rubbed it there. That always helped when she was distraught.

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Old 08-25-2010, 03:31 AM

Naerwen stood still for a long moment before she moved, hesitantly, still very much afraid and fell into her seat once more. She said nothing. She simply stared across the table at the Duchess, unable to find her words.

In her silence, she waited, but there was no pain. The Duchess didn't lash out at anyone. She just sat there. Perhaps..she was telling the truth? Was she safe?

"What will you do with me?"

Glitter addict...beware

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Old 08-25-2010, 03:40 AM

Watching Naerwen carefully she didn't speak while the Elf figure out what to do. She was relieved when Naerwen sat back down but grew sad by what she said. "My dear I wont do anything with you. You are as free from me as a dandelions seeds floating in the sky. All that I ask is you don't tell anyone what you have just seen. I beg of you Naerwen, please don't tell anyone." Azara prayed that Naerwen wouldn't tell anyone. She would most likely be hunted if she did and she didn't want to leave her home.

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Old 08-25-2010, 03:47 AM

Naerwen leaned back slightly in her chair, never taking her eyes off the pair in front of her.

"I beg you make no assumptions of who I really am on the inside. I would never dream of holding something against someone for my own gain, but if I keep this must do something for me."

Naerwen's eyes carried no evil in them. They were not lit with revenge or anger. Instead, they were desperate. They still carried fear and uncertainty, but behind raw emotion, there was hope.


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