View Poll Results: Are you excited for GY to be finally all updated and open to play?
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M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 07:32 PM


Sweetnesss ~ I really want to make more books. xD
It was amazing that I fell upon that book template on DA.

Soda is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 08:11 PM

Hey Miro, think I could get in on the action of this card business too? Seems neat.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 08:46 PM

As long as you come back to visit once in a while or when you can. xD
You have to choose what creature you want to be: Vampire, Ghost, Zombie.
And give me a reference to any anime picture, doll, or whatnots for your character.

For October
Pumpkin creature cards are going to be open but will only be limited editions.

For November
There's going to be Turkey creature cards. roflz

For December
I think I might like making Ordament creature cards, I haven't decided yet.

Soda is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 09:44 PM

Ha of course I'd come visit often! Soda likes to chat.. :yumeh1:

October pumpkin creature?? Hmm that seems way to perfect considering I'd have you base off of my Avatar anyways. Hmmmm! I wonder if I should wait till October to get my own card.

Last edited by Soda; 09-07-2010 at 10:05 PM..

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 09:57 PM

w00t! Then thats purrrr-fect. <3


Oh wait! I think I mis-said that.

Limited editions aren't for you being the creature. The LE's are rare monster cards to put in your collection.
That's why you can only choose to be a Zombie, Vampire or Ghost.

But I can add in Pumpkin species if you wish to be a pumpkin.

Last edited by M i r o; 09-07-2010 at 10:05 PM..

Soda is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 10:05 PM

Oh I see.. So I need to pick one now and then I gotta do something in October to get the pumpkin monster?

Well I would like to be a pumpkin but I don't mind conforming to your base rules.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 10:09 PM

Sorry I'm just distracted, my replies are all jumbled.

No. I've decided I'll add in being a pumpkin as a new species. You can have your pumpkin avatar as your creature card.
The limited editions will be monster cards to collect--you have to be at least at Rank O or A to be eligible to obtain them. ^^

Soda is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 10:10 PM

Oh well I'd be very excited for that, so yes please. ^^

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 10:21 PM

Phew! I'm sorry that was confusing at first. xD

Okedokey ~ I'll get started on creating your card.

&& I added LE explaination in the game info post, if you want to understand what they are.

Soda is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 10:23 PM

Ah great I'll check it out. I admit I'm not completely clear on all this but posting for exp. That much I can handle. ^^

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 11:05 PM

Basically, its like a card game.

Could you tell me what I should say to make it simpler? Cause I'm unsure.

Soda is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 11:11 PM

I think my problem is I have 0 rping background. I need to go eat now but I'll come back and try to help out by pointing out the parts I'm not 100% about?

I really like the concept though!

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 11:21 PM

Oh! Well, I can give you an example from the Final Fantasy game stories I downloaded. :3
More or less the RP is just a fanfic story you create based on your creature character.

Final Fantasy 7: The Return of the Crisis

Chapter 1: The End of the World

As Cloud dealt the final blow of Omni Slash, Sephiroth fell back and
released streams of unholy energy. Cloud watched as the unholy energy
mixed with holy ones which came out of the ground. Both energies
gathered around Cloud and exploded into millions of small particles.
"Lifestream?" Cloud thought as the small particles of energies
drifted past him.
Then, part of the small particles of energy formed a bright light
above Cloud. He reached his hand out towards the bright light,
attempting to touch it. A hand reached out from the light, and moved
slowly towards Cloud's hand.
A sudden tremble of the ground brought Cloud back to the reality.
Cloud then realized that the hand trying to reach him is only Tifa's.
But now he's got no time to figure out whose hand it was, as the rock
platform of Tifa's was cracking. The rock that Cloud was standing on
began to sink, and Tifa was falling off from hers. So Cloud jumped
across and grabbed the edge of the cliff with Tifa safely in his arms.
"...I think I am beginning to understand." Cloud said with a
thoughtful voice.
"What?" asked Tifa, completely puzzled.
"An answer from the Planet...the Promised Land...I think I can meet
her...there" said Cloud sadly.
"Yeah, let's go meet her" agreed Tifa.
Cloud gathered his strength and pushed Tifa over the edge. When Tifa
got on, she helped Cloud up, and the trembling in the Crater seemed
"Hey, where is everyone?" wondered Cloud.
"Heeeey!" Barret's voice cuts across the air and overran all the
other sounds in the Crater. He and the others were sitting on a higher
rock platform.
"I'm glad you're all safe!" cried Tifa joyfully.
Barret turned to Cid and said, "They all seem to be safe, too. But...
what're we going to do?"
"Holy should be moving soon, and that means this place will..." said
Red XIII, warning everybody that they should move on.
Cid stood up and lightened a cigarette, then said worriedly, " Oh,
Lady Luck don't fail me now..." But all of a sudden the whole place
started to shake, with alot of crashing and beating on the top of the
Crater. Boulders fell like rain and the rock platforms were cracking
up. Cloud and Tifa hide under the edge of their rock platforms while
the others do the same on the other side.
After all the boulder rain and dust stopped, the group then find out
that it was actually Highwind. The pilot thought it was the time to
pick the group up so he drove Highwind down the Crater.
"We better move quick, this place will get explode very soon." warned
Cloud as he pushed everyone into the Highwind.
As soon as Cloud finished talking, the whole place start shaking
badly. The Pilot immediately closed the entrance door and started the
engine. But the engine didn't move fast enough so the Crater exploded,
sending Highwind in the air. Energies blasted off from the base of the
Crater, creating a energy pole from the base of the Crater into the
sky. Even though Highwind's engine has started, but the magnectic force
from the energy blast gradually pulled Highwind back. Bits and pieces
of Highwind disintegrated as it came closer to the energy pole. The
whole Highwind rumbled violently, and everyone in Highwind fell over.
"Shit!" Cid sweared as he knocked his head onto the monitor.
"If we don't do anything, we all get fried!!" Barret shouted.
Cid suddenly remembered that there was a Emergency Escape Pulley
beside the control monitor, so he grabbed the handle and pulled it.
The controller cabin was released and the steering wings shifted out.
Cloud and the others escaped the burying Highwind just before it
completely fades away in the energy blast. After a few twists and
turns, the Escape Plane finally calmed down. Cid grabbed the controls
and steered the Escape Plane towards Midgar. Just as they left the
border of the Northern Continent, Meteor moved just above Midgar.
Meteor gets closer to Midgar by the second. The earth began to shake,
gusts of winds start to circulate Midgar. As the Meteor came even
closer, gusts of winds eventually evolve into several small tornadoes
and started to crush through the Sectors. A number of lightning strikes
went off from the Meteor and struck the residential on the higher
sectors, causing explosions.
"Disastrous, lucky I moved all of the citizens of Midgar into Kalm.
Otherwise, there won't be a single person left that is a citizen of
Midgar." claimed Cait Sith, watching Midgar from a long distant via the
Escape Plane's window.
"Where the @#^% is Holy!! If it still don't come, Midgar will be torn
apart, and the whole planet will explode!" cried Barret with anger.
But as soon as Barret finish, Holy appeared right behind the Escape
Plane and traveled across the sea. Holy moved in high speed and soon
passed Cloud and others. It intercepted between Midgar and the Meteor,
cutting off the tornadoes from the Meteor. Cloud cheered in his heart,
knowing that Holy should be able to block off Meteor, but he gasped as
they flew closer. Holy didn't block off Meteor, instead, it was used by
the Meteor to create even more powerful tornadoes to ravage throughout
Midgar. As the Escape Plane flew passed Midgar, Cloud saw the Sectors
was mostly destroyed and Shinra HQ, the building that represents total
power and authority of the Shinra Company, still stood there but half
wrecked. Every single living creature in the world, watched this
destruction in silence.
"What's going to become of Midgar!?" questioned Barret as the plane
flew further away from Midgar.
"There's nothing we could do...Even Holy can't stop it...Forget
Midgar, lets worry about the planet." said Red XIII, hopeless.
Just as everyone was feeling that the world is about to end, Tifa
suddenly noticed a green light moving in a distance.
"What's that?"
A stream of green light uncovers itself from earth in the far
distance and start moving towards Midgar. While it moves, more and more
streams of green light uncover from the ground. All of them flow
towards Midgar and attracts more as they go.
"Lifestream?"Cloud thought.
Gradually, the streams of green light mixed with Holy and exploded. A
bright flash occurred, blinding everyone temporarily.
For a moment, Cloud thought he had seen Aeris's face in the light....
But that'd really help me, I'd appreciate it! And thank you. :heart:

Soda is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 11:34 PM

I have returned! :3 With a full belly of bread sticks.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 11:49 PM

Ooo! Did you eat Spaghetti? :drool:

Soda is offline
Old 09-07-2010, 11:54 PM

Tacos actually, but I sorta demanded I wanted bread sticks cause I found some pizza sauce in the fridge lol.

*Is currently going through first page*


1) I'm curious how exactly the LE cards are collected for one. Does each season have a unique requirement or is it like a uber rare random goodie available during that month?

2) For the RPing/Story telling in general. This may be because I have zero experience but how is a rp/short story differed from a normal chat? I'm just not really sure and it never really says.

3) For the ghoulish stories area. Where will said storybooks go? in a persons sig as well or in that area?

Hmm yes I think those are my big questions.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:16 AM

Haha! That's the way to get what you want. xD I'd choose bread sticks over tacos, though.

1. Each holiday will have a unique monster card for players to collect. They'll be a variety of monsters, not just one.
The staff members of the thread will have limited edition cards for players to collect too, they'll be our true forms.

2. You don't actually post or roleplay while your chatting in this hangout. Once you make up a roleplay/short story, you put it inside a [quote] in your post and @Ping ; me or Seito when your ready for us to read it over.

3. I will be moving down the bottom posts to use the reserved post to put the storys there. I haven't been able to create banners for it yet thats why I didn't make its individual post. The storybooks represent the story, roleplay or one-shot you've made and you're allowed to save it and put it in your sig or wherever you desire.

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:31 AM

/couldn't type one up today
I sowwy!
Meybe tomorrowz?

Soda is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:40 AM

I only had one taco... Bread sticks from there on out haha.

Regardless that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:43 AM

Were they homemade tacos?

I hope so. And its kinda like Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon, if that helps too. xD

@ Hataa; Haha, that's quite alright. :3

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:45 AM

/opened a small bag of chips, only finished half
/hands rest to Miro


Soda is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:47 AM

Yup home made taco's of course!



M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:50 AM

@ Hataa; merrr... I want gummies. Chips do not satisfyyy. xDD

@ Soda; Oh, I don't like homemade tacos... I would pick those bread sticks. :rofl:

There actually was supposed to be 2 pokemon movies playing last weekend on cartoonnetwork but I missed it. ; ^ ;

Hatake Ayumi
College Student
Hatake Ayumi is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:52 AM

Murrrrr, givemegummies.
/grabby hands at cravings

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 01:05 AM

Nuuuu! *hides'em~!*

Nestle made new Wonka gummies and my mom brought some home! Fufufu


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