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Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 10-18-2010, 07:25 PM

I do not know why but I have been wanting to do a zombie role-play for a while now. I was a part of one but it just fell apart, and another one was going to be made but never actually got into the works.

Originally I wanted to do a role-play in the Deadspace universe, not that I do not want to anymore, but it would just be easier to make the world and setting up for the sake of people who do not know about the game.

I am looking for literate to semi-literate role-players who will post frequently (1-2 posts a week if possible, checking the role-play every couple of days). I understand that we all get busy sometimes, but it does not take that much time out of your day to at least look at the progress on the role-play and start thinking of how to post later.

My setting idea is not fully developed and I would welcome help developing it. I was thinking either on earth in the far future, on a large space station meant for supporting many people (city in space essentially), a planet that is similar to earth but without earth's history, or a huge space ship.

When I refer to 'advanced' I am talking about capable of easy space travel (not necessarily affordable for the individual), weapons that are capable of firing concentrated beams or lasers (though these might not necessarily be weapons to start with), and advancements in medicine that would consider today's medicine ancient.

I think the 'zombies' would have been infected by something akin to a virus, that inserts it's own DNA into the human genome and alters it. This would improve muscle growth and response time but degrade mental capacities in most individuals. It should spread through direct contact with someone else infected, or with those who have weak or compromised immune systems through the air. If there was a cure for it, it would have been developed a little late seeing how 4/5ths of the population would already be infected at the start of the story and it would not reverse the effects of the virus. I would say it would take a few weeks to fully spread through the body to the point of total loss of normal mental functions (zombied).

Assuming anyone read all this then it looks like I have my target role-play audience. I would be modeling the world's technology level after deadspace. I am leaning more towards a 'earth' without earth's history, or a space station type deal with no other home (as in no home planet to go home to).

I would welcome any comments or suggestions.


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