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Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-10-2010, 11:48 PM

[{It is fine. It happens.}]

"You don't seem to mind." Elvira spoke in a lulled tone as Demetri's lips were upon hers once more. The ran seemed nonexistent when she was with him along with that outside world that would soon relieve its self to her once more. For now though she wrapped her arms back around her lover and enjoyed his touch. "I wonder how angry Carlah will be with us." Elvira couldn't help but giggle they were going to be walking into the mansion rather, wet.

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Old 10-10-2010, 11:55 PM

Demetri chuckled once again. "She'll be extremely mad," he replied as he put his hand on her hips and brought her close as he kissed her once again. Carlah would. She was always trying to keep every part of the mansion clean, but always had trouble doing so because of how Demetri and Elvira were always outside, tracking in mud and veracious things.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-11-2010, 12:20 AM

Elvira smiled thinking of how they could sneak into the mansion without Carlah seeing them. "We'll just have to sneak in then." she commented believing the best way in would be through the bathroom. If the floor got wet in there it would be that bed unlike the entryway or carpet. With another kiss she escaped from Demetri's arms a sly smile showing on her lips. She was making her way back to the mansion before Carlah realized they were outside in the rain. The mud they tracked in would be a lot worse now.

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Old 10-11-2010, 12:39 AM

When they got into the bathroom, Demetri began to strip of his clothes. "I think I'm going to take a hot bath, he said. "What to join me?" he asked with an inviting smile as he laid his wet clothes over the rod above the claw foot bathtub. He would attempt to dry the clothes himself later.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-11-2010, 01:06 AM

"How could I deny such an offer. I'm not a fool to leave this room in soaking wet clothing." She replied getting ensnared by his inviting smile and the fact she didn't want to face Carlah. So she walked over to the tub and got the hot water running to fill it. While the bath filled she couldn't help but happily sing.

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Old 10-12-2010, 02:19 AM

Demetri smiled as he walked up from behind Elvira and rub her back in a sensual way. "You have an amazing voice, my dear. Ever sing in front of a crowd before you found me before?" he asked her as he brushed her wet hair out of the way so he could kiss the back of her neck right where her spine began.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-12-2010, 02:35 AM

Elvira smiled with a little smirk tugging at the corner of her lip as she leaned back into Demetri just a little. "I've sung for myself, when I was alone or desired to tune something out. Now I sing out of happiness that you given me." she replied pulling her hair over her shoulder leaving her back exposed. It didn't stop her from singing though, Demetri was one of the very few that even got to hear it. And he liked it so she saw no point in stopping.

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Old 10-15-2010, 12:10 AM

Demetri smiled and kissed her back a little more, loving her voice to the point he could just sit there and here her hum the whole time. When he finally saw the bathtub full, he turned off the water and waited for her to get in. "Ladies first, l'amour."

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-16-2010, 11:24 PM

A light chuckle escaped her lips. "You are so kind." she purred teasingly taking a cautious first step into the hot water. Once in it though she immersed herself with a pleased sigh. It had been awhile she she ever truly sat in a bath to relax before. "I can't help but believe you are one lucky man, my love. Could get use to this." she smiled sitting on one side of the bathtub.

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Old 10-17-2010, 03:58 AM

Demetri chuckled and nodded his head as he took his hair out of the bow he had set it in. He dipped his first foot into the water, surprised that it was so hot as to the point he'd cringe and wait a while, but it was to the point that it was hot enough to immerse himself into it to relax. He got on the other end of the bathtub as he let out a relaxed sigh, tipping his head back to rest on the edge of the bathtub. "Me too, l'amour," he replied.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-17-2010, 09:28 PM

After laying in the warm water for awhile Elvira could help herself but move over to Demetri and allow her back to rest against his chest. Not matter where Demetri was Elvira had a strong desire to be as close to him as possible. Though something was bothering her and she knew she would have to tell him sooner or later. For now she relaxed up against him for a few minutes before speaking "Demetri, I should of told you this sooner..." she started her voice wavering near the end. "I have a fiance..." with that she could contain the tears that rimmed her eyes. Gotten herself ready for whatever reaction he had, especially the worst. This all could of been avoided if she had just worn the ring that was forced upon her finger.

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Old 10-18-2010, 01:49 AM

Demetri froze and shot his eyes open to the silence, thinking over what Elvira had just said. "W-what?" he asked. "H-how can this be?" he asked as he sat up and turned Elvira around to face him. He looked at her with eyes crossed with concern, puzzlement, anger, and disappointment.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-18-2010, 02:01 AM

Elvira still insisted on looking away from Demetri. "It was consummated since my birth. A tradition in my family.... A qualifying female must be married of to none other then a werewolf... I came of age the day I turned 23 only a few weeks after I met you. They gave me a picture, his family ring, and said I was to marry him." her explanation came from a detached voice. Never had she believed she would fall in love with a vampire she was meant to kill. She had yet to even meet her supposed fiance. A picture was all that was given to her, along with a ring, and the day they would be married. There was not a choice on her part.

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Old 10-19-2010, 02:22 AM

Demetri was trying his hardest to believe all of which came out of the mouth of his lover before him. He shook his head and forced Elvira to look at him. "So, what does this mean?" he asked, trying to keep a laid-back, calm attitude. It wasn't really working. He wished he knew about this earlier. "Because...I was...," he stopped what he was saying and glanced at a little blood red velvet box on the sink's counter. He was going to purpose to her tonight...after they had made love. But apparently, that was far out of the question at the moment. "A Werewolf?" he echoed in a slightly hurt tone.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-19-2010, 09:57 PM

Elvira didn't try to pull away no matter how strong her desire to do so was. "I'm supposed to get married to a giant furry dog." she couldn't contain the groan that escaped her lips along with her eyes closing in frustration. "Never thought I would fall for the very thing I hunted..." she was pretty much talking to herself now as she thought. "If I'm not back soon they'll come looking for me... Will have to fake my own death to get out of this one..." she mumbled not realizing what she had just said. The fact she was now a vampire meant she had no pulse. Would just have to hope that her fiance was too stupid to figure that out. Then there was the problem with getting buried... That didn't seem pleasant at all.

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Old 10-19-2010, 11:34 PM

Demetri sat there for a moment, thinking. "Well, maybe we could think up of something to do. Like, the funeral will happen and then I'd come to un-bury you? Elvira," he said as he looked deeper into her eyes. "I must have you for myself," he told her in such a passionate and deep tone. He really did want her for himself. He loved her with all his body and what little soul he's earned from all the years he's never tasted the very thing he was meant to feed on. But if he had to let her go, he loved her that much to do what was best for her.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-20-2010, 12:30 AM

Elvira couldn't stop the widening of her eyes in embarrassment at what Demetri said. Without a second thought she found herself pressing her lips into his for a deep kiss. "You better un-bury me. The thought of being buried creeps me out." as she spoke she couldn't help but shiver even in the warm bath water. From the shiver she curled in close to Demetri. "I don't want to leave you ever." She was being honest. All she wanted was to stay with Demetri, it was the very reason she even accepted being changed. A werewolf wasn't going to get in her way. If it came to the worst she would kill the man, not like he would be the first, and hopefully her people would kick her out.

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Old 10-20-2010, 01:26 AM

Demetri smiled down at Elvira as he grabbed the floating washcloth and gently moved it across her back. "I know, I know," he told her as he kissed her back, feeling a fire ignite within him. "We'll do this tomorrow, okay? For now, let's just relax and enjoy our time together," he told her as his free hand roamed down her waist to her hip, kissing her once more.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-20-2010, 01:57 AM

Elvira shivered with a small gasp closing the gap between them more. "Alright..." she mumbled sensing the change in Demetri and was easily swept up by it. "Relaxing sounds like an amazing idea." she commented kissing him back while her hand went to rest on his shoulder and the other slid down his chest. The whole time she was wondering how he could have such an affect on her, she loved it though.

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Old 10-20-2010, 11:00 PM

All Demetri wanted right now was to just relax with Elvira in his arms. He smiled and tightened his grip on her as he kissed her deeply. She had such an empowering power on him with just a simple touch of her hands or even her lips. Not to mention even her eyes. Every time they burning into him, a fire lit within him. He loved it.

He loved her.

Blissful lgnorance
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Old 10-21-2010, 01:03 AM

It didn't take very long for Elvira to become completely relaxed when Demetri's strong arms were around her and his soft lips pressed against hers. Never had she felt so weak, so vulnerable, and enjoyed it so much. For her she wanted him to see every flaw and imperfection she had because she knew he would accept all of them. Conforming to match his desires or wishes. She could be herself and that made her love for him unwavering.


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