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Kilia is offline
Old 03-05-2011, 07:28 PM

Lavi downed some medicine, as Madame Pomfrey used her wand on the curse mark on his forehead, his back was turnned to the rest of the room so he didn't see the guy come in who was told to lay on his stomach, after a few minutes he pulled his hat back on before looking towards the man who had came in. Madame Pomfrey was done with him for the moment and had gone over to take care of the boy who's back was bleeding.
He stood up and streached once more like cat, moving slowly over to the guy as he looked down at him, checking out his injury before he sat down in the chair next to him,kicking back and relaxingsince hewas still going to be here a while. "So what happened to you?" he asked as hewatched Madame Pomfery work her magic onget the glass out hisback.

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Old 03-06-2011, 12:52 AM

Slowly Kawayou was eased down onto a bed, and waited until the nurse was done with the Hufflepuff boy before she tended to him. Kawayou heard movement beside him, and looked over to see him sitting there. He wondered if perhaps he was bored and just trying to make conversation, because he didn't seem all that concerned.

"Ah...a Slytherin boy accidently pushed me into the desk behind me and I fell on their beaker." he explained, wincing as the glass slid easily out of his back. All the little pieces were gone, and the nurse put some salve on the wounds, instructing him to lay there a moment as they slowly closed up. Kawayou wiped his eyes of tears, then looked back to the Hufflepuff.
"And you?"

Kilia is offline
Old 03-06-2011, 01:30 AM

"Hmm....that sucks. Oh me? I just came in for a normal check up." Lavi said to him as he shrugged and pulled his hat lower over his forehead, hoping that it was hiding the marks that were on it. The ears on it we facing foreward, slightly laid back, he glanced at Madame Pomfery, as she looked at him slightly, a slient message passed between them before he looked lazily back down at the boy. "Well at least you didn'thave something major happen to you." he said with a lazy smile, yawning a little bit and streaching before he stood up. looking at the boy's back just to watch it heal.

Ribe is offline
Old 03-06-2011, 05:27 AM

After a while Mathew was done with History of Magic and was looking for his next class. He was off to Herbology now he did not care for plants and did not ahve a green thumb those he could tell you all about them.

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Old 03-06-2011, 07:07 PM

A normal checkup? Kawayou didn't miss the cautious pull of his beanie. He figured that there must be something wrong with his head. Perhaps he was balding prematurely? Or there was something on his face that he wanted to hide. Whatever the case, Kawayou was all about privacy, so he didn't ask.

Resting his eyes, he sighed as the pain subsided. He heard the boy besode him get up, and wondered if perhaps he was ready to leave. Kawayou looked up at him, and smiled. "It was nice talking with you." he said, then laid his head back down. Perhaps he could nap?

Kilia is offline
Old 03-06-2011, 07:27 PM

"Oh it was nice talking with you also. As for your back....i would be careful with it since the skin will be a bit redand sensitive for a while. See you around Ravenclaw." Lavi said to him with a lazy smile as he gave him a three fingered wave, hewalked a few feetaway before he stopped in his tracks, turnning backslightly to look at Kawayou. "I don't have any friends.....but i would like it if you became one." he called out to him, he was far enough away but close enough that it was going to be hard for the boy to look at him, the only reason he didn't have friends is because he spent most of his time there in the hospital wing.

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Old 03-06-2011, 07:31 PM

Kawayou nodded, waving back to him. He was rather glad that he had someone to chat with for a little while. He heard his footsteps fade, then stop completely, but too soon. Kawayou sat up then, looking over to him. He smiled and nodded.

"I'd like to be your friend." he called, then laid back down. And he would be true to it. He was going to try and talk with him more between classes, if he ever saw him, that is.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-06-2011, 07:54 PM

"I can normally be found in here, and who knows we might have classes together. My name is Lavi, you could call me Lavi or Kos if you want." Lavi said tohim as he didn't move from his spot, he frowned for a minute as he looked at the clock, he was late once more for a class, which sucked for him but he rarely gets into trouble since the teacher's understood his situation. "Son of a Banshee! see you later....i am late for class again." he said as he waved at the guy, not catching his name as he sprintted out of the room, heading towards herbology first, which was the first thing on his list at the moment, then it was a few other things from there.

Ribe is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 12:46 AM

This was the first year Mathew was in 6th herbology rather then with most of his class mates of his year. Mathew had 3 advance classes History of Magic, Herbology & Potions the rest he was staying in the 5th courses. Those he could have taken them all on year ahead he decided not to because he didn't want to get out of school to early and then have to get a job sooner. Mathew was standing with the rest of the class with plants on a table in front of them. He didn't know most of the 6th years so this was a change to study up and learn about them while learning about the plants as well.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 01:20 AM

Lavi slid into the greenhouse, knocking a few things over, he was late once more but that didn't mean anything at the moment, Sprout looked at him and nodded, motioning for him to take his place at a empty spot at a table. He smiled and waved, taking his place as he dropped his bag next to him, he yawned a little bit as one of the cat ears twitched a little bit. He smiled some as he just stroked some of the plants in front of him, no matter how dangerious they are, he looked around for a minute before he saw the Ravenclaw from last night standing across from him. He looked at him funny before he nodded his head at him and looked at the person beside him to see what he was doing, so that he could do it also.

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Old 03-07-2011, 01:39 AM

Kawayou watched him race out, blinking as he rambled about being late. Kawayou laid back down, sighing. After awhile, the nurses told him that he could put his clothes back on and head to his next class. HE told them that it was the class about beasts out with Hagrid, and so they gave him a note to let him know he'd have to sit out.

He was rather bummed that his first day of class had to go like this, but well, that's what happened. But at least this meant that he didn't really have to do anything in choir.

Ribe is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 01:41 AM

Mathew looked and saw it was the boy from night before so he was a 6th year. Huh he thought note to self this might just be easier then I thought. Mathew smiled to Lavi trying to get his attention to show him what to do. "Like this..." He whispered. It seem proffer Sprout did not mind that the boy was late so it was adding more fuel to the fire that some thing was up. Mathew was now more interested in the boy over the plants so he did what he was told with them.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 02:09 AM

"Oh....well this is interesting." Lavi mumbled as he gave a three fingered wave in hello, looking at what Mathew was doing for a few minutes before he quickly picked up on it. It looked as if he was doing all very slow and in a lazy way but if were watching him, you could see that he was actually getting more work done then anyone else arouund him. "so what are these things called?" he mumbled to him self as he glanced up at the boy across from him, he did wonder if he was a 6th year or what but didn't put to much thought into it.

Ribe is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 02:21 AM

"Mumm rot, proffer Sprout said they are good for growing back limbs. Its one of the key plants in the potion." He whisper over to Lavi. Other were talking as they work so it was no big deal and if they were to get caught it was school related so it was all good. Mathew just smiled to Lavi. "So what your name?"

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Old 03-07-2011, 02:34 AM

Shadow had gone to his Arithmancy class only to find out that he was told he wasn't in the class. He'd asked why but it seemed that he would be going to Herbology, which was something he needed to do better at, since he was so horrible at it. He'd have Arithmancy at a later time, but for now, he had to go to the damned class. Trudging down to the green house, he entered the place and gave Professor Sprout the note explaining his situation. There seemed to be a couple of other people in his house in the class. So at least he wasn't alone. This was still annoying though. He went over to one of the empty spots and frowned as she informed him of what they were doing.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 02:43 AM

"That is very true...they do help grow limbs back. I should have known it was mumm rot." Lavi said as glanced up at Mathew only to have his eye drawntowardsthe Slytherian that had came into the class and took aspot next to him at the table. "I am Lavi or you can call me Kos." he said wearily as he took a step away from the slytherian, slacking off on his work now as he yawned and actted as if he was going to fall a sleep in the class even though the cat ears on his hat were the only thing that let others know that he was alert.

Ribe is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 02:55 AM

Mathew noted the new comer the the room and how Lavi was acting. It was strange the boy hat was alert yet he acted sleepy. Was it because of that boy next to him or was it because of his house. Mathew would have to study this more through out the class. "You can call me Mathew or Mat take your pick." He smiled. "Could past me the watering can near you Lavi seeing as I think it was meant to be share by the 4 of us in this area." He smiled and even nodded to the new kid.

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Old 03-07-2011, 03:01 AM

Shadow glanced at Lavi, looking slightly bored. Well, this was new. He'd always seen the boy around, even had a few classes with him. Never however had he tried to really interact with him. No point in it. Besides, he seemed an odd one. With the silly hat the guy was wearing. He did resist an eye-roll as Lavi moved away. Hell, he wasn't going to curse the boy in front of the whole class. He glanced at the other guy before sighing a little, starting his part of the work. Of course, halfheartedly. It was obvious he didn't want to be there.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 03:27 AM

Lavi picked up the water can and handed it over towards Mat as he had asked, he stayed in his sleepy state, keeping an eye on the guy next to him, not really saying anything at the moment, was weary of Shadow, after all they did have a few classes together but this man was just evil in his opinion. He never really said a word around him, some said it was because he had a crush on the slytherien but who could know for sure, he yawned once more and leaned against the table, the plants brushing his face as he watched everyone else work.

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Old 03-07-2011, 04:04 AM

"Thank you"Mathew water his plant then placed the can in the middle of the table for other to use. Mathew want to be next to Lavi so he could talk to him more and learn what was going on. Those he wonder what was the connect because his behaver.

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Old 03-07-2011, 06:13 AM

Shadow was trying to write down something, observations and such things. But of course, he was still slightly lost and annoyed. "This is pointless." he muttered to himself before he leaned against his elbows and watched some of the others. It was one of the few times he had actually talked. At least in front of the others except his friends. The air he emitted was one of someone ticked off, and slightly dangerous. More so to have people stop pestering him.

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Old 03-07-2011, 06:38 AM

"Aww don't say that. You'll be grateful to this plants if you lose a limb or need to regrow a bone." Mathew said to him. "Now I don't like plants but you can't knock the value of these ones." He nodded the trimmed his plate a little those he was not the best at it he was getting by with it.

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Old 03-07-2011, 01:13 PM

((Imma reply when I get home, but we should make a schedule, and put it on our profiles so we can keep track of our classes. We should all share at least one, I think.))

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Old 03-07-2011, 08:47 PM

(sure I think that a great idea to do that.)

Kilia is offline
Old 03-07-2011, 08:55 PM

(okay there you go so you can now stalk Lavi lol the sexy sleep boy lol but yesh that is his schedule)

Lavi had fallen a sleep for a few minutes, so he had missed out on something, which wasn't good in his case, he saw Sprout look at him from the corner of his eye, he reached forward, watering the plants in from of him. He then start totrim them up but he fell asleep once more and had cut the tip of his finger off in the process, which wasn't a good thing since the girl's started to scream about it. He just blinked lazily, not even noticeing he had damaged himself, as he got a blank look on his face.

Last edited by Kilia; 03-14-2011 at 05:31 PM..


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