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Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 02-27-2011, 06:54 PM


There have always been things such as ghosts and spirits around us, though it hasn’t been always known. People have always been skeptical of this claim, and yet made media things have been made about this very subject. Haunted house movies and stories have spread throughout the years along with claims of people seeing ghosts, and yet no one has successfully caught one. Sure there are some pictures out there and news reports but who’s to say they were fake? Then again aren’t most things dealing with the paranormal have some sort of truth in them?

It is currently the year 2015 and the rise of ghost tails and legends are now at its peak. The surprising thing is, is that more and more people are actually beginning to believe the old ghost tales, movies and media they see or hear. Why is that you may ask? For the past six years there has been a high rise of people who have either turned up dead or walk around as if in a trance. Medical science and law enforcements are baffled by this as no clues or answers appear to be turning up anywhere. Sure it might be ridiculous to suddenly blame it on something like ghosts and spirits, but at this point nothing else seems to look remotely promising. Unfortunately people don’t realize just how true these accusations and tales really are. During the past six years there has been a mysterious rise of Type 2 A ghosts. Perhaps it’s due to the increase of unexpected deaths as crime rates, new illnesses, and other unexpected events that have caused people to die with more negative emotions, but whether this is the real reason or not is a mystery.

Along with this rise of Type 2 A ghosts however, there has also been a rise in those that are spiritually aware. Among these people others known as ‘mediums’ have also surfaced, which in turn have caused a higher rise of Type 3 ghosts to also occur. Despite this rise of these types of people and the higher belief in the old ghost legends a majority of the people in the world are still at the same level of spiritual awareness from when they are born. Those that do have high spiritual awareness have also become aware of the rise in number of Type 2 A ghosts and some are seeking to find out what this cause is.

There is another group of beings that have also become aware of this rise and that is the beings known as Reapers. Although the ghosts and spiritually aware people have risen the number of these beings has stayed the same. This of course means that there is an insufficient amount of reapers in the world to quell and control the ghost population. The most affected reapers are of course the human reapers, as the spirit reapers are essentially given a sort of feast depending upon where they are.

What is the cause of the rise in Type 2 A ghosts? Will this rise continue? Why have the number of reapers not increased, but instead stayed the same? Is the fate of the dead now going to rest on spiritually aware people that are not reapers? Will these questions be answered? Only time can tell…

Ghosts: Spirits of the dead that wonder the earth for a given amount of time before they pass on. These can also be seen as physical manifestations of a person’s soul.

Type 1: This is how all ghosts start out when a person dies. These ghosts are not aware they are dead, thinking that they are still alive. This type is harmless to others and can be seen and touched by normal people and vice versa. Wounds will randomly appear on their bodies that were on their bodies when they died including the injuries that caused their deaths. For example if someone died from internal bleeding it will appear they have some of the symptoms of the disease TB (Tuberculosis). These usually include but are not limited to: coughing, bleeding from various openings on the body (primarily the nose and mouth), as well as coughing up blood and internal bleeding. Another example is if someone died from a wound to the head, such as a shard of glass piercing their skull, they may have the area that was pierced randomly bleed at times. These random occurrences do happen every time they are close to their dead bodies, other times it is completely random. These and other ghost types can also use their five senses on this type of ghost. Communicating with these ghosts verbally for humans is almost impossible or very difficult, seeing as they will hear mostly what is called ‘white noise, or static. At times a few words may go through. The ghosts will hear themselves speaking normally so they do not know that others cannot fully understand them. Any ghosts that died due to a neck injury will not be able to be understood at all as the only thing people will hear is a gurgling noise. Once these ghosts realize they are actually dead one of two things will occur: they will either pass on with the possibility of becoming a Type 3 ghost at some point or become a Type 2 A/Type 2 B ghost. It is usually the first one that occurs as most do not make it to either Type 2’s. These ghost types can also be ‘killed’ again. If this occurs their souls will be completely destroyed and they will not be able to pass on to the other side or become any other type of ghost. In other words they no longer exist anywhere. They cannot possess people and cannot walk through solid objects.

Type 2 A: These ghosts are ghosts who know they are dead but remain due to some purpose that is negative. These are usually linked to negative feelings such as: anger, vengeance, hatred, or sorrow. These are the ghosts that wish to bring harm to others. The wounds that were on their bodies during the time of their deaths are always present. For example if one died of having their face blown off then their face will always appear to be blown off. If one sees this type of ghost the best thing to do is to get away as soon as possible as they can inflict harm on a person or other ghosts physically. Normal people can see this type of ghost. These ghosts will not pass on until their purpose is complete, for some that may never occur. For example if their purpose is to take vengeance on all green eyed blonde children in the world they may never have the chance to pass on as children of all types are being born quite often. If this ghost type is ‘killed’ its soul will be completely destroyed preventing it from passing on peacefully or have the chance of becoming Type 3’s. These ghosts do not have the ability to possess people, as they’d rather kill them first rather than possess them, and can walk through things such as walls if they so wish to. There are certain things that they cannot go through, such as magic circles drawn with white chalk.

Type 2 B: These ghosts are similar to Type 2 A ghosts with one exception. These ghosts remain due to some purpose that is positive. These are usually linked to positive feelings such as: love, and extreme happiness. These ghosts don’t typically wish to bring harm to others and instead help them in some way. Some people refer to these types of ghosts as ‘Guardian Angels.’ Like the Type 2 A ghosts the wounds that were on their bodies are always present. Because of this it can be extremely hard to tell it apart from a Type 2 A. If one encounters this ghost it is best to stay near them, as they will try and protect you from the Type 2 A’s. These ghosts can be harmed though by these types of ghosts and can be ‘killed’. When a ghost ‘dies’ there is no hope for them to pass on and thus do not have the possibility of becoming Type 3’s. Once this ghost type is dead its soul that forms the ghost is destroyed completely. These ghosts, like the Type 2 A’s, will not pass on until their purpose is complete, which for some may never occur. For example if their purpose is to end world hunger forever and stop all crime, hate and violence in the world chances are they will never pass on. They cannot possess people, as they prefer to help others rather than possess them unless it helps them, though they are able to do things such as walk through walls and other solid objects if they so wish to. They can pass through things that are used to ward off Type 2 A ghosts sometimes, though not anything that is directly directed at them.

Type 3: This is the final type of ghost. Unlike Type 1’s or either of the Type 2’s these ghosts know that they are dead and have passed on. The only reason they walk the earth once more is because they were summoned by a human medium for some purpose. A ghost will only become this type once they have passed on and are summoned by a human medium, there is no other way. They are not automatically formed or just form randomly they MUST be summoned by a human medium and MUST have already passed on to the other side before they can become this type. Due to the fact that they had already passed the wounds that were on their bodies when they died do not show up on them. Instead they look as they did when they were still alive and healthy. These ghosts are usually created because the human medium wishes for them to do something, usually it consists of them wishing the ghosts to protect them or another from Type 2 A ghosts. These ghosts cannot always been seen by normal humans, and usually only those who have a high sense of spiritual ability and the medium who summoned them can only see them. All other ghosts can see, feel, hear, ect.. these types of ghosts and humans can touch and see them. Their speech is much clearer than even Type 1’s without neck wounds and only a few words may be heard as static or ‘white noise’. These ghosts are bound to carry out the wishes of the one that summoned them and are usually labeled with a ‘special mark’ that represents the one who summoned them, claiming them as theirs essentially. The only way for this mark to disappear is if: they are ‘transferred’ to another person, aka told to protect and serve another by the original person who summoned them, pass on to the other side again, or if their summoner dies before the ghost’s purpose has been fulfilled. If the last is to occur the ghost will wander on its own aimlessly, trying to fulfill its purpose so that it may pass on once more, although others who can see this ghost are free to ‘claim’ the ghost as their own and give them another purpose. If the ghost is given another purpose then they must fulfill that purpose AND their original purpose before they can pass on. There is no limit to how many ‘owners’ this ghost type can have or the amount of purposes it can have. For example a Type 3 may have had 5 ‘owners’ that have all died before the ghost could fulfill the purpose it was given, and so it will have 5 purposes to complete before it can pass on. Then if another person comes and ‘claims’ the ghost they will now have 6 instead of 5 purposes to complete. Sometimes either the sheer number of purposes or the type of purpose may keep these ghosts from passing on again. This ghost type, like the others, can be ‘killed’ with the same results of its soul being completely destroyed and it will not be able to pass on again. A Type 3 can be killed before its purpose has been completed. They also hold different abilities such as possessing a person but nothing like controlling elements and such.

Reapers: Beings who’s responsibility is to gather the spirits/ghosts of people to take them into the other side.

Spirit Reapers: Spirit reapers are the spirits of human reapers that have died. This occurs when a human reaper is not present during their deaths to help pass on their spirits turning them into ghosts. These reapers then prey upon other other ghosts in order to keep themselves from passing, as they have become similar to Type 2 A ghosts. Like both of the Type 2 ghosts the wounds that had been inflicted on their bodies when they died are present. They are very vengeful and resentful though they don’t usually attack humans unless they are reapers themselves or if they cannot find another ghost to devour within 13 hours. A spirit reaper must devour at least one ghost, sometimes more depending upon the reaper, within this time frame or they will disappear completely and no longer exist. Like other ghosts these types of reapers can also be killed, with the same result as the others, be touched and seen with their speech being understood to a limit. When one hears these reapers speak, assuming they still have their vocal cords and intact neck, a good chunk of their words can be understood. Usually though a spirit reaper will mostly give out vengeful yells rather than talk with people, though they have been known to talk with humans when not worrying about devouring a ghost in time. For example it is more likely that a ghost that has 13 hours to devour one ghost and still has 13 hours to find a ghost rather than one that has 13 hours to devour one ghost and only has 2 hours left. If a ghost is devoured by this time of reaper they will ‘die’ and no longer exist. If the reaper ‘dies’ then the ghosts it devoured will not return, not that they could to begin with. They can pass through solid objects and possess people if they so wish to. There are certain rituals that will prevent them from coming close however.

Human Reapers:
Human reapers are reapers that are still living. These people have extremely high spiritual awareness and can communicate with any of the ghost types in some way. They attempt to soothe ghosts enough to help them pass to the other side. Because of their high spiritual awareness they are able to sometimes do things that resemble what others believe to be ESP (or psychic abilities). Despite this they cannot do things such as teleporting or anything overly extravagant. They can move small objects with their minds with enough concentration and communicate with their minds to others that have open minds. If a mind is closed off to such abilities however they are not able to communicate with them mentally. As a type of reaper their job is to be there when a person first dies so that their soul does not go on to be either of the Type 2 ghosts, however sometimes a reaper is not present and this is what enables the ghosts to wander around aimlessly or turn into a Type 2 ghost.

Humans: Everyday people that walk the earth and have a physical form.

Regular: Regular humans are everyday people. They are born with extremely low spiritual awareness and cannot summon ghosts like mediums can. They can see Type 1 and both Type 2 ghosts and physically feel a ghost, though can rarely understand a ghost’s speech and will hear mostly ‘white noise’ or static. They are unable to see Type 3 ghosts however unless the purpose of the Type 3 ghost is centered on them. They are usually preyed upon by Type 2 A ghosts and Spirit Reapers that need a soul to sustain them. If their soul is devoured that person will die immediately though their bodies will be able to move like a possessed doll. They can raise their spiritual awareness to enable them to communicate and summon ghosts if: they suffer a near death experience, are constantly in a high spiritual area for a long period of time (the minimum being 10 years and not something like 2 hours), if a person with high spiritual awareness forces it to raise for a short length of time (the maximum being 4 hours), or if a person with high spiritual awareness trains them and teaches them how to raise it.

Mediums: These are humans who have extremely high spiritual awareness. They are able to communicate with ghosts better then with people who just have high spiritual awareness and can summon Type 3 ghosts. If they summon a Type 3 ghost that ghost shall obey their wishes no matter what they may be. They also have the ability to sort of ‘bless’ items that can be used to harm ghosts, though typically will usually only use them on Type 2 A ghosts, though it depends upon the person. These people do become ghosts themselves when they die. They can also temporarily raise a regular human’s spiritual awareness or train/teach them how to raise it. All of these people started off as regular people at some point.

‘Spiritually aware’: Are those humans that are fully aware of the presence of ghosts and the supernatural, though not as strongly as mediums. These sorts of people have existed for as long as it could be remembered. Many names have been given to them such as: Gypsies, fortunetellers, magicians, priests, ect… Many use their high spiritual awareness to help others in some way. They, like all others are able to see Type 1 and both Type 2 ghosts. With Type 3 ghosts they can see an orb of various colors, depending upon the ghost and the ‘owner’ it serves, though not an actual shape or form of the ghost unless the ghost’s purpose is centered on them. Unlike mediums they cannot summon ghosts, but can communicate with them much better than regular humans. These people are also able to help increase the spiritual awareness of other people through various means. Typically they have done the same means to increase their spiritual awareness to the higher level that it is, though they must still work at increasing it if they wish to become mediums. They too can ‘bless’ items to use though they are not as powerful as a medium’s ‘blessed’ item, and will also usually only use them on Type 2 A ghosts, though it depends upon the person. Like any other humans when these people die they too will become a Type 1 ghost at first.


The year is 2015, so only a few years further into the future. Unlike how most people pictured it, there are no flying cars or teleporters to take people places. Cities, such as the one this particular story takes place in, are large and overpopulated more so than in the year 2009. The economy has suffered greatly and the cities show this. Buildings and homes that were usually kept up to date are by now outdated despite the number of people. In this day it is almost impossible to find a well paying job, and food is sometimes scarce. There are a few well to do families still though most live in the country now. During both day and night there no longer appears to be any natural light, only false neon lights advertising something completely useless. The streets are filthy and filled with holes making it a dangerous feat to drive with a car nowadays. Many people simply walk or ride outdated mechanisms known as bicycles if they want to go anywhere.

In this particular city the ghost population thrives, though most are Type 1 ghosts. This has caused many different legends and tales to surface making a few afraid to leave their homes at night. Night however is the best time for scavenging for material goods and the limited police force has a lower chance of catching people.

There are no parks really or any sort of plant life such as trees. Even if there were they would most probably die from the heat that the city suffers from lately. Even the usually cool nights no longer bring relief to the citizens of this city. Now the only dominant thing is heat and this causes many to be agitated causing crime to be particularly high, especially burglary. The houses here are easy to break into as many are run down in some way or another, and yet people still try and live here.

Time of day/season:

It is currently dark out, though in about a half an hour the rising sun will signify the start of another miserably hot day. It is currently suppose to be winter though it feels more like the middle of summer. The day is Saturday so most people are either off from work or free from school.


1. Standard Mene rules apply

2. I will allow things like weapons of your imaginations, but please try and keep them reasonable. I don’t want someone who carries around a giant cow catapult with them wherever they go, no matter how funny that would be.

3. Literacy isn’t too important though please don’t capitalize every single word It Gets Really Annoying! It is also a pet peeve of mine.

4. I will accept one liners since I can understand things like writer’s block but, please make it a sentence that people can work off of. Don’t put something like: “She smiled.” That is not a sentence and it makes it very very difficult to work off of. Something like: “He ran outside to get away from everyone” is easier to work with.

5. Always leave a ‘door’ open for people’s character’s to come in if someone leaves.

6. Don’t go too incredibly far without someone which should help with rule #5.

7. No invincible characters, if they’re really good at something that’s alright but if there’s a fight let them get injured a couple of times if attacked.

8. Don’t take control of other peoples characters unless you have their permission. For example if Joey needs to go because it’s bed time and says Nina can play his character while he’s gone then that’s alright.

9. Anyone is welcomed to jump in at any time despite the page number.

10. Bios or intros are both accepted. Choose whichever you’re more comfortable with though bios make it easier to refer off of and for me to post up with the others.

11. Please don’t kill another person’s character without their permission. (Note this ties in with #8)

12. Don’t create more characters than you can handle.

13. Keep things PG-13 please. Violence, gore and romance is allowed, this includes human/ghost romance, though please don’t post anything that would get you or everyone else in trouble. In other words no ghostie/human nookie alright?

14. Have some way of distinguishing between your character text and you’re out of character (OOC).

15. Ask to join if you want but it’s not required. With your characters please PM me your character profiles to be accepted. Due note that I will be going through and posting up your profiles on my first post, in quotes of course, when they are accepted so that it's easier for others to have access to your characters info. I am a fairly lenient person so more than likely your character will be immediately accepted, due note though if I do find something that needs a bit of improvement I will PM you back telling you what that improvement is. I will also send a confirmation PM to you to tell you that your character has been accepted.

16. Please keep things fairly even. I don’t want one Type 2 A ghost, one Type 1 ghost and fifteen Type 3 ghosts. The same also goes for humans. We need some of each otherwise the roleplay wouldn’t be very interesting now would it?

17. Please, please, please for the love of all things holy and unholy read everyone’s post. If you skip reading them you may very well be missing a crucial detail pertaining to the storyline or your character indirectly. I can’t stress this enough!

18. And one final (hopefully) rule: please be respectful towards others here. It’s alright if your character hates another person’s character, due to the plot of this rp, but don’t be rude, crude, or mean to someone in OOC. I’d like this to go rather peacefully.


-Bio Skeleton-

*This is everything that I for sure need from you. Anything else you want to include is optional.

Menewsha Name:

Character name:

Age: (Please put an actual number here. You can put something like ‘so long they forgot’ but in parenthesis put an actual number. J)


Personality: (Please put something here other than TBA or ‘you’ll find out’.)

History: (Be creative with it. I don’t want the same thing over and over again such as ‘so and so parents died in a car accident leaving them to be orphaned at a young age…’ and so on and so on. I don’t mind if you want to have them be orphans but make it interesting and not overly abundant.)

Race: (Ghost, reaper, or human are your options, please do not add any further title to them)

Type: (See under the area underlined Types at the top and please don't add extra. For example of you're a human reaper only put reaper here)

How did you die?: (Only ghosts and spirit reapers must fill this one out. Living humans you don’t have to.)

Appearance: (Descriptions or pictures are fine, though pictures are fun to look at. J)

Other: (This includes things that aren’t in your description or picture. For ghosts it can be things like what kind of wounds appear on you if your Types 1-2 and Spirit Reapers. For humans perhaps it’s something like what you’re afraid of, what your opinion on ghosts are, jewelry and clothing that don’t appear in the picture, if you’ve written a book about the paranormal or been on a t.v. show about it, ect… It doesn’t have to be extravagant and if you can’t think of anything to put here don’t sweat over it, you can leave it blank.)

-And now the only thing left is to list who’s what for quick access. :D Also not that we are NOT limited to just 10 of each type. If more join then I'll be sure to add them. :D

Type 1 Ghosts:

1. Kamila Jenkins - Ascadellia

Type 2 A Ghosts:

1. Jacob Allen Lizben - Dear Lelie
2. Marcus Montecillo - Chaotic Anonymity

Type 2 B Ghosts:

1.Kira Akamatsu: Arechi

Type 3 Ghosts:

1. Loki Akamatsu: Arechi
2. Maria Ferraro: Ameika

Regular Humans:


‘Spiritually Aware’ Humans:

1. Juniper "June" Schullin - Dear Lelie
2. Curtis Strad - Ascadellia
3. Agoni - Lady Angel Konan


1. Daeman - Daeman 35

Human Reapers:

1. Guren Lied - Another Mad Bloke
2. Sione Helena Rosenthal - Strawberry Kitkat

Spirit Reapers:
1. Akloria - Gothika_Knight

Passed On:

(Please note that your characters are only added to this list when your ghost character has passed on. This is not the same as being permanently dead as a medium can call back your character if it is on this list if you want.)


Permanently Dead Characters:

(Please note that your only added to this list when your character is no longer able to be a part of the roleplay from dying as a ghost.)


-Completed bios-

Menewsha Name: Arechi

Character name: Kira Akamatsu

Age: 18 (When he died) 20 (If he were still alive)

Gender: Male

Despite his appearance Kira is rather kind, though not overly polite, and very calm. He usually defends others from his twin’s sarcastic and sadistic comments. He had always disapproved of his twin’s teasing towards others and hated to see others grieving, sad or cry.
History: Kira Akamatsu was born the biological twin of Loki Akamatsu. He had a relatively happy childhood and was the younger of the two by about two minutes. His parents were loving enough and he’d never been abused. He was however the one that was more susceptible to illnesses even when he got older. By the time he reached the age of 12 he had already had the chickenpox three times, a feat that surprised others when they learned this, and had almost died from both a severe case of the flu and fever four times. Despite this he tried to stay active, ate healthy, exercised and did his best to live a normal life. It wasn’t surprising that he died because of a disease.

When he died he had looked upon his dead body when he was a Type 1 ghost he had followed his family to his own funeral where he learned that he was no longer alive but dead. As he was about to pass on he looked at the faces of those that had come to his funeral, and could not bear to leave his loved ones behind to grieve. It was his love for his loved ones that made him become a Type 2 B ghost. His purpose afterwards became one that was to prevent everyone else from crying or feeling sad ever again.
Race: Ghost

Type: Type 2 B

How did you die?: Kira suffered from MDR TB (Multidrug resistant Tuberculosis) for about three days before his 18th birthday. On the final day of the three weeks, and incidentally his 18th birthday, at the exact time of his birth he finally succumbed to the sickness and died.

Appearance: (Because the picture is black and white I'll tell you that his eyes are gray in color, and both of his tattoo markings are black.)

Other: Kira randomly bleeds from the nose and mouth occasionally and when he goes to visit his own grave. Normally he wears a black face mask with a tube that is connected to the left side of his chest (in the picture of him standing and wearing it) when his random bleedings occur so as not to alarm those that are around him at that time. Whether or not it frightens people more is not something he has considered. As seen in the picture he has a tattoo above his left eye and another on his right shoulder of a sun looking object. He wears the glove (shown in the picture of his close up and without the mask) on both hands. His pants consist of black leather that appears a bit tight and black belted combat boots. His purpose as a ghost is to ensure no one in the world ever cries or feels sorrow again. He also protects others from Type 2 A ghosts every now and again. He can be seen mostly hanging around wherever his twin Loki’s ghost is.

Menewsha Name: Arechi

Character name: Loki Akamatsu

Age: 18 (When he died) 20 (If he were still living)

Gender: Male

Personality: Loki is the slightly more sarcastic and sadistic twin. It is merely some of the comments that he makes that make him come off as such. Personally he can be as kind as his twin Kira if he feels like it. He’s not afraid to tell one exactly what he thinks of them straight out. When it comes to Kira, Loki is rather protective of him, since he was the younger twin and his body was much weaker, so if he's insulted or shown negativity Loki will lash out with his words as his actions are usually stopped by Kira. He also likes to play with people’s minds here and there, as he enjoys watching the mixed emotions that play across different people’s faces.

History: Loki Akamatsu was born the biological twin of Kira Akamatsu. He was the older twin of the two by about two minutes. His childhood had been similar to Kira’s as they had the same parents with the same sort of treatment. The only real difference was, was the things that Loki was interested in as he loved to mess with people and their emotions. Many of times he would upset his brother as he almost made it a goal of his to make others cry, which his twin disliked. He was also the stronger of the two, as Kira was sick more often than he was by far. By the age of 12 he had only had the chickenpox once and had never come close to death from an illness like Kira had. He was an active child, as he worked on staying healthy, so he ate right, exercised with his twin and such. He and his twin were relatively close despite their differences though.

When both turned 18 Kira had died and this devastated Loki. He could not bare the fact that his twin was now dead while he still lived. This eventually led him to his death. Unlike Kira, Loki had seen his dead body the moment after he died. Once he realized he was dead he quietly passed on without even noticing the sobbing ghost of his twin Kira. About five months after he had passed a medium by the name of Gregory Itzumachi summoned Loki back into the world of the living, his purpose being to watch over his young daughter Emily. A few weeks after the request Gregory died and Emily disappeared. After wards another medium found him, along with the ghost of his twin and brother Kira. At Kira and Loki’s request the medium made Loki’s second purpose to be to look after the ghost of his brother and to be on the earth until Kira no longer was, that medium too soon died though from old age.

Race: Ghost

Type: Type 3

How did you die?: Loki died a few weeks after his twin Kira had. You see during his life Loki had owned a motorcycle and never wore a helmet. Kira had repeatedly told him that it was important that he did so otherwise if he were to get into an accident he would die. Well a few weeks after Kira’s death Loki took his bike out for a ride through a rather bad neighborhood. Unfortunately for him during that time a shoot out was occurring and a bullet from one of the guns went through his right temple causing his bike to crash into a stop sign, who’s octagon swung down, as a bolt holding it up broke, and sliced his head into two parts horizontally.


Because Loki is a Type 3 ghost he does not appear as he had when he died. Instead he looks as he did when he was fully healthy. He has a cross tattoo below his left eye. He enjoys carrying around a black and white umbrella with a red handle to mess with people’s mind. No matter the weather he also never takes off his long black coat. His shoes are also stripped black and white like his top hat, shirt, and umbrella as well as his socks that disappear into his black pants. He is usually seen with his ghost Type 2 B twin Kira.

Originally Posted by Dear Lelie
Menewsha Name: Dear Lelie

Character name: Juniper "June" Schullin

Age: 19

Gender: female

Personality: Juniper is a very hard worker girl. The second oldest of five she is the hardest worker. She is very determined and does her best at everything. Her will is the force of power in her. At times she can be a little childish, but otherwise she is an intelligent young woman.

History: The second of five children. She has an older brother, 2 younger brothers, and a younger sister. Her siblings and her all have strange names. There's Sage, Mint, Bryar, and Basil. All of them some kind of plant matter. Raised by her mother and father she grew to be an intelligent woman. One day her father never returned home. A call later that evening informed the family that he had run his car off a bridge and fell into the river. There was another person killed that day, but she didn't care. Her father was gone, the one person who seemed to have the answer to everything. She was entirely devastated. The next morning when she woke up she found her father sitting at the dinner table. She questioned him and asked how he was there. This was bizarre, her father was dead no? Sage {oldest brother} came down the stairs to see his sister talking to no one. She tried to convince him that their father was there, but after a few days.... she realized he wasn't. He was just a lost soul unsure of where he was or where he was supposed to go. This is when Juniper found her gift of seeing spirits. The brunette attends school part time and the rest of her time is spent in the cafe which she helps her older brother run. Most of the time she is baking treats in the back or running around making drinks, but she makes sure the business stays good.

Race: human

Type: Spiritually aware

How did you die?: -


Other: She loves animals and is going to school to become an actress hopefully. Otherwise she is comfortable working at the cafe.

Menewsha Name: Dear Lelie

Character name: Jacob Allen Lizben

Age: 26 {died when he was 17}

Gender: male

Personality: Before his death he had been a sweet gentleman. He was a very intelligent boy, and well mannered. Jacob never knew how to pick a fight. Now after his death he is very spiteful. He hates that he is now dead and he hates that he can not get any of that back. A lot of his anger is focused towards couples and drivers in bad weather. He hasn't killed anybody, but he does do a good number on them.

History: Jacob was born an only child to two well to do parents. He went to school like most children and grew up a regular boy. A very intelligent hard working boy. In his senior year of high school he was set to go to Princeton or Harvard, and knew he would do well there. A plan to go for a science degree to help make medicine for the world. He was dating a high school soccer star who was pretty as they come. She may not have been as smart as him, but she had the looks. They were very much in love, and she planned to try and go to school near him. The boy was set to graduate his senior year as the valedictorian of the class, and it was only a month and a half away. In about a week this young man would turn 18. His parents were planning a pleasant surprise party for him... When suddenly he was tossed off a bridge into the deep river. All those dream shattered as his body was blown off the bridge by a man driving. It was a bit rainy out, but he needed to meet his girlfriend on the bridge. It was their spot. Suddenly he felt himself in the air, he wasn't even sure what had happened. Then he was in the river on the bottom coughing and swallowing water.

What had happened was June's father's car hit the bridge and the impact threw his body into the torrential river bellow. It had been raining that day, and the roads were slick. It was easy to understand how a car could crash that day. Though Jacob was a unsuspecting victim that day.

Race: Ghost

Type: 2A

How did you die?: Jacob drowned in blood and water.


Other: The scar on his cheek remains, it is from when he was younger. Otherwise he has really no battle scars when clothed. Now if he were to take off his clothing his body is covered in bruises. The impact of hitting the river and stone hitting him caused some nasty looking bruises. Occasionally he coughs up water since that was how he passed.
Originally Posted by Gothika_Knight
Menewsha Name: Gothika_Knight

Character name: Akloria

Age: 19 {16 when she died}

Gender: Female

Personality: Akloria has a very kind nature. She's can't harm a fly let alone a human being. She loves helping people people and cares about the innocent. Due to her past, Akloria doesn't like talking about it and still bares the scars.

History: Akloria had been abused her own life. Her mother died when she was only 9 years old. Her father was often drunk everyday and would often beat and sexual abuse from him and would try to hide from him everyday to avoid him as best she could. The only times she was safe from him was if a friend was with her or if she was sending the weekend with other family members or friends. Akloria prayed that something could make her father change his ways so that she could feel safer around him but unfortunately her prayers were never answered and this only caused her father to get worse. One day, her father came home drunker that usual and was about it assault Akloria as usual until a fire broke out in the house killing them both.

Akloria woke up alone with a new appearance to herself. Akloria looked around only to see her father to being pulled down into the ground by chains, hearing a bunch of screams and laughters. Everything on her except for her skin was black and bright blood red. A scythe that was three time longer than her was as light as a feather. Akloria soon realized that she had become a spirit reaper and now hunts for spirits to survive and for the rest of her dead life.

Race: Reaper

Type: Spirit Reaper

How did you die?: Died in a house fire with her father.


Other: Akloria has large burn spots on her arms and often wears long sleeves to hide them. She was a fire-shaped birthmark on her forehead that her blood red bangs cover (she died in a fire, coincidence???)
Originally Posted by Ameika
Menewsha Name: Ameika

Character name: Maria Ferraro

Age: 19 (when she died)

Gender: Female

Personality: Sometimes rather quiet, is an easy-going youth that loves to smile, optimistic and only sees the bright sides of everything, and the funny thing is that she is like this even in death, though she may not talk all the time.

History: Maria is a Mexican who was born in the us while her family was on vacation, she did have a distant relative who lived in the states and had taken her in because her parents wanted a better life for her. It was just hard for them to get citizenship over in the us since they were starting to forget things, so she was raised up on the coast, had a pretty simple life up until she died in the firer. She was then a ghost and wandered around like life was normal until she followed her relatives to the grave yard, seeing her tomb stone, realizing she was dead, she passed on until she was summoned, and that person died before she could do what they wanted her to do.

Race: Ghost

Type: 3

How did you die?: did because of a fire


Other: the marking that she has that is said that she is owned by the person who summoned her
Originally Posted by Daeman35
Menewsha Name: Daeman35

Character name: Daeman (Dae) (No last name)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: This happy medium is one that shows kindness to those who seem to need it, who can be sarcastic when someone tries to joke around with her and who can defend herself if need be. She has plenty of personalities in her that show who she is but due to the stereotypical gypsy type, she has to have all different kinds of personalities.

History: Daeman is a gypsy. She was raised with the gypsies when she was found as a baby in a little girls arms who seemed to be squeezing her tightly, hiding behind a tree. Her mother was laying on a brush and her father could be seen laying on the forest floor behind a tree. Their car had been put into a tree and it seems that the woman was brutally murdered. The little girl, her older sister, never spoke much and tried to commit suicide one day when the gypsy's stopped her. From then on she had learned the way of these gypsies and was watched closely by their "elder sisters." They traveled to many different places teaching the two girls how to dance. When her elder sister was old enough the women gave her a new name Taleal and she ventured off on her own for her own spiritually guided quest. Unfortunately her sister was just human. An spiritually aware human but not high enough to be called a medium. Daeman on the other hand was highly spiritually aware and it showed every day of her up bringing. Gypsies were not given last names so when Daeman received her own name meaning tamer or soother. It suited her since her origin is Greek and so is the name. So now she walks around alone, trying to help all the ghost to get to a place of peace. Unfortunately throughout her life there have also been many name calling incidents and other things like that just due to her being a gypsy.

Race: Human

Type: Medium


Other: The one thing that Daeman is afraid of is being in a cage or losing her freedom somehow. That's her worst fear but she doesn't tell anybody that. The tattoos she has in the picture are actual tattoos she put there herself. The one on her head is not a tattoo that she put there. It is actually a type of birth mark so to speak. Shes had that for as long as she can remember.
Originally Posted by Ascadellia
Wasn't sure what to title it. ^ ^' This is the first one. <3 My guy one will come up soon enough.

Menewsha Name: Ascadellia

Character name: Kamila Jenkins

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Personality: Quick-witted though sometimes denies things blatantly. She's got a soft spot for kids and animals. Resourceful with any situation and she firmly thinks that one should never give up in fighting for something you believe in. Though she was a bit stubborn in her life, never fully thinking on the consequences, that carried on in the afterlife.

History: She was adopted by a good family when she was around three years old. When thing took a turn for the worse in the economy, she tried to help support her family, taking up some more jobs and dropping out of school when she was sixteen. She did continue her own education by reading and listening to what the teachers said whenever a window was left open. One night however, she'd been walking home alone after a late shift. The next thing she knew was being knocked out and everything fading to black. After being ambushed in a street, she awoke and found herself in one of the many abandoned buildings and tied up, clothes ripped and wrinkled, and her lower body feeling sore. Instead of freaking out however, she'd thought she could escape her captors after struggling to unbind herself. She figured she'd have time to get angry later at what they'd done. Her skin was chaffed raw but she did managed to free herself. They weren't in sight. They were close though, just hiding out. The last thing she remembered was a burning sensation in a few different places and then falling to the floor. She's only been dead for a few days.

Race: Ghost

Type: Type 1

How did you die?: I was shot through the heart and stomach.

Other: Kamila's wrists and ankles hold rope burns. Has bullet wounds in her chest, and left side of her stomach. Along with a head wound she received when one of her captors had been a little careless in placing her in their car. Luckily it wasn't anything major, but it still is present, and bleeds from time to time. She has bruises and other injuries, but those she doesn't worry about.

Menewsha Name: Ascadellia

Character name: Curtis Strad

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Personality: While he has his unlucky streak he's still a rather nice person. He has great people skills and is rather patient with most people. He believes in second chances and lends out a hand to help to anyone to those who ask. Including some ghosts that have passed away. The supernatural doesn't scare him. Unless it's the dangerous type.

History: Most of his life has been a string of bad luck. His mother was lost in a shootout a few years after his father ran out on them when they were facing financial debt. He has no other family, so he has to rely on himself and what job he can get. Somehow can't maintain a job for very long. Maybe it's because he's usually a target for type 2A ghosts. They usually make things break or cause disturbances for customers. Even then he tries to be optimistic, but sometimes it can only last for so long. His parents had always told him that things get better after a while, and to just keep hoping for the silver lining. He's a rather musical being, and would have probably been a music major if he had gone to college. He's more into the jazz style however, and has a somewhat old, but well kept, saxophone. It's his prized possession and protects it with his life. He is interested in becoming a medium, but he's still working on it.

Race: Human

Type: Spiritually Aware


Other: The only thing that he does avoid, and he gets slightly jittery about is guns. Since his mother was killed by it, and he had gotten injured, it freaks him out.
Originally Posted by Another Mad Bloke
Menewsha Name: Another Mad Bloke

Character name: Guren Lied

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Shy and rather clumsy. This is to an extent where he ‘talks to himself’ when really he’s talking to the only people who will talk to him. Which is the dead, of course. There are a few rarities where he finds human interaction acceptable…

History: Guren’s family came and moved to America quite a while ago, ever since living and prospering. They have, however, had quite the oddities, who become so antisocial they are almost hermits. Guren knows what he is. He knows he has to experience death, over and over and over. To when? He doesn’t know. He hopes it isn’t soon. He actually likes the feeling.

Race: Human

Type: Human Reaper


Other: He has an unusual shaped birthmark on his right arm that no one can seem to determine what it is. One said it was a drill. One said that it looked like a knife. No one can agree on one definite object. To Guren, it just looks like a scythe.
Originally Posted by Lady Angel Konan
Menewsha Name: Lady angel konan

Character name: Agoni

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Personality: Kind of dark

History: After his sister died his awareness became heightened to the point he can summon spirits at will.

Race: Human

Type: Medium

How did you die?: N/a

Originally Posted by Chaotic Anonymity
Menewsha Name: Chaotic Anonymity

Character name: Marcus Montecillo

Age: He still looks the same as the day he died at age of 24.

Gender: Male

Personality: vengeful, passionate, observant, manipulative

He was born with the best things life has to offer. His father was a powerful duke on his time and his mother was one of the confidantes of the queen. He was the first born son so he was always the favorite and is always given the best. The best tutor? The best school? You name it. With this kind of upbringing, he is arrogant and spoiled. He has little regard for others that he doesn't know or for things that has little effect on him. Despite this seemingly cruel nature, once he has included you in his "cirlce", he will go through hell, just to protect you.

Race: Ghost

Type: 2A

How did you die?:Marcus went to visit his fiancee one evening. Unknown to him, a jealous former suitor of the girl was lurking outside the house. He was shot three times by that guy.


Originally Posted by Strawberry Kitkat
Menewsha Name: Strawberry Kitkat

Character name: Sione Helena Rosenthal

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: Sione, or Helena as she prefers to be called, is a quiet, socially awkward girl. She comes across as aloof and sometimes a little "spacey", often caught up in affairs that "normal" people cannot see. Once you get close to her, you'll discover she's a very nice person. She's caring and fiercely protective of her beliefs and those she cares about, and takes her job seriously. She's rather precocious, and her relatives say she is too old for her age.

History: Helena lived a rather secluded life. As a child, she was highly sensitive to spirits. She didn't really understand at the time that the people she was talking to weren't really alive; they were just there, and over time they became her friends. She ran into generally harmless spirits, usually those of the recently diseased who would later move on. When she was younger, her parents and family all thought she was playing with imaginary friends, and found it cute. As she got older, it became weirder and weirder to them when she continued to speak to her "imaginary" friends, instead of going out and talking to others her age.

Her mother was very strict with Helena, and tried everything to make her daughter be "normal"- even resorting to violence. Eventually, enough was enough. Helena took off at 14 to live with her Aunt Elspeth. Her Aunt Elspeth accepted Sione for what she was, being a medium herself, and helped Helena grow to her full potential. Elspeth died a year ago, passing on peacefully and leaving a wiser, more mature young woman behind. Helena never spoke to her mother again, even going so far as to go by her middle name (Sione was her mother's middle name) to avoid any connection.

Race: Human

Type: reaper

How did you die?: -

Appearance: ignore them cat ears

Other: Helena is deathly afraid of tight spaces. She has a scar on her chin and running down her right arm from the inside of her elbow to her wrist; she refuses to talk about them. She also always wears a gold locket given to her by Elspeth before she passed away; the contents are unknown. She has sectoral heterochromia in both eyes; her eyes are brown, but there is a crescent of very light grey around the inside of the iris.


Night, a time that many chose to move about, was still set upon the surprisingly empty streets although only for a little while longer. The air was still rather cool out, or at least cooler then the blistering heat that the daytime brought with it, although in the current city it was only the temperature that proved it was still night time as neon lights flashed and buzzed, trying to advertise to a non existent crowd as they stood upon buildings that were worn and crumbling. Within the blazing light of a particular sign a lone figure, a male dressed in all black with a mask upon his face, calmly strolled upon the streets. To the normal eye the figure appeared to be alone, but to the trained spiritual eye one would be able to clearly distinguish the figure of another casually strolling beside him, carrying an umbrella despite the absence of rain.

“Ah nothing like a stroll in the false light of the night eh Kira? Too bad that there don't appear to be too many out at the moment...” the male dressed in black and white stripped clothing said with a sigh as his arms stretched and folded gently behind his head, though being careful to neither drop the uncalled for umbrella nor disturb the stripped hat upon his head. Violet eyes glanced over towards the one that he had addressed as Kira for a few moments before lazily turning forward.

A sideways glance from the one known now as Kira, glanced towards his companion as a frown appeared upon his face at the others words. “Too bad for you perhaps, but lucky for them. I know you well Loki Akamatsu, you just want others out so that you can pull your pranks on them...” the darker clothed one said with a sigh that matched the sound of his twin's. Perhaps to an absent and normal passerby one would believe that he was talking to himself, which the type B didn't think was really a bad thing as it would usually draw people away from him, deeming him either crazy or an 'unstable' individual. Which again he felt was good for the living, since his twin had a tendency to pull tricks on them, of which Kira didn't exactly approve of.

“Hey Kira, no need to be such a spoil sport. It's not like I actually hurt people with my little jokes like Type A's do, I just mess with them a little you know?” Loki replied giving a playful pout towards his younger brother. It was true that he would never do anything harmful to a human, at least not intentionally. He knew there were times where he could get a little 'out of hand', but it was never anything too serious.

“Yes I know and what you fail to realize oh 'loving' brother of mine is that not every person finds those jokes funny. Remember the last person you had a little 'fun' with?” Kira said with another sigh as he narrowed his gaze towards his twin.

“Hey I didn't think it would go that far. I just sort of tapped him a little...” Loki said as his gaze shifted towards the sky and a finger rose to his chin as he thought back to the incident. “It's not like I had intentionally made him think he was insane after all. I just wanted to see his reaction that was all...” the violet eyed Type 3 said with another sigh.

“Yes well, whether you intended to or not, that is what happened, and now that man is resting in a mental institute. Honestly Loki sometimes I wonder if your brain is still intact up there” Kira said playfully tapping his brother head, and slightly shifting the stripped hat on his brother's head, which of course caused his said brother to make a slight exclamation at him and quickly readjust the disturbed clothing.
"If loving someone means watching them die..."

"...then who's going to watch you die?"
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Last edited by Arechi; 03-24-2011 at 04:20 PM..

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-01-2011, 02:34 PM

Jacob Allen Lizben sat silently on a bench in the park. He was watching a couple with eerie eyes. Not that they could see him. He was indeed dead. The brunette was planning a little joke on the couple as soon as they went into to make out or whatever they were planning. Before his death he had been in love and was planning to marry the girl. The only girl he actually ended up killing. Turned out that she had been cheating on him the whole time when he was planning on proposing. So yes, when her car had spun out of control in the rain it wasn't the rain that did the damage it was him. Quietly he hummed to himself as he tapped on his own hand. His brown eyes continued to leer at the seemingly happy couple across from him. "Just kiss her already, that's all I'm waiting for," he grumbled as he continued to watch.
Juniper Schullin quietly sighed as she closed the door behind herself. It was her sister's birthday coming up so she figured a gift was in order of buying. Quietly she tugged her cardigan around her a little tighter. She was wearing brown wedges, a yellow cardigan, a green tank top, and jeans. It was a normal dress for June as she walked she peered in store fronts looking for the perfect gift. What do you buy and eleven year old anyway? As she continued to walk she noticed two strangely clad characters one in black and white stripes, with an umbrella, and the other in black as well. She shrugged and continued to walk peeking into storefronts. "What on earth do I buy and eleven year old girl?" she muttered to herself.

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 03-04-2011, 04:45 PM

Akloria stood on a building looking over the city, sitting on the ledge watching cars and people go by. Her blood red dress ruffled in the wind as she jumped off the ledge and started to fly in the air. Akloria had been dead for three years and became a spirit reaper somehow, she wasn't entirely sure on how she became one but as long as she wasn't with her father anymore she didn't care. The odd thing able her was that everyone that Akloria had on was either black, blood red or pitch black. When Akloria stands on the floor, her long hair would often touch the floor, Akloria would try to cut her hair but every time she did that, her hair would just grow back to the same length. She really never understood some of the things about her, like her scythe. Twisted, pitch black and blood red with a blade that can cut through anything seemed to weigh a ton and yet when she picks it up, the weapon is as light as a feather.

Not paying attention, Akloria almost flew into a building. Quickly going around she saw a girl leaving her house and started to walk down the street, looking through windows of stores, "I wonder what she's doing?" Akloria thought to herself as she landed in a near by alley and started to watch and follow the girl to the stores she walked to, while passing two odd people wearing nothing but black and white clothes. Curiousity continued taking over her body so she just continued following the girl seeing what she was doing.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-04-2011, 10:03 PM

Daeman was a gypsy, so for the sake of being the natural gypsy she is, she walked around the city in her bear feet, a long dress and a shirt that revealed more than it should. It had been a hard journey for her. So many spirits were in turmoil from what she could see. There were too many ghost floating around the world from what she could tell. The bangles on her ankles jangled as she got to a park. The park seemed to be a nice quite place to meditate on the matter. The world had started to increase in the ghosts that haven't moved on, but why? This was her mission. As a medium herself and a gypsy, she was told by her sisters to go out into the world and help find the cause and solution to the problem. She could see that there was a couple who seemed to be deeply in love with each other, but there was also a disturbance here. The only question was where? As the girl walked, her skirt blew in the wind, sending the many waist scarves flowing behind her. Her hair flew as if it were flowing through water and then she saw it. A spirit who didnt seem as peaceful as the park itself was. She stared at the man for quite some time, trying to figure out what his intentions were. The couple was sitting on the bench and seemed like they were about to kiss. Maybe the man was going to play a trick on these innocent ordinary people. She walked over to the couple to interrupt them. "Um Excuse me. Im sorry to bother you, but im new here and I was wondering if you could direct me to a good restaurant."

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Old 03-05-2011, 06:01 AM

They ran again. Most always did. She didn't really understand why they would run when she tried asking for help. The lean girl frowned a little as she watched the latest person run away from her. She was holding her side, on the bullet wound that had started to bleed again. For some reason, she still didn't feel woozy. Kamila had reawaken two days ago to find herself in the same building she'd been taken. The only thing was that there was nothing there. Not even a hint of the men that had been there. She was alive. Injured, but alive. Even if in the back of her mind she knew she should have died by now. She didn't want to accept that however. She was still on earth with everyone else. Right now she was walking down the street. If anyone looked, they would see a five foot seven female wearing shorts, and a tank top with a cropped jacket. Her gloves were hiding the rope burns she had received when she'd tried to escape. It was bad enough scaring some of the people with the wound on her side and the bloody clothes. It was this appearance that had scared her parents.

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Old 03-05-2011, 07:32 AM

The Mexican girl in a white dress, who had a black tribal tattoo on her face, smiled and laughed as she twirled around on her bare feet, her arms thrown wide. The type three ghost had just lost the person who had summoned her, so she still had a mission to accomplice so she could pass on once more, but it just felt so good to be with the living and in a place where everything was familiar. "Hello!!" she said to some people that walked by her, she didn't care that they couldn't hear her or not, after all it didn't really matter in her opinion. She just smiled and waved, being polite to everyone, she was happy even though she was caught in a fire on the day that she was going to get married, which explained the white dress she was wearing.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-06-2011, 08:59 PM

(HMMM maybe we should take this back up to the top)

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-09-2011, 02:54 AM

As the Jacob continued to watch the couple. He was still waiting for the prime moment to strike against the couple. Soon he would be pouncing on them as he could tell the kiss was coming. Silently he cursed to himself as he saw a gypsy looking woman approached the couple. Jacob scowled at her as he watched. Stepping from his hiding spot he walked towarsd her with his hands in his pockets. "Damn Mediums ruin all my fun," he hissed as he walked past her. Of course he was not going to stick around now. Walking out of the park he began walking down the streak looking for a new victim. Silently he walked down a few flower pots as he continued on his way.
Juniper watched as she walked down the street. Looking over her shoulder she saw someone following her. A woman dressed in red. As she walked b the one window she saw a pretty set of bows in the window. They looked absolutely adorable. Popping into the shop she picked up the bows and a stuffed pink rabbit. Then she left the shop. The woman was walking when she saw a young woman clutching onto her side. Blood trickled between the woman's fingers. People walked by her as she stood looking for help {Ascadellia}. Looking back and forth June bustled across the street. She wondered if perhaps she were dead. "Miss please, come with me," she whispered softly. Previously she had seen her father dead roaming his house. She did her best explaining that he was dead, that was why people could not see him.

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Old 03-09-2011, 06:07 AM

Kamila was surprised, but relieved when a girl came up to her while she was trying to get someone's attention. She actually spoke to her too, not ignored or ran away. She grew confused however when she whispered. They weren't in a library. "Why are you whispering?" she asked confused. Of course, she had no idea that her words weren't really understandable. "Why isn't anyone listening to me? Never mind. I mean.. Thank you but.. Go where?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. She'd ask more questions later. But right now, she wasn't really keen on following a random stranger somewhere. The incident that had happened before was still rather fresh on her mind.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-09-2011, 09:59 PM

Juniper looked back at her with a small smile. When questioned why she was whispering she was a little thrown off. "I don't want to draw attention to myself and bring out a panic. Panic is never good," she answered softly with a gentle smile. The young woman turned around entirely when the woman asked where they were going. "I thought we could go to my house. My name is Juniper, I want to help you," she explained softly. She hoped the ghost would follow her. The young woman wanted to help this ghost realize she was dead.

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 03-10-2011, 12:00 AM

Akloria watched as the two girls started walking. Curiousity continued to make her follow them, flying over head of them Akloria's scythe, she named Blood, started to come out. Blood usually didn't come out often unless Akloria told it to or if ghost were near, "Careful Blood, if you come out, that girl might think I'll hurt her." Akloria said as she flew after them making sure to not be seen by any medians in the area hoping that they won't mistaken her for the type 1 A spirit reapers.

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Old 03-10-2011, 07:56 PM

Kamila did have to agree that people panicking would be a bad thing. It was the last thing she needed right now. Once the girl introduced herself, she smiled a little and nodded before following. The bleeding stopped once again. It always started up again. Maybe since it clotted or something. With her moving around, it was bound to open again. At least that was her reasoning. "My name is Kamila Jenkins. Are you a nurse?" she asked.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-11-2011, 12:10 AM

Juniper smiled at her as she introduced herself as she asked if she was a nurse. She nodded with a small chuckle. "Trained in first aid, I can handle almost any wound. I just want to at least get you off the street to see how serious it is then I can figure if I need more help or not," she stated with a smile. The brunette walked down the streets leading the "injured woman" to her house. Opening the door the house was rather quiet. "Please come in," she said with a small bow and opening the door for her. She would take her to the room and try and access what happened to the young woman.
Jacob caught sight of a young woman leading a ghost down the street. He was about to pop out and cause some trouble when he noticed the reaper following them. Hiding back in the shadows the boy tried not to be seen. If he was seen the reaper would certainly come after him. Yet he wasn't sure if reapers could tell he was a 2A.

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Old 03-11-2011, 12:24 AM

Curtis had been starting his latest job, a waiter, and serving a couple their food outside when he saw an odd girl dancing around in front of people. Somehow, he knew this wasn't an actual live person. Considering everyone didn't even notice her. They just seemed to go on about their daily lives. He snapped out of it and smiled politely at the two people before he went to move inside. He couldn't actually do much at the moment. It was probably some soul that had strayed or something. Maybe one of the harmless ones. Those he didn't mind. It was the other ones that bothered him. he went back to the kitchen to grab some water and refill the customers drinks before he stumbled on a box that hadn't been there a moment ago.

Kamila felt slightly better now that she knew the girl would indeed be able to help. She glanced around and took note of where they were going for when she had to leave. Getting lost in this city was never a good thing. She gave a small, thankful smile as she went inside the house as it was opened for her. "Thank you. You're one of the only ones that actually didn't run away or ignore me for some reason." she explained.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-11-2011, 12:33 AM

Juniper looked back at her and nodded. Once she was inside she gestured for her to go upstairs. "We'll go up into my room in case one of my siblings come home. I don't want them to be a bother. It's the purple door on the left," she said with a smile. Then she nodded again. "No problem. Some people are just too concerned with themselves to care about anyone else," she replied. This was very very true. Most people ignore those who are injured and weak rather than help.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-11-2011, 12:46 AM

"Oh!" Maria siad as she saw the man look at her, this was new considering the fact that most people ignore her since it was so early in the morning, she looked at the guy who had been looking at her. She decided to follow after him to see what he was doing that was whenshe noticed him stumble over a box, she quickly helpped him out as best as she could, smiling as she did so. "Are you alright? You should be more careful." she said tohim asshe just smiled and pushed the box out ofthe way, actting as she would if she was alive.

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Old 03-11-2011, 01:09 AM

She nodded, following her instructions as she went to climb the stairs. "At least there's decent people still. Even if they are rare." she said, resisting a small sigh. They were too few now. Especially in these times. Once they reached the purple door Juniper had pointed out, she opened the door. "You have how many siblings?" she asked, smiling a little. Since she was an only child, she did enjoy hearing about siblings from others. She'd always wanted a brother or sister.

Curtis looked at the girl and blinked warily. It was odd for one to be so willing to help out.He glanced around before nodding. Nobody was looking. "Ah, yes. Thank you." he said before smiling a little. "It happens often, even if I'm careful." he muttered since, he couldn't be so loud. Anyone else would probably see him talking to midair and call him crazy. Again. He sighed and smiled at her before he grabbed the water pitcher. "I have to go and, work." he said, smiling apologetically.

Kilia is offline
Old 03-11-2011, 01:18 AM

"Your welcome. Oh....okay!" Maria said to him as she just smiled and took a seat on a barstool and watched him go about and work, this was very interesting to her. She had a nagging feeling that she was suppose to be doing something, but she couldn't remember whatitwas, it was as if when her medium died a peaice of her memory left with him. "I will sit here and wait for you to get off work then." she saidwith a smile as she swung er legs and hummed some random tune from a song from very long ago that has since been forgotten.

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-11-2011, 01:39 AM

The brunette smiled at her and nodded. "Well I am glad to help," she smiled. As she took the young woman into her room she threw a towel down onto her bed. "I am one of five so I have four siblings. One older, three younger," she replied. Juniper gestured for her to have a seat on the towel. "Have a seat and we'll see what I can do," she suggested.

Guess who's back~ For those who ...
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Old 03-11-2011, 04:21 AM

Akloria continued to follow until she saw Blood come all the way out and pointed towards something, "What is it Blood, what's wrong?" she asked as she turned her head and noticed something in the shadows. Blood's white blade started to go in that direction pulling Akloria towards the shadows. "Blood, wait, I have to make sure..." before she could finish, Akloria saw a boy in the shadows, she could tell that he was a ghost, "Hello, who are you?" she asked in a calm voice, Blood stayed at Akloria's side ready to attack the ghost boy if he was to harm her or try to get away. "My name is Akloria and this is my scythe, Blood, it's a little hardhead sometimes but it's faithful." she said tapping Blood then looked at the boy with a soft smile while trying to figure out if he was a good ghost or a bad ghost.

Angels dont come better than tho...
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Old 03-11-2011, 04:42 AM

(sorry guys... i have terrible writers block. Ill write something tomorrow if i can think of anything to join in with you again)

Yeah, how does it feel to get a ...
Arechi is offline
Old 03-11-2011, 07:18 PM

(Lol no worries. I guess I should throw Kira and Loki back in the loop a bit eh? XD)

The two had noticed that a few were beginning to appear on the streets, some ghosts like themselves, and some actually living. One in particular had caught Loki's mischievous eye. A boy who appeared to be working at a cafe and the set up of the type 3's next practical joke came to him. A box had been placed not too far from the path as he walked, and so he couldn't resist floating over quickly and giving the box a light 'shove'.

Kira sighed and shook his head as his twin floated off towards his next 'victim' and failed to stop him. His eyes closed as he watched as the young male approached the box unknowingly and heard the sound of a body coming in contact with the ground. When his dark gaze opened once more he noticed his twin had returned to his side, and immediately directed another slap upside the head at him. "Loki! You could have really hurt him you know? Honestly..." the masked type B said shaking his head, though watched as a girl who had been dancing around only a few moments ago, go to help his brother's practical joke's victim.

Loki rubbed the area of his head that his twin had chosen to hit. "Aw now Kira, you know that I wouldn't go that far as to hurt someone like that. Besides you need to loosen up a little. It's not like many people can actually see me, unlike you" the violet eyed male replied looking over at his twin. He noticed that a few drops of blood were starting to dribble from his nose and mouth, and so with a sigh calmly reached over and drew up his brother's mask for him.

Kira had opened his mouth to reprimand his brother once more, when his mask was suddenly pulled up by the red haired male. "Thanks" he said quietly, genuinely thankful that his brother had caught such a thing as he didn't want the sight of him to cause a panic. Unlike Loki, who was a type 3 and thus invisible to the human eye, he was a type 2 B, which could be seen by even normal humans. Shaking his head at the thought of the sickness that he had in life acting up again, he noticed the sight of a woman with what appeared to be a scythe go towards a collection of shadows. Immediately he nudged his brother, pushing him towards the nearest place they could find to hide all the while. He knew as well as Loki that a ghost with a weapon could be relatively dangerous for both humans and ghosts, after all she could be a Type 2 A or even a spirit reaper, neither of which either a ghost or human would really want to encounter.

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Old 03-13-2011, 08:10 PM

Curtis gave the girl an odd look before nodding. It was slightly odd that she had chosen to be seen by him. And there was that odd tattoo on her face. If he recalled, that was a sign of a medium's claim on the spirit or something. Most likely she'd been brought back to do something. He almost sighed, wondering what she was doing there anyways. And why he was able to see her. He wasn't that advanced yet in his studies, nor was he sure he wanted to make her do anything. Or even be Able to make her do his bidding. He continued his work without much of a problem. Luckily there seemed to be a reason that the type 2 A ghosts were keeping away from the area. Or at least hiding. He finished his shift after a few hours. A little early since there weren't that many people and turned his apron in. He looked at the girl before nodding to confirm he was done.

Kamila sat down carefully on the towel and bit her lower. "That's a lot of siblings." she said, wondering how that all played out. On one point, it could be fun, but in the other hand, it'd be hard for them all to get equal attention. She knew how that had played out at the orphanage. It'd been little less than a nightmare with everyone. She'd been lucky to be picked out from the much younger children. Even luckier to get a nice couple. Since Juniper was going to check her injuries out, she nodded before taking off her gloves. "Also these.. But, they're not too bad since there's no actual cuts."

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 03-13-2011, 09:02 PM

Jacob blinked innocently when the scythe appeared and guided the reaper towards him. Oh, he was certainly caught now. Of course he could try and get himself out of it. Peeking threw brown hair he continued to look at her and was happy she spoke. "My name's Jacob," he said softly stepping from the shadows. "It's nice to meet you Akloria. I must admit your scythe scared me quite a bit," he stated quietly. Jacob brushed a bit of his fair from his face as he looked at the reaper.
The brunette nodded and smiled when she said that she had a lot of siblings. "Yes it is a lot, but we all take care of each other. We do the best we can," she replied softly. As of late her mother had taken ill and spent most of her time in her room or at the doctor. Otherwise the older siblings were easily able to take care of the others. When Kamila removed her gloves Juniper was surprised by the rope burns. Softly she took her one hand and examined the wound. "Do you remember what happened? These look like rope burns," she asked lightly. It was concerning that she had these injuries. Obviously something had happened against her will.

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Old 03-13-2011, 09:51 PM

She smiled softly. "That's good." She glanced down at her wrists and nodded slowly. It was all bits and pieces, but those that she did remember were rather fresh in her mind. "Well.. I remember getting out of my work and walking home. Then I felt someone grab me, at struggling they knocked me out." she started, tilting her head. She'd thought about it, how she would explain her injuries earlier. "I suppose it was bound to happen at one point or another, with how things are nowadays." she said, shrugging. "I woke up tied up at an abandoned building, um well, they weren't in sight so I tried to get myself out of my bindings. I managed to get my hands free after a while of trying.. Then when they were free I simply unbound my feet. And I made a run for it." she said, frowning. "Should've made sure the people, however many there were, were gone. They shot at me." she said, motioning to her side where the bullet wound was. "I woke up like, two days ago in the same building and, well, here I am now." she said, shrugging. There was more of course, but that was all that was really needed to be said.


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