View Poll Results: Will you try your luck in Operation Sushi Bar?
Heck yeah! You finally made it! (^^) 3 30.00%
No thank you, that's really weird (I know XP) 0 0%
Mmm, maybe (okie dokes ^^) 3 30.00%
O.o Why's it in Russian? (O.O Why aren't you? XD) 4 40.00%
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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 01:51 AM

"Sorry boys, but you'll have to excuse me I think I have myself a new target," Iri said to Kaiba and Melik with a wink as the water cleared up and the illusion Iris disappeared. The demon then climbed out of the pool, not bothering to grab a towel her tail just swung from side to side as she walked towards the doors. She wasn't much of a 'privacy' person, though most could probably tell that by now. Chris' thoughts were so easy to read though that she couldn't help but hear the volume change as she got closer. It didn't really take her all that long to find the wolf but she stopped once he was in view knowing just how tempermental these creatures were.

Kilia is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 01:58 AM

Chris changed back into his human form, letting her see his tan body, and the big horrible scar on his stomach, which ruinned the effect of his abs. "Leave me the fuck alone." he growled at her, keeping the image of red in his head, truely pissed off that she wasn't leaving him alone and was invading his privacy, she was becomming more and more of something that he hated every moment that she stayed around him. He then walked into the men's restroom, the door closing shut behind him, he then went to a stall and locked himself into it, happy just a little bit that he had some privacy.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:09 AM

Iri walked towards the men's bathroom door and paused, debating whether or not she should go in. Figuring that she would at least leave him be in physical form, she leaned against the wall beside the door. I can help you block if you wish, she thought to him as she ignored all the emotions that were being thrown at her. She wasn't so much trying to be evasive as she was just interested; she was just never good at showing interest. She had never had someone to be interested in so it was ll new territory for her and with her history she always came off a bit strong.

Kilia is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:33 AM

I seriously hate you. He thought to her, his inside voice was more vicious and angry then his normal outside voice sounded, he growled once more as he unlock the stall door and moved over to one of the sinks. When he looked into the mirror, he saw that his eyes were bright red, he growled once more and punched it, making the glass shatter, his fist was cut up and bleeding once more, he didn't even notice that he was butt naked. He ran hand through his black hair as he continued to see red, wantting to either kill someone, himself or destry something.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 02:52 AM

Iri ran her tongue over her teeth momentarily before coming to odds with herself. Pushing off the wall the demon walked into the men's restroom, her eyes falling onto the tanned back of the naked werewolf male. Her eyes traced over his body, linger here and there to take in all the details. "Hate is such a strong word to use on one that you do not know," she said calmly as she walked up to him, her hand lightly coming in contact with the scar on his back. She fingered it gingerly, her eyes watching as she did so. "Your kind has always been a fascination of mine." At that point her eyes scanned up to the shattered mirror, her eyes gaining a red ring around the irises.

Kilia is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 03:26 AM

"I dealt with demons enough...hate is the perfect word for all of them." Chris growled at her, his skin and muscles moving underneath her fingers, his arm flew backwards, gripping her around the neck for a brief moment before he shoved her away from him, not taking to kindly to her flirtting with him consedering the fact that he was already so broken between three people, he didn't need any more people to rip him a part. He hung onto the red haze that was filling his mind, refusing to let it go and have her see into him, it was something he was just refusing to let happen. "My kind....." he spat the words out as if they were acid, he gripped the sink that was underneath his clawed hands, groaning sounds could be heard the more he squeezed the sink.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 12:57 PM

His head moved in the 'yes' direction. Head now pointed toward the ground, Rroy stepped forward and placed his hands on Eleanor's shoulders. Leaning in, he whispered, "You're nothing to worry about." Looking up, his eyes caught Alvilda. "So, your sister and my son, heh, did you hear they finally had the child?"

Pushing her away with a light tap, he leaned up against a pole. "So what are you like, Miss Alvilda?" He smiled. "I guess I should start acting like a father and get to know my son's family."

"Hey, you two, knock it off!" Jumping over toward Chris, he petted the male. "Don't let her tell you that you're a bad doggy. It's okay. I'll love you!" Nuzzling Chris' neck, he smiled. "I know what I said before was mean, but you're my friend. Besides, Ira-chan wouldn't be very happy if I was always mean to you. She sometimes yells at me when I sleep. We were pretty close. I used to go out with her all the time. When Rroy, Nieko, or Arvin were away, it was up to me to watch over the ninja in training."

Still petting the werewolf, Melik giggled. "If you'd like to know more about her, all you have to do is ask!"

"Well that could have went better," Kaiba said looking at Iri. "You do have a knack for rubbing people the wrong way. And yes, being before three of the deadly sins is... impressive. I guess. Annoying too. But whatever." His blue eyes followed Iri's outline. "So if you dislike human emotions so much, why are you still here? Or do you actually like them, but you're just too stubborn to admit that fact to yourself."

His head was right beside hers at this point. "Besides, not all human emotions are as terrible as you make them sound. Rroy and Nieko's love for one another is something I find rather alluring. It's magical how two people can connect on such a deeply intellectual and emotional level."

Still looking at the ground, Nieko moved over and sat down beside Eleanor. Shifting her behind so it was placed on his lap, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Yes?"

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 01:40 PM

Eleanor took a slow breath, the fact the Nieko had moved her was starting to break her foundation slightly; almost as if she didn't think she could do this anymore. "I," she started as she glanced at the green eyed male before looking down at the floor. She was getting her chance to talk about this and she was chickening out, which for the brunette didn't seem like something out of character. She then began worrying her lips slightly as her brows furrowed just a bit; she was trying to calm herself down, but at the same time she was working herself up even more.

"I, I think we," she started again, her voice quivering even though she was trying to hide it. "Should talk about what happened," she finally spat out, her eyes closed. She was at least going to try, though she wasn't sure how it all would go, but she could hope.

Iri was actually shocked at the force behind Chris' movement, but it didn't faulter her seeing as she was already smirking and moving to the sinks again. She lifted herself up and sat down on the counter top a couple of sinks down as she looked back at the male. "Yes, you're kind," she said, her voice almost a purr. "When it comes to 'human-like' creatures, the wolves have definitly caught my interest."

She ran a tongue over her upper lip and was about to continue you when Kaiba and Melik joined the party. That dampened her spirits lights seeing as she now had obstacles to deal with, but she would do just that, deal. Her eyes locked on Kaiba at his comment about her being around the humans. Her gaze darkened quickly, the brown going slightly black as the red became brighter. "Such brave words coming from one such as yourself," she stated boredly, any hint of her previous tone with Chris completely gone at this point. "And I am here at this point to avoid the high council, they know of my great dislike for this kind and have yet to search here for me. They are probably off at the Great Numblar Coasta, searching every nook and cranny there."

Iri then crossed her legs as the dark look changed slightly to one that was more bored in appearance. "As for 'human' emotion, the only thing I have found that I like about them is how easily it is to get them to change within a person. Humans have such a hard time keeping to just one emotion and when they switch suddenly, mmmm, the reaction could be most entertaining."

Kilia is offline
Old 07-07-2010, 06:22 PM

"I don't have a sister.....not anymore......" Alvilda said to him, her face had a shock look on it, she then composed her self, getting a gaurded look as she nodded at Eleanor and walked a ways off to give her some privacy to talk to Nieko about how she really felt. She met Rroy's gaze before she looked away and her fox ears and tail showed up once more, you could say that it was wierd to see someone that had animal qualities that faded in and out of view, she played with a strand of her hair as she thought about what he was telling her.

"Ira hated me, Melik." Chris said to him as he pulled some swim trunks on, noticing that he had lost them some how, he then took a deep breath and calmed down as best as he could. He turnned, sitting on the ground as he hugged Melik back, a weak smile comming to his face as he listened to what Melik was saying to him about a few of the times he spent with Ira. "You can tell me anything you want about her." he said to the childish man as he chuckled a bit and ran his clawed hand through his hair, one thing was clear, that no matter how mad he had been at Melik or anyone else, Melik just knew how to calm him down even if it wasn't going to last very long.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 01:56 PM

[[It's cuz Melik is too damn cute! XP]]


Nodding his head, continued to look at his feet. "Well, you know the saying, 'ladies first.'" Smiling as he spoke, Nieko just so happened to get a glimpse of his scarf, which caused his smile to widen. It brought back memories of his youth with Rroy. Rroy, the only person who was still standing faithfully by his side.

His head turned as he looked past Eleanor at Rroy. Tall, toned, dark haired, handsome. Why wouldn't Eleanor want someone like him? Why would she want a scrawny nobody? "Eleanor, I have a question.... Do you... do you like Rroy?"

"So you're a fox? Not too far from a wolf. My wife was a wolf." Reaching his hand out, he stroked her furry ears. "And whatever could you mean not anymore? Isn't Lyna your sister? Or are you two not related at all?"

Being his natural self, Rroy easily became noisy and interested in Alvilda's story.

"Nonsense! If she hated you, why would she been talking about you all the time?" His finger pointed to a bird just outside the window. "See that bird, it just won't shut up about you. I swear it's Ira. I think she's trapped in a bird's body. But with her father being a phoenix, the only creature to rise again, she might just be alive. Perhaps she doesn't know how to transform into a human yet," he said walked over to the window. "Ira?" He opened the window and took the bird over to Chris.

"She might not speak human, but I know this is her." Melik giggled. "Here, you have her!" Handing over the squawking bird Melik giggled again. "See, it's her!" His eyes smiled as he watched the bird prance around in Chris' hair. "I told you she likes you!"


"Ah yes, the many wonders of a working mind. It is so easy for us all to flip and change. Even you demons are the same. No one is a master of their emotions... not even Rroy. We all fear, we all love, and we all hate. It's what we are." Kaiba exhaled and left the room. He wasn't really in the mood to be social with strangers.

Kilia is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 08:30 PM

((He isn't cute he is ADORABLE AWESOME!!!! lol))

"I was taken away by some doctors to see if i had the same desiease as my sister....they turnned me into this..." Alvilda said to him as she motioned towards the ears and tail, every time he touched her ears, they laid flat on her head just to pop back up once more, like when you pet a cat. Her tail brushed against Rroy's leg as it moved, she sighed heavily before she closed her eyes, letting him pet her and almost enjoying the feeling. "Lyna......Poor Lyna.....She was my twin.....she died of an illness....when we were eight......." it was all Alvilda would tell him on the subject of her sister and past, knowing that if her boss found out that she had talked about it that she would not be seen for months, it was just one of those things they weren't allowed to talk about. She opened her eyes and smiled at him as if she had not been talking about something depressing and that the conversation never took place. "So would you like a massage.....i have been told that it is very relaxing and that i do a great job of it." she said almost seductively as she kept a positive additude towards everything, almost refusing to say anything else on the subject and to talk about other things that didn't invovle her.

"I...." Chris didn't know what to say, he still stronly believed that Ira was dead and that Melik was just trying to make him feel better, he smiled and picked the bird up from his head, and stroke it's feathers as he held it, wantting to know what it was saying but refusing to voice his words. "Thanks Melik. You know your just one of those people that you love no matter how much you want to stay mad." Chris said to the man, he then hugged him close as he was careful with the bird, kissng the man on the top of his head before he let him go and sat there, stroking the bird's feather's once more as he listened to everything around him and taking in all the scents.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-14-2010, 10:03 PM

Eleanor's head dropped at the first thing Nieko said; she was going to have to figure out a decent way of starting things off then. Her eyes seemed to be focused on the floor that was below the two of them though she couldn't really see it. The gears of her mind were spinning as they came up with different senarios about how everything could play out. There were so many different ways she could start things off but there had to be one that didn't upset either one of them too badly. She was having a hard time finding that topic though.

There was one senario that didn't play through her mind and that was the one that Nieko started. Do you like Rroy? The thought jarred her head, actually causing her to jump a little on the small table. She slowly looked up at him, her face paled from the sheer thought of it. Her brain was trying to restart itself and while doing so was trying to play through visions of this 'idea' but the only thing that she saw was that bloodied chainsaw. Her mouth was slightly agape before she closed it and her eyes, shaking her head to rid of the thought. When she opened her eyes again, they were on her knees; she didn't know what brought this question up.

"I don't," she stated matter-of-factly to the green eyed male beside her. "What brought up this question?" She then asked in return as her brows knitted together slightly.


One's emotions are easier to squash than you would think, Iri thought as Kaiba left the room. "At least the ones that are most harmful to ourselves," she then said in hushed voice to herself as her eyes narrowed, watching the scene before her. It had been apparent long ago that the girl wasn't bothered by being in the male's bathroom to say the least, but it was also becoming obvious, at least in her own mind, that she did not like this 'Ira' whoever she was, and the effect she was having on the wolf.

Rather than leaving the room though, she remained seated on the bathroom counter and watched the duo and bird that sat on the ground not far from her. A slight red tint came around her eyes as the happiness got to her; it was sickening. The group seemed too far human, a race which she despised entirely. With a wave of her hand, a small snake, the same color of the counter appeared before she hopped off of said surface. Without another word she walked out of the bathroom, leaving her 'pet' behind. "Not a very socialable one are you?" She asked the male she had been speaking with before making her way back to the pool area.

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 02:43 PM

Kaiba huffed. "It's not that I'm not socialable," he mocked in his typical haughty tone "it's just that I'm sociable when it comes to topics I feel welcome to. Ira and I were not close as a matter of fact she hated me. Probably had something to do with her parents. Nieko and I can be close when we wish to be, but her mother... June, heh she hated me from the start. I guess she didn't like the though of Rroy and I dating."

Shrugging he sank down in the hot tub beside them. Eyes looking up to meet hers, he shook his head. "You're got a look on you're face I've seen far too often. I may act human, and it is merely because we elemenalists are familiar to humans, but please don't mistake me as one. It'll be a real shocker if you do." Using just his index finger, he touched the surface of the water. A spark jumped from his finger to the wet top below. "Shocker meaning I'm an electric welding guy." His eyes dipped down and focused intently on the rippling water. "So what is your story? Are you here to make hell for my friends? Or are you going to behave yourself in a somewhat civil manner?"

Standing up now to not only tower over her, but to also attempt to look down at her (which was natural as he was tall), Kaiba's eyes shot to the side. "Something feels wrong." His eyes twitched back and forth from left to right. Snapping forward to lock in the straight direction, Kaiba clenched his hand into a fist. "Iritana Hinapouri, have you ever... been in a bar fight?" Smirking, he titled his head to beckon the female to join him.

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 07-15-2010, 09:46 PM

Iri was going to have to note to avoid water it Kaiba was in a bad mood, that and it would be best not to upset him while being in said water. She could be killed and she wasn't immortal, her kind just lived extremely long lives. "As for my story, if you do not know what it is then I am not sure I should tell you," she said koily, a smirk playing her features. "But I suppose if you really wanted to know I could always tell you."

Other than that the girl really wasn't paying too much attention. Well, rather than the fact that she side stepped away from the hot tub and sat at the edge of the pool even as the male go out. She was more than aware of the height difference, then again it was something she was always used to seeing as most people were taller than her. She had heard his last question and rather than answering it right away she walked over to the pool. Sitting down, she dipped her feet into the warm water and just stared at it.

"To ask such a thing would suggest that I would willing spend time among the human population. While I have witnessed many such actions, I, myself have never partaken. Why is it that you ask?" She said as her voice took on a more proper tone than it had before.

Kilia is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 05:51 AM

((*sniffles* i feel so left out lol))

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 12:33 PM

[Sorry! I'm at work and I can only post so much before people ask what I'm typing.]

Kilia is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 05:00 PM

((awwww i am sorry!!! *huggles*))

Kilia is offline
Old 09-03-2010, 06:42 AM

((i guess this seriously died))

Awesome doesn't even begin to ex...
Wavi is offline
Old 03-15-2011, 02:44 PM


is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 03-15-2011, 02:47 PM

((Holy jeebus! I was just looking in this thread! XD I dunno, we could try but I don't know how much I would like to pull Iri back into this one XD

To the OOC thread?))


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