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Galene is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 04:42 PM

I was reading all the rules of art shops, and I noticed that eyeballing, studying an image and then duplicating it freehand, is against the rules. I fully understand the reasons for this, and don't want to argue them. What I'm worried about is this:

Very often, before doing an image, I will look for bases on Deviantart. These bases are up for people to draw over, adding their own details directly to the picture, but I find they make handy pose references instead. I'll study a base and try to imitate the pose to make sure my proportions and angles are correct. Let's face it, I'm not very good on my own yet. These bases are images of the bare, usually undetailed body, typically without even having hair. I freehand the pose from the image, which seems to be technically eyeballing, but then I also draw in the clothing and hair as I go, so at no time do I fully copy the image. Does this count as theft as well when the images are placed specifically for people to draw over and I'm not even going that far? I've always thought of it as referencing, but the wording on your rules page worried me. Do I need more practice at not relying on these references before I can open up a shop?

Also, does it say where the rules are on posting sample images? All I found is don't stretch the page... not sure if there are more specific guidelines yet.

Last edited by Galene; 03-20-2011 at 04:56 PM..

Gangsta Biatch
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Old 03-21-2011, 01:48 PM

Here's a suggestion from an AA about this:
Artwork created to be used for reference is no different from photos used for stock. Follow the rules that the artist set down. If they say, "Credit me for your reference." Then they should be credited. If they say "no credit necessary" then... it's unnecessary.
And I agree entirely. If the base is there for you to use as a reference, fair enough. If the artist asks for credit, be sure to credit them. If not, you should be good to go. :yes:

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 03-22-2011, 01:46 AM

It also seems silly for someone to want credit for a pose.
If it's physically possible, at some point or another, someone has done it.
Goodluck with your shop.
:' 3

Crusher of Dreams
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CK is offline
Old 03-22-2011, 02:38 AM

It's not that they're asking for credit for "a pose", but asking for credit for giving people a "head start", as it were.

One can conceivably draw a figure in a reclining pose exactly like someone's reference without ever having seen it. That's not really the point, as (as you pointed out) the human figure can only be posed so many ways before it runs out of poses. Overlapping happens by coincidence all the time and only the paranoid start screeching that they 'copied' if they're only in the same pose.

But proportions of the figure (ie: a curvy person looks different from a skinny person in some poses) or techniques in foreshortening or details like clothing folds or the fall of hair; etc are less easy to get the same + pose by innocent coincidence. And they are often the points where artists like to have assistance with. That's where references are useful. And if someone does the heavy work of figuring out how someone's cute little pot belly looks from a certain angle, they deserve being credited.

Rambling on.


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