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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 03-22-2011, 01:09 PM

Kaden nodded weakly and then grunted in pain as he was turned onto his good side. His whole body was in massive pain right now. He then nodded and snapped his finger, making fire and then held his wound together. Gritting his teeth he did his best to keep a scream of pain down as he seared his wound together and then collapsed on the ground. "There..." he whispered painfully and then his eyes sunk closed as he looked up at Leon. "Wake me up in the morning...." he muttered and then passed out.

Words are meaningless unless you...
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Marsyas is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 04:59 AM

Oh, so it was her fault that she got hurt eh? The mutant found that hard to believe especially after hearing the girls cries of pain. Then again he did have a valid reason to defend himself. Knowing it was in his best interest to stay calm, Ty remained veiled by the slowly thinning cloud of dust.

He could see the red eyes of the male clearly through the piercing darkness lingering around them with little light, but could scarcely make out his other features too well. From what he could see the... guy, looked more like a demon than a human (the glowing red eyes not helping this assumption). His thoughts were pushed aside when the question finally registered in the young rogue's mind, "No I wasn't trained by anyone. I don't know anyone else like me."

Then the demon looking figure's next words brought about a series of thoughts and questions, "What do you mean 'One of our kind'? Are you suggesting that you are like me and that there are more of...'US'?" That was a rather bold statement to make and lie about. Ty was no fool and had been alone since he could remember. If there had been others like him out there, why had he been all alone?

Tyrod's concerns for Jill had taken a bit of a backseat to his curiosity for the moment as he thought about what all this might mean to and for him. Growing up in the slums had taught Tyrod that he had to look out for himself first and others second, and that natural instinct was starting to slowly show.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 07:22 AM

Blinking slowly, Dante nodded. "Not just like you," he corrected himself, "but . . . different. Unique. Call it what you want, but we're all something beyond normal humanity." Glancing back to Jill as she glared at him through the slowly clearing dust, Dante took a deep breath and forced himself back into human form. "Perhaps we should talk about this later." There was a crash as one of the outside creatures slammed into a window. The zombies were going to break in if they weren't taken care of soon.
"If the only skill you have is talent, then you haven't learned to control it completely. I know someone who wants to see you, Tyrod." Xavier wanted this boy's talent, so he would have it. I'm just the delivery boy. Silver hair flitting away from his eyes, Dante extended Jill's gun to Tyrod as a gesture of promoted trust. "Are you interested in growing stronger than this?"

Listening with a frown on her face, Jill shook her head. This creature was . . . freakishly odd. Wings, horns, glowing eyes - he wasn't human. As Dante resumed a human form, the blonde girl felt her heart skip a beat. Alien? Monster? Her brown eyes narrowed as she stood straight once again. Her wrist and knuckles still throbbed, but she would be fine.
The crash from nearby made her jump, and she cursed her own inability to control herself. Not only was this thing here, but Tyrod had used some sort of force to get them there. Her new friend was odd, but the monsters chasing them were even worse. What the hell? Today was far from normal.
"Can we get moving?" she interrupted, reaching for her gun. Dante pulled it just out of her reach and offered it to Tyrod. "Seriously? That's mature."

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 02:48 PM

((so what happens to Kaden and Leon now?))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 06:35 PM

((*cough* Sorry. I forgot to add that post in there. :sweat:))

Leon slowly opened his eyes with a moan of discomfort. Everything was sore. After his vision came into focus, the male frowned. Where are we? He was resting on the floor while Kaden was on a couch a few feet away. It was disgustingly cold - he could almost see his breath in the dim lighting. The only source of brightness came from a dull light above the kitchen sink - which wasn't far from them. They were still in the apartment building; there was no other explaination.
Glancing to Kaden, Leon realized that neither of them had moved themselves. The only option left was to believe that someone else had done it for them. "Kaden," he whispered, reaching up to shake the boy's arm. What happened?

((:XD I am going to say that Dante helped them . . . so we need to wait for Tyrod and Jill to follow him or run off. :yes:))

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 03-24-2011, 10:33 PM

Groaning softly, Kaden woke hearing Leon's vioce. He coughed painfully and then turned onto his good side. Blinking threw his broken glasses he then cleared his throat. "What happened? I feel... Horrible..More then usual." he said and then chuckled weakly before shaking his head. Looking at Leon he coughed again before blinking. "Wait... How did we get moved? Did you do it?" he asked confused.

Words are meaningless unless you...
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Old 03-26-2011, 07:18 PM

"I see..." was about all the male could say to that. If there was any inkling of truth to his words then Ty knew that he would be better off where ever they were going to go than he would be in these streets or out there with those monsters. And truthfully the boy wanted power, a great deal more to be exact, and if he could obtain it by going with him then so be it. The smack on the window had reminded him that they had very little time to be having a civil chat, so it was time to leave. "Fine," he said agreeing but denying Jill's gun, "Lets go."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 01:33 AM

Jill grit her teeth and tightened both hands into fists. If she was going without a gun, then she would have to make herself far more ready for battle. She had no other weapon, but the blonde looked determined to do whatever she could to fight against the nightmare they were going to face.
Seeing the expression on her face, Dante chuckled. When Tyrod made his choice, the male smiled charmingly at the two of them. "Clean up time." They needed to destroy the horde outside - it was the only way to keep the infection from spreading. "We'll head back after that."
With a dark cloud of mist, Dante resumed his monstrous form. Reaching for his own gun he passed it to Jill. "Don't be stupid," he said with a wink. Eyes glowing with challenge, the male stepped toward the makeshift door. "Ready?" It was when he'd gotten the affirmative from the other two when he slammed into the weakened wall. Dust filled the opening as the plaster crumbled. With a snarl, Dante lashed out with his suddenly drawn blade. This would be easy.

It was a good time later when the fighting was finished. Flicking the blood off of his blade, Dante regarded his two companions with a look of approval. "You two work well together," he said, folding his wings slowly. It was true - Jill had ignored Dante completely and focused on protecting Tyrod and herself. The two had been quite the force in fighting the zombies.
Stepping toward the street again, Dante motioned for his new friends to follow. Once again in his human form, the tall youth brought Jill and Tyrod to the street. With weapons hidden, the three headed for "home." As the silver-haired boy took the lead, he sauntered easily toward the apartments he knew to be Xavier's dwelling place. "My master has been gathering us. He holds an interest in other people's abilities - he saw you a while ago. It took me quite a while to find you." Glancing to Tyrod, Dante smiled a bit. "You really know how to cover your tracks."

Jill rubbed at her sore wrist as they walked. Frowning as she listened, Jill couldn't help but wonder what part she played in the entire situation. She wasn't unique; the most strange thing she'd ever done was fight the zombies. Silently hoping that Dante and his "master" didn't plan on killing her for what she'd seen, the blonde continued to follow. It wasn't long before they saw the apartment building. The place was an absolute mess - run down, falling apart, needing many repairs - it looked ready to collapse.
Wrinkling her nose, Jill stepped up beside Tyrod and pointed at the monstrosity. "Is that where we are going to . . . improve?"

Dante laughed, and ignored the question. Instead, his red eyes focused on the explosion that flew from the upstairs rooms. That can't be good. Without babying the others, he took of at a sprint. Xavier was doing something - and the only other person he could think of was Kyreian. Worry flit through him, and he didn't stop until he reached the correct floor. Instead of Kyreian, who was nowhere in sight, Dante found two unconscious males.
Kneeling, he frowned. Xavier did this? Unsure of what had happened, Dante glanced back to find Jill slowing to a stop behind him. Her breath came far harder than his did, and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Mind helping out?" Dante motioned for Tyrod to help with Kaden, and then lifted Leon from the floor with a grunt. "Let's get them in the other room. There's running water there."

There was a couch - it was where he'd tried to get Kyreian to sleep earlier. Though there had obviously been trouble, Dante couldn't help but think of the girl. Where is she? Ky was nowhere to be seen. As soon as Kaden and Leon were resting on the couch and floor, the tall male motioned for Tyrod to follow him once again. "Stay here girly," he hissed to Jill. "Xavier will see Tyrod. Not you." Jill watched in irritation as Dante led Tyrod from the room.

Leaning against the wall in annoyance, she glared at the two wounded men as they slept. Won't see me, huh? Well he can kiss my- Her brown eyes widened as Leon shifted and sat up. Apparently the strangers were alright. She listened in silence as they spoke.

"I thought it might have been you," Leon said quietly. It was then that he glanced about the rather dirty room. It wasn't very warm . . . and it certainly wasn't a 5-star hotel. "I blacked out when you did." It was then that he glanced around again - and his gaze caught on Jill. The blonde was staring back at him for many moments, but Leon merely froze. He didn't even respond to Kaden further - he was too busy staring.

((:sarcasm: Did I get everything caught up? :XD I'm going to have Dante drop Tyrod off with Xavier before ditching and looking for Ky. :yes:))

Last edited by Esmme; 03-31-2011 at 01:36 AM..

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 01:52 AM

Kaden blinked seeing Jill and then snapped his fingers, fire errupting around his hand. He wasn't aboutto let someone hurt him or Leon. He had came this far, faught so much to get this taken away now. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?!" he snapped angerily and held his hand towards her, the flames growing menisingly large. He wasn't going to chance their lives again.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 02:18 AM

The moment the flames snapped into the air Jill jumped to attention. Drawing her gun (Dante's, actually), she flicked the hammer back and hissed a warning. "Douse it before I end you." Her aim was right between Kaden's eyes - and she wasn't a bad shot, either. Just as her finger tightened on the trigger, she saw movement from Leon.

"Wait," he said quietly, reaching for Kaden's arm. The burn on Leon's fingers reminded him of his blistered flesh. He grimaced as he glanced from Jill to his friend. "She wasn't doing anything." Though the stranger easily could be their captor or an enemy, Leon seemed to trust her automatically. The fact that she was a blonde woman might have had something to do with it. The blood that had dried all over her clothing might have been the second factor.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 03:29 AM

Surprised as Leon put his hand on his arm Kaden nodded and then clenched his fist, dousing the flames. then sighing heavily his thin frame shook. Talk about a really bad beating. His body wasn't doing so hot. None of them seemed to be doing good at all. "Then why the hell is she hear... I already had to fight off that freak with the claws, and now we have a girl who just randomly popped up out of no where..." he muttered and then gasped in pain. Some of his terrible wound reopening, the seared flesh taring and bleeding. "Leon.... If this gets infected... Or open anymore... I'm done for." he said slowly as he stared at his own blood oozing from his side.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 05:58 AM

Grimacing, Leon glanced toward the sink again. He'd tried to help Kaden . . . but last time Xavier had showed up. Trying to pull himself to his feet, the male let out a muted cry and fell against the side of the couch. Damn. His knee was swollen - he'd forgotten about it entirely. Shifting his leg with one hand, Leon grit his teeth. "Get some water and something to bandage him with," he said, looking to Jill with a pleading expression. "He shouldn't die like a neglected soldier." He'd seen plenty deaths like that . . . far too many. Unlike the marines, Leon had been stationed with a special group - one that dealt with the smaller and far messier situations. He'd watched many men die of infection and sickness . . . sometimes it was what he'd started, too.
Flinching at a sudden wash of memory, Leon motioned toward the cupboards brusquely. "Now."

Instead of fighting with what Leon said, Jill merely slid the gun into the back of her belt and started toward the kitchen area. Her brown eyes swiftly followed everything until she found a bowl for water and a rag for the washing. A rather small tablecloth would have to be used for bandages.
"What happened to you?" she asked as she came around to the front of the couch. Pushing Leon aside with a shove the made him grunt in the effort to keep himself sitting up, Jill dipped the rag into the bowl. "Get in a lover's spat?"
Leon hissed, offended. Jill merely smirked and started to clear the fabric away from Kaden's wound. She (surprisingly) looked as though she knew what she was doing. "This looks horrid. Did you try to gouge his heart out with a spoon and miss?" The woman pressed a clean strip of tablecloth to the wound to stop the bleeding. Pushing with quite a good amount of force, Jill didn't bother apologizing to Kaden for the pain she caused. "Throw a grenade at his face, perhaps?" The earlier explosion was certainly needing some explaination.

Leon shook his head and slowly leaned against the side of the couch again. Leaning back, he found that he could look to his right and see the two others. "Something attacked us," he said with a glare that would have chilled a pot of coffee.
"What was it?" Jill cut into his explaination, looking curious. Perhaps they had been attacked by mutant freakish monsters as well.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 03:10 PM

Kaden hissed softly but just sucked up the pain as Jill worked ok him. He covered his mouth to mute his cry wnd then sagged against the couch painfully. "We were attacked by zombies...." he said slowly and then groaned painfully. Pulling something from his pocket he opened his hand and revealed the huge nasty shard of claw. "That is what broke off in my wound.... It was from them..." he whispered painfully, he was too tired to bite back from the accusions Jill spit at them. "And the explosion was me...." he said slowly and then coughed painfully. "I had to save Leon.... Without him I would be dead in that hospital...." he choked and then closed his eyes. "I blew up the gas lines under that horrible man... He had claws ans was attacking us..." he said and then coughed again. "Damned wound...." he muttered angerily.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 04:37 AM

Jill slowly pulled the fabric away from Kaden. She was starting to feel bad for acting with such ferocity. Seeing the pain on his face, hearing the sincerity in his voice . . . it made her feel horrid. "We're on the same side then," she whispered after his comment about zombies. Her brown eyes narrowed when she saw the bit of claw, and she took it in her fingers carefully. Without further thought, she threw it viciously at the other side of the room. "I just got away from some of those things too."
As she motioned for Kaden to take his shirt off (there was no other way for the bandages to work well), Jill swallowed thickly. "Where do you think they're coming from? I mean, things like this are only in sci-fi movies." The blonde glanced to Leon before helping Kaden with his shirt. Beginning to wrap him carefully (the tablecloth was working very well after being torn into strips), she took a slow breath. "Sorry."

Leon muttered things until Jill asked where the zombies had come from. That was when he immediately fell silent and turned his gray eyes to the opposite side of the room. You don't want to know where they came from. Fixing his leg so there was no pressure on his knee, Leon licked his lips nervously. You would hate me ever more then.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 05:06 AM

Kaden was surprised as Jill threw it and then nodded. He painfully pulled off his shirt and his breathing picked up. He then groaned painfully on the couch and closed his eyes. Jill wrapped him up as well as they could for the things they had. He then laid still and nodded painfully. "I lost my parents to them..." he whispered softly and then looked at Leon worried. "Leon are you alright?"

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 05:27 AM

Jill bowed her head in silence after hearing the sorrow that laced Kaden's voice. He'd lost his family to those things. Many people's lives would be destroyed by the epidemic - who knew how many were involved with it? Since it was only spreading to certain people, how on earth did it start? Jill hadn't been infected after being bitten, and neither had Kaden by the look of it. As she tied off the bandage, Jill found her attention called to Leon. Lifting an eyebrow, she listened for the other man's response.

Hearing that Kaden had lost his parents, Leon closed his eyes for many moments. He frowned when his friend asked about him, and shook his head. "I'm fine," he said quietly. "And I'm sorry for your loss." More than sorry. It was my fault. Swallowing, he shook his head again. Gray eyes slowly passing over the other side of the room again, Leon cleared his throat. "Are we still in the apartment building?"

Trying to ignore the sudden change of topic, Jill smiled grimly. "Yes we are. I'm here with a couple other people." Sorta. They abandoned her with the two wounded guys. The blonde reached for the wet rag and started to clean a bit of the ash and dried blood off of Kaden's battered form. So he really is a normal guy underneath all this crud. "We found you guys here and thought you could do with a place to rest."

While Jill and the others were talking, Dante led Tyrod further into the building. They seemed to go deeper, and deeper still, until the cold that filled the house seemed to seep into their very bones. "He'll see you now," the silver-haired male said with a grim smile. "Good luck." Clapping Tyrod's shoulder with his hand, he motioned toward the partially open door before them. It was a good two stories below the actual building, and the darkness inside seemed all-consuming . . . but there was something inside. A presense made itself known with a voice that brought dark memories to Dante's mind. "Enter."

Wishing Tyrod luck, Dante finally gave in to his instincts. Kyreian was still nowhere to be found. After running a quick check on the building, the male hissed under his breath. This wasn't the time to be re-tracking others down. But his feelings stemmed from more than that - he was worried for her. Silly girl. He avoided the room in which Jill and the wounded men were being held. Instead, Dante used the nearest window to launch himself out into the open air. He'd search for her until he knew she was safe. Kyreian, you fool. Where are you?

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 04:29 PM

Nodding Kaden sighed hearing Leon. "Its alright... I mean, I loved them.. But they were going to disown me...." he said slowly and then held still as jill began to clean him off. He then sighed and closed his eyes. "Though I'm not sure what I'm going to do now.." he said and then chuckled. "But that means if we all make it outta here alive... I don't know if we will." he said and then winced at a few bruises that Jill rubbed over. he was definately in a bunch of pain now.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 04:54 PM

((Wait for others to catch up? :XD))

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 05:06 PM

((sure if you want to ^^))

Purple magic swirls and undulate...
kionaredhawk is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 05:08 PM

Kyreian had managed to get away from the idea that it was all real. It had been a dream, she could have sworn. Then she realized too late that it wasn’t a dream. That it was truth. That she needed to learn to control what she could do. Too late.
She had gone out again, for the fifth time in a row since she had met Dante and Xavier. She would either go dancing or just go drinking. Unfortunately every time she went drinking, it was the same effect as the other night. She could not get drunk, no matter how many shots and drinks she pounded down. This night, she had gone dancing and drinking. She was having a relatively good time too, when she suddenly found herself cornered in a dark space within the nightclub. There were seven of them altogether; men that obviously were looking for a good time and had found the object of their…intentions.

“Let’s go out back, sweetie. Just come along and we won’t hurt ya none.” The man who spoke flashed a knife, another was obviously packing a gun.

Stupid, she thought violently. She had forgotten to bring any of her weapons. She never forgets that. And I won’t ever again. Not really thinking about how she was going to get out of this since at least one of them had a gun, she followed them out of the club through a back door and, of course, into an alley way; a dark alleyway.
“You know, this isn’t going to end well. For any of us.” Her face was her perfect mask and her body was as relaxed as she could get it. She was ready for the fight.

“Shut up. It’ll end well for us, I assure you.”

She glared at him but kept her mouth shut. They stopped at the end of the alley where it was cut off by another brick wall at least 8 feet tall. They definitely had her cornered. Her hands clenched and unclenched into fists as she made sure her hands were ready for the impact of flesh, muscle, and bone. She didn’t want to be touched. Her mind turned to the only evidence of the reality of mutation that resided on her neck. She never wants to be touched again.
One of the men came towards her while two others came from the sides. She watched and waited. There were five of them. She was good and get beat them if she had to but she still had limits. If all seven rushed at the same time, if they were that organized, she wouldn't be able to keep up that well.


Thankfully, the music was loud in the club. Thankfully, it was a dead, deserted alley. Thankfully, nobody was stupid enough to walk it alone or even in pairs. Thankfully, nobody was around. Death hung in the air like a dark heavy thundercloud. The groans of injured, crumbling, decaying men filled that tiny atomosphere.
Standing over them, to their eyes, was Death reincarnate; a scary nightmare they never thought to see, especially in their chosen victims’s form. She was beautiful to them, but she was just as horrifying. Almost all of them were slowly dying as first their insides then their muscle and skin of whatever she touched silently and ever creepingly slow decay and rotted from their bodies. Only one seemed almost untouched. But his eyes were clouded over, lost in the horror of what happened, lost in the beauty of this evil creature, this Deathling.

She stood there in the m idle of the carnage, black hair swinging in the breeze that should not have been there.

Last edited by kionaredhawk; 04-01-2011 at 05:26 PM..

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 11:49 PM

((*coughs* Well . . . Marsyas has his charry with Xavier, so I will continue with the others. :yes:))

Jill listened quietly, watching with her mouth drawn into a tight line as Kaden struggled with pain. "I'm Jill," she said, meeting the blond's gaze for the first time since they'd met. Reaching up, she took the glasses off of his face before he could reply. "I work down at the gun shop."
Leon muttered something under his breath before using a spare strip of tablecloth to clean himself up.
"How did you do that? The fire?" Jill didn't really want to know - he was probably another freak. Just like Dante and Tyrod - they were all really odd. Her brown eyes glazed over as she started to get lost in thought.

Dante heard something. It wasn't loud - in fact, it wasn't even a sound. It was more like a sense. Letting his wings spread and carry him forward, the male landed heavily on a street-side building. He'd been searching for hours, and still he'd found no sign of Kyreian. He was just about to turn back to Xavier when he caught that . . . sense.
As he neared the street he thought to be the right one, Dante smelled it. Death. Scenting the air, the winged creature knelt down on the edge of the roof - only to see a cowering man directly below him. Kyreian's powers filled the area in a thick coating, and Dante bore his fangs as he really caught a wave of the sense. "Kyreian," he called, his red eyes boring into the girl as her dark hair flowed about her. Standing, the male regarded her strangely. You have quite the power, little lady.
He stepped forward, landing beside the frightened man with a huff of breath. "You should calm down," he said, taking a step forward and reaching for her arm. Curiousity flit over his face, and the tall male smiled slightly. "Are you feeling alright?"
She looked pretty darn gorgeous at that moment. . . .

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 06:12 AM

Looking at Jill herhen blinked as she pulled off his glasses. Closing his eyes he then let her clean him before responding. "I carved spark runes into my hands..... I have read my father's old alchemy books.... They're a combination of magic and science.... Apparently it worked, because I must have magic in my blood, and with the runes... It causes a spark.. And then the air just feeds it and I can control it fairly easy knowing the components of the air." he said smoothly and then winced once more. "If this isn't the end of me.... Oh lord..." he groaned painfully.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 07:39 AM

Jill glanced toward Kaden's hands as he spoke. She carefully folded his glasses and set them aside before rinsing the rag she was using to clean him. "I've never even heard of that," she said. It was then that she caught his comment about "being the end" of him. Her irritated frown reappeared, and she wiped away a smear of ash with her thumb. "Good Lord, suck it up."
Her words were harsh, but her brown eyes were soft. The poor thing looked like he needed some serious medical attention, but she was all he had. Gently wiping away the last (noticable) streak from Kaden's face, she looked into his brilliant eyes (which, if following the picture, are green and blue?). Staring for a few moments, the blonde took a slow breath. "What's your name?"

Leon had finally finished wrapping his knee tightly. It wasn't the best of braces, but it would do. He'd dealt with make-shift bandages and such more than once. Gray eyes cutting to Jill as she cleaned Kaden, the male sighed quietly. He trusted Kaden (even though they'd hardly gotten to know one another) just as much as he disliked this new girl. Jill just seemed to hit the wrong buttons at every turn she made. She proved his point when she caught him staring.
"Got a problem?"
Shaking his head, Leon raked his hair from his face and leaned back against the couch. Forget it. She isn't even worth replying to.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 08:19 AM

"You didn't have to fight that damned.... Thing after being wounded... Plus you have a gun!" he snapped back and then opened his multicolored eyes as she asked for his name. Blinking at her he took in a breath before looking at her trying to focas his eyes but it not working. She was just a blurry figure. "Kaden... Kaden Cross." he said slowly. He then waited to make sure to let her finish and then frowned. "Dont talk to Leon like that." he said firmly his eyes growing a bit angry. "We've been threw hell since we woke up in that god foresaken zombie place... He's saved my life a few times today. Plus we're both stressed." he said logically and then closed his eyes again. He sighed heavily and then opened his eyes again. "Honestly I think we both just need sleep and pain killers... Not more questions and snappiness." he said and then reached out his hand and groped for his glasses. Finding them he situated them back on his face and then blinked. "So... What's your name?"

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 03:49 PM

"It sounds like we've all been through hell this morning." Jill frowned and watched as Kaden slid his glasses back on. "And, Kaden, you must have gotten hit in the head pretty hard." Gently bumping the side of his head with the heel of her palm, the blonde woman smiled. "My name is-"
"Jill. She mentioned it earlier." Leon cut in, trying to keep the irritation out of his gray eyes. He wasn't mad with Kaden - he really liked the guy - but he was a bit frustrated with the way Jill was so . . . terrible. She was nice to him, but she just rubbed Leon the wrong way entirely.
"And this is Leon," Jill said as she rocked back on her heels. Reaching over, she firmly used her rag to wipe away something from the other man's face. "The military man with a deserter feel to him."
Silence followed the comment, and Leon gave the girl a grim smile. "And you are the stranger who likes to prod at open wounds." Jill nodded and then reached over to brush a strand of hair back into place for him. Without saying anything else, she glanced to Kaden to make sure he was doing alright before moving on to clean Leon off a bit. The man didn't tell her off, but chose to sit still. Help was help, even if he wasn't so fond of the one administrating it.


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