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Mageling is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 03:37 AM

"I'm not entirely sure," Sebastian replied honestly. "The thought has crossed my mind, certainly, but I have no idea if my wife wants children." Before Jacob could comment, he added, "just because she may have thought about such things doesn't mean she would be agreeable to the idea. She could have decided against it." He was quiet for a moment. "I will admit that I am used to it just being Ariella and I, but if the time comes that we have a child, I doubt I would be adverse to it."

"I can't say for certain," Ariella replied, going around to help Ezrael with her gown. Her long fingers deftly unbuttoned the tiny buttons going down her friend's back. "I'm sure I will figure something out, even if it comes to working the information out of Sebastian somehow." She didn't explain how she would manage such a thing. She didn't need to. Going over to the wardrobe, she pulled out a sleeping gown. "Go ahead and get comfortable, Ezra. I'm sure you could use the rest time."

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Annalesia is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 06:37 AM

"That's true...but it's very rare for a woman not to want children. I'm sure she does...But, then again, your wife is the farthest thing from normal I have ever met in terms of women. We have picked odd women for mates," he chuckled, "not in terms of looks though. Just in terms of personality. They have much stronger personalities than others."

Jacob rubbed at his forehead, sighing, "You know, the only way to figure out what is going on in her head is to ask her."

Ezrael giggled as she pulled the nightgown over her head, giving her thanks to Ariella for helping her getted undressed.

Looking over at Ariella she smiled slyly, "Get it out of Sebastian, hm?"

Ezrael gave another bubbly laugh as she leaned over, dipping her hands in the washstand and splashing water on her face "It is always such an adventure getting information from our husbands. What shall I say if you use me as an excuse to get away from him? Our stories must match up if they are to believe us."

Using a linen laid out for her, she toweled off her face, looking at Ariella in the mirror.

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Mageling is offline
Old 03-20-2011, 05:03 PM

Ariella blushed slightly when Ezrael started to tease her.

"You would try to get information from Jacob the same way," she reminded, smiling playfully. She straightened her skirts a bit. "If I need to use you as an excuse to come back, perhaps you and I had agreed to go back out to the meadow? Our time out there was cut short because of all of the excitement, after all..." She shrugged a little. "It is understandable that we would want to spend as much time out-of-doors as possible."

Sebastian grinned a bit.

"We did indeed choose strong-willed women," he agreed. "We knew what we were signing up for, though. I don't know about you, but I know I would not be half as content with a more demure and subservient woman." He glanced back in the direction Ariella and Ezrael had left. "Perhaps we will have a talk soon, after the problem with the human is solved."

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Annalesia is offline
Old 03-22-2011, 01:32 AM

"Agree, to both topics. As soon as you have information, come knocking on the door; something about prenatal excercises or you had a bad dream and wish to discuss it over tea. I will ensure I am still awake; Jacob has brought some very interesting human writings with him from their last journey," her pointed ears twitched as she sniffled. "What do you think he will look like? I heard they are fat creatures. I have yet to see one so close. Perhaps the thing wobbles," she giggled, propped against the headboard.

"I agree that you should speak with her. The worst she could do is turn you down," he paused, stroking his fingers through his hair contemplatively, "Imagine if we had more obedient would be so boring. My father always told me the good women are those who nearly turn your hair gray, because they are the best equals and intellectuals," he gave a wicked grin, "not to mention seducers."

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Mageling is offline
Old 03-22-2011, 01:45 AM

"I heard they are creatures with stubby limbs, and absolutely no grace at all," Ariella replied. "Horribly plain things, with dull skin and hair, and no sense of color at all." She had heard that humans were everything elves weren't, and it was a horrifying thought. She couldn't imagine such clumsy, unattractive creatures. She hugged Ezrael gently. "Rest, Ezra. I'll tell you everything I find out."

"Very true," Sebastian agreed. He didn't have quite the wicked look on his face that Jacob did, but Jacob was more open than he was. Standing up straight, he straightened his clothes a bit. "Come, let us go walk for a bit. I think being outside for a few moments will be good after everything this afternoon." He grinned a bit. "I think our wives had the right idea, being out in the sunlight."

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Annalesia is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 06:19 PM

"Make sure you remember every little detail about the creature. Write it down if you must, please. I will be awaiting you eagerly," Ezrael smiled at her friend before sinking into the bed and pulling the covers up around her.

As her eyelids fluttered closed, her small hands rested on her swollen belly. How much longer until the baby was due to arrive? She made a mental note to ask her maid about it, for she would surely know. Her maid was keeping a very thorough journal for Ezrael since it was her first child and the memories were vital. Ezrael could not wait to see if it was a boy or a girl. Of course Jacob was hoping for a boy to one day take over for him, but Ezrael desperately wanted a little girl she could dress each morning and take her sweet time doing the daughter's hair. Either way, though, she would be ecstatic. She only hoped the healer and nursemaid were enough to get her through the birthing process alive. When Jacob first learned that she wanted to try for a child, he was scared out of his wits. Not because he was afraid he wouldn't be a good father, but because he had heard horror stories of women that passed away during childbirth. He swore to have the best healer with her, and he would not leave her side.


Jacob nodded in agreement with his friend as he pushed off the table and followed alongside him, "I thought my wife was going to rest?"

His brows burrowed in confusion, wondering if he remembered the conversation with the women wrong, "Should we check on them?"

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Mageling is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 02:50 AM

"You're worrying overmuch," Sebastian replied. "If you recall, our wives were out in the fields before we called them to us. I was merely commenting that they had the right idea earlier, and that a little fresh air and sunlight would be good after the stress of the day." He kept an easy pace next to Jacob. "I am sure your wife is just fine. If something were wrong, I know you would be the first to know about it."

Once she was sure Ezrael was resting quietly, Ariella slipped out of the room and back out into the hall. Now, if she knew her husband, there was a good chance she knew where he had ordered the human to be kept. Turning, she went in the direction of the lower detainment level. She wasn't sure how humans reacted to such things, but she knew one of the worst things for an elf was to be cut off from the sunlight, so she could make a fair guess that her husband had thought the same and put the human in a windowless room.

It only took her a few minutes to get down to the proper level, and she was inwardly pleased to see that her guess had been right. One door in the hall had a pair of guards posted outside.


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