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Meela is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 10:25 PM

Isis didn't understand the sarcasm. Did she think Isis was lying? Oh well. Either way, whether she did believe her or not, something in the back of her mind told her she would regret letting her leave.
Raising one arm and closing her eyes, Isis' wings began to lift her. Creating small sparkles of dust as they did so. The wind began to pick up as her eyes opened, the color changing to a blue-gray. Silver colored butterfly-like creatures began to appear around them. Clouds began to casually roll in, soft sounds of controlled thunder began to clap above them as rain began to pour lightly.
After a few minutes of the weather change, Isis flicked her wrist, and the clouds disappeared in the blink of an eye and the wind automatically died down to the beautiful summer breeze. Her eyes also turned back into their earthly brown color. She continued to float in the air, the butterflies also stayed. She could hear them giggling as they chased each other, this made her giggle as well.
She looked at Ember, awaiting a reaction. Would she think this was a trick too? She thought hopelessly.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 01:10 AM

Ember watched in amazement as the girl hovered and then everything else started happening. She had always wanted to believe in magic. Shoot who didn't who spent as much money as she did on dressing up and pretend? She watched the butterflies with wonderment. Even the clouds made her smile. But then the rain started and her smile left. My hair is going to be all messy now. And I hate being in wet clothes. When the girl, er fairy, was finally done Ember crossed her arms. "So your a fairy," she simply stated.

Meela is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 01:21 AM

Isis smiles. "Pure blood fairy." She announced happily. Then noticed Embers wet clothing. Humans get sick if they are cold and wet, don't they?
With another flick of her wrist, a warm breeze blew around them gently, drying off Embers clothing and hair. Then died off as quickly as it came.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 04-05-2011, 01:46 AM

Ember smiled as the warm wind blew over her. When it died down she felt her hair and almost growned. It was tangled up and she knew it would be frizzy now. She reached down and grabbed her purse and pulled out a brush. She took it out of the ponytale and started brushing it out. Down her hair came to the middle of her back. I love this hair but god, I'm going to cut it off. "Thanks for drying me off but how about we stop with the natural showcase. I don't think my poor hair can handle much more." She quickly braided it and tied it off letting it hang over her shoulder. "So Miss Pure Blood Fairy, why show yourself to me?"

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 04-05-2011, 02:25 AM

Viatrix watched from the shadows and giggled with amusement. The red butterflies that surrounded her flew over to the ones around Isis. She lingered back for a few more moments before finally stepping out of the tree line. Once out in the open she spread her black and red wings and flew over to Isis. It had been a while since she had last talked with another fairy. She looked the human girl over. One glance into the girls eyes and she could tell what power she had gained from the stone she found. What a lovely power indeed. She gave the fairy and girl a smile.

the one and only

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Old 04-21-2011, 02:42 PM

Ryoma turned the bike down a thin walk path that was just flat enough to ride the motorcycle over. As she slid off her helmet she look around at the beauty of the forest somewhere in the distance she could hear the churning of water. Suddenly the weather acted incredibly strange and she grabbed her hair thinking that there was a hat still there that she would not want to blow away. Just as quickly as the weather had changed it went back to normal and almost even more peaceful than it had been before.

She got off the bike and looked around, something was going on here. Listening to the sudden quiet and peacefulness of the forest she realuzed she could pick up faint words and she decided to walk towards them.

Lilith W
Lilith W is offline
Old 04-21-2011, 03:17 PM

((Hm.. I thought I had posted in here.))

Ember looked at the newest fairy. "Another? Now I feel real special. A unicorn going to show up now?" She put her hand on her hip. "So why do I get this wonderful privilage of fairy company?" She looked between them. They can't show themselves to everyone or more people would be here and they wouldn't be looking for these stupid crosses.

the one and only

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Old 06-09-2011, 11:08 PM

Ryoma bushed some branches to the side and her mouth fell open in shock. There were two faeries talking to a very annoyed girl. She couldn't believe her luck. The rumors were all true, and there before her was the proof that faeries existed. She wanted to pull out a camera but was scared that the motion would make them run. Maybe they were meant to be a secret even, so maybe she shouldn't photograph them at all out of respect for them.

Her body quivered in bubbling over excitement and she held her breath trying to calm down her beating heart. The girl was making some snide remark about Unicorns. Ryoma tilted her head, this girl wasn't enjoying herself by the sounds of it.


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