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Old 08-23-2010, 12:37 AM

This is the year of 2015 school and life is normal or it seems to be this is in New york and a girl is a normal one but something might happen to her or not but this is a story about a human girls lives when she met the vampire.

Username xserenityxninax
Name Isabella dragon
age 17
bio Isabella is just a normal girl and feels that her life is going nowhere until she goes past this place and feels that something might happen and might end bad or good she doesn't know yet.

the one and only

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Old 08-23-2010, 12:50 AM

Name: Michael (Mike) Giovonni
Age: 18
Bio: He looks like every other student that attends the school. Except for the fact that he's a pretty boy, everyone thinks he's gay because he won't date, and know one knows where he lives. He lives in the haunted house of the town, the one with the metal fences around the perimeter, that people enter on dares and never come out. Or go insane when they do.

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Old 08-23-2010, 12:55 AM

Isabella was at school and hearing about the cute guy at her school and not thinking he is cute at all. After school Isabella went to his house what was the deal with it as well and she went to his house and opened the door and went in the house and than the door slammed behind her as well. Isabella walked around for a while in the house and it was old but beautiful as well she likes it as well and looks around and weird things on walls as well and feels that a weird person lives here.

the one and only

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Old 08-23-2010, 12:59 AM

Michael scolwed having been followed home by a mere human. He fled to the shaodws slamming the door behind the girl in anger. She had no right to spy on him, and he wasn't about to let her leave. He never let anyone leave who entered his home. He followed closely, letting her heart set at ease, let her adore his walls and hangings. She'd be trapped soon enough.

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Old 08-23-2010, 01:06 AM

Isabella walked around more and found a room with a bed and she liked it as well she went on the bed and sleeps there for a while until she had a dream like many years ago of a vampire hurting a human that looked like her and fears that he will kill her and do something bad to her and doesn't like as well and fear that she might be in danger when she wakes up as well.

the one and only

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Old 09-07-2010, 02:19 AM

Michael curled around the girl laying in his bed. She was quite beautiful. He brushed her hair gingerly with his fingertips. "Hello my sweet. Would you like to disappear into a world of dreams. Where you never have to deal with the reality of the living again?" He cooed to her sleeping form, delighting in the nightmares that it usually cause people. Mostly it was the 'brave' boys of the high school that wandered to his haunted home and were never seen again. Rumors being that they had all gone insane and got sent off to a home for mentally insane.

The boy licked his lips relishing in the stupidity of the living world. Humans. They didn't understand anything even if it bit them in the neck. He chuckled in his deep masculine voice at his own cruel joke.

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Old 09-07-2010, 02:58 AM

Isabella woke up and didn't know who she was and saw the man and was scared of course and remember it was the guy from school and she rubbed her eyes. "oh hi Mike I am sorry for being here I just wanted to see your house and see why people think you are weird and I see your house is pretty cool I guess I should leave I am sorry for bother you and sleeping on your bed as well." Isabella looked at him and shouldn't have cause she was like under his spell.

the one and only

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Old 09-07-2010, 03:03 AM

He smiled, "It's no trouble Isabella. Would you like to stay for awhile." He knew he had her when their eyes caught and he let his smile seep into his eyes as he reached out a hand that he offered to her. "No one understands me, but maybe you'll understand since you came here. I'm sorry if I startled you from your sleep." His smile made him heart throbbingly handsome, the kind of guy chicks fell for at school. No one knew where he lived even, but this girl had followed him home. Had managed to follow him home. he was delighted and thrilled in seeing how much he could get from her.

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Old 09-07-2010, 03:08 AM

Isabella looked at him and "really wow I do like your house it like a story that my mother used to read to me when I was little but more goth and I love it as well. Mike I have to ask you something why doesn't the girls like you i have seen you at school and am I the only one that thinks you are cute I talk half my friends they think you are weird. I just want to know why doesn't the girls like you?" Isabella looked at him and she was pretty and she remembers something from her dream and thinks he is a cool guy to get to know about her life.

the one and only

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Old 09-08-2010, 10:14 PM

"It's quite simple." He purred in his deep voice, "None of those girls are smart, and they like public show of affection." He brushed a finger over her chin. "Don't you think the girls at school are airheaded? I can't even hope that any of them will understand me. But you're different. Aren't you." It was a comment, not a question. And everything he said washed over her like some soothing spell. He smiled again, his teeth as normal as any teenagers.

His blond hair hung in his face as if he was a gorgeous prince. His smile had a secret meaning, a joke, because he knew that she would never again leave his house alive. It was only once in awhile that his meals just walked so willingly into his lap.

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Old 09-09-2010, 01:18 AM

Isabella looked at him and didn't think of it at the time but remember half of the girls "well half the girls are like that they care about boys and themselves I know that cause I watch them but I really don't care about for myself. If you didn't know Mike I am a smart girl and a weird girl at the same time the girls think I am weird cause I think vampires are real but I know they are real and I need to know for myself."

Isabella looked around the room for a bit and thinks it is a nice place "well people really don't understand me myself they just think I am weird about the vampire thing and I wish people would understand me a little bit." Isabella hid her face behind her hair from him.

the one and only

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Old 09-11-2010, 12:15 AM

"Vampire are real." He stood up than and moved from the bed, a breeze seemed to blow over his hair despite the lack of airflow through the room. "Just because others don't know the truth that stares them in the face does not mean that those of us who do know it should live it down as a lie. " A sneer crossed his lips, quickly replaced by a smile as he turned to face her again. "Would you like to see a vampire?"

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Old 09-11-2010, 12:19 AM

Isabella looked at and ran to him and hugged him tight "please I would love to please tell me or show me a real vampire and I hate to be the weird one in the classroom I feel so alone in the world about me being weird." Isabella looked at him and she was a cute girl and she smiled at him and her neck is showing her blood sweet and rich.

the one and only

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Old 09-12-2010, 11:09 PM

There was no reason not to be a gentlemen to such a lovely girl, he'd do it in the fun way. His fingers quivered inside as he brushed his fingertips over her tender skin at her neck. "The others are the weird ones, trust me." He took her hand and led her out into the hall and to a guest room where a mirror stood on the wall. "Let me show you a vampire." He briskly led her to the mirror, a door was beside it, and to anyone it would look as if he was leading her to that door. Moments before he changed direction and took her to the mirror. Only she reflected in it. He had let go of her hand and moved behind her. The second she looked in the mirror he brushed her hair to the side, his fangs extending and he leaned her back and sunk his fangs into the delicious bloody juice.

His entire body quivered, his first human meal in quite awhile. A inhuman growl escaped his lips and he licked the blood off the two small holes, than off his lips. Kissing her neck gingerly he smiled. Would she survive that? He rather hoped so. Everyone else he'd had to jump in a much less dignified way. If she awoke, she would be quite fun to play with. They could rule the school and terrorize all the pathetic humans, taking a human meal a day. Vampires always worked better in pairs or groups if they got along for their hunting grounds.

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Old 09-12-2010, 11:19 PM

Isabella felt his fangs on her neck and he drinking her blood and felt that she was dying as well. When he stop drinking her blood her eyes went black and didn't cry and she didn't want to die like this she had to be strong about it. Isabella fell to the floor and was really weak but she had her eyes looking at him and didn't want to die. Isabella looked at the ceiling and had to think and she remembers him and she got up slowly and looks at him "so you are a vampire i see it now but i am not scared of you and i will never will but I really don't understand why you bit me and let me here to this place and talk to me and show me around your place just what Mike?"

the one and only

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Old 09-13-2010, 11:39 AM

He licked his fingers eyes glistening as if he'd just heard a good joke. "Yes I'm a vampire, and I assume that you are now too." He smiled with just a hint of evil in it. "I chose you to rule this town with me, there's plenty to hunt here at the school, what do you say?"

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Old 09-14-2010, 01:52 AM

Isabella looked at him and her eyes turned red as evil "so you are saying that we could rule the town and i can kill anyone in the school I want this could be fun but one question why did you choose me anyway Mike I still don't understand?" Isabella looked at him with her rd eyes looking at him and she put her hand on his cheek and she was evil now and she needed to know why her.

the one and only

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Old 09-14-2010, 02:06 AM

"You are quite beautiful my dear, for a human, as a vampire you are heavenly. And you are the only one that gave me the option to be gentlemanly to before the plunge of supper. " His eyes glazed over at the thought of delicious sweet blood. Than a slow grin, "and only a true vampire with sweet blood will survive the first bite and wake up."

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Old 09-14-2010, 02:09 AM

Isabella looked at him and felt like she was something to him and and smiled at him about that and her eyes were red of evil "I need blood I want to kill but don't you think I should change out of this outfit you got something more vampire like for me to wear?"

the one and only

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Old 11-30-2010, 03:12 PM

Mike chuckled and extended his hand, please, this way. He led her down the hall and around until they came to a dusty old staircase that led to the attic. His smile had a flavoring of evil as he led her to the room where his prior wifes clothes were. Afterall a vampire is not a vampire without having lived for many years and seeing many people die before him.

"Please, take your pick my lady. These clothes have not been used in a very long time and they belonged to my great grandmother. How much more authentic vampire clothes can you get." His fangs extended with his cold laughter,

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Old 12-05-2010, 06:15 PM

Isabella looked at him and nodded as well Isabella looked at the dresses and saw them beautiful but they were too black and red didn't like half the them but them she saw a white one and loved it. Isabella put on the dress and her hair was black and she put on the neck and she looked beautiful like a vampire princess would. Isabella came out of the other side of them room and saw him and she looks like this.

the one and only

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Old 12-06-2010, 12:43 AM

"You look beautiful my princess." His smile tweaked at the corner in amusement, "Shall we go out to dine tonight? I usually have delivery, but this calls for a special occasion."

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Old 12-24-2010, 06:39 PM

Isabella looked at herself and she as long black hair she never had it before and her eyes were dark red like blood. Isabella dress was like white like snow and she was smiling for the first time she is beautiful. Isabella looked at him and felt something in her that she wanted to drink the blood of humans. “Well I was thinking like a bar with a lot of people this night if that is alright with you?” Isabella got closer to him and put her hand on his cheek and smiled at him but in a evil way.

the one and only

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Old 06-09-2011, 11:25 PM

Jeremi let the corner of his mouth tweek in amusement, a delighted mischieveious smile passing over his featueres. Slowly his image began to change. His eyes darkened as his fangs grew, the thirst for blood a loud cry in his heart. Wrapping an arm around her and pulling her to his chest he let his voice ring out in a deep drawl. "Let's go to the bar than Miss Isabella and have a feast." His blond hair turned black completing his transformation and he seemed to grow wings behind him.

Together they took off under the cover of night fall to a local bar.


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