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Well if the world tells me to sc...
zeldafreek is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 08:08 PM

Zenfoid nodded and picked up on a little bit of a bored vibe and was not sure what it was from or about but he brushed it off. "You seemed to have ignored my other question." a small smiled formed on his lips. I think I am making friends? "The one about your name" Zenfoid thought for another moment and decided to wait on asking about the mountain maze he had heard about.

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 08:39 PM

His dumb eyes lit up and he quickly grabbed the new rock. He tried to wiggle and stomp in a circle, his wings acting as for-limbs. Pouches jangled and bounced and the girl quickly slipped of the beast's back. Laughing she made her way to stand in front of the bird who had out the rock down and picked it back up already. Resting the quarter staff in the crook of her stump arm, she reached out with the other to introduce herself.

"Thanks for playing with Franky, he's dumb but means well, not a mean bone in his body... yet. Anyways, I'm Nailah one of the eternal wanderers, a Cleric of Farlangh." she was always quick to introduce herself to people, she didn't have too many enemies being a worshiper of the god of travel, just about everybody said a good word to him before heading out on any journey. And it was easy to tell that from the tan, brown and green colors of her clothing and the large religious medallion that hung from her largest belt.

"Gronk gronk!! Franky called out to get attention to his latest creation. A small, poorly constructed, semi-circle of rocks. He just loved them, and he never figured out that one of his pouches was carrying his painted rocks, always excited that they appeared when it it was dark out.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 04-27-2011, 09:56 PM

Sil let out another string of laughter as he watched the bird, then turned to Nailah as she introduced herself, a wide smile still on his face. He took her out-stretched hand with his own rough one, giving a firm grip and shake. "Not a problem, he's kinda cute... so,Cleric of Farlangh, huh? I thought so." He said, looking to the medallion he had spied earlier. He then righted his posture, smoothing down his leather vest before giving a mock pompous gesture "I am Silthryk: Rogue, Blacksmith, Silver-crafter, adventurer and sometimes errand boy." He said, giving an elegant bow as he turned his eyes up to her, giving a charming smile and wink. He stood back up as Franky gave a few loud honks, and looked over to the bird, chuckling at the dim look of triumph on the his face.

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Old 04-28-2011, 03:04 AM

Nailah looked back to Franky, the dumb bird was parading around his rock pattern. Looking back she couldn't help but laugh, it wasn't as if she was making fun of him more that she found him to be amusing. She had traveled before with different people, but never someone so flamboyant. "I'm sorry, it's just that I have never been bowed to before. A rogue you say? I'll warn you that Franky is booby trapped, so don't try anything funny." She giggled again before calming herself to an acceptable point. "An adventurer is a much better title, what sorts of things do you Adventure upon? I'm always interesting in new travels if the path may lead that way." She took the staff back from her stump arm and poked the Gronk with it, he turned and walked up behind her, staring over her shoulder at whatever interested his small mind. At least he had stopped his parading and was following her commands again.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 04-29-2011, 08:09 PM

Yuune listened silently, but got distracted by a commotion nearby. A giant bird creature seemed to be having fun with rocks. It was parading around a pile of the common things, then went to stand behind a one armed young woman who seemed to be conversing with a dark haired young man. A hesitant thought flitted across Yuukana's mind and she took a few steps towards the charming bird. She loved animals, but living in a snowy home she hadn't seen very many birds and never one like this before. Her harp in hand, she stood slightly behind Zen and regarded the bird with a torn expression. the woman wasn't sure what to do, she was terrified of meeting more people.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 02:50 PM

Neam gave a small smirk, also watching the bird from her peripheral vision. "I'm Neam," she said, standing straight again. She noticed Yuune looking at the bird, so she turned to get a closer look, now that the thing wasn't moving around. "Miss, if you would like company to go over and see the bird, I would be happy to escort you."

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 07:38 PM

Sil just smiled again as Nailah laughed, the smile widening at the mention of the large bird being protected, but he said nothing of it, addressing her question instead. "I think I'd have to agree with you, Adventurer has a much better ring to it." he said, giving a nod. "What do I adventure, hm? Well, anything really, wherever the wind whispers and road takes me. My current, though, has to be my best to date, if I do say so myself...." He mused before looking about quickly. He then leaned in a bit, lowering his voice. "You look like you aren't from the area, so I have to ask. Have you heard of the legend of the Lich King?" he asked. It wasn't as if the topic was taboo, nor a secret, but most of the town folk disliked such open talk of the dark past of the city, even though it's what drew most visitors.

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 08:49 PM

Having to admit, Nailah shook her head no, "I can't say that I do. I suppose it plays an important part of this town's history and I just had a lucky travel break to stumble into it. And gee what gave it away, could it be that I'm freezing my butt off and look as if I own more cloth than anything else. The rest of you look warm and comfy in this freak weather." She laughed at it knowing that she was the fish out of water, or in her case a desert rat near the mountains. Leaning closer to him, almost mocking his previous actions, she lowered her voice, "Want to know how I lost my arm?" she waved her stump a bit. It was a hobby of hers, either getting people to ask about the arm or making up new stories about her arm. Franky was patiently waiting for her as much as a young bird could, standing over her shoulder and looking around the market. He eyed some tasty looking things but stayed put content to being ogled at my the locals, not many people ventured into the Sun Giant territories.

Last edited by ~LONGCAT~; 05-08-2011 at 03:57 PM..

Well if the world tells me to sc...
zeldafreek is offline
Old 05-02-2011, 11:44 PM

"Lich King?" Zenfoid said walking forward, "That is the story of the Labyrinth right?" Zenfoid's ears had picked up on the two words and he ignored the two girls he had been talking to and tried to get more information. This is the reason I came all this way. If I can make it to the final level and back out I will not have to worry about the forrest ever again. When Zenfoid had reached the other group he looked at the bird and realized it was a pet. A small part of him disliked this but he did not show it. "I was planing on going into the mountain. But if either of you are going I hear groups are better. May I accompany you?"

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 02:22 AM

After watching their other companion wander off to speak with the other group, Yuukana nodded. "That would be wonderful! Do you really think it's alright though?" Yuune took another few steps towards the bird while putting her harp upon her belt. For the moment the woman forgot about the heat. Focusing on something else always made things like that seem irrelevant. Every step she made was soundless, as she moved forward yet again. Amethyst eyes sparkling, she turned to wait for Neam to approach with her. The only reason the yuki onna dared approach the others, was the fact that the warrior had offered to accompany her.

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~LONGCAT~ is offline
Old 05-08-2011, 04:10 PM

Franky lifted on of his wing-limbs off the ground and nudged Nailah in the back. At the same time he gently grabbed at some of her hair with his rubber-lipped bill. This was his way of getting her attention for something, and it always worked. Turning her head Nailah saw what Franky wanted her to see, a snow-white girl and a warrior were staring at them. She knew that he wanted to make more friends, reaching up she patted him on the side of his face gently, letting him know that it was alright but to be gentle. He slowly stomped towards them, eyes bright and alert, but still very dumb. "GROONK!" he announced himself to them.

After having silently communicated with the animal she turned to face the guy who had just introduced himself. Changing her grip on her staff to better support herself, "Hello there! Should the path lead me, I probably will try my way into the mountain. As for traveling in groups, Farlaghn always said that you should trust and be wary of those you travel with, but he usually recommended it. And I can understand why, I once met a group of Gnolls that were looking for sacrifices and the group I was with was able to drive off two of them and talk the other one out of it. That was a fun notch in the road." She spoke with similes and metaphors of travel, like any of the Order of the Road would.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-08-2011, 09:51 PM

Startled Yuune took a small step back, then laughed at herself. With a smile she stepped forward and extended a hand towards the bird. He was large, huge, and oh so friendly seeming. All his feathers seemed so soft... Yuukana was glad that with animals she wasn't as shy as with people. Animals she could deal with, especially those like this bird. "Why hello there! What a beautiful fellow you are," said Yuune as she patted the bird gently on his large head.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 05-11-2011, 03:39 AM

Silthryk's eyes gave a mischievous sparkle as she said she didn't know the tale. He loved the chance to tell a story, especially if it was one of danger and monsters. He gave a laugh as the eccentric cleric complained of the weather, and was about to respond to her when a strange looking elf walked up and invited himself to the conversation, followed by a beautiful maiden and a warrior woman. Sil looked them all up and down with a raised brow, 'And here I was thinking I was the only interesting person in this town... look at all these guys.' he thought, a smirk crossing his features. He listened to the elf talk with Nailah, an idea striking him as he did. He put on a sly, charming smile and stepped forward, looking from the elf to the cleric.

"I'm Silthryk and I'm heading back up to the mountain either later today or tonight, if you'd like the company. I've already found my way through the first two floors of the maze." He then looked over to the other two woman, and called over to them. "You two look like travelers as well... perhaps you'd all like to join me at the tavern, I can tell you all about the Labyrinth and the Lich King over lunch, what do you say?" he said, voice and posture inviting and amiable as he put on the charm. In all honesty, he needed a group to travel with, going in that place alone was dangerous and foolish, as he had learned quite quickly.

Well if the world tells me to sc...
zeldafreek is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 01:20 AM

"I would be enlighten to join you," said Zenfoid feeling again the odd feeling of connection to the young man, the bird and the 'owner' he did not like the. feel of. "I am interested to here this tale." Zenfoid let a smile appear but he thought Why do I feel I can open up to all these people. He then shot a look at the bird to see if it seemed dangerous, no signs of danger. He waited for a reply.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-17-2011, 01:30 AM

Tales and stories had always interested Yuunkana. She smiled and nodded at this new person, trying to over come her fear of meeting people. It helped that the giant bird was there, she liked him. "I-I would very much like to hear your tales sir. Perhaps there might be things that even I would like to see under this legendary mountain." There was also the fact that it was bound to be much cooler down there. O how she wished she could make it snow in that place of heat!

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Old 05-18-2011, 12:22 AM

Franky purred happily at the attention, his eyes fluttering closed as he lowered his head so it was easier to reach. He was a lumbering and loveable dope of a bird who didn't know better that he could freely walk away from the cleric if he had wanted to. But he was simple and followed who he knew was always there since his hatch. He liked this new person she was very different from the deserts and she was giving him attention. She had stopped petting him for a moment so he head-butted her to remind her.

Nailah saw this, "Francois. Be nice." she directed at the bird. "I'm sorry about Franky, he's not exactly the smartest egg in the hatch. He's a Gronk bird, they're desert beasts; mostly used as animals of burden, occasionally food, or in his lucky case, a friend. I'm Nailah, pleased ta meetcha!" She stuck her stump out for a handshake, her good arm still holding onto her staff. She loved trying to gauge others by their reactions to either her arm or to Franky, both were usually out of place. And if there was a hint of adventure she might as well know who her new companions were, especially if she was going to provide them with aid like she usually did.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-21-2011, 02:28 PM

Yuune was startled by the young woman with only one arm. To compose herself she started petting the bird again. "O I think Franky is wonderful! What horrible people would eat lovable creatures like him?" Horror seeped into her voice at the thought, and for once in her life a sliver of anger reared it's head within her heart. Still scratching Franky's head with one hand she reached out to shake the stump, not quite sure what else to do. "It's wonderful to meet you. So.. You come from the dessert, that explains why you're so bundled up. I have the opposite problem, my home is full of snow and ice year round and this place is far too warm for me!" This was the most talkative she'd been so far. Yuukana liked this strange and overwhelming young woman, whose temperament seemed to be the opposite of hers.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 05-24-2011, 03:11 AM

Neam stood a few steps away, listening to the conversation about the mountain labyrinth. One eyebrow raised as the cleric held out a stump for a handshake, but she said nothing of it, the woman obviously didn't have a problem with having it. "I would like to join such unusual company, and lunch sounds like a good idea. Which tavern would we be going to?" she asked the roguish man. She had come to this town after hearing about the Labyrinth, it sounded like it could be some fun. A fight-your-way-through-it maze? Wonderful time to be had, even if she didn't get far down.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 05-25-2011, 10:32 PM

((Again, I am really sorry for my delays, work and life have been busy of late. Also, Tangled reference FTW XD))

Silthryk's smile widened as the Elf, warrior and bard agreed, nodding to each of them as they spoke. He grinned a little at the warrior woman's question. "Past the market, towards the mountain. It's a quaint little place called the 'Snuggly Duckling'." he said, nodding his head in the direction of the dilapidated inn. He glanced over to the pretty bard, looking her up and down. He hoped the gruff locals that frequented the Duckling wouldn't be too hard on her. Then again, maybe he did... he loved a chance to play hero, even if it was just playing.

"So, shall we?"
he asked, turning a bit and gesturing. He looked to Nailah, " Beasts of burden are welcome, and I'm sure he can find plenty to do in the stable." he said, nodding to Franky, who was still standing contently as the bard scratched his head. He didn't want to scare them off by pushing, but he was excited, eager to get back on the road, and eager to see what these folks were capable of.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 12:32 AM

(O you mean like the awesome frying pan! My very newest weapon of choice! XD)

"Yes please! I'm eager to set off." She had no idea what she was getting into. The handsome elf certainly seemed like he was an able guide, and also a trickster. Still petting Franky, she wondered what the bird ate. Her mind kept wandering back to how cool it would certainly be under the mountain. Yuune was certainly looking forward to that, if nothing else.

Glancing at all her companions, she smiled. Perhaps she could even write a ballad of their adventures. The thought was exciting. It hadn't really crossed her mind before to write of herself, but how could she not in such company as this? It would be a tale to tell, of what kind the bard did not know.

*crashing sound* oops... I drop...
Drakina is offline
Old 05-26-2011, 03:59 AM

One dark eyebrow raised itself halfway to Naem's hairline at the name of the tavern. "Snuggly Duckling?" she repeated, almost not believing it. Then again, some of the places she had stayed had probably had worse names, they were just in languages she didn't understand. She looked at the bird at mention of beasts of burden, reaching out a hand to brush it's neck. Maybe she should invest in something when she got back out of the labyrinth.

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Old 05-27-2011, 11:08 PM

Switching arms, she shook the bard's hand with her own, her staff once again resting against her shoulder. Nailah knew that her stump made most people uneasy, but she took pride in it. It was something that made her stronger in body, mind and devotion. "Mostly Sun Giants, to them these guys are good for a few meals when they are full grown. I grew up in their territory, saw a lot of travelers move through, but never anybody from cold regions, desert is too hot for most. she answered her question and attentively listened to the elf's suggestions.

"Sounds good to me, someplace to set some plans before traipsing off to certain danger. All these paths will be new ones in my never-ending journey. And if they let other beasts Francois should be fine, I'll just make sure to feed him and take out his favorite toys before leaving him alone. She was upbeat and already sharing things with these strangers as if they were friends.

Well if the world tells me to sc...
zeldafreek is offline
Old 06-02-2011, 07:14 PM

Okay lets see what this guy has to offer then Maybe I will travel with him Thought Zenfoid he smiled and made a motion "Show us the way to this very, scary sounding inn or pub." Zenfoid chuckled at his own little joke then something caught his eye. "Excuse me miss, Nailah, was it. May I ask how you arm was severed from the rest of your body? I am sure it has a great story behind it." Zenfoid being truly curious about another person did another double take in his head, What is happening to me? he asked himself as he smiled and waited polietly for a responce.

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Old 06-18-2011, 08:27 PM

Franky was already leading the pack at the sound of an inn, he wasn't very stupid as he knew that Inns were a chance for him to sit and play and eat. Proudly holding his head high and trotting towards the strong smell of hay and other pack animals he walked off. Nailah rolled her eyes as she got ready to follow, hearing her name she turned her attention to the mysterious elf. "Oh this?" she waved her stump slightly, "Well it happened some time ago, my uncle has a farm of Gronk Birds for the Sun Giants and it was time for herding the largest to the market. We lived a bit further than the bards tale flew and hadn't heard the news of the warlock of the west dunes laying siege to the Mayor Giant's home. When I got there with my three cousins and two dozen Gronks, magic was flying willy-nilly as skeletons were dropping and re-animating like crazy. A re-animation spell hit my arm and it took on it's own life, that to serve the warlock. The spell couldn't be removed or turned so to save the town and myself they had the blacksmith cauterize it off with a fresh hot blade." Shrugging at the end of her tale, she had spoke with such feeling and assurance that the story could very well be the real one. But she had only said it for Zenfoid's ears, so she might have to repeat the tale again, but with a slightly different take as she always did. There were only two people who knew the real story; herself and her locale's high priest. "Should we be off then? Join the rest on the way to the Inn to begin a new trail or travel and adventure?"

Well if the world tells me to sc...
zeldafreek is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 10:44 PM

Zenfoid felt the feelings of creation but let them pass, he figured that if she did not want him to know there was a very good reason for it. He smiled and nodded, "Very interesting," he said, "I never knew a spell could effect only a small part fo the body but I have never encourted Drak Magic in battle before" He shurgged giving Nailah small wink, Hope she gets what the wink means. Zenfoid followed the girl and her pet the bird seemed very low in the smarts department and he was hoping he did not have to spend to much time with it.


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