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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 03:46 AM

This is a private Role-play between HarukiAi & NinjaKitty. If neither of the user names is your own then please do not post here. Thank you!

Let's begin~! :]

“Pum-Pumpkin, Pumpkin.” Blaire chanted happily as she began to make herself breakfast. The bowls and silverware were floating around the kitchen and landing on the table in their proper place. She looked around to see if anyone else had woken up yet, but she didn’t see anyone or hear anyone. She walked over to the hallway and poked her head around the corner to see if any lights were on in the rooms. She gave a devilish smile when she saw that Soul’s was not on and she tip toed over to the door and opened it slowly. She was still wearing her night clothes, which was only a large shirt and she made her way to his sleeping figure on the bed. She giggled a bit as she crawled on to his bed and on top of him. “Wake up, Soul.” She purred into his ear.

“Ow…Ouch, Ragnarok stop it that hurts.” Crona whined as Ragnarok hit him on the head. Crona tried to hit him back, but it didn’t work out too well. It never really did work out well. Ragnarok finally gave up of his attempt to bully Crona and he was finally able to get dressed. It was only a few weeks ago that he had arrived and enrolled in the DWMA as a student. He was nervous at first about enrolling after all he had been through and all the trouble he had caused the school. Makka and her friends had been extremely welcoming to him. Crona found his way to the cafeteria to eat breakfast, but when he went to eat Ragnarok pushed his face into his food. “Ow! That wasn’t funny Ragnarok!” He said pushing back tears.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 04:07 AM

Soul grunted in his sleep, unwilling to open his eyes even though an unfamiliar warm form was draped over him, he cracked open an eye and groaned at the one he saw there "Blaire.... do you mind?" he asked now becoming fully aware of the fact that she was laying quite comfortably on top of him and wearing only a t shirt as a nightgown. "Uh Blaire I don't think this is... I mean you shouldn't she was a bit to lush pressed up against him, and who could blame him he was only a teenage boy. How could he not have dirty thoughts with a half naked hot young woman in his bed, even if she was a cat. He tried to squirm out from under her, but only managed to get his face nearly pressed into her impressive chest.

Yawning she curled up against her pillow, trying to hold onto the lovely dream she had just been having, she and soul had finally collected 99 souls and one witches soul and made him into a death scythe. But unfortunately the truth of the matter hit her and she groaned rolling out of bed. It didn't take long for her to get dressed and her hair pulled back in it's customary pigtails. The utensils plates and cups were floating around the kitchen on their own, that only meant one thing "Blaire, get your butt back in here and finish up what you were doing. she called out loudly taking a seat at the table. "And get our of Souls bed so he can get ready for school" she called out as an afterthought

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 04:27 AM

"Oh, Soul. You are such a naughty boy." She said as he tried to squirm out from underneath her. She giggled at him when he found himself stuck under her breast. She was about ready to tease him some more when the sound of Makka's voice stopped her in her tracks. "You're no fun, Makka." She complained as she pursed her lips together in a pout. Blaire sat up allowing Soul to escape from her, but she blew him a kiss before she got off him and walked out of his room. "Pum-Pumpkin,Pumpkin." She chanted as she walked into the kitchen. The bowls and silverware found their rightful places either on the table or in the cabinets. "Makka, why do you always ruin my fun with Soul?" She complained as she pulled out a chair and sat in it.

Crona had spent a few minutes wiping off the food that had be plastered onto to his face thanks to Ragnarok. While he was weary about getting another tray of food because he thought Ragnarok might try to pull that same trick again. He found himself sitting down with another tray and peacefully eating without any interruptions from Ragnarok this time. Crona didn't eat that much food that morning, but he sat at his table alone chasing some of the food around the plate with his fork. "Crona, just eat your food already." Ragnarok said as he appeared next to him. "I'm not hungry." He said pushing it away from him. "Then I'll eat it, give it here." Ragnarok grabbed the tray and began to shovel the food into his mouth.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 05:11 AM

"Yeah well someone in this house has to have some brains" she retorted snippy as Blaire came flouncing out of Soul's room in a large t shirt that didn't cover much. "Beside I don't need to know what the two of you get to doing, but remember I live here as well and would rather you left my weapon alone and brain unclouded. If I'm not here by all means have at it, but please not while I'm here" Makka continued eyes following random pieces of cutlery as it flew about the kitchen finding it's proper places. A plate landed in front of her along with a glass and forks, two other places were set similarly. "Want me to make breakfast?" she asked standing up and taking out various things for breakfast without actually waiting for an answer. "Soul hurry your butt up I want you eating breakfast before we leave" she called loudly.

"I'm coming Makka geez" Soul called out watching Blaire's rear as she sauntered out of his room in the long shirt that was just a little to short to cover what counted. Closing the door and locking it quickly Soul got dressed in his usual comfortable attire, grabbing a hat he placed it on his head and opened the door. Blaire was not seated at the table while Makka bustled around whipping together a quick breakfast of eggs, toast and bacon. Soul grabbed the jug and poured them all some juice offering a quick wink at Blaire as he did. "You know maybe if you had someone you wouldn't care so much what me and Blaire get to" Soul teased Makka who had her back to him.

"Maybe that would be true if my brain were in my pants like yours" Makka retorted ha ha zing she thought to herself as she turned around and saw Soul's stumped face, serving their food which hadn't taken long to make she took a seat next to Blaire who sat between her and Soul

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 05:33 AM

Blaire raised her eyebrows at Makka as she ranted at her. It wasn't something new to her and she personally didn't care what she said. She was going to do what she liked whether Makka liked it or not. "You're just jealous." Blaire said under her breath once Makka had gotten up from the table to get breakfast ready for everyone. Blaire was idly checking her fingernails when Soul walked in to join them in the Kitchen. She gave him a cute little smile when he told Makka that she was just jealous of their love. She turned her head to glare at Makka after her smart remark. "Pum-Pumpkin, Pumpkin." She chanted as she waged her finger in the air. One of the pieces of toast lifted from the plate and flew into Makka's face. Blaire let out a little giggle as she watched.

Crona had to sit as Ragnarok loudly ate the rest of the food on his plate. When Ragnarok finished he let out a large belch that could be heard through out the cafeteria. Crona lowered his head from embarrassment and his cheeks were a faint color of pink. "Ragnarok, don't be so loud there are others here." He said trying to politely tell Ragnarok to stop without making him angry. "What did you say, Crona?" Ragnarok asked as he reached up and grabbed one of Crona's cheeks and pulled on it roughly. "Stooop! That hurts. Please stop it, Ragnarok." Crona pleaded as his cheek was being stretched out.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 05:52 AM

It surprised them all, well all of them except Blaire when Makka's toast that she was buttering flew up and smacked her in the face smearing butter on her chin. Soul couldn't help himself he let out a laugh the look on her face was rather comical. But soon it fell she didn't say a word as she picked up a napkin and wiped the butter off her face. Confused Soul chanced a glance at Blaire this was usually the time for the famous Makka temper and hated Makka chop but she did neither. Just got up from the table grabbed her pack and left with a mumbled excuse that she was going to school and she would meet Soul there. "Is she alright?" Soul asked Blaire with a raised eyebrow

As she wiped the butter from her face a thought raced through her mind, maybe she was just jealous it was true she didn't have anyone while Soul and Blaire had one another and didn't mind flaunting it. She felt tears pricking the backs of her eyes but she blinked them back. Getting up from the table she gave a quick goodbye and left for the DWMA. She was probably jealous and lonely. Hurrying up the street she tossed her bag over her shoulder quickening her pace the school loomed up ahead of her.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-10-2011, 06:15 AM

Blaire was still giggling a bit when Makka left the table without so much as a word, save for the mumbles. She hadn't gone too far, had she? Blaire stopped giggling and blinked for a few seconds. She hadn't meant to seriously upset Makka, but to get back for her harsh words towards Soul and herself. Blaire hated to admit it, but she probably owed Makka an apology. She would apologize later when she saw her, she just hoped it wouldn't be too late to apologize. Blaire turned her attention back to Soul and shrugged her shoulders as part of her reply. "I think so, I can never tell." She said. it was the best reply she could give him. She really could never tell when Makka was upset or just in one of her moods. She frowned for a few seconds before she raised one of her fingers and smiled at Soul. "I got a new job Soul. Would you like to know what it is?" She said in a teasing tone.

Crona had left the cafeteria after he had struggled out from underneath Ragnarok's bullying. His cheeks were still red from were Ragnarok had been pulling on them, but they were slowly making it back to their normal color. Crona lifted one of his hands and placed it on his cheek lightly not wanting to make it anymore painful than it already was. "You're so mean Ragnarok. Why do you have to bully me?" He whined to his weapon. Ragnarok formed on his back and lightly punched him on the head. "If I don't then who will?" He asked Crona as he pushed himself in front of him to look into his eyes. Crona shrunk a little under Ragnarok's gaze, but he still managed to reply to his question. "You don't have to bully me. No one has to do that." He said softly.

Last edited by HarukiAi; 06-10-2011 at 03:12 PM..

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 01:10 AM

In Soul's honest opinion he thought Blaire had hurt Makka's feelings, and he hadn't help. He felt a twinge of guilt as he remembered the look on her face that she thought they hadn't seen. But she had brought it on herself with her snippy words and jealousy of the closeness between him and Blaire. If she had only kept her mouth shut then Blaire wouldn't have thrown a piece of toast in her face. "Personally Blaire I do think you upset her, I mean it was just Makka being Makka, did you really expect her not to say anything?" he pointed out picking up a slice of toast and taking a bite out of it. "Sure what is this new job? Does it pay well?" he asked hoping she would hurry it up with the answer he had to leave for school soon.

The sun was smiling in the sky as Makka entered the DWMA it felt much cooler once she was inside and much darker to, she blinked her eyes till they were used to the darker interior. Her stomach gave a little growl reminding her how little she had eaten of breakfast, and also bringing the mind the little incident that had happened this morning. It brought a flush if red to her cheeks she knew she went a little to far but Blaire didn't have to do that. Taking a detour towards the cafeteria, hoping to fill her growling stomach. There wasn't to many people there, Crona sat alone, well alone except for Ragnorak, Makka didn't care for him, he was awful mean to Crona. She paid for a muffin then went over to join Crona who didn't notice her at first. "Hey Crona"

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 01:31 AM

Blaire nodded in response to Soul, but it didn't change the fact that she still felt bad for doing it. If only Makka had not of said such harsh things to them. Blaire shook her head and smiled when Soul asked her about her new job. She jumped up from her seat and wagged her finger in the air. The T-shirt she had been wearing disappeared and was replaced with a form fitting nurses uniform with a red cross on it. The skirt was short and showed almost everything, but some how managed to cover what mattered and of course it was low cut. She also had on a nurses cap that was small and cute and showed her cat ears perfectly. Then for the icing on the cake she threw in a large syringe to add to the costume. "I'm the nurse at the DWMA~" She sang happily with a smile on her face. She placed her finger to her lips and thought about the pay for a moment. "I don't know what they pay, I wasn't paying attention." She had been thinking about the costume more than the job its self. "That means I get to go to school with you~" She said as she ran over and hugged him.

Crona had been fighting with Ragnarok when Makka sat down with him. He jumped at first because he wasn't expecting it and shrunk a bit. "H-H-Hello, Maka." He managed to say. He was still a bit unsure of how to talk to girls. It made him nervous and Ragnarok always teased him about it after words. "...How are you?" Crona managed to say, but he didn't give her eye contact, but fiddled with his fingers trying to focus on something else. He knew Makka was nice and all, but he was still scared.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 02:16 AM

Peeling off the wrapper on the muffin Makka shot a look at Ragnorak who was busy poking fun at Crona "I'm perfectly fine....." her look darkened a moment but she shook it off and smiled cheerfully again "How are you Crona, How do you like the DWMA so far? Everyone's been nice right?" Makka asked taking a small bite of the muffin which turned out to be blueberry. "I hope you like the classes and people here, I know not everybody is nice but there's always me, Subaki, Blackstar, Death the Kid, Death, Patty, Liz,..... Soul so you always have someone to go to if you need help" she added Soul last he was nice but she was still a little upset with him.

Soul cast an appraising eye over the tight, low-cut, mini-skirt type nurses uniform that she rocked. "A nurse huh guess I'm going to have to fake sicknesses just to get sent to the new nurses office" he half joked actually thinking of reasons he may have to go. He had to admit it was ideal now she could go to school with him and best of all wear that uniform, looking her over from face to long legs he winked at her casting her a mischievous grin. Quite suddenly though he was enveloped in a hug his face once more that morning pressed into her impressive chest. "Which reminds me though we have to leave for school soon Blaire" he said his voice coming out muffled although truthfully he wasn't unhappy with the position

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 02:44 AM

"...That's good. I'm fine." Crona said timidly. He did like the school and the fact that everyone was so nice to him especially Makka after all he had put them through. He didn't think that anyone would forgive him. "Ah! Yes, everyone is extremely nice to me." He said raising his hands in front of him and shaking them. He didn't want her to get the wrong idea. "Everyone is nice even though you're a big cry baby, Crona." Ragnarok said as he pulled on Crona's cheek. "Stop that, Ragnarok." Crona whined. He pushed Ragnarok's hand away and smiled at Makka. "I know I can count on you Makka." He said as he looked away embarrassed by his own words.

"Oh~! Soul." Blaire said happily. "I'll fix you up anytime." She said as she released her hold on him and bent down to look him in the eye. She winked at him and smiled sweetly. She had accepted the job mainly on the terms of being close to him and of course the cute costume she got to wear. "Promise me you'll come see me." She said with an innocent look in her eyes. She didn't know what she was going to do the whole day. There couldn't be that many sick kids, could there? She stood up and chanted her little jiggle and everything began to move around the kitchen to the proper place. "Let's go, Soul."

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 03:04 AM

Makke flashed him a quick smile, although only the second before she had been glaring at Ragnorak whi again was bothering poor Crona. "Of course you can count on me, if you have any questions, or need help with anything anything at all just ask me and I'll do what I can to help" she assured him popping another piece of muffin into her mouth. Class should be starting soon, she checked her watch and was relieved to see that there was still ten minutes before class, she was mad at Soul but that didn't mean she wanted him to do bad in school. Especially considering the fact that he was her weapon and it might reflect badly on her. "So Ragnorak how do you like the DWMA?" she asked trying to play friendly.

Soul flashed her another smile that showed his sharp white teeth, or he would definitely come to visit her, why wouldn't he, so would probably a lot of guys once they got a good look at her. Suddenly he felt protective "of course I'll come to see you, not only because I want to see you but also to keep the boys away from you" he said an image of him fighting off a crowd of young men coming readily to mind. He missed her warmth once she let go of him "alright I'm ready" he said grabbing his bag and tossing it over his shoulder then grabbing her hand. They set off for the DWMA talking amiably, they had about ten minutes to get there, but he wasn't worried they didn't live to far from the school.

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 05:40 PM

Crona blushed a bit at Makka's statement and began to squirm around in his seat. He was still unsure of how to talk to her. She made him feel weird and he didn't know how to handle it yet. Crona looked up at Ragnarok when Makka asked him how he was doing. He didn't want Ragnarok to say anything that was rude, but he couldn't do anything about it. "Eh?...I don't know. I'm just here because Crona is and I can't get away from him." Ragnarok said hitting Crona on the head lightly. Crona flinched and looked back at Makka timidly. "Don't listen to him. We both like it here a lot." He said with a small smile. "Crona! I can talk for myself." Ragnarok said as he punched Crona in the head. "Ouch! That one hurt, Ragnarok." He said loudly, but then he remembered Makka was there. "Sorry...." He said blushing.

Blaire giggled a bit at Soul's comment about saving her from the other boys. "You'll be my knight in shinning armor, how sweet." She said happily. She was looking forward to her new job now. "Oh Soul, where is the Nurse's office?" She said in a confused tone. She didn't remember anyone telling her were she would be going. Not that it really mattered she could just hang around with Soul until someone came to find her. She smiled at the thought of sitting next to Soul in his classes. They arrived at the school and the attention of most of the boys turned to her and she gave them her charming smile and waved lightly. This was going to be fun she thought.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-15-2011, 08:56 PM

Makka didn't like the way Ragnorok treated poor Crona she watched as he hit him over the head once again, her hand itching to smack the look off his face. But she knew if she touched him he would just make things that much harder for Crona, it was up to him to stop this and she couldn't get involved much as she wanted to. Crona's voice came out timidly when he apologized to her about Ragnorok's antics, "there's no reason to be sorry because of that thing" she said flashing a glare over in Ragnorok's direction who was busy poking and tugging on Crona's cheeks. She checked her watch and class was due to start in a few minutes. "come on Crona let's get to class" she said grabbing his hand and tugging him along after her.

"Don't worry Blaire I'll show you where the nurses office is, and come visit you during lunch period, you don't mind me eating with you do you?" he asked anger starting to bubble up as he noticed all the looks she was getting from the guys, some rather lewd pointed looks. Flashing a warning glare at the worst of them he took a breath willing the anger away. It wasn't her fault, she was hot, guys were bound to stare didn't mean he could like it. But he knew she would stay with him, though she would also probably tease some guy who would want to take it farther in which case what he did he wouldn't be to blame for. He had never thought of himself as a jealous person but apparently he was

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-16-2011, 02:16 AM

"O-Okay...." Crona said as he was dragged along by Makka. He's cheeks were red because he didn't know how to deal with her touching him. The only person that ever touched him was Ragnarok and when he touched him he hurt him. He looked down at her and hand, but he wasn't scared because she was not hurting him. Crona smiled a bit, but Ragnarok was there to hit him when he saw hit. "What are you smiling at?" He said as he poked his cheek. "Not- Nothing..." Crona said as he lowered his head.

Blaire smiled down at Soul as they walked up to the school. She was ignoring the looks she was getting, but she could tell that it was bothering Soul. "Of course I wouldn't mind you visiting me for lunch." She said happily. "Don't worry about the other boys. They're just jealous that I'm all yours." She said as she reached over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. She scanned her eyes around the school. She hadn't noticed it was that big when she came for the interview. Now that she was walking up to it she felt like she would get lost without someone to hold on to. Maybe she could just stay in her office and sleep until Soul came to get her. Blaire smiled at that thought and nodded her head.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-17-2011, 11:10 PM

Her watch said a few minutes till class but when they got there they were still one of the first people there, no surprise when she looked around and Soul wasn't even there yet. Dimly she heard Crona and Ragnorok talking but knew it would be rude to eavesdrop so she tuned them out just tugging on his hand lightly to pull him up the steps to her favorite seat. Usually Soul sat beside her but today she wanted Crona to "Here you can sit here beside me" she told him sitting him down next to her usual seat and then plopping right down next to him. The seat offered a great view of the front, far enough that they wouldn't get bothered if they talked, yet close enough that they had no trouble seeing the board.

Soul glanced up at the wall clock class would start very soon but he knew there wasn't many people except maybe Makka in the room, she always got there either early or on time. Squeezing Blaire's hand lightly he took a page out of her book and tried to ignore all the looks she got which once she reassured him really helped. "Lets get you to the nurses office first then I have to get going to class" he said though he didn't bother quickening his steps, the nurses office wasn't to far away. A few minutes later they reached the nurses office and Soul left Blaire with a quick kiss and a promise to come visit her during lunch. Still nonchalant he took his own sweet time getting to class trusting Makka had saved him a seat. But when he walked in he saw Crona had his seat and the only one open was one near the front. Makka must still be mad at him

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 01:38 PM

Crona and Ragnarok's little fight was broken up with Makka's tug. While it was relieving for Crona it upset Ragnarok. Crona blushed as he was pulled along by Makka to their class room. He was surprised when she offered him a seat next to him. He knew that it was Soul's seat and he didn't want to upset Soul. Soul still scared him and he didn't want to be yelled at. "Makka is this really okay? That's Soul's seat, isn't it?" He said as he looked down at his hands. He really didn't know what to do in this situation. He was a bit shocked when Soul walked in Crona sat down next to Makka not wanting to attract any attention. "I don't know about this." Crona said softly. "You're gonna get yourself into trouble, Crona." Ragnarok teased him as he hit his head lightly.

"Good Bye~" Blaire said as she waved sweetly to Soul. She turned around to look at the Nurse's office. It wasn't too fancy, but it she could always fix it up a bit. Blaire sighed as she walked over to the beds and sat down on one. "What am I going to do now?" She asked to no one in particular. She gave a sigh and fell backwards onto the bed. Classes would start soon and she would have no one to play with. "I'll just take a nap!" She said as she curled up on the bed and closed her eyes. Surely no one would need her at the moment.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 07:02 PM

"Yes of course Crona, you worry to much even if Soul wonders why your sitting where he normally sits it was my idea anyway so just blame it on me. Besides it's not like me and Soul are attached at the hip or something we can spend time apart. Especially now that my weapon has another person to keep him distracted" she said still a little annoyed with what happened that morning. But refusing to stay in a bad mood another moment Makka perked up or at least forced herself to, just as Subaki and Blackstar took a seat on the other side of her.
"Hey Subaki, Blackstar" Makka said cheerfully.
"Hey Makka, hey Crona and Ragnorok" Subaki chimed sweetly leaning around Makka to give the pair a small wave.
"Hey what's Soul doing down there?" Blackstar asked in a loud voice that carried making a few people look.

Soul heard Blackstar's voice over the chatter of the other students and glanced up to see Blackstar frantically waving him over to squeeze in between him and Death the Kid, better that then to stay down here, he thought edging his way out of his current seat and heading up next to Blackstar. It was a tight fit but worth it, although he didn't bring up what happened despite Subaki's questioning look and Makka's obvious refusal to talk to him.
"Hey guys what's up?" he asked once seated.
"Soul, what were you doing sitting down there?" Blackstar asked loudly ignoring, or perhaps not noticing the look Subaki had given him.
"Just felt like a change of pace that's all" Soul lied playing casual

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-19-2011, 12:24 AM

"Ah! I could never blame it on you.....oh, well....I guess that's true." Crona said as he looked anywhere, but where Makka or Soul were. He couldn't blame her for a thing even if he wanted to. The last part confused him though. He didn't understand what she meant by someone else to distracted Soul. He wasn't going to ask her about it though. That would be too rude. "Oh, hello..." Crona said as Subaki waved to him. He didn't look at her, but he returned her wave with a small wave of his own. Crona jumped when Black Star yelled down at Soul. His heart skipped a beat in fear when Soul began to walk up to join him. "You better watch out now, Crona." Ragnarok said as he poked at Crona's cheek.

Blaire hadn't even been in the Nurse's office for a few minutes and she was already fast asleep. She could hear a few students that had come in to get her help, but she brushed them off as she rolled over and mumbled. She wasn't going to bother with them now. They could find something to fix themselves up. Blaire could feel someone touching her and she mumbled something about leaving her alone and she rolled over again.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 02:41 AM

"Yeah so why didn't you stay down there?" Makka asked a trifle annoyed that Blackstar had to speak up and bring Soul up to the group. Personally she would have preferred it if he had stayed down there. Taking a deep breath she willed the anger away, get over it, get over it, get over it. Finally calm she decided it would be best she not talk to Soul, it might just rile her up again. Seeing how nervous Crona looked Makka took his hand patting it lightly in an effort both to calm him and distract herself. "Crona don't look so nervous Soul won't eat you just because your in his seat" she assured him trying to force a sweet smile she didn't feel came off that well.

"Yeah Crona I'm not like Makka who holds a grudge against a little misunderstanding" Soul spoke up making Subaki literally wince, that would not go well at all. Soul fully expected Makka to give him one of her famous Makka chops with the current large book she was reading, so when it never came he was shocked. He didn't want it like this he wanted it back to normal between the both of them.
"Hey Soul is it true Blaire is the new school nurse" Blackstar suddenly asked loudly ignoring Subaki who tried to shush him. Always the intuitive one Subaki had an inkling of why Makka was this angry at Soul.
"Blackstar" Subaki hissed but he overrode her.
"Man I would so fake sick just to have her take my temperature huh Soul" Blackstar said loudly.
"Yes Blackstar she is the nurse and don't you dare try anything or I will hurt you" Soul warned fiercely.
"Course not she's yours I know that, but still man she's hot" Blackstar said

Last edited by NinjaKitty; 06-26-2011 at 02:51 AM..

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HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 03:24 AM

Crona was completely uncomfortable in the current situation. Makka's hand touching his own made him jump at first, but he calmed down a bit after he realized that she was just trying to help him. Crona's face was a bit red and when Soul began to talk to him he jumped. "Ah, but Makka has always been so nice to me..." Crona said as he looked timidly at Soul. He didn't like that Soul was saying such thing about Makka. "Makka is the nicest person I know." Crona said with a little bit more courage.

The sunlight that was pouring through the window felt nice against Blaire's skin. She groaned a bit as she rolled over and swatted at the thing that kept touching her. She didn't want to wake up, but if that person didn't leave she would have to. "Stop." Blaire mumbled, but they still didn't listen. She opened her eyes slowly and she saw was Professor Stein standing over he with strange instruments in his hands. There was a glare over his glasses from the sunlight and she was glad there was so she wouldn't have to see his expression. Blaire bolted up and back against the wall with a tiny little scream. She rolled off the bed and transformed into a cat and ran out of the room trying to find Soul.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 12:24 PM

"Thank you Crona, that's very sweet of you" Makka suddenly broke in smiling at Crona will somehow sending a glare of warning to Soul. Her hand had literally itched earlier to give one of her famous Makka chops to that stupid head of his, but she had controlled herself thus far.
But upon hearing Blackstar bring up Blaire she was filled with another small wave of anger, she couldn't help remembering what had happened. Was she making to big a deal out of it? Probably, but it wasn't often one got toast in the face.
"Makka why are you so mad at Soul?" Subaki ventured timidly.
"Because Soul is an insensitive jerk and we'll leave it at that" Makka said angrily.

"Me insensitive? Me a jerk? Alright I'll give you the jerk part but at least I'm up front about it. Really Makka I'm not the one who makes rude comments because she's jealous" Soul replied and even Blackstar knew he had gone a bit to far.
"Crona you only see what she shows you sometimes, try living with the girl and you'll see just how nice she is" Soul said leaning towards Crona and speaking in a low voice.

Makka heard him but didn't say anything, maybe he was right, but that didn't mean he had to be such a jerk.

\ (•◡•) /
HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-26-2011, 08:05 PM

"Ah....Well.....You're welcome." Crona said as he looked down at the table in front of him. He really didn't know how to handle this and he was kind of scared of Soul. Crona looked up sheepishly when Subaki asked Makka what was wrong. he had also noticed something off about Soul and Makka, but he was not even close to being brave enough to bring something up about it. Crona had been listing to Makka and Subaki when soul leaned in to whisper to him. "Ah....I...I...I would still think she nice...." Crona said as he looked down at his hands. It was much better than anyone else treated him so of course Crona thought she was nice. Crona couldn't really think of Makka not being a nice person to him.

Blaire had made it out of the Nurse's office and down the hall, but she was picked up by Professor Stein as she tried to run. She squirmed trying to get out of his grip, but nothing seemed to work. "Let me down!" Blaire said loudly as she looked up and glared at him.
Stein only glanced down at her and carried her down the hall to his classroom. "I'm going to use you as part of my experiment." Stein said as he opened the door to his room.
Blaire looked up at all the students in the room as she continued to struggle to get free. She didn't know what he planned to do with her, but she didn't want to find out. She transformed back into her human form and she was still wearing her Nurse's outfit. She pulled against him trying to free her hand. "I'm the Nurse not an experiment." She said looking around for a way to get out. She spotted Soul and Makka and she looked up at the with pleading eyes to help her get free from Stein.

NinjaKitty is offline
Old 06-29-2011, 08:24 PM

Makka saw Blaire before Soul did, the new nurse was being led in by Stein clearly intending to use her as an experiment for the class. Part of her wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of it, and another larger part told her she had to help the cat. Be the bigger person here Makka her brain yelled at her. Sighing she gave into the nagging conscious and jumped up talking loudly to be heard over the class. "Mr. Stein sir, you can't use Blaire in your experiments, she's the nurse that must be against some rules" she pointed out, unsurprised really when her words made no impact. They did though make an impact on Soul who's head jerked up. Subaki, Blackstar, Death, Patty, and Liz all jerked to attention to when Makka spoke up. At least she had people on her side to help.

Soul heard Makka dimly he was trying to block her out, but still he managed to catch a few of her words, mainly Blaire, Stein, and experiment but all of it clicked in his mind, Stein intended to experiment on Blaire well that was just unacceptable. Getting to his feet like Makka he too called down to Professor Stein, well that and he made his way down the aisles towards the front intending on getting Blaire away from the man. "Stein Makka is right I don't think you can experiment on students or employees why don't you just let me take Blaire back to the nurses office

\ (•◡•) /
HarukiAi is offline
Old 06-29-2011, 09:18 PM

Crona was a bit frightened when Makka stood up and yelled down to Professor Stein. He looked down to the bottom of the class room and kind of hid. Although he didn't or couldn't do a good job at that when he was just sitting there, but he tried not bring attention to himself. He saw Blair with Stein. They both scared him though for different reasons. He just didn't know how to handle Blair. He had meet her only a few times and every time he tried to hide from her. Stein on the other hand just scared because he was frightening. Sometimes he felt like he was worse than Medusa sometimes.

Blaire was a bit relieved when Makka and Soul both stood up for her. She really had to apologize to Makka now.
Stein looked down at Blaire then up at Makka. "I guess you're right." He said a bit upset that his students had ruined a chance for him to make an experiment. He let go of Blaire and looked at Soul, who was walking down to the ground floor. "Calm down, she's fine." He said although he really did wish he would have gotten a chance to use her as a subject.
Blaire looked up at Makka and then Soul and smiled at them showing them how happy she was that they had both helped her out. "Thank you~" She said happily although she still had a chill from being so close to Professor Stein.


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