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Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-12-2011, 05:10 AM

Nikita jumped on Cynthias back, Grabbing her by the Throat "You Shall Face the Wraith of a man who has been to hell and back again. I shall have revenge for what you have done!" He shouted, trying to strangle her.

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Old 06-12-2011, 06:35 AM

Cynthia watched as Dull started to walk in the portal as she felt a weight on her. She growled and snarled as Nikita jumped on her to try and strangle her. She thrashed around and grabbed him and slammed him on the ground hard. "You haven't seen Hell yet human. Your world will die and the rise of the Shikabanes will be grant. But jump on me again, and the one closest to you will die." she growled then walking in the portal as rage filled her body.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-12-2011, 07:00 AM

"Iv got to hurt her.....I havent tested this right yet....but its now or never. "He said, then began to concentrate. His body Began to shift as he tried to connect to his Shikabane form "Come on, come on, come on." he said to himself, The roared in pain as wings spurted from his back, His skin turned to scaled flesh and his eyes glew a Deathly orange.

[Sorry if this is god-moding Goth, but I just had this idea]\

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Old 06-12-2011, 09:04 PM

Cynthia stopped walking and turned around looking at Nikita as he started to change. She tilted her head and crossed her arms trying to figure out how a human is about to turn into a shikabane. Cynthia was confused but interested on what he was doing and enjoy this little fight.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 12:50 AM

"ohhh baaack...hehehahahahahaha!" The demonic voice utterd. His wings were dark black, his hands were Sharpend Claws, and a Deathly Demonic aura was eminatting from him. He looked at the princess "What is more beautiful then death....." It said, no longer sounding human.

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Old 06-13-2011, 03:41 AM

Cynthia stared as she felt his aura around her. She didn't show fear, she wasn't afraid of the shikabane Nikita had turn into. "This is ridiculious. A former shikabane turned human only to turn back into a shikabane. You are desparate and pathetic. If you actually paid attention, you would know what I have done." she said roaring loud and turned into her shikabane form. The gems on her wings glowed brightly and the chains that were still on her glowed black as her eyes glowed blood red. "What is it that you want with me so badly?" she asked growling and baring her claws.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-13-2011, 04:29 AM

"heheheheh.....i....want...."His Aura Grew to a even more intense level "REVENGE!!!" He raised his hand, and within moments a Ball of Tremendous energy grew and was growing more powerful by the minute. "You think your have not seen true power!" He raised his hands when the ball was at its max "DIE!" He shouted, then sent a Beam of energy at Cyntheia, On its way it Vaporized anything I canme in contact with.

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Old 06-14-2011, 04:26 AM

Cynthia stood straight as she lifted her hand and used her aura to stop the ball of energy from hitting her. The ball of energy hovered where her hand was, "You're existense is starting to annoy me. If we are done here, I am a busy girl, i have things to do." she said launching the ball of energy back and vanished inside her portal.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 04:31 AM

He Narrowly dodged, then Narrowed his eyes. "Like you will escape from me....."He then rememberd the girl who could open portals. He looked around and saw her, then snatched her up by her hair "listion to, Small shikabane, Take me to that Women Or suffer"

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 06-14-2011, 04:41 AM

Dimitri was grinning the entire time he fought the foolish skeletons that chose to attack him. Every so often he’d freeze on in place. “Come back and fight me when you thaw. Maybe then you’ll be worth my time.” He was growing bored of fighting the skeletons when he noticed that Cynthia had opened a portal. Crap, I can’t keep an eye on her if she leaves. Swiftly he moved towards the portal, passing by Death.

Maiara chuckled. “That is only what you think. I’m stronger than I was back then.” She could guess what Cynthia wanted and she wasn’t about to let her have it without a fight. Holding out her left hand she sent a blast of air at the puppet. It wasn’t a very strong blast, just one that was strong enough for her to get an idea of the puppets speed and agility.

Sezumie is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 01:38 PM

Dull looked after the woman,"Yeah, leave it to the Shikabane." She blinked when her hair was snatched up, looking up, she saw yet another Nova,"Even if I said yes, I can't just open portals for people like you~" She stuck her tongue out at the man,"Now let go god DAMNIT!" She was a few centimeters off the ground, and it hurt. Taking a candy cane, she went to stab the man holding her by the hair, hoping to hit him.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 05:19 PM

The candy broke on Contact "hmph, so be it"He said, he walked to the edge of a building, next to a gargoyle. "Suffer." He tied her hair onto the bottem of the Statue and let her hand from the side of the building, watching her in pain. he briefly dusted off bits of candy cane off his chest.

"Princess." Death called her, fallowing her "We have to go back, one of our Soldiers are there."

[um hes still in shikabane form xD]

Sezumie is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 06:01 PM

(Hey, Shikabane aren't hard skinned, so it should've done something ~)

Dull looked at the guy angrily, trying to untie her hair from the gargoyle. But her arms were too short to reach up. Groaning, she went to her last resort, drawing a circle in the air below her, and a portal opened. Waving her hand, snake like candy canes slithered out, making attempts to untie her hair. She flinched at the contact, it hurt, a lot, and she couldn't help but struggle in pain. Soon, her hair was loose, though a few locks of her hair stayed behind, tied to the building, but she was out in one piece. She fell onto the cold concrete,"Ow..."She mumbled, the faintest trace of tears in her golden yellow eyes. She was still young, and she didn't appreciate people pulling her hair, it was degrading. Rubbing her head, she let out a stream of curses, before standing. She drew a circle on the building wall, and in was her dreamworld, candy forest, bloody corpses and all. She stepped in, the Novas made a huge mistake, and she was going to make sure they payed for their actions, as soon as she got herself some candy. Shepicked a lolipop flower from the ground, sitting on the candy rock ground and licking it, plotting.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 06-14-2011, 08:12 PM

Nikita looked at the still opened portal "Dumb...."He said to himself, then jumped in. He smiled a devilish smile at the Carnage. "Beautiful, absolutly beautiful..." He said, then noticed a Sour-head bush and picked a couple "my favorites...." He said, poping a blue one in his mouth.

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Old 06-14-2011, 09:33 PM

The Cynthia Puppet looked at the blast then collapsed when it hit her. Cyn stood up and growled evilly as Mariara, then attacked with a shadow sphere. "I will end you soon, one day I will end you." she said as Cyn felt her wooden arm start to break and crumble a little. Cyn knew she was running out of time and tried to last as long as she could.

Cynthia stopped and looked at Death as he spoke to her, "Go get her and bring her back to the castle, I have used up too much energy. The portal remain open for an hour. If you're not back by then the portal will slowly start slowly close. I will try to leave it open longer." Cynthia said with concern in her voice as she limped weakly to her throne to regain her strength.

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Old 06-16-2011, 05:10 AM

After seeing the strange puppet dash into the air with a weird little threat of them being lucky that the puppet's REAL body wasn't here. Kuro simply glared up at it fly away and clenched his fists tightly, there was absolutely nothing he could exactly do about the situation at the moment due to him not really knowing enough about his power to go after the puppet. All of a sudden however when it spoke out about saying as though Kuro was an 'interesting' shikabane; without a single word he stayed standing there glaring up at the puppet as it was shot down by the other female next to him. With seeing the puppet fall from the air onto the floor; Kuro just stared in annoyance and slight confusion on what the puppet meant by an interesting shikabane. True, he thought it was rather weird that the mark protected him form being strangely unharmed from the unknown dark aura; but not enough to the point that it was be 'interesting'. Without a second thought, Kuro began to make his way over toward the princess only to kneel down by her curiously. "Miss Rouge?..are you okay?.." he asked with a slight bit of concern only to quickly turn back to look right back toward the other female. "Uhmm do you think we should get the princess somewhere safe?.."

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Old 06-17-2011, 12:31 AM

Rogue slowly opened her eyes, and seen Kuro looking at her. "Kuro, i-is that you?" she asked tilting her head and cleared her vision in her good eye. "Kuro, I'm so happy you are safe. I want you to stay in the castle, away from Cynthia and her minions." Rogue said weaklying hear the puppet and Mariara fighting. Rogue slowly started to sit up in her throne in pain. Cynthia had broken most of the barrier by force and causing pain to Rogue.

Puppet growled at Mariara and launched itself at her, "My mistress will be very angry if I don't bring Rogue to her or kill one of you." Cyn said summoning a sword and slashed it at her.

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Old 06-17-2011, 02:33 AM

Maiara was distracted for a moment as Rogue finally awake, so when Cyn’s puppet came at her she had little time to react. She dodged the swing, but the sword grazed her left arm. Quietly she cursed under her breath then raised her sword, swinging it at the puppet. “You’re not taking Rogue and you’re the one that is going to die, not me.”

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Old 06-17-2011, 05:32 AM

Puppet Cyn growled under at Mariara when she said the things even the real Cynthia angry. The puppet lunged at the mariara again. "That is enough to even piss me off." she said growling and snarling like an animal. Puppet knew she was running ot of time now. Her arm astarted to slowly decay and crumble away. 'Damn it, I have to hurry.' she thought to herself as she started to attack her again.

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Old 06-17-2011, 07:10 AM

Right as soon as Kuro had heard Rogue's voice come up asking if it was him; his own eyes widened right up from looking at the other girl fighting the puppet of Cynthia; right back toward Rogue on the ground in front of him. Seeing her reawakening back up from being unconscious was a relief to him as he nodded with a small concerned frown across his face. "Yes Princess Rogue. Its me." he spoke, it was rather strange to see how the princess seemed to be acting rather glad to know that Kuro was back but he didn't bother to say or ask anything about it. Rather he just tilted his head slightly to what she said about her wanting him to stay here at the castle and away from Cynthia and the others. Part of Kuro felt as though that was the right course of action for him since he wasn't exactly aware about who or what was even really going on around him; although another part of him felt useless when he heard that. It was almost as though he felt like he couldn't help anyone and was better off staying here at the castle out of people's way and to stay safe. With both of those thoughts running through his head, the mark just burned slightly on his right hand but once again; due to the strange dark aura around the area, he wasn't exactly able to feel much pain. "I'm not too sure...I can abide to those ask of me..Princess." he spoke with his tone still soft and just above a whisper so she could hear.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 06-18-2011, 02:53 AM

Maiara smirked slightly. Good I have her angry. Hopefully it's enough to could the real Cynthia's judgement. She blocked the puppet's attacks with her sword before jumping back. Flapping her wings hard she sent a gust of wind at the puppet, then charged towards it swinging her sword. She wanted to end this quickly for Rogue's sake.

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Old 06-29-2011, 10:55 PM

Rogue looked at Kuro with worry and fear, "Ku-Kuro, you have to stay here. Y-You are going to ge-get hurt i-if Cynthia gets her" she said loosing her strength to talk and fell back in her throne.

Puppet Cyn attacked Maiara again and tried to finally kill her with her sharpened claws. "Die!!!" she screeched as her arm crumbled away more and more and started to turn back into a pile of ash, slowly and painfully.


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