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Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-18-2011, 05:04 AM

((Hahaha, he woke up everyone early just because of Rusan)).

Rusan, who had fallen asleep about three hours ago, was awoken rather rudely as someone practically kicked his door in, telling him to get up. He immediately recognized the voice as belonging to Sir. He knew, from experience already, that he was someone not to be trifled with. Getting out of his poor excuse of a bed he stretched his wings a little bit, and donned on a pair of clothes that was in the bag. He followed out the other workers towards the large stage where he stood there as Sir basically told them that he would be leaving for the day. He smiled at this a little bit, thinking that this would be the perfect time for him to escape, but then in the back of his mind he knew that he would have to wait a little longer until he had enough money, and he could go under the radar of Kirill again.

Even thinking about his "old" master's name he felt a pang of guilt and sadness. Being here clearly showed him how much better off he was as a slave when he was with Kirill. He wouldn't be yelled at, wouldn't be woken up at 8 in the morning, and he wouldn't be sporting burn marks. He could stand the whip, but burn marks were going a bit to far. He watched as Sir left the stage, and immediately people began hustling and bustling around. He decided to follow a group of people and learn the ropes. The other workers were very friendly to him. They had been a little hostile at first because he was the reason that everyone had to get up early. Which he apologized profusely about, to which they laughed, and said that it wasn't really his fault.

They asked him about his life, and he told them everything as they cleaned the stage, and made sure that everything was ready for the patrons. They laughed and joked with one another and Rusan found himself smiling while with them, even though his current predicament in life right now sucked. They went around in a circle and named themselves. There was Raz, Farron, and Tai. Glancing at the clock they noticed that they had been working well into the afternoon. Walking over to the dining area, they had their rations of food for the lunch time, and then they went back to work. They didn't open that day until about 6 in the evening so they had some more time to get changed and converse among themselves. Rusan explained to the other people that were helping him get dressed that he would need some help along the way, but that he would try his very best. They all nodded and said that he would get the hang of it soon enough, and soon he would have to please other people. He pretended to be a completely novice at it, but that was a complete lie. Hopefully, they didn't see through it though.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-18-2011, 05:28 AM

James returned at a little after 3 in the afternoon. He hadn't heard many more details about the wanted slave and his oh so high and mighty master. Except for the guy had a bounty out at one million and his name was Kirill Nero. It was said that the man had hired three people already but the actually money would go to the one that found him and returned him. The news had put James in a better mood, or at least slightly. Once he returned to the club he whistled loudly to get all the slaves in order get their attention. "Attention little loves of mine! I've heard news that you'd do good to listen to. I've been picking word up for a man that is in search of his missing slave. The man has a bounty on his slave's head set at one million, alive of course. The man's name is Kirill Nero. I haven't heard word of slave's name but I would suggest you keep your ears on alert and tell me if you pick up any information, it would be in your bests interest." He smiled largely and glanced around the room, seemingly approving the cleanliness. "New guy, in my room." He said motioning to Rusan to follow him.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-18-2011, 05:57 AM

((Well shoot that makes me regret typing that he told people about his past))

Rusan continued to clean diligently, until he heard Sir come back into the building. He immediately shuddered, and then he slapped himself mentally for thinking that about the other male. He was not someone to be feared, he was someone to be hated. He came over with the rest of the workers and stood around where Sir was. He noticeably paled when he heard Sir mention that Kirill was still looking for him, and apparently there was a 1 million dollar bounty on his head for the return of him alive. He also immediately regretted telling other people that his whole life story. He hoped that Raz, Farron, and Tai were trustworthy enough not to tell his secret. Though they all wanted to get out from under Sir's thumb until they sold their debt back to the man, and if they gave him information about him, he wondered if they would be allowed to leave.

After Sir was done talking he looked up at him when he made a motion for him to follow him into his office. He swallowed a little bit as he hastily followed the other man towards his office as he heard the other workers talk among themselves, including Tai, Raz, and Farron. He prayed that they were trustworthy. Meanwhile at the group of people that were there Raz, Farron, and Tai talked among themselves as they debated on telling Sir about their new friend, Rusan.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-19-2011, 11:42 PM

James sat down in his 'business chair' and propped his feet up on his desk. The room was dim and was really just a make-shift office. The door to the right led to James's bedroom, the two hookers had long since left and the room was completely silent now, save James's rough breathing. He chuckled as he put out his cigarette. "These damn things will be the end of me I tell ya." He said as he sat up and motioned for Rusan to sit. "Maybe we got off on the wrong foot last night kid. You could be a good thing for this place, for me." He was silent for a bit as his eyes were glued to Rusan. "It occured to me that I never asked your name. Now normally I wouldn't care. I'd just call you whatever I wanted." He laughed. "But with that lovely bounty set, I figured a propper name is in order. And with that I need to make sure that you and I.. well we need to see eye to eye don't we? We need to understand each other just perfectly." He smiled darkly and lit another cigarette. "I want that money you see. I really want it. And I have a feeling you can help me. With the way you look, word'll get around. People will be coming to see you, many people. I need you to keep your ears on alert, ask questions. Get me the information that I need to get that slave and get that money." He flicked the ashes of his cigarette on the floor and was silent for a moment longer. "If you can do that then there'd be no need for you to work here any longer, if you catch my drift. Now then, what did you say your name was?" He leaned back in his chair, looking down at Rusan with a rather condescending look in his eyes.

Last edited by MissEuphoriaX; 06-24-2011 at 06:21 AM..

Is your light going to guide me?
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0ri0n83 is offline
Old 06-20-2011, 03:16 AM

Rusan followed after Sir into his office as he tried to figure out what the other male was going to tell him. He watched as the other male went to go and sit in a rather ornate chair as he looked at him as he saw him rest his hands on the desk. Rusan raised an eyebrow though when he heard the other male talk to him in such a friendly manner. This was indeed very odd. He was mistaken though when he heard the other male say that he was only being friendly to him because he wanted the reward bounty that Kirill had set out. Who wouldn't want the money, it was 1 million dollars after all. He wanted him to be his eyes and ears while on the floor performing his job.

When he heard the other male ask for his name he turned his head a little bit and looked at the floor. What should he do? Lie? Tell him the truth? Would he even see through his lie if he lied? He then thought about what the other male was capable of doing to him while he was still here. He had the burn to prove it, and that was on the first night as well. He cleared his throat a little bit. "My name Sir, is Fa- Rusan. My name is Rusan," said Rusan. He had almost caught himself in a lie, and he didn't want to have to deal with the consequences if Sir found out that he was lying. Kirill wasn't here to save him, nor was he certain that the other would even hear his silent pleas for help.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 06:32 AM

James kicked his boots up onto his desk and leaned back into his chair. "Hmm.. A'right. Rusan it is then." He took another long and silent drag off his cigarette before he crushed the only half finished end into the ashtray. He stood then and walked around desk so he could stand in front of Rusan. He took Rusan's chin and pulled his head up so he was looking straight down into his eyes. "Whoever owned you was a lucky sod. Poor bastard is probably heartbroken without you." He smirked as his fingers trailed down to Rusan's throat, his hand engulfing his neck easily. "So do we have a deal, Rusan?" He asked, his fingers tightening just slightly.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-24-2011, 07:22 AM

Rusan let out a sigh of relief. Clearly Sir hadn't noticed that he had almost slipped up. Maybe, living here, and not with Kirill wasn't going to be so bad. He then thought briefly of the friends, Raz, Farron, and Tai, and wondered if the other male's would say something about his identity. He knew that it had been foolish to say something knowing full well that Kriill was still hell bent on finding him. He watched though as he saw the other man take off his boots and then come around the table, approaching him. He instinctively took a step back, but he wasn't quick enough when his chin was grabbed and his face was turned upward to look into the other's eyes. He narrowed his own eyes when he heard Sir say that whoever owned him was a lucky person. He almost retorted with, whose to say that I was owned by someone, but then immediately stopped because 1. it was true that he was owned by someone, and 2. because he would have no way to explain, at least one that sounded trustworthy, how he had gotten his wings.

He stiffened a little bit as he felt the other male begin to trail his fingers down his neck as he closed his eyes as he flinched at the touch. "Y-yes," he managed to gasp out, since Sir tightened his grip on his neck slightly. "I understand."

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 08:12 AM

James smiled. It was a cruel and condescending smile. He pulled Rusan forward by his throat, closing the space between them. The bodies pressed against each other's awkwardly. He bent his head down and bit into Rusan's neck, keeping a firm grip on him. He ran is long tongue up to find Rusan's earlobe then. He squeezed Rusan's throat hard then, cutting off all oxygen. "Did he treat you like this? Your master? Is that why you left?" He asked, his hot breath against Rusan's neck, he completely reeked of cigarettes. He chuckled darkly and sunk his teeth into Rusan's neck again, biting and sucking hard. "Or maybe he wasn't strict enough and you simply got away. tsk tsk. Naughty thing you." He let go of Rusan's throat then, allowing him to breath. Another mood swing was about to take over, "Get the hell out now. You have work to get done. And I expect three hundred tonight, or I'll be very disappointed in you." He poking a large finger into Rusan's chest and waved him toward the door.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-24-2011, 08:27 AM

Rusan knew immediately as he saw the smile curl on Sir's face that he had made a terrible mistake. He knew now that staying with Kirill might not have been a bad thing. At least when he was staying with Kirill he had the comfort of knowing that Kirill had to follow the laws, but if what Sir said was true, then he was as good as dead if he did anything to displease him. He wasn't expecting the other to pull him forward, no less by his neck. He felt the air to his lungs begin get cut off, as he choked a little bit at the pressure that was on his neck caused by Sir. He cried out a little bit as he closed his eyes tightly as he felt Sir bite him rather viciously on the neck. He didn't even know what to say to Sir, nothing would probably end him another day of living though, so he kept his mouth shut. He figured that he would be let go after that, but he was wrong when Sir bit down on his neck again, this time a little harder in the same place. He cried out a as he felt tears begin to prickle at the edges of his eyes. He was in hell, utter hell!

He was battling with his own emotions as well as his own hormones. He knew that what was happening was wrong, but he found himself moaning out loud from the pain. He was truly a naughty, disgusting thing wasn't he? He coughed a little bit as he brought cool, semi-clean air into his lungs as he coughed a few times. He then heard Sir yell and tell him that he had to get to work if he was going to make his quota for the night, which was $300.00 dollars again. He knew that if he failed again then he might as well be better off dead. Besides, he also needed to talk to Raz, Farron, and Tai about not telling his secret no matter what. He was still kicking himself for that. Walking briskly out of the office, he saw that people were beginning to gather at the different booths as they all watched someone dance on the stage using the pole that was there. He wondered briefly if he would get more money if he would dance as well, but then shook his head. It would be a cold day in hell when that time came.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 08:43 AM

(lol I love Rusan.)

James lingered in his office a while longer, making a few phones calls, trying hard to grab any more information about this wanted slave as possible. Any more information would be like music to his ears. After a while he gave up and exited the room, heading out into the main area of the club, sitting in his regular spot at the bar. It was a rather crowded night.

A month had gone by and still nothing. No new information, no sightings. It was as if Rusan had disappeared into thin air, or so it seemed to Kirill. He was more frantic than ever. Losing nights worth of sleep, travelling all across the country. He even had people over seas looking for Rusan. He knew he'd never give up until Rusan was either dead or returned to him. And every little rumor, every little word he picked up off the streets gave him more drive. And now word had drove him to a crime infested city, one known for its illegal strip clubs. Unfortunatelly, the law couldn't touch most of them because the owners were all in with corrupted politicions and miltary men, Kirill found it disgusting. But none the less he was determined to comb the city from head to toe before moving on.

Is your light going to guide me?
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0ri0n83 is offline
Old 06-24-2011, 08:57 AM

Rusan went out on the floor and began working the customers, and by the end of the evening he had made enough money for himself to live off of for a little while, and enough to at least appease Sir for while longer. He was getting better and better at swaying the customers that he was serving into giving him more money. He didn't like the fact though that they were completely enraptured by his wings, something to which he prided himself on. That night he also found Raz, Farron, who was dancing, and Tai who was working at the bar, and talked with them about not saying anything to Sir. They all agreed and said that it was their secret, and that they would never rat him out. He smiled as he continued to serve more of the customers. He was glad that he had so many good friends.

A month had gone by, and Rusan found himself falling into a routine. Get up, clean the club, eat lunch, do more cleaning of the club, eat a light dinner, entertain the guests and patrons, and then give half of his earnings to Sir. He was lucky to say the least. Even though he had been here for at least 2 months, he hadn't been to the back room once. He knew it wasn't something to be proud of, but it was his own personal triumph. He knew that by the other's insistent looking that Kirill and other people were still looking for him. He was also glad that his friends hadn't said anything about it to anyone yet. He was glad that Sir didn't know that it was him. If he was found out all hell would break loose.

One day they had finished cleaning early, and they had ample amounts of free time. Since Rusan was doing such a good job he was allowed to go out of the club to the surrounding areas, and one such day he was asked to go. Rusan declined, hearing a few rumors here and there that Kirill had been in the neighborhood looking for him. He knew that his luck could only last for so long. He said goodbye at the door and waved as he went back to doing some last minute cleaning. Farron, Tai, and Raz ended up at the local diner. It was a nice day so they were sitting outside sitting and eating as they talked quietly among themselves.
"Man it has been getting worse and worse. The boss is going crazy finding that slave or whoever it was. Should we tell him, think about it we can finally leave and go back to our normal lives," said Raz as he took a sip from his drink. Tai and Farron looked utterly mortified. "How could you say something like that?! He is our friend. We can't rat him out," said Tai as he looked at Farron. Farron nodded his head, but he knew that if they were found out that they would be killed for sure. The three of them sat there quietly as they finished the rest of their meal as they paid, and then went back to the club where they would be performing soon.

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 06-29-2011, 07:20 AM

Kirill had moved on from the city after a week, but whatever word he received, as rarely as he did receive it, kept telling him to go back. It was frustrating. He didn't know where he could look that he hadn't already. Though throughout the trails his determination never faultered. He knew he'd get back Rusan sooner or later. Rather sooner than later. Though the longer it took to find Rusan the more odd feelings filled him. One day he was filled with a strong rage toward Rusan for running away, the next day he was more forgiving and only wanted Rusan back where he belonged. Everyday Kirill had to deal with roller coaster that was his emotions but none the less he pressed forward to find Rusan. Toward the tips had let him to an underground strip club. An illegal whore house that the government couldn't touch because of all the corruption. Everyone was paid off to keep their mouths shut and turn a blind eye.

Kirill sighed as he pressed the door open, the club was loud and dim, bright lights aimed at the stage and you had to walk through a cloud of cigar and cigerette smoke. Everyone one of the who-- 'employees' were male but Kirill couldn't picture Rusan hiding out in a place like this. He never thought Rusan's pride would let him sink so low. He took a seat at the bar but didn't order anything, he didn't plan to stay long. He just wanted to look over the crowd and leave.

James was seated at the opposite end of the bar. A large cigar hanging from his lips and a glass of whiskey in his hand. He set the glass down and walked around a bit until he found who he had been looking for. He threaded his fingers into Rusan's hair and clutched a handful of hair close to the back of Rusan's hair as he practically dragged him into his office. He nearly threw him to the ground as he shut the door behind them. "We need to talk." He said as he walked past Rusan to sit in his favorite chair.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 06-29-2011, 07:59 AM

Rusan, who had stayed behind, ended up being recruited to prepare some of the food that would be sold for the night. It was rather hot in the kitchen, but it brought back memories of his family, before the war. There weren't very many nice ones, especially with his father being at home, but the ones that he did remember he was always cooking or baking something. Baking and cooking made him feel like he was doing something important. Wiping his brow he looked at the clock that was in the kitchen noticing that it was getting closer and closer to show time.

He hated this kind of stuff, his pride was got the better of him sometimes, but he knew that the longer that he stayed here undetected, the better the chance that Kirill would give up his search. He had heard rumors from other employees that he worked with that there was some "high dignified military man" roaming about looking for someone. Rolling his eyes when he heard that, he knew immediately that it was Kirill. Walking back to his room he looked at the clean clothes that he had, and sighed. He was running low on clean clothes, he would have to do them soon, and the only thing that he could wear was a pair of form fitting black leather pants with red swirled into the pant legs, and a sorry excuse of shirt that was basically leather straps held together with glue. Tonight was going to be Hell on Earth for him. Donning the clothing he walked out and began serving drinks almost immediately.

He got so mesmerized in his work, for what it was worth, that he didn't even notice that Sir was near him. He knew though, who wouldn't have known, that Sir was there when he was violently yanked by his hair and dragged towards Sir's office. He was thrown to the ground rather harshly as he heard the door slam behind him. What had he done? He went through all of the different scenarios as he was lying on the ground. He managed to get into a sitting position on the floor as he figured that he wouldn't be allowed to sit down in a chair like a normal person. Y-yes," he managed to stutter out, cursing his own weakness. "W-What is it, Sir?"

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 07-02-2011, 09:52 PM

James put out his cigarette and stared down at his deck for a moment. "You and I have a problem." He said, resting his head in his hands as he looked up at Rusan. "I told you to be on alert. Pick up information. Its been a month and I've heard not one single word of information from you." He stood then and wanted to the front of his desk, leaning against it with his arms crossed he loomed over Rusan. "You've disappointed me."

Quickly he brought his leg around and slammed in against Rusan's ribs, kicking him just like the dog he was. "You see, I thought we understood each other. I thought he had a decent understand. Obviously.. I was wrong!" He said as he slammed his foot into him again on the last word.

He scoffed then and bent down to pick him up by his collar. "So why don't you tell me, Rusan, how exactly do you plan to make this up to me?" He said holding him at eye level for a minute before dropping him back to the ground. He was livid and fearful that this slave had already been caught and someone might have the bounty in their hands when James knew it was rightfully his own.

Kirill lingered at the bar, not daring to venture further out and wander around the club. He watched as many males stripped and danced erotically. They all teased and flirted. It was disgusting. But even more so, it was amazing. The level of their acting skills was outstanding. But still, he knew this wasn't a place he'd likely find Rusan was it was worth a look. And just maybe, Rusan wasn't the only reason he had wanted to stop by this place.

He caught the eye of one male that sauntered over to him and flashed him a flirty smile, Kirill smiled back. He wasn't interesting in seeking out 'a good time' but it never hurt to look. And be hit on was always an ego boost, whether the other males were merily acting and 'doing their job' or otherwise.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 07-02-2011, 10:28 PM

((He kicked my character. -whimpers-)).

Rusan could practically feel the temperature of the room plummet around him. He shivered a little bit as he waited for Sir to say something to him. He listened though when he heard James beginning to talk to him. He knew that he had a problem, but he didn't really know why. He learned though a few more moments later that James was upset that he hadn't gotten any information about the "slave" that the high and mighty officer was looking for. He was hearing plenty of information, but why in hell would he give himself up to the other male. He was trying to stay below the radar.

He took a hesitant step back as he saw the other male coming out from behind the desk again, but he wasn't fast enough to move out of the way of the kick that came flying at him. Taking the hit to the ribs he fell to the ground as he coughed out. He was pretty sure that one of his ribs was bruised, if not two of them. Staggering a little bit he managed to stay up on his feet. Coughing again he tried to get to his feet, but he felt the foot again pressing into his chest. He was most certainly sure now that he had a cracked rib or two.

He thought that it was over as he sat on the ground trying to assess the damage. He was then grabbed by the collar as he was brought up to eye level with James. He heard what the other was saying. He didn't know how to answer though, and he knew that if he ended up saying something that he would make the other male even angrier. Swallowing his pride, amazed that he still had some after spending time with Kirill, he looked at the other male with fearful eyes as he managed to play the submissive worker as he said,"I will work harder and try to do anything that you want me to do."

Your forever is all that I need.
MissEuphoriaX is offline
Old 07-03-2011, 07:23 PM

James chuckled. "You're damn right you will." He patted Rusan on the head like a dog and sat down in his chair again. "Disappoint me again and things might just turn violent." He said, as if he hadn't just kicked Rusan and dropped him to the floor. He turned his chair sideways then, opening a drawer of his desk that contained his drugs, he was starting to come down from his high and he couldn't let that happen. "Now get out and finish making your quotta." He said, not bothering to look at Rusan after that.

Kirill's attention had been occupied by the boy that was now straddling his waist, whispering all kinds of profanity and temptations of lude acts into Kirill's ear. Kirill would be lying if he said it wasn't enticing. If only for the experience alone. However he didn't plan on advancing but nor was he going to give the guy any reason to leave his lap.

Is your light going to guide me?
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Old 07-03-2011, 10:46 PM

Rusan felt the other man pat his head like he was some dog, but he dared not shake the hand off of his head. He just decided that it would save him the trouble and the pain if he just sucked up his pride and didn't say anything. He heard Sir say that if he disappointed the other male again that things could turn violent. Rolling his eyes a little bit he wondering what the other considered violent. He had just been kicked twice, and he was pretty sure that he had a few cracked ribs as well. "Very well," said Rusan as he bowed to Sir as he began walking to the door. "I will not disappoint you."

Walking out of the door he glanced around the room and in the darkening room he saw a flicker of people's faces in the flashing lights of the stage where there were people dancing. He was so glad that he never had to dance up there. He was only going to take so much from these people, and that was crossing the line for him. Closing the door behind him he went over to the bar and looked to see if there were any people that needed assistance with passing out the drinks to the customers.

They handed him a tray of drinks and told him that he would be heading over to one of the private party rooms to leave the drinks. Nodding his head he took the tray and then disappeared behind a curtain that was draped over a door as he walked down the hallway to one of the large private rooms. As he continued to walk down the hallways he was hearing all sorts of sounds of pleasure and some of pain as he continue to walk down the hallway to the door that he was supposed to go to.


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