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Shotacon is offline
Old 07-28-2011, 02:46 PM

Angeal Pureheart: Raiho rubs Raven's arm in a comforting manner. He whispers in the younger one's ear, "It's alright. Just tell them the truth! What you can do, how much you want to help them, how digusted you are with how they were treated, stuff like that! I know you can do this love!" With that he places a soft peck on Raven's cheek and leans back. All eyes are on the two outsides. Eyes filled with hope and desperation. Little Kalas shifts around on the spot beside a slightly oder looking lupis.

fairywaif: The woman tries to speak up, but the man swiftly cuts her off. "Years ago, the humans got ahold of several of our kind. Rather then killing them imediately, they got smart. They kept them, and exparimented on them. They found a way to kill us at a great distance, if they could just perfect a delivery device." The woman interupts, "Yes, but if we whipe them out before they have a chance to complete it, then it will NEVER be something we have to fear! Even if we make thei "peace" with them, do you think the more radical element won't cintinue working on the device?! You are a fool Hacinian!" The table erupts into a squable of raised voices.

Why of coarse dearie! Let's get to work!
The Aidl begins relaying step-by-step instuctions slowly and precicely as the girl cooks. The lights are soft but illuminate the entire area with a pleasant glow. The sounds and smells of the food cooking create good feelings

Moxie: "Why yes I am, the name's Husky! Nice t'meet cha." Looking the girl up and down, she glances at the scroll in her hand. "I see here you're full human! We don't get many of you guys around here, but oh boy do you got some punch!" Holding out her hand, Husky smiles. "Put'er there! By the way, love your hammer! Looks like it's got some heft to it! I can see you winning yourself some arena time." The breeze blows gently across the area causeing the woman's scent to dift over to the girl. The smell of cedar and tea leaves dirft past sweetly.

Last edited by Shotacon; 07-28-2011 at 02:46 PM.. Reason: Fixing things

The girl next door
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Hana_Ryuzkai is offline
Old 07-28-2011, 07:23 PM

Jasmin fallowed the directions as precicly as she could as the device read them to her. As the smells of te food wafted through her home, the girl couldnt help smileing a little wider each time she smelled the aroma and remembered she was in her own home. This had been one of her dreams since she was a child. Living in her own place, cooking her own food, and having company over. It was all just waht she had hopped it would be and more, so much more that she felt something roll donw the side of her cheek. It was a tear, one filled with joy and happiness, not fear, sadness, or pain. Realizing this Jasmin couldnt help but stepp back from her cooking and heave a deep breath. It was all beginning to over welm her a little.
"Oh, why am I crying!?" She asked herself as she cupped her face in her hands. "This is the first time I've ever felt safe, or happy, thats why I think!" She added with a small whimper escaping her. "Its just too wonderfull, I don't want it ever to end!" she whined her body quivering ever so slightly as she cried in the center of her kitchen.

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 07-28-2011, 09:13 PM

Raven smiles. "Well. Where I come from, my kind are known as Elementals. We control the element that corresponds to our nature. Notice I said element. Singular, but some of us... Are born with the ability to control two or more of the 5 elements. Water, wind, earth, fire, and lightning." He sighed and took a deep breath. "Those who can control more than one are cast out at birth because they are considered to powerful. I survived and am now a master of both water and air. I was sent here along with Raiho in order to use my powers to free you from oppression. THe way you and your people have been treated is just disgusting. We are here to put a stop to it and if needed, help you reestablish a new from of government." With that he bowed slightly and thanked them for their attention. He then turned it over to Raiho. "This here is Raiho." He smiled and looked at the beautiful man before him.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 07-28-2011, 10:48 PM

"Wait! Okay, does anyone know where this device is being built? I obviously have to at least slow their progress before I can negotiate the two sides. Even a continent would help. Once I do that I'll see what I can do to get them to meet you without putting either side in danger. Where would it be best for them to meet you if I can mange to talk to them?"

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Shotacon is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 01:43 PM

It's all right dearie, I'm sure you're just very happy. It happens sometimes when humans are overjoyed. Don't be upset dearie. Here, Mr. Bedavest is almost here. Why don't you go clean yourself up before he gets here, hmmmm?

Angeal Pureheart: Raiho bows slighly, giving Raven's hand a reasureing squeeze. "Hey there. I know we've gotten to know each other recently, but for those of you I haven't talked to...I am Raiho, a fallen one. I know your suffering, I can feel it. it is one of my gifts... I'm positive that Raven and I will be able to help you. I hope you will all trust us, and in us, to help you out of these dark times." Turning to the elemental Raiho asks, " So, anything to report on about the castle or any idea what we all should do luv?"

fairywaif: A roar of objections and suggestions burst forth at the line about meeting, the only clear line in the shouting match is that the device is a place called Lebora somewhere on the main continent. The kings swiftly calms the riot enough to whisper to the girl, "It's not going to go forward anytime soon. You are free to roam as you may for now. I will call a meeting agiain tomorrow." Looking over at the grumbling nobels he adds, "Hopefully they will be in better spirits tomorrow, no?" With a chuckle, he waves the girl off.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 07-31-2011, 08:42 PM

Liuliana nods and slips away. Partially what she wants to do is learn more about their culture. Learning about both the merpeople and humans as much as possible should avoid mishaps and help them understand each other.
"AIDL, where would be the best place to go if I wanted to find out about merpeople culture and customs?"

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 08-01-2011, 04:14 AM

Raven thinks for a moment... "Well... Aidl told me that the castle was not the power sourse that we are looking for. The barrier is an interesting one though.. The more force you used to pass through the harder it pushes back... But if you just let yourself easy through it is all ok.I did not get clse enough to see it's inhabitants but I was able to see them patroling the walls..." He finished his report as Raiho's final word cought up with his brain and he gave a huge grin and kissed the man very happily and hugged him tight. Not tight enough to stop breathing but tight enough to let the other knew he was happy. "As for what we should do.... We need to find out where this big scary guy is and do a recon..."

The girl next door
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Old 08-01-2011, 02:36 PM

Jasmin wiped her face of the now drying tears and heaved a heavy sigh. The device was very helpfull and brought up a good point, Her handler would be here soon and if she looked like she did now, he would worry. "lets see, what was that spell!" jasmin said under her breath as she sniffled and continued wiping stray tears from her face. "Oh i remember,Animieren " Jasmin breathed thus cauing all of the pots and utencels she needed to animate, as if they were alive and could do as told. "good, please make sure the noodels dont get over cooked," She said to the pan and spoon that were resurved for the noodels. "Please keep the sauce from burning, and when the noodels are done drain them, once everything is done please place then in this pan!" She comanded, the utencels danced as if to say "yes Ma'am" and went about finishing the dinner. Jamin gave a small satified smile and wandered off to the bathroom. Once inside she grabbed herself a towel and a washcloth. she did look a little worse for wear, dirt was smuged here and their on her face, her brown hair was a little messy, and her eyes were puffy and red from crying.
"Oh dear, ill have to fix this mess!" She stated as she searched the drawrs for something to fix her hair, thankfully their was a small ammount of combs and brushes, these would do for now. carfully jasmin pulled the bruch through her tangled mess of hair slowly reveling how straght her hair could be. once finished she went to washing up, she removed the dirt from her arms, face and neck. doing this made her feel very rejuvinated it had been a long time since she had actually been able to wash up and now that she was cleaner she felt so much better. "I think ill go shopping for furnitur tomorrow,cloths are inportant but i would like some place to sit before i worry about fashon!" she said to herself as she examined her reflection. Nothing out of the orinary just a plane heart shaped face,with very vivid teal eyes and full lips. She found nothing about her attractive, but then again she could see if some one did.This a nother small sigh Jasmin stepped from the bathroom and back to the kitchen. "You all are doing such a wonder full job, thank you!" She saitd to all of the dishes she had animated. They stopped their fork for a short moment danced at the praise then continued on.

Irritated Scientist
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Moxie is offline
Old 08-02-2011, 02:07 AM

Urit accepts Husky's hand with her own. The glove on her hand is a supple leather; soft and pliable. She smiles at the woman, sensing something of a kindred spirit within her. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am still a bit in the dark about being here so I felt I should attempt to be prepared. I suppose all will be revealed in due time." Sh smiles at the woman as she speaks, maintaining eye contact.

"I don't suppose you know where I can get a shower? I have a week worth of dust to wash off of me and I wouldn't mind changing my clothes." She eyes the woman a moment, "I am not certain exactly what a handler does to be honest with you, but I shall try not to make myself too much of a bother to you."

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Shotacon is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 10:01 PM

I would suggest the Palace Library Ma'am. My databse indecates there are thousands of volumes on culture there.

Angeal Pureheart: A few of the stronger Lupins Jump up and begin making preperations for doing some scouting, while Raiho coughs slightly at the forceful hug. Pressing a light kiss to Raven's forehead he whispers, "We should split up to search. I can't exactly be as invisable then you, but I think I fly faster." Rubbing the top of the elemental's head he steps back and spreads his headwings, preparing to take off.

Hana_Ryuzkai: Melusia arrives at his ward's home. He can smell the wonderful aroma coming from the place and smiles happily. With a quick adjustment to his hat, he knocks lightly on the door.

Moxie: Husky laughs at the girl's worry. "Ah, no bother It's my job after all." Puoring over her scroll she taps a few places and suddenly a small strip of paper slides out of the edge. "'Ere we go!" Ripping off the small slip of paper, Husky hands it to the girl. "Each newcomer is given a place to stay. Seeing as we weren't sure how long you're staying, you got an apartment a few blocks from the arena. Don't worry 'bout payin' anythin', s'all free here s'far as necessisties go!" Smiling at the girl she cocks her head. "Any more questions for me now? Oh, all you have to do is give the paper Aidl and it'll show you the way to your place"

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 10:24 PM

"Thanks AIDL." Liuliana headed towards where she thought the library was. She took a few wrong turns, but after gettign directions from another guest she was finally able to find it. It was magnificent. She glided in and looked at the volumes. They were arranged by a system she didn't recognise.
"Is there a librarian in here? I'm looking for some books."


"Thanks AIDL." Liuliana headed towards where she thought the library was. She took a few wrong turns, but after getting directions from another guest she was finally able to find it. It was magnificent. She glided in and looked at the volumes. They were arranged by a system she didn't recognize.
"Is there a librarian in here? I'm looking for some books."

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 08-05-2011, 06:56 AM

Raven smiled at the sight. "How beautiful." He stated and headed off in the opposite direction following some of the other lupis so to protect them when and if they need him to be there to protect them. "Fear not good people! I am her if anything should go amis!" He cheerd them, and to try and instill more hope into them he created a huge air pocket around them as they entered an area with unclean air.

The girl next door
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Old 08-05-2011, 03:59 PM

Jasmin giggeled at the utencels before turning at the sound of some one at her door. With a quick turn on her heel Jasmin nearly skipped to the door and opened it with a flick of her wrist. Standing outside was her handler, the one person she was expecting for the night. A light smile plaied on her lips, as she stepped aside to welcome him in.
"Oh good your just in time!" Jasmin stated as she extended her left arm to welcome the man in. "Please come in. I just had the dish put in the oven, but it shouldnt be long now!" She said as she shut the door after Melusia. "I dont have much yet, but ill work hard and soon this will be a home insted of empty rooms!" Jasmin said with a giggle as she led the way into the home. The sound of running water and clatering of dishes came from the kitchen causing jasmin to peek in at the utencels she had left. They were washing themselfs without being asked to, what wonderfull things they can be! She though the smile getting a little wider as she turned to speak with Melusia. "So, what do you think?" She asked both hands clasped together as she stood close to the kitchen entrance.

Irritated Scientist
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Moxie is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 06:53 PM

Urit nods at the slip of paper. "Hmm, thank you. I will inquire with the AIDL about directions. It is unusually generous of this place to offer free amenities. Is the city rich?" She smiles at the friendly woman. "So, do you know why they've called me here? I was guessing they needed something from me specifically- though I cannot really imagine what. There are more talented people about. I mean, if they are offering free accommodations and necessities, I am guessing they need something from me in return. Seems only fair."

Urit adjusts her satchel, dusting it off a bit. Her loose clothing swirls around her as a light breeze gusts through the area. She brushes her dreadlocks over her shoulder and looks back toward the water and the playing children with a smile. 'I wonder if my children will be allowed to come...and my husband...' she muses silently as she watches them a moment longer before turning back to her handler.

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Shotacon is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 10:21 AM

fairywaif: Barinz follows the girl closely as she leaves the confence hall. Arriving at the library, the merman makes his way over to the desk where a young mermaid drifts langudely behind a stack of books. Her attention caught up in what she's reading, she doesn't notice Barinz until he coughs lightly. Startled, she drops the tome which floats gently to the floor. "Oh, I'm sorry, may I help you?" Barinz shakes his head, ever somplosed, and points over his shoulder at the girl paruseing the shelves. A look of wonder comes to the mermaid's face at the sight of the outsider. Without a seconds hesitation she swims over he stack of books and moves swiftly to the girl's side. "Hello there!" She chimes in her high voice. "My name is Marlina, and I'm in charge of the library today. Is there any way I can help you?" Her excitement dances in her voice as she speaks.

Angeal Pureheart: Many of the Lupis laugh at the boy's seemingly jovial nature. Giving a nod in thanks, the lead scout begins treking through the forest. Several of the stronger lupis stay behind to defend the camp. After an hour's travel, the party comes across a grizly scene of carnage where several Lupis lay shrewn about, their bodies torn appart. Several of the yonger warriors let out low howls, while the older ones begin picking through the carnage looking for anything useful.
(Authors note: You may wan to ask about what happend here in your post)

Hana_Ryuzkai: Melusia smiles warmly at the girl. 'Her mood has certainly improved greatly! I am glad she's liking it here. She deserves a good place' His mind flips back over the file about her past, and his smile redoubles at her twinkling eyes. "Why thank you for invitng me cherri! I am mosy honored to be a guest of such a lovely young lady!" Tipping his hat to her, he follows her inside. Removing it completely, he hold it in her hands as he listens to he speak so strongly of hard work. 'Such a fine young one' Chuckling slightly, he recognizes the spell aura in the air. "I see you've made yourself some little helpers! It is a difficult spell to control, but I see some masterful spellwaeving here. It is quite beautiful cherri!" Reaching out he takes Jasmin's right hand and plants a feather light kiss to the back of it. Twirling her around he moves further into the house ant looks about. "It is very well suited to you cherri, and I can't wat to see it finished" With a wink he adds, "If you wish to invite me back then that is." Taking a deep breath ha lets out a small satisfied sound. "It smells divine. When will it be ready cherri? Do we have time for, "With a wave of his hand a bottle of red wine and two glasses appear on the table, "a drink?" His smile remains waide, the tips of his enlongated canines poking out slightly.

Moxie: Husky chuckles heartly. "Well, it's not exactly rich, but no one here really wants for any necessities. Papa makes sure of that!" Her hand jumps to her mouth and she chides herself lightly. "Op, well, y'shouldn't be callin' him Papa like me and mah siblin's do. 'Ere he's know as the Creator. He's th' one who boult this place, and the one who keeps order." Shrugging slightly, Huskey adds, "As fer what is wanted of you, it's nothing big. Simply by being 'ere yer helpin' out. Though by the looks of yeh, "she says, looking the girl up and down aagain, "You'd make a fine Hero! But we can talk moer about that after yeh get tha' shower ya were askin' fer. Want t' meet outside yer place? I think there's an open caffe across the street from it. . . ."

Last edited by Shotacon; 08-15-2011 at 10:47 AM.. Reason: Spelling

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 10:49 AM

"So do any of you speak the same language as me? Cause if not this is going to be a little... Boring... " He asked them after a couple hours before looking ahead and seeing why everyone had stopped and were making howling noises.

Raven looked around and almost began to gag. Walking up to the leader he poked his/her arm. "Excuse me... But what exactly happend here?" He asked looking around and shaking and the groosum scene.

(That's it about all I COULD do was ask what happened.)

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 07:28 PM

"Hi Marlina. I'm Liuliana. I was hoping to find as many books on merpeople customs and culture as I could. If you possibly have anything on humans, I'd appreciate that too. Thoughts about them, things they've done. I need as much information as possible." Liuliana floated, her fins waving back and forth.

Irritated Scientist
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Old 08-16-2011, 04:17 PM

Urit smiles and nods, listening to Husky as she talks about the Creator. "Meet outside my place? Sounds lovely...say an hour and a half at the cafe you mentioned? I wouldn't want to keep you from other things you need to attend to." She pauses for a moment and smiles, "You said the AIDL will give me directions to the address? Is there anyone I should ask for to get the key?"

Urit tilts her head slightly, looking at the AIDL. "Is it voice activated? I have not used one before." She chuckles softly, her dark cheeks tinting just slightly red as she confesses her ignorance. She knew she was from a backwater, but she didn't like to make it overly known.

The girl next door
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Old 08-21-2011, 12:50 PM

Jasmin couldnt help smileing at Melusia's comment about the spell she had cast, it was indeed a rather difficult one to manage but she had pratice! "I know the utencels mean well when they go over board, but I've had much praice in keeping them in check!" Jasmin replied as Melusia took her hand and kissed it. She could only stair at the man in slight confution as he did this. No one had dared touch her or even come near her unless they had a rock or wepon in their hand, so the gester was somewhat lost on her. The twerl only made her humm a amused sigh as she spun easly on the tips of her toes and around to fallow Melusia. "I would be more than honnored to have you come over again!" Jasmin stated rather excitedly. She hadent had many friends specally not after they found out what she was, so hearing that someone was willing to spend time with her was more exciting than anything else. "Oh dinner should be ready in a little bit!" She replied with a kind smile as her handler formed wine and glasses. This only made her giggle a little, why was beyond her perhaps it was because of his toothy smile, or because he congered the drink. "I believe we do!" Jasmin replied with a smile and a small nodd of her head. "To be honest Ive never had this kind of drink before!" She stated as she leaned forwared, both hands clasped together behind her back, to examin the bottle Melusia held. "Ive only ever drank water, because it was easer to come by." Jasmin said with a small giggle.

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Shotacon is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 04:13 PM

Angeal Pureheart: A few lupis begin digging graves for their fallen comrades, while others sit in mourning. One of the older warriors turns to the young man and says with a heavy heart, "This is what is left after that tyrant sends his demons after us. Somehow they find exactly who they are sent after, and we can not smell them coming." Shaking his large grizly head the old one moves to some of the young ones still on their knees. Pulling them to their feet he encourages them to turn their sadness towards the right place, and leave the grieving for later.

fairywaif: Marlina bliks rapidly for several seconds, making a quick metal list of the books she'll need. "Right away." she chirps before darting off between the shelves to find what was asked for. Slowly a large stack of books pile up on a nearby table as she stacks tome after tome of all things the guest had asked about. As soon as she's finished, she drifts over to the girl and asks, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Moxie: Husky chuckles at the girl flusteredness. The second she asks about voice activation the Aidl chimes out -Voice mode activated- "That lil trinket there is very use friendly, don't choo worry 'bout it. Mos' people keep it in voice mode, and I swear the longer you keep it in that mode, the faster it smartens up to yer preferances." Waving her hand as if she was batting away a fly she adds, "And no keys needed, your Aidl will work for that too. Mos' people don' bother locking up with the Creator keepin' an eye on it all, but if'n you prefer locked doors, it can lock it electronicly from anywhere in the city, and vice versa." With another hearty chuckle, Husky bows out heading off to deal with another matter.

------High above the Creator smiles at the newcomer, watching as her energies flex with every action. With a light flap, he turns and heads back to Center for an update------

Hana_Ryuzkai: Laughing softly deep in his chest, Melusia moves over to the table. "Wellcherri, I do hope you enjoy this. It is a local brew froma berry my Papa discovered on a dieing world." Uncorking the bottle, he pours the dark liquid into the glasses, filling them half way. As he hands over the glass, he continues the story. "The world had nearly lost it's connection to Grargoth completely, but a few beings managed to get through right near the end. aving been farmers, they brought with them some seeds and plants, but the soil here needed a treatment before they would grow. Papa. . . .Papa left to the world for less then a day to bring back what was needed. I believe the whole of Grargoth felt his departure." Swirling his drink a few times, he takes a sip before continuing. "It was not just my breathren and I who felt the lss of his absence, though we felt it the deepest. But, I believe it was well worth it! On his trip he found a patch of berries that caught his attention, so he brought back several bushes to plant in the treated soil. Though the people are long dead now, their crops still grow under caring hands in the farming center of the city." Taking another sip, Melisia tilts his head to the side. "So cherri, is there anything you miss from your world? Anything you wish you had brought with you?"

Last edited by Shotacon; 09-13-2011 at 04:13 PM.. Reason: Spelling

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 09-13-2011, 10:01 PM

Raven looked at all of the boddies "Oh my word...." After awhile when the bodies were being placed in the whole Raven could no longer bare it and began to cry. As he cried the clouds darkened as a storm rolled in and rain began to patter down. The wind began to chill and blow stronger and the rain fell a little heavyier. Soon the clouds began to grow in size and get darker as lighting jolted from cloud to cloud. "How come someone be so cruel?" Raven spoke up through the winds though they were blowing strongly his words flowed IN the wind and carried to every ear clearly. "I promise. We will solve this. We will fix this. i will not allow this unjustice to go without punishment." He then began walkingin the direction of which they were headed. As he reached the end of the clearing he stopped.

"Something is coming. Something evil." Though his words were that of bad news he smiled and his grin became malicious. "I thinks it's time we give them a little pay back hmm?" He asked as he slammed both hands into the ground and began to slowly and what looked like laborously move them up into the air. Soon screams and shouts could be heard as bodies began to float in a giant bubble of water above the forest bringing them closer it showed that they were creatures with bodies like that of gremlins and heard of tigers. Their claws razor shap and their teeth long as stake knives. "It would seem these guys can move fast on land but not well in water. What say you? What should we do?" He voice still flowed in the wind and sounded nothing like his usual self as the rain still pounded down.

Squall Ravenhart
Squall Ravenhart is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 10:46 AM

Circa cautiously opened one eye. Okay so what had just happened?
Opening both eyes she had a quick peek around.
Huh, that was a huuuuuuuuuuuge wall!
Her dog Largo shoved his nose against her shoulder, nearly knocking Circa over.
She laughed and tugged his shaggy black fur lovingly.
"Okay okay" she said. "Let's go and have a look"

As Circa got closer to the wall she had to crane her neck just to see the top.
"Stupid tall people" she muttered to herself. "No thought for us smaller folk".
"Ok, now what? There must be a door or something".

Suddenly she felt one of her many many coat pockets vibrate.
"Huh? What's this?"

It took several seconds for Circa to find the right one, sticking a hand in she withdrew a strange rectangular thing.

"Greetings m'arm"

Circa was so surprised to hear it talk she nearly dropped the thing, only quick reflexes saved it.

Largo growled, hackles rising.

"Hush Largo it's just the thing I got from that warrior. How can you talk?" she addressed the question to the rectangle.
"I am an Aidl m'arm. I am here to answer your querys and help you into Grargoth".
"Is that what this wall is?"
"One the other side m'arm. Just press me to the wall and enter".

Circa looked questionably at Largo.
He huffed back.
<Do what you want I can't usually stop you> he spoke in her mind. <'Though we usually get in trouble for it>

Circa grinned at him. "Come on, at least it won't be boring"

With that she turned back to the wall at pressed the Aidl up against it.

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Shotacon is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 12:10 PM

Angeal Pureheart: The creatures writh and scream in the floating orbs of water. Several of the warriors turn to look. A few draw their lips back into fierce snarles. One of the elders steps up so that he stands under Raven. "Those there are the evil one's tackers. When he send out his men, they bring these along to track us," He calls up in a raspy voice. "They give no quarter, so show them none lad." He cries, the others gathered bellow agreeing in loud howls and roars.

Squall Ravenhart: Moments after the Aidle touches the wall, it shifts beneath the devices face. Seconds later where there once was wall is now an iron gate. The bars have a dull black sheen, like that of volcanic glass. The Gatekeeper looks down at the small one bellow and with a smile he spreads his wings. Hopping lightly off the wall beside the gate arch, he flaps his wings a few times to slow his decent before landing with a loud thump beside the small one. About twice the height of a full grown human, the large wiged dinosaur does it's best to look the halfling in the eye. "Well now, it has been some time since I've seen one of your kind here. A true pleasure." The Gatekeeper bows slightly, and with a low cackle he takes off at a slight run. Taking laboriously to the air, he makes a few sharp tuns before returning to his place beside the gate arch. Raising his claw toes wings he takes hold of the gate lever. "Welcome to Grargoth, the city between." he cooes, pulling down on the leaver.

With a light creak the large iron gates swing inwards. Just beyond the gate lay several cottages with whisps of smioke comeing from their many chimnies. Children or all shapes and sizes run about in the streets, a few stopping to look at the gate as it swings open wide. A town square is just visible between the cottages with a well in the very center. Above and beyond the collection of small homes large buildings made of glass and metal rise high into the sky.

Squall Ravenhart
Squall Ravenhart is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 12:36 PM

Temporarily startled by the giant dinosaur Circa stares open mouthed, speechless.
Finally Largo decides he's had enough and nudges her towards the now open gate.
As they pass through Circa can't help but continue looking at the flyer.

"That's new" she murmered to herself.
<Am I going to have to push you alll day?> Largo grumbles at her. <Because my nose is getting tired>

"Don't be such a grumpy-guts" retorted Circa, a huge grin on her face. "I was momentarily surprised, thats all".

The halfling turns to look at the revealed city.
"This looks even more fun than the last place we were at!" she exclaims.
"Where shall we go first?"

Largo's stomach grumbles and he whines.
Circa giggles at him, "surely you can't be hungry already Largo?"
He just looks at her.

Circa sighed. "Ok first stop food".

She looked at the Aidl, absently twirling the end of her long green ponytail round one finger.
"Yes m'arm?"
"Do you know the best place to get something to eat?"

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 09-17-2011, 01:17 PM

Squall Ravenhart:

-Well m'arm, there are several free shops around here for raw foods as well as pre cooked foods. Also, in about an hour the nearby people will be holding a small festival to celebreate the first harvest. The festival will have free fruits and vegetables. If you have any form of currency, there are some of the more higher class eateries just down the street and to the left. Would you like a map?-

As the Aidl speaks, several of the cildern nearby stop to stare. Their eye are locked on the small device in the girl's hand. They begin whispering to one another in voices just loud enough for the girl and her dog to over here a few things. "Must be one of the new heros. I wonder what she can do!" "That dog looks so big, I wonder if it's friendly" "Maybe we can pet it?" "But wait, what if it's one of those smart beasts? I wonder is Mister Melusia will be overseeing her too."


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