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How's Annie?
zeapear is offline
Old 08-04-2011, 09:22 AM

Dearest _____,
I don't want you to go. You are my oldest and most faithful friend, and I don't want to see your spirit crushed by a new school, and I won't be there to help. The day you told me you'd be leaving on Friday I felt empty inside, but when I got home I crawled into bed and cried until my eyes and head felt heavy, thinking of all the times we had together and how, not once, you never said anything mean to me. Ever. For five years. Most people aren't lucky enough to have a friend like you, but I feel privileged having known you, and you will stay in my heart forever.
Upon you I wish every possible happiness, and I'll pray for you at your new school. I apologize for everything I ever said bad about you, to your face and behind your back, and I'm sorry for not being the best friend I could have been.
I know 'Rose' is my 'best friend', but I feel much more comfortable talking to you. I go to 'Rose' when I want to have a conversation about something everyday, but I go to you for comforting, for a hug, for a rant, a talk about boys, for a conversation that no one else would bother listening to. I honestly don't know what I'll do when you're gone, because I feel like you're the only person I can be completely honest to and not be judged. _________ High is truly lucky to be receiving you this year; you are both smart and kind, funny and unserstanding.

- Ever regretting the years not spent together,

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 07:34 AM

Dear girl

I miss you something awful right now. We are still so alike, but you... you just disappeared on me. I can't show you how happy I've become, or the friends of mine who would just adore you. lol. You would get along so well with some of them. I wish you could meet lindsay, or leora, or this new girl emily. And God you'd have a crush on jules. XD Everyone does. lol. She's kinda awesome. I hope you are doing well still. You seemed to be. :/ I still really miss you. God bless you.

I could never tell you that... well you fixed me. I am who I am, because of you. Who I really truly am. I show it and I don't much care who knows it anymore. I was always so afraid and that's why... That's why I acted like I did. Fear does strange things to you, Bad things. I hate who I was, and I'm really really sorry. I hope you've forgiven me, wherever you are.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-09-2011, 10:31 PM

Dear Darla, I hate your stinkin guts...

Just keeding. I thought of that when I saw this thread haha I love that movie, it's been years since I've seen it XD

Ok so,

Dear Husband,
Please buy The Little Rascals for me, erm, our daughter. She would really love to see it :)

Love, me!

Thesmilefell is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 04:16 AM

Dear ____,

I still hope Karma gives you a good slap in the face. We had dated for over 2 years, you were my first love. I had horrible depression back then, and you made it so much worse. You would yell in my face and tell me to get my shit together *& when I was down, you'd ignore me. I hate you for that. I broke up with you once, you would beg for me back. Little did I know while you were begging you were kissing some girl who had liked you. I took you back. After every fight, you would leave me crying, or you'd forcefully grab me, and force me to look at your face while tears streamed down mine. You were such an ***-hole. You told me you loved me, and promised forever.
I wish I would have let you go way sooner, I just needed someone to be there during my depression, and thought you would be. You finally cheated on me. My sister helped me figure out, and then the girl texted me, saying you had been cheating for the last 4 months, and she never meant to hurt anyone. Boy did I give her & you some words. That hurt so bad. I have never cried so hard that I puked, & got a migraine so bad I couldn't look at light, or hear anything. That night was hell. I called you, asking you why over & over. Then I said it was over.
You're still dating her, & she was pregnant with some other guy's kid.
I am so much happier now. I bounced back after I lost you, and now, I am mostly depression free, & can actually be happy. I have a man who cares for me, & would never do the same as you did.
If I think about it too much, I think how much of a shitty move that was, you told me you did it because my depression pushed you away & she actually cared for you. Oh yeah? A bitch can open her legs, so "caring" That's why she's pregnant, because she was so easy-She must've "cared" for a bunch of other guys too.

So when Karma does slap you, I'll be the one laughing.

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-10-2011, 04:42 AM

Dear Fate,

I drove home today wordlessly mouthing off all the answers I have prepared in my mind. Considering the goals that I need to achieve to make this happen, and listening none stop to a bunch of new words and trying to make them stick in my mind. I know this is a long shot, and it could all go horribly wrong, and it will take years upon years... but if this works out we have everything to gain from it. I don't really know what success feels like to be honest, because I don't feel I've ever come close to it. I know I left a small town, and came to the largest city in this country, and put it all on the line for my education. I know I've served my guts out in the Army even though it didn't work out, and I know I've worked a bunch of jobs while family have sat on their backside and lived off the Government. But I just have never felt true success from any of these. I don't even like hearing that what has happened so far is great, like partner and I living where we are, and both working fulltime etc. It just isn't enough. I can't stagnate now.

Success to me will be marked by the fact that I could pay cash for my own house. Pay cash for my parents to own their own houses too - and I'd really be thrilled to set up a scholarship that assists somebody with their dreams. That to me is what sums up success. I've been feeling really down for a long time, and I know it's because I don't feel I am succeeding at anything. It's insane just how high standards can be sometimes, especially in this quick paced world. At times I wish I were just happy living the life I am, coming home to my family and being content with that. But there's always this crazy desire that burns away constantly under the surface, driving me to do more in my life. Learn a new language. Learn how to read music. Learn how to dance ballroom style. Sew myself a lovely dress. Knit a pair of arm warmers. I just always seem to have this habit of pushing myself to do something new.

Right now, I have one book on the go, sewing together a new dress, and knitting arm warmers. Working a full time job. Doing roller derby and learning to be a referee, and entering every art exhibition that comes my way. Unfortunately my online commissions have fallen by the way side, but those will be picked up as soon as my knitting is done with. It's all a bit insane, this insatiable urge to learn what I can, and attempt whatever I can. I mean it's a good thing, and a bad thing. I just really have to ensure that I get things finished. I'm scared that I'll end up like my father, who used to try new things - but left them unfinished, and ultimately never completed anything. In the end he just stagnated and achieved nothing. I think that's my biggest fear... failing at trying something and completing it. But also not succeeding. Joe asked why I'm so down and it's mainly the success thing. I'm surrounded by people who have achieved so much. Like my cousin who is two weeks older than I, having her Masters Degree in Psychology. I mean... that's amazing. I only have a Bachelors Degree, and I feel so inadequate next to her. It's quite tough, and I'm grappling with the notion of whether or not my expectations are too high...

I guess I'll never know until I actually get it all done, and retrospectively ask myself the same question. Are my expectations too high? Gotta prove myself right, or wrong. I've just gotten home from my job, but right now the real work begins for the night :)

There is beauty everywhere.
ElysiumFate is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 06:08 AM

Hey. You. Do you ever listen to yourself? No. Not really. But you should try. You need to get yourself a job, and listen to yourself. You aren't really so afraid of know you could make it all really easy on yourself. You're just amazing that way pretty girl.

Don't doubt yourself so much, okay?

You know you love yourself, honey.

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 04:46 AM

Dear ____,

You're like a kind of skin that I just can't shed.

lightkanna is offline
Old 08-12-2011, 05:03 AM

Dear emotional side of me,

Why do you have to breakdown on this day. Why am I crying? Why can't I just hold onto this imaginary place where everything is fine and I'm not struggling to figure things out each and every day. No family to hurt me, no friends to cause me pain, just nothing that can hurt me. Why did you have to get an emotion? Why couldn't you be those evil villain from Superman or Batman. They have no feelings what-so-ever. I wouldn't mind being like that. Lack of feeling and raging, killing people in the process. Though I know I wouldn't want to kill anyone. I hate you, I hate you emotional me. I know I easily get hurt, I can't help it, there's nothing wrong with it. As it is neither good nor bad, it's just... then what is it? I'm signing, right now, I am sighing over this complicated feelings. Please, please get a grip.

Ignis is offline
Old 08-13-2011, 03:43 AM

Dear ____,

Oh my gosh! Two more days and we will go on a date! hahaha~ Just's not a date if my brother and his other friend is there. And I really doubt that you feel that way about me. I mean come on! You've always looked at me like a little sister. But I just can't help myself around you. I know that I would be caught looking at you- by you. And I will look away really fast. Same for you...I sometimes catch you looking at me..and sometimes I catch you through my peripheral vision.
Anyways. I'm going to have fun going out. And not because of you! For once I just want to not like you. But then..It's impossible. I love you on the inside. I hate you on the outside. - Is how I will appear when you are near. Okay?

- Ignis.

Jeddak of Helium
sarofset is offline
Old 08-14-2011, 07:07 AM

Dear you

What a coward you are. :) You who were such a paragon of bravery and beauty to me, are now hiding like a routed rabbit. Ha! If you love her, go to her forever, and to hell with your family if they don't get it. Life is shorter than we all want to believe. Don't give yourself any regrets. Screw regrets. Tomorrow could be one day too late and that would be F#$%ing unacceptable. You know that! Now go for it!

Soryko is offline
Old 08-14-2011, 06:34 PM

Dear cancer,

We talked once before, and I was really hoping we wouldn't have to meet again. I'd really love it if you weren't the serious kind, that you haven't spread too far. Please don't take her away from me - You took someone before, and I don't know if I can handle that again.


lightkanna is offline
Old 08-14-2011, 11:05 PM

Dear idiot,

You say you have feelings for me, then why did you engage in sexual acts with your ex? I don't understand that. Were you sober? I think so, you seem to remember it quite well. You also chose that action to do it upon the feeling you needed pleasure. You shouldn't be shocked because now she's three months pregnant. I'm not mad, I'm more sad and hurt. I don't understand, if you felt the same way for me, why engage it? You still must have felt something more with her than me, I just don't get it at all. I hope you have a fricken good life with the actions you made. I want to move on, I'm moving on. I'll get over you, slowly but surely. I'm not going to dwell on this, I can't, it's not my problem, it's yours. I'm just really hurt that you disregard my feelings in the process of giving yourself sexual pleasure with your ex. Whom stalked you and you tried to push her away, finally did and a month before you engage in a sexual pleasure for her and you have this. I just don't even know why I like you? I'm not mad, I'm just wishing you a happy life. Live it, I probably won't be in. Have fun. We can be friends but let's hope you don't talk to me for a while. You told me not to tell anyone, I haven't. Sure, people read this but it's not like they know you. I don't want to lose your trust but you have lost mine, in your actions. -.- I know we weren't dating but it still hurts.

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 05:32 AM

Dear person in need of help,

Every time I think of you and your sneering face, a shiver goes down my spine. There's something about you that just emanates some kind of savagery that runs so deep, most people wouldn't notice it. I see a darkness in your face, in the way you look at us all and lie. The way you hide behind some kind of odd veil so that nobody truly knows you. The way you protect yourself, as though everybody else is the enemy. Your loneliness must be unbearable. It's sad to say that more often than not, we are in fact our own enemies. That to conquer some sort of evil, is to confront that portion of ourselves we try so desperately to support. Your treachery is evident not only in your own actions, but in the actions of your children too. They appear to be prisoners in their own skin, much like yourself. Mistrusting, and unsocial towards others. Incapable of allowing anybody near them. It's unfortunate to see, that the innocent will have to suffer on your behalf. May the light find it's way to your heart, and goodness guide you in the future.

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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`Kitami is offline
Old 08-15-2011, 05:54 PM

Dear universe,

Fuck you.

Sincerely, Christa

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 05:48 AM

Dear ______,

If you don't like me, that's cool. But I won't stand by and let you shit on my partner for your own damn benefit. I don't even care if it benefits other people in the long run. I can't get over the fact that you're such a horrible shit of a person. You are the most selfish grub I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.

I feel sorry for you, that you can only approach friends when you want something. That you only take an interest in them, when they have something to give you. These people that you use, are wonderful people and they deserve every minute of your attention even when you get nothing in return.

I read the reply you sent partner today, and you went on and on about getting what you require. He mentioned that we were getting married, and you didn't even bother saying congratulations. As I said earlier, you and I don't see eye to eye, and that's okay. But the fact that you can't simply say congratulations to him alone speaks about the kind of person you are. I wish you the best in your future, I hope you eventually find a husband for yourself. It'll help you understand what it's like to feel so deeply for somebody, that you'd stand up to anyone to protect them.

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Sun is offline
Old 08-16-2011, 09:55 AM

Dear God, say it isn't so. This is all.


Vix Viral
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Old 08-17-2011, 03:23 AM

Thank you for ruining the one event that I've been looking forward to over the last few months. I can't even begin to say how disappointed and betrayed I feel.

pipmyrod is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 07:02 AM

Dear (...) ,

You're a waste of space. I hope you rot.

With disgust, Pip.

Je t'aime toujours.
~{MagikRiter}~ is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 06:47 PM

Dear L'amour,

I'll never forget all the memories you and I have made this past two years. On my birthday, when it was lousy and nobody remembered, it was you who made my birthday the best. You gave me this long list of things you said you loved about me and it nearly made me cry. When I slow danced with you at my sister's wedding reception, I found it so hard to look in your eyes. But when I danced with you this summer, I found it hard to look away. It was cute the way you gave me that silver-tipped rose and how you were always there for me when I needed you. We constantly have our ups and downs and for a while there, I thought I was loosing you. But then summer began and when you kissed me, I never felt the way i felt before. I nearly cried of happiness and the things you told told me I was beautiful every single day. But now summer's over. I probably won't see you for a while, and I never got to return your kiss. You stood there before me that one night and watched me as I began to cry. But I walked away before it could get worse. I guess all I really, really want to say is this: I'm falling in love with you. I will wait for you.


The Real Nikki
One more time to Pretend.
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The Real Nikki is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 08:53 PM

Dear sister,

You're friends are really stupid, I don't like them in my house or around my cats or even breathing the same air as me. They stare at me awkwardly and they smell of BO and I can't name what else. Make them go away.

Love, Katie.


Roachi is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 11:39 PM

Dear whoever it is.
I'm gonna do it. I think? I just hope it goes well. I'm so embarassed, but i'm trying to fix things. Just give me a leg up please, and hope that i come out of this with my dignity.

Also... Could it be? Or is it just me ... Wanting it so badly?


Vix Viral
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Vix Viral is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 02:51 AM

I suppose I should be grieving but rage is so much more productive. Good riddance.

Nivvy is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 04:53 AM

Dear _____,

I don't like the fact that we've just had this huge argument about the 'yes man syndrome' you suffer... Especially promising to do something to somebody who is a jerk, and they start forcing time restrictions on it - without bothering to think about the fact that you're getting married! This has been a problem with you forever! I thought after our huge fight, where you start going on about worrying about my commitment to you (You're the one bringing it up!!!!) you'd clear your head, and put an end to the problem. No less than two days later, you're back at it. Offering the car park that I partially pay for in my rent, to some chick I have never met in my whole life. Are you serious?

A car park that is protected with a swipe card FOR A REASON. Because not every person is allowed to park in it obviously. On top of that, do you even know this person truly? That she's a good enough driver to get in there without messing up somebody else's car? That she won't get caught by the building manager and questioned? The fact that if he even saw her walking up the drive way, he'd probably accost her, and we'd be in sooo much shit - for allowing some random person onto the property when it's pretty clear that strangers are not welcome in here. Eg: The old man who blocked my way to the door, and questioned me about my right to be here.

There are just so many risks involved, and it didn't even cross your damn mind. Because you're too busy bending over backwards like usual. I donate to the animal shelter for dogs who need operations, I give money to charities on the street, while I was even poorer than I am now I was a sponsor for the Childrens World Fund. I give, give, give because there is true need in the world. Not some chick who is too lazy to work out public transportation or car pool with somebody. She has a job, an income, a vehicle. That's already better off than everybody I donate to. She's a grown woman. Let her handle her own affairs!!!

When you needed a ride to the doctors on Monday, I suggested asking somebody at your job if you could borrow their car. You said no, and seemed ashamed about it. If you can't trust them to do something important for you, why trust them with something as important as coming into our private domain? Also, why do something for them, if they won't do it for you in return.

Lastly, it sucked. Because you offered the car park with the note of "I have to ask my partner first."... So now I'm the bad guy, because you're too much of an idiot to realise it's against the rules - and I wouldn't be happy with a complete stranger coming into my home. Well done. Within the space of two days, you make the same mistake our first argument was over. Tell me, do you have the memory of a gold fish? Are you that useless that you can't see how both situations stem from the same problem of you being weak minded? It's harsh. But it seems to be the only way, that you won't give up every single thing we own, have access to, or treasure... such as TIME. DURRRRR!

*punches you in the face*

Popcorn Gun

Popcorn Gun is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 07:07 AM

Fuck the nicest way possible.

You are making my Senior year like Paramore's crushcrushcrush song, and no, no me gusta. I think I feel the same, but damn, make a move already. Either do it or get out of my face, because unlike Haley Williams, who's inviting the game playing, I'm not. I'm not saying put a ring on it, that'd be ridiculous, we're both only seventeen, but at least talk to me. Make some effort. And I do believe you're trying, but hurry the fack up, and actually talk to me. I don't bite, no really, I don't trust people's hygiene enough to continue with that, I do often try and use humor to deflect though. So please let's have a fun senior year. And I know all this seems so trivial, but so the fuck what. I am a highschool student, and now I'm finally dealing with stupid high school problems, which serves me right for running from problems for three years. I got tired, and they all caught up with me, you were always the runner, not me.
But it honestly does feel so great to vent, even if no one cares to read, which I truly hope they don't.
Know that the whole "eff you" intro bit was mostly just frustration, sorry 'bout that, because I do like who you are. A great guy, who will go on to be an even better person. And I would tell you some of that if you would just bite the bullet and really talk to me.
No more of that glancing over at me from a far junk either, because no matter what you think, I see you too alright?
Some of us just exercise discretion, and even then we'll get caught sometimes.
Honestly, time is only wasting, and I honestly would love to really know you, know you while we're both still in the same state.

Because you know all this is frustrating.

/signed with a messy rueful smile

Lexadis is offline
Old 08-18-2011, 10:09 AM

Dear guy who doesn't look at me,

Hear me or listen to me or see me or whatever. Just one thing you got to remember, I've been loving you and not to mention spying on you too. But what can I do? I can only hope that you'd look right at my eyes once and see the emotions within. But even if you did see, Why would you care? You won't, and I know. I can only hope that you would eventually find a good wife, maybe the best in the world and who is fair (since you are dark, you know? Opposites attract) and maybe live happily ever after while I literally dye each day, whenever I know that while I love you and you ought to be returning it, you don't. But still, I do hope you'll get over your laziness or else, your wife might not be patient as me, but slap you right in the face if you don't bring her enough money for her accessories. And I do think its time you leave that wild haired snotty friend of yours.

But of course, why should I care? I don't. Maybe I am, but then - I won't. I'll leave you alone. I know you don't even like me. You have never spoken to me. And you are too good-for-everything that you don't look at me (or any girls, for that matter, I think - but I don't know) right in the face. I've seen you look at me once, but when? When I was in the car and you were in your vehicle and I was staring at you so hard that you have to look at me because you had nowhere else. And you smiled, if I can call that smile. Just a twitch and I saw all your brilliant teeth. But of course, you don't know that I love you, do you? I guess I should leave you alone, shouldn't I? Very well - I will. But I don't really think it will make such a difference, in fact, I don't think there will be any difference at all. However, I will leave you alone and stop loving you and spying on you if only you can promise me that you will mend the deep scratch you made in my heart and he'll me from this love disease.

I sign this letter with hope that something would go in that head of yours,
the person who annoys you most.


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