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Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 07:40 PM


Race: Demon
Bio:She's a young demon girl. She causes more mischief than real problems and is not as evil as most demons. She comes to earth often to scare people at night. She doesn't look a lot like a demon.



((click link for pic))

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 08:26 PM

Name : Evren
Age : 17 (in human years)
Race : Angel
Bio : Sent down to Earth to dispel dangerous demons, and protect the human race.
Appearance :
(both wings are white)

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-25-2011, 08:54 PM

Kari was dressed in only her bright pink bikini top and a fishnet shirt over the top. She also had a tight leather skirt with chains hanging off of it. She looked the man in the eye at the club. He was telling her no ID, no entrance. She showed him what was underneath the top and he looked away, pretending not to see her enter. She grinned. It was dark and loud. She danced for a while on a man who was far to old for her. He was in his early forties. She was teasing him. She sudde ly disappeared, scaring him nearly to death. She giggled from the opposite side of the club. This was just how she was. She liked to cause this kind of drama. The man was screaming, almost literally insane. He was out in a straight jacket as he tried to kill a man that he claimed made the girl disappear. That made her night. She thought of what other trouble she could cause. She had a small martini glass and sipped it elegantly. She threw it at a man and walked away. He caught it, but was splashed in the face. He followed her out to try and get her for doing that, but when he stepped out, she had flaming eyes and bloody sharp fangs. She floated and glowed a dark blue. Her hair whirled around her wildly. He had a heartattack, seeing as how he was kind of old. She really thought that was funny. She went back to her normal self and walked away. She was now bored. The streets were clear and she had nothing to do.


((here's the other link))
Dear mr.Sandman

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 02:12 AM

Evren looked down from his position atop one of the taller building of the city, wings folded behind him lazily as he stretched out to look down over the city-goers. The wind ruffled his hair and the feathers of his wings, but chilled the sensitive flesh of his bare arms. He was grateful he had chosen a tank top and pants to wear as opposed to something for even warmer weather, but still he found the high altitude a bit too much with the chilly night air. In one fell swoop, he landed down upon a street he'd suspected to be deserted. His wings disappeared when his feet touched the ground, and he looked around to see where he was. However, something startled him- a girl. Before him stood a girl with even less clouting than he- her torso was barely covered, and her short skirt made him think she'd be cold.

However, the main thoughts that came to mind were about if she'd seen his little stunt. Clearing his throat slightly and deciding to be polite incase she hadn't seen anything, he spoke, "Aren't you cold at all?"

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 02:24 AM

She smiled wickedly. "Yes, I am acctully. It's a hell of a lot hotter where I come from little angel." she laughed. She acted like she was receding to his beautiful appearance, but she'd seen wings. Or she thought she had. Maybe shed been imagining it. It had only been in her side veiw, not a head on look. He was cute. "What's your name?" she asked curiously. She wondered who he was. Maybe she could cause him a bit of trouble if he proved to be boring to her. She could use a little fun right now. What are you doing all alone on this street at night anyway?" she asked in slight annoyance that he was on the street. She liked to have this street to herself. She glared ever so slightly, but wasn't to rude. She was glad she didn't have bat wings or a tail like other demons. She looked like any other human teenager and could easily fool anyone.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 02:45 AM

Evren hesitated before replying. What did she just say? She must have seen- No. No, she didn't... Yes! She must've, why else would she have said that? He looked at her blankly, taken back, unsure of what to say. Then, relaxing, he shook his head at himself, and laughed softly, a musical sound from his throat. She might have seen him, and what she said might have been suggestive that she was an... unmentionable, but she was cute- and he was only assuming, right? Smiling most graciously, he replied in a warm tone, "My name is Evren, it's a pleasure to meet you. May I ask for yours?" Then later adding, "I was just about to head over to my favorite cafe, it's at the end of the street. It's cozy, pretty close to my apartment, and they have a pretty good assortment," he shrugged a little, one of his hands then rising to rub the back of his neck nervously. He didn't talk to women all that often, especially not those that were not his colleagues, and felt a sudden rush of shyness.

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 02:55 AM

She smiled. He was cute, and his shyness made him even more so. "I'd love to join you." she said sweetly. "O, and my name is Kari." she wondered if he couldn't tell she was a demon. Maybe he really was just a regular human...she even had the odd powers of a demon that she's show him later. She would be able to tell if he was a human or an angel based on his reaction to her abilities, but for now she would just go have coffee with him. She was getting to sleepy to want to cause trouble. She would need the caffeine.
((hey, I put the link for the other thread in my first comment that started the accrual story. Did you see it? :D))

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 03:03 AM

Evren was a bit flustered when the girl smiled and responded that she would like to join him, a slight tint of pink rising to his cheeks as he again hesitated, not used to these kinds of situations. Nevertheless, he again spoke up, smiling warmly and nodding in understanding, "That's a beautiful name," he complimented genuinely, then glanced over at the corner where the cafe lie, "I'd love the company, thank you." He calmed a bit, gesturing in the direction of the cafe, "Shall we, Kari?"

[Yes! I did, sorry for the wait. I just replied a few moments ago... Decided on an OC. ^^ Might be more fun.]

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 03:30 AM

(('sall good ^^))
Kari nodded and followed him in the direction of the cafe. This would be fun. He really was a cite guy. She ordered a latte when they got there. She also got a muffin with it. It was really weird to drink coffee. She normally didn't like the stuff to much. She could tolerate lattes. They went so strong. She looked at him oddly. "So, why did you sake me, a random stranger to join you for coffee?@ she really had to wonder what that was all about.

Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in ex...
Arc Angel is offline
Old 09-26-2011, 03:48 AM

Evren ordered a latte as well, then paid for their purchases before turning to hear her speak. Taking a sip of his drink, he immediately felt more comfortable, his body warming up once again after being outside for so long. "Well," he wondered why himself, thinking about it for a moment before answering honestly, "I suppose, as a guy, I liked the idea of buying a pretty girl a cup of coffee." Then shrugging, somewhat shy, but not blushing or being as obvious as earlier, "You also mentioned being cold.... Coffee always warms me up." He laughed softly, thinking he must sound pretty weird, and took a seat at a table, gesturing for her to sit across from him if she wished to. Curious himself, he asked, "Why did you agree to it?"

Monte Gray
Monte Gray is offline
Old 09-30-2011, 01:08 AM

She gave no indication that she understood he was hitting on her, but she was reading him loud and clear. "I guess I agreed because you were cute and I was really bored and because hanging out with angels is fun for a little demon like me." She smirked as she said that. It would no dobut alarm him or maybe he'd think she didn't mean it like that and take it as if she was saying he was a good boy and she was a bad girl. She sat across from him and sipped the foul tasting liquid in her cup.


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